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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Yeah, I know compound pulls work the bi's, but I really need to hit my biceps hard to get them to grow imo. Isolate them. I know doing my deadlifts after bi's will make my deads suffer a bit, but I'm really okay with that.

Maybe I should just do bi's first every other week. I look at myself after a year and a half of lifting, and while my bi's are bigger and have more mass, I really feel like I should be further along.

Give whatever you feel you need to do a try. bodybuilding is a very individual sport and I feel that I'm the same as you in this regard, but I just go for a little more volume for my isolation work.


Yeah, I know compound pulls work the bi's, but I really need to hit my biceps hard to get them to grow imo. Isolate them. I know doing my deadlifts after bi's will make my deads suffer a bit, but I'm really okay with that.

Maybe I should just do bi's first every other week. I look at myself after a year and a half of lifting, and while my bi's are bigger and have more mass, I really feel like I should be further along.
I've been doing them after compound workouts. Once a week and then twice a week the next week. Either Tues and Sat or just Thursday. 21's are pretty brutal but I've done that some and then just some regular barbell curls. If I had dumbbells I'd do that for more isolation. Also do some chin-ups for biceps.


Was nowhere near hitting my macros so I decided to have a snack. a concoction of ice cream, fiber one and oats. I still have several hundred calories to meet and I need more fats, yet I'm pretty satisfied.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

Going to be blunt and say that this looks like a pretty terrible routine. Mostly it's just ineffective, but some things (such as behind the neck press and military press directly after each other) are also dangerous. Depending on your strength level, you'd probably be much better served running a basic linear progression for a few months. Something like the program in the OP is strongly recommended. If for some reason you don't want to do that, at least structure a routine around the basic lifts. Something like (very rough and barebones example):
Main lift

Barbell Bench
Rear Delt Flyes
Lying Triceps Extensions
Chest Flyes

Barbell Curls

Overhead Press
+ Assistance (e.g. core work, weak points)

Even with a routine like that you'd see better results adding squats on Monday (take 1 or 2 of the assistance lifts from Monday and move them to Friday if you do).
when you workout at 6am duing the week, you learn to love working out at 10am on the weekends
I alternated working out at 6am with no food in my belly on Mondays and Tuesdays and then working out at 2-2:30pm on Wednesday-Friday with possibility of food in belly.

Oh I've been meaning to mention something about my morning routine. There is this guy probably around upper 50's-low 60's and this dude is fucking jacked. Every time I see him, I think he's juicing of something because fucking a..this dude is so swole. He's got biceps bigger than my head!

Conor 419

Okay, guys.

Let's just say, I've increased my squat, deadlift, barbell military press and the number of pullups I can do sizably since last October.

But yet, my Bench simply wont inc- the fuck-rease, what's even up with that? It's not form btw, got that shit checked with a gym instructor and he was like "all good bro".


Okay, guys.

Let's just say, I've increased my squat, deadlift, barbell military press and the number of pullups I can do sizably since last October.

But yet, my Bench simply wont inc- the fuck-rease, what's even up with that? It's not form btw, got that shit checked with a gym instructor and he was like "all good bro".

For me, what helped my bench the most was weighted dips. Are you doing proper strength training for your triceps?


I don't believe so, no.

Try adding some heavy weight tricep exercises to your regimen. Weighted dips, heavy close grip bench, etc. You could even try one of those bench press machines where you press horizontally so that you can load heavy without fear of failure.


I don't believe so, no.

Gotta hit triceps hard to help your bench.

Also, if you are seriously at a bench plateau, take a week off from it and come back. The only times I've hit 225x5 on bench are when I haven't done them the previous week. When I do them consistently every week I always end up at 225x3-4 reps for some reason. Shit's weird man.

Conor 419

Gotta hit triceps hard to help your bench.

Also, if you are seriously at a bench plateau, take a week off from it and come back. The only times I've hit 225x5 on bench are when I haven't done them the previous week. When I do them consistently every week I always end up at 225x3-4 reps for some reason. Shit's weird man.

Okay cool, I'll do dips again.


Anyone trying to develop the inner chest or just overall chest for that matter, I'd highly suggest the pec deck machine, one of my favorite movements because it allows to really concentrate on squeezing the muscle as tight as you can. Slow heavy controlled reps with a pause and squeeze feel so good. Make sure you don't place the handles too far back though, just enough to get a slight stretch when fully extended.

I definitely attribute this movement in me beginning to get a more "cut" inner chest


Anyone trying to develop the inner chest or just overall chest for that matter, I'd highly suggest the pec deck machine, one of my favorite movements because it allows to really concentrate on squeezing the muscle as tight as you can. Slow heavy controlled reps with a pause and squeeze feel so good. Make sure you don't place the handles too far back though, just enough to get a slight stretch when fully extended.

I definitely attribute this movement in me beginning to get a more "cut" inner chest

Looking good.

Yeah, I love the pec deck fly machine. Maxing it out feelsgoodman.jpeg


Interesting. I wasn't surprised to see that the sprinters were constrained by a keto diet. I'm not above keto, I did it last year for a while and got down to about 190. One day I ate some chinese food and I gained several lbs from glycogen alone, the difference was pretty noticeable. I didn't get back down to 190 after that.

I know the feeling man but I've settled with worrying about the scale; I'm happy where I'm at. It's just so much easier not to prioritize your day around meals like you have to on all these fancy diets.
I'm thinking about doing something like this. I'm happy with where everything is except my arms/chest heading into beach season soon enough!

Seeing decent size gains?

Great gains. It has been fantastic, imo. Arms should just be at 17 inches at the end of this program. Started around 16.5 inches. Maybe a bit of a "fatcep" but there still is progress. I've gotten comments from co-workers and other lifters saying that my chest looks a lot more full and have gained more in the upper pec which has been a weak point for me. Arms are bigger in the tris, more defined and I look wider.


Someone in this thread suggested to substitute decline in for flat and I love it. I really think that made a difference. I'm currently in week 3 with the final week being next week. The hardest thing to get over for me was not working out the other body parts. Feel like I am slacking but in reality, I know they are not. Once I got over that hump mentally and really started to push for the gains in the chest/tris/delts, I felt a lot better.

Give it a shot!


For inner chest I use dumbbells on a flat bench, a neutral grip with my palms facing one another and make sure the weights are touching. I bring them down to my stomach and back up again, you get a great pump and you can feel it working.

Edit - Just make sure you use the hex dumbbells, you could end up smashing your face with round ones.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Hey, I had a question for everyone here: What are one or two immediate fitness goals you've set for yourself, and how close are you to achieving them?

Right now I'm looking to do 20 dead-hang pull-ups. I've plateaued at 15-17 for many months now, but I've begun doing only weighted pull-ups very recently, so hopefully once I've been doing those for a few weeks I'll have increased my reps for bodyweight pull-ups. I really, really want to hit that 20-rep milestone.


I prefer dumbbells on a flat bench. I get a better ROM and can do drop sets faster.

For inner chest I use dumbbells on a flat bench, a neutral grip with my palms facing one another and make sure the weights are touching. I bring them down to my stomach and back up again, you get a great pump and you can feel it working.

Edit - Just make sure you use the hex dumbbells, you could end up smashing your face with round ones.

I've tried, tried and tried to get dumbell flys to work for me as i have a set of Powerblocks at home with an adjustable bench, I've done light weight, moderate weight, different kinds of grips, different bench angles and still don't feel like I'm doing them right..nowhere near as strong of a contraction that I feel while on the pec deck


short term fitness goal: be able to do a single wide grip pull up. I can bang out about 9-10 shoulder width pull ups, but wide grip are exponentially harder for me.


Okay, guys.

Let's just say, I've increased my squat, deadlift, barbell military press and the number of pullups I can do sizably since last October.

But yet, my Bench simply wont inc- the fuck-rease, what's even up with that? It's not form btw, got that shit checked with a gym instructor and he was like "all good bro".

exactly my problem, bench is SO SLOW to progress. I'll try the dips as well.


I've tried, tried and tried to get dumbell flys to work for me as i have a set of Powerblocks at home with an adjustable bench, I've done light weight, moderate weight, different kinds of grips, different bench angles and still don't feel like I'm doing them right..nowhere near as strong of a contraction that I feel while on the pec deck

What kind of pec deck do you use? The ones with the handles or the ones with the big pads? My current gym only has one with the handles. Which I don't care for at all (but will use when all the flat benches are occupied). My old gym had an old deck with the big pads. I felt like I got a better squeeze on that machine.


I've tried, tried and tried to get dumbell flys to work for me as i have a set of Powerblocks at home with an adjustable bench, I've done light weight, moderate weight, different kinds of grips, different bench angles and still don't feel like I'm doing them right..nowhere near as strong of a contraction that I feel while on the pec deck

I don't do flys, my shoulder is still healing so I avoid them like the plague, this is what I do instead -



I can't bench 225 like all those cool high school kids, that's my short term fitness goal.

Today I had to drop back down to 165 from 195 only because I couldn't do it. Now I'm"fixing my form", and my shoulders aren't sore as shit for the first time today because of that, but I still feel like I'm not going anywhere. Flying fuck, maybe I'll just stick to 175 forever and work on form as apparently the bench cannot be rushed.


I can't bench 225 like all those cool high school kids, that's my short term fitness goal.

Today I had to drop back down to 165 from 195 only because I couldn't do it. Now I'm"fixing my form", and my shoulders aren't sore as shit for the first time today because of that, but I still feel like I'm not going anywhere. Flying fuck, maybe I'll just stick to 175 forever and work on form as apparently the bench cannot be rushed.

Try using dumbbells for bench, and work your way up to 100lbs dumbbells, if you can bench 100lbers you will be able to bench 225-245lbs with the barbell.
Hey, I had a question for everyone here: What are one or two immediate fitness goals you've set for yourself, and how close are you to achieving them?

Right now I'm looking to do 20 dead-hang pull-ups. I've plateaued at 15-17 for many months now, but I've begun doing only weighted pull-ups very recently, so hopefully once I've been doing those for a few weeks I'll have increased my reps for bodyweight pull-ups. I really, really want to hit that 20-rep milestone.

dress like Arnold in the summer



Try using dumbbells for bench, and work your way up to 100lbs dumbbells, if you can bench 100lbers you will be able to bench 225-245lbs with the barbell.

It can be pretty challenging getting those dumbbells into position. Especially, such heavy ones.


I do iso bicep work, though, just after I do my back workout when they're drained a bit already. Doing them first would let me hit them with harder weight.

I do curls before deadlifts (I end the night with deads) and I haven't had any problems so far. I'm fairly tall as well and feel like doing curls has helped a lot keep my arms up with everything else and I don't feel as though it's affected my deadlifting at all.


I love doing shoulders, so I don't want to discourage you from doing as much as you want, but it seems like overkill to me. You could eliminate the machine work and the military presses and just do OHP and the dumbbell work. Giving you a lot more time and energy to do some squats and a few other leg exercises.

Going to be blunt and say that this looks like a pretty terrible routine. Mostly it's just ineffective, but some things (such as behind the neck press and military press directly after each other) are also dangerous. Depending on your strength level, you'd probably be much better served running a basic linear progression for a few months. Something like the program in the OP is strongly recommended. If for some reason you don't want to do that, at least structure a routine around the basic lifts. Something like (very rough and barebones example):

Even with a routine like that you'd see better results adding squats on Monday (take 1 or 2 of the assistance lifts from Monday and move them to Friday if you do).

Just do SS.

Thanks guys. Going to read in to all of your advice, gain some further insight and re-work my routine.
I've tried, tried and tried to get dumbell flys to work for me as i have a set of Powerblocks at home with an adjustable bench, I've done light weight, moderate weight, different kinds of grips, different bench angles and still don't feel like I'm doing them right..nowhere near as strong of a contraction that I feel while on the pec deck

what works for me is to imagine as if im bear hugging someone



Last week I said I wanted to attempt 225 on the bench.

I wasn't really feeling it this morning...and I got mental while doing them, overthinking things such as the cut on my finger, is the song I'm listening to pumping me up enough, was that drop light from the ceiling always there, WTF is this old guy standing around me for?

I got up 1 rep at 225

Unhappy, I decided to go for another set...

1 rep up at 225...felt good, went for a second...get it to chest and push back up, sharp pain in my back, start struggling about half way through the motion so I decided to bail before full extension.

So...2 sets of 1 at 225. I'll take it. Didn't want to be careless about this shit.


Whaat...how am I going to advance 4kg per time with dumbbells if I'm at a standstill with increasing 2.5 kg per session with a barbell?

Yeah, it's a big issue. What most people do is vary rep range. You could do it like this:

Current weight is 70lbs * 8 reps
Do those Monday, then do 65lbs * 10 reps Wednesday, then 75lbs * 6 reps. Something like that, you wiggle around the weights a bit until you can drive the top end up.

Personally I view dumbbell benching as an assistance movement (as do quite a number of heavy benchers), because it kills microloading and isn't as big of a mover as the bench. Others have had good results.


Someone in this thread suggested to substitute decline in for flat and I love it. I really think that made a difference. I'm currently in week 3 with the final week being next week. The hardest thing to get over for me was not working out the other body parts. Feel like I am slacking but in reality, I know they are not. Once I got over that hump mentally and really started to push for the gains in the chest/tris/delts, I felt a lot better.

Give it a shot!

#teamdecline. Especially if you're doing a bunch of incline work, swapping decline in for flat helps reduced the stress load on your shoulder joints + that shoulder/upper pec area.

After a year of decline work and no injury, and then inflammation on my shoulder/collarbone area after a month of flat bench, fuck flat bench.

Besides, for me, I think decline is far superior if constricted to a smith machine setup (though loading big weight onto a smith machine creates an illusion given you're putting on extra plates to compensate for the initial resistance being less than a standard 45... but hey, you can convince yourself you're a boss because of it!)


Dumbbells can be a little dangerous when doing (relatively) high weight. Moving the weight around and kicking it up to get into position is sketchy. I used to do DBBP as my primary chest lift but I switched to barbell and love it. Now I do DB after CGBP as accessory work.



Last week I said I wanted to attempt 225 on the bench.

I wasn't really feeling it this morning...and I got mental while doing them, overthinking things such as the cut on my finger, is the song I'm listening to pumping me up enough, was that drop light from the ceiling always there, WTF is this old guy standing around me for?

I got up 1 rep at 225

Unhappy, I decided to go for another set...

1 rep up at 225...felt good, went for a second...get it to chest and push back up, sharp pain in my back, start struggling about half way through the motion so I decided to bail before full extension.

So...2 sets of 1 at 225. I'll take it. Didn't want to be careless about this shit.

Nice! 2 plate club
I always heard from people that my biceps should grow from just doing other compounds like deadlifts, pullups, rows, etc. But they just didn't. So now I add them in on my back day and they've finally grown. I also do my pullups before deadlift because I never feel like it affects deadlift. However, doing deadlift first most definitely affects how well I do on pullups.


Okay FitGAF I need help. My brother is coming at me with protein shakes and amino acids destroying my liver and causing me to become ill. Apparently two shakes a day (one in the morning and one at night) is excessive.

Does anyone have any science/articles I can read or show to him to refute claims? I'm having a hard time doing proper research myself.


Okay FitGAF I need help. My brother is coming at me with protein shakes and amino acids destroying my liver and causing me to become ill. Apparently two shakes a day (one in the morning and one at night) is excessive.

Does anyone have any science/articles I can read or show to him to refute claims? I'm having a hard time doing proper research myself.

I'm having a hard time understanding your post.

He's forcing you to drink two protein shakes a day or telling you that drinking two shakes a day is dangerous?


Sorry, he was telling me that two a day is dangerous. Basically telling me that I got the flu I have now because I drink shakes. Even though there about 5 people in the office at work right now who also got sick same time as I did.


Sorry, he was telling me that two a day is dangerous. Basically telling me that I got the flu I have now because I drink shakes. Even though there about 5 people in the office at work right now who also got sick same time as I did.

Tell him to go back to middle school biology.
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