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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Changing gears, past couple days of my cut haven't been horrible. Low on food (have to grocery shop this weekend) so it was a chicken and eggs day. Chicken and eggs for breakfast. Chicken and whey for lunch. Eggs for a snack. Chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner.

I literally have no vegetables left :/. Feels badman

There are studies that show your body begins to have trouble signaling for muscle growth unless rest is taken. In this study, it showed 12 days to be the perfect recovery point.
Plus, in two weeks, surprise, you probably won't lose muscle if you eat per usual. In fact you'll probably still continue to build muscle.



I'm wondering if I can get into ketosis quicker by just eating pure fat for a couple days to speed up the transition. No protein = way less gluconeogenesis?

Then after I'm in ketosis (feel better, plus ketones in urine tested via urinalysis), I can up carbos a bit, and up protein a lot.

Does this make sense?

I think if you did a depletion workout plus fasted cardio you could probably get there in a day or so. Do a full body circuit like this twice:

A1 Chest Press machine 3x12
A2 Pull down 3x12
B1 Leg press 3x12
B2 Leg curl 3x12
C1 Shoulder press machine 3x12
C2 calf raises 3x12
D1 db curls 3x12
D2 tricep extension 3x12

That will take a few hours. You can split it up on two days if you want.
Just hit the gym. I can feel myself getting slightly stronger as the days go by. Hit 100lbs on the Incline Chest Press 3x10 for example. When I started 3 weeks ago, I could only do 70lbs @ 3x10


the piano man
what exercise works the part of the back pointed by the arrows in this image more efficiently? I mean the darker red spots on the side, exactly where the arrows are pointing at.


I have no idea how to reach them, any help is appreciated.


but aren't those on the front and side?? :/ I do know that exercise with the incline bar and such... but that doesn't seem to target that spot exactly.. or maybe I am doing that wrong?

They kinda wrap around, pretty sure it's just the obliques which have been developing pretty well for me with just compound lifts.


So I was doing some 45 degree leg press today focusing on going pretty deep, not worrying about going heavy with the weight, when mid workout my inner thigh cramped up. It doesnt hurt in a standing, walking, or sitting position but when I do any full hamstring type stretch it feels cramped and uncomfortable, I don't know how else to explain it. I basically stopped my workout and skipped doing lunges because if I went down with lunges I'd get the cramped up feeling. I finished with some leg extensions and curls.

What did I do? :(


the piano man
Well take a look at this diagram: http://fitfinity.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Back-Muscles-Diagram.jpg

I think you're talking about obliques

yes, according to the diagram is called Internal oblique but the exercises I know don't seem to hit that part properly, if at all...the back part of the obliques..

I don't know what is called in english but one thing I do that targets the area is the "Rückenstrecker" but that's for mid-low back (click for small video)

the one that targets the external obliques is called in german "Rumpfseitheben".

What I am missing is something for internal obliques, I guess... any tips?

and fuck all of the exercises in german, I hate that almost nothing is called the same in english ;(.


I'm wondering if I can get into ketosis quicker by just eating pure fat for a couple days to speed up the transition. No protein = way less gluconeogenesis?

Then after I'm in ketosis (feel better, plus ketones in urine tested via urinalysis), I can up carbos a bit, and up protein a lot.

Does this make sense?

Why are you so dead set on doing keto?


Gold Member
My best ever year in sports brought to a grinding halt by DVT. I have been lifting 4 x week, spinning 3-5 x week, plus doing some scuba and skiing. Now I don't know when / if I can even return to my routine, so until I hear otherwise it's fasting and walking only for the next little while. FML.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
What should a muscular 6'1 guy weigh?

95kg lean plus or minus 15kg.

but aren't those on the front and side?? :/ I do know that exercise with the incline bar and such... but that doesn't seem to target that spot exactly.. or maybe I am doing that wrong?

The many small to medium sized muscles of the abdomen and lower back are best trained with compound lifts and accessory exercises for improving those lifts, not many different isolation exercises. Take a look at the core of Marius Pudzianowksi or Konstantinovs, or a lean Olympic lifter.

As you seem to have discovered, trying to isolate a single muscle in the core area is much harder than it is when training extremities such as legs and arms. If you want to train that area specifically, try something that works through a larger range of motion or requires significant stabilisation under load. Suitcase deadlifts, Saxon side bends, Farmer's walks, Ab-wheel rollouts, Hanging Leg Raises and perhaps Russian Twists.


So true. Although I could say that about any of the compound lifts. That feeling finally into that PR that's been just out of your reach.

Looking to finally get back to the gym tomorrow after being on vacation for a week and being sick for a couple of days afterwards. Haven't weighed myself in a while so I fear I've lost a bit of weight.

I also love the after effects of deadlifting, which is me getting to eat like the fate of the world depended on it.


I love deadlifts

The bar needs to put on more weight but still a sexy beast ha.

ACE 1991

Man, I can't for the life of me fix the form on my Pendlay Row. I must have fucked up the way my back has grown so my left side of my upper back is stronger than the right. Even with just the bar and NO weights while focusing exclusively on form, the left side of my upper back raises significantly higher than my right. Very frustrating. Also, what do you guys do to prevent wobbling during OHP? It seems that during the way up my back bends backwards, and this is only at 35kg.


Can someone clue me in on the Dave Tate Periodization Bible permutation of 5/3/1. My main question is with the accessory work. As an example day 1 looks like this:

Overhead Press - 5/3/1
Shoulders or Chest - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
Lats or Upper Back - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T - bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
Triceps - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

So am I supposed to pick just one of those suggested accessory lifts, or would I have to do them all? That would keep me in the gym like 4 hours. If it's just "pick one" I'm assuming I just pick whichever benefits the main 5/3/1 lifts the most? Or can you just pick and choose what to do each session?
So two weeks into my bulking routine, taking creatine and whey/mass supplements and I'm already seeing some progress, mostly in my bicep and shoulders.

My chest and triceps not so much. Are those two muscle groups typically harder to develop?
I think I'm ready for free weights finally. I've only been doing the machine work outs till I got a little more comfortable around the gym and seen some people do exericses with free weights.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Can someone clue me in on the Dave Tate Periodization Bible permutation of 5/3/1. My main question is with the accessory work. As an example day 1 looks like this:

Overhead Press - 5/3/1
Shoulders or Chest - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
Lats or Upper Back - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T - bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
Triceps - 5 sets of 10 - 20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

So am I supposed to pick just one of those suggested accessory lifts, or would I have to do them all? That would keep me in the gym like 4 hours. If it's just "pick one" I'm assuming I just pick whichever benefits the main 5/3/1 lifts the most? Or can you just pick and choose what to do each session?

Pick one, those are examples.


the piano man
The many small to medium sized muscles of the abdomen and lower back are best trained with compound lifts and accessory exercises for improving those lifts, not many different isolation exercises. Take a look at the core of Marius Pudzianowksi or Konstantinovs, or a lean Olympic lifter.

As you seem to have discovered, trying to isolate a single muscle in the core area is much harder than it is when training extremities such as legs and arms. If you want to train that area specifically, try something that works through a larger range of motion or requires significant stabilisation under load. Suitcase deadlifts, Saxon side bends, Farmer's walks, Ab-wheel rollouts, Hanging Leg Raises and perhaps Russian Twists.

thanks for this answer, you are absolutely right about the bolded.

BankaiZaraki said:
I think I'm ready for free weights finally. I've only been doing the machine work outs till I got a little more comfortable around the gym and seen some people do exericses with free weights.

free weights are a lot more fun, there's more to them than with the machines. I have a lot of fun concentrating and trying to balance the barbells in Squat and BP. it spices things up and forces you to develop conciousness for your whole body, plenty of things to feel and think about when doing squats, for example: "am I going to the toes? am I bending forward? will I go up or stay down here (lol)? ".. :D

I also like watching form in simple elements, like bicep curls or kickbacks, not lifting with the elbow and such, and finally using the next dumbbells, that feels good :p


No problem, and the "pick one" is to work on "weak points" but since you're a beginner (assuming) you're not going to be able to assess your weak points or the best accessory work to do, so try to stick with the basics.

Yeah, still very much a novice. All my lifts are classified as untrained on the strength standards site. Only been really serious for a few months now, and I'm still mostly a fatty =)


Ok so I decided the best thing for me to do is to wait until April 2nd to unfreeze my membership, and then start doing cardio every day along with upper body work. The bike and elliptical should be fantastic for my leg. Hopefull by then I can drive and walk up stairs with no crutch haha.


how much am i supposed to eat in terms of fiber o_O

One tree a day

(I would start supplementing with some metamusil.)

Man, I can't for the life of me fix the form on my Pendlay Row. I must have fucked up the way my back has grown so my left side of my upper back is stronger than the right. Even with just the bar and NO weights while focusing exclusively on form, the left side of my upper back raises significantly higher than my right. Very frustrating. Also, what do you guys do to prevent wobbling during OHP? It seems that during the way up my back bends backwards, and this is only at 35kg.

Do you happen to own a book called Starting Strength?

ACE 1991

One tree a day

(I would start supplementing with some metamusil.)

Do you happen to own a book called Starting Strength?

I do not, but am of course familiar with Rippetoe's book. I've watched/read a number of videos regarding correct Pendlay row form though. I'm pretty sure at this point that my left side is simply just stronger than the right... Who knows though, that's about all I can come up with.


I do not, but am of course familiar with Rippetoe's book. I've watched/read a number of videos regarding correct Pendlay row form though. I'm pretty sure at this point that my left side is simply just stronger than the right... Who knows though, that's about all I can come up with.

So why not just do bent over dumbbell rows to balance it out?


Quick check in- still trying to reduce my ass size after SS- any further suggestions outside of dont do leg shit?


As in do this for the weaker side only?

don't do that. do bb rows, but at a low weight that you can pull slowly with both sides equally. progress from there.

edit: oops just read your original post. try doing shoulder dislocations beforehand, maybe you're not as flexible on one side?


All that's gonna do is further imbalance his muscles because he's going to be doing it properly on one side and not the other.

don't do that. do bb rows, but at a low weight that you can pull slowly with both sides equally. progress from there.

edit: oops just read your original post. try doing shoulder dislocations beforehand, maybe you're not as flexible on one side?

As in do this for the weaker side only?

Yeah I'm not suggesting overdoing it but it at least *sounds* like there's a gross strength imbalance between both sides of your back and it needs a little balance?

It may indeed be a flexibility issue after all; Ace, you'd know better than us.


good credit (by proxy)
Why are you so dead set on doing keto?

Well, I'm not dead set on it yet, but I might be depending on how ketogenic enzymes work. I just can't seem to understand exactly how they function based on wikipedia or asking in GAF threads :(

I feel like, if my shitty armchair theories are correct, that going into ketosis every once in awhile (say every month or couple of months or every year) might have a positive effect on insulin resistance, fat-burning (even when not in ketosis), and just overall body efficiency. But of course, it would depend on how ketones and ketogenic enzymes actually function, the latter part seems hard to find easy answers to online.

If I can't find answers to my questions I might just have to read some biochemistry textbooks, but it seems like a lot to take in to answer a couple of questions, and might be unreadable given that I've only been through the inorganic chem series of course and have little experience with organic chem :(

My selective OCD is zeroing in on this right now and my life feels like it's a complete wreck when I can't find the answers I'm looking for. I think I might have a heart attack or possibly die if I can't find out how these enzymes work.


I can't see myself doing keto again. iifym for me.

I do have to change the amount of carbs I can eat depending on my progress though.


Christ! My legs have been sore all day from lunges. PLEASE tell me my legs won't feel like this every time I do crossfit and that my body is just getting used to it. Because my legs HURT, and it hurts just moving them now in bed. They're really tight and just what the fuck.

First DOMS is usually the worst. It really depends on the amount of volume, but you become acclamated to it and become less and less sore for the same amount of volume. Also leg DOMS is usually at it's worst 2 days after exercising.

Van Owen

Christ! My legs have been sore all day from lunges. PLEASE tell me my legs won't feel like this every time I do crossfit and that my body is just getting used to it. Because my legs HURT, and it hurts just moving them now in bed. They're really tight and just what the fuck.

First time I did squats I could barely walk or sit in a chair.

It gets better.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Was weak as shit with my squat today. It's either a result of this schedule, lack of protein, or both.

So I punished myself. Finished my main work (345x3), did some heavy singles (365), did 5s progression, then threw in 1x20 at 135 to make sure I was sufficiently hit.

Then I did 5x10 romanian deads at 255 and some neck work.

I think I'm gonna be walking funny tomorrow. Gonna up the protein and see if that helps. I hate that squat is my worst lift.


Well, I'm not dead set on it yet, but I might be depending on how ketogenic enzymes work. I just can't seem to understand exactly how they function based on wikipedia or asking in GAF threads :(

I feel like, if my shitty armchair theories are correct, that going into ketosis every once in awhile (say every month or couple of months or every year) might have a positive effect on insulin resistance, fat-burning (even when not in ketosis), and just overall body efficiency. But of course, it would depend on how ketones and ketogenic enzymes actually function, the latter part seems hard to find easy answers to online.

If I can't find answers to my questions I might just have to read some biochemistry textbooks, but it seems like a lot to take in to answer a couple of questions, and might be unreadable given that I've only been through the inorganic chem series of course and have little experience with organic chem :(

My selective OCD is zeroing in on this right now and my life feels like it's a complete wreck when I can't find the answers I'm looking for. I think I might have a heart attack or possibly die if I can't find out how these enzymes work.

The OCD explains your keto posts here and in other weight loss threads. I used to count calories and macro meticulously to no avail and now eat when I'm hungry and portion control and have been losing weight and leaning out.

I don't think anyone has an exact understanding on keto or dieting in general. We want solid numbers but the human body is so complex there are a million other variables that can affect things.
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