damn u guys are making me horngry
Hey guys, new here and looking for advice. My goal is to go from 220 to 200 this year. Most of my fat is concentrated around my thighs though. I have a cardio workout and currently do it every day along with moderate weight lifting. I also cut most meat and carbs out of my diet, good plan so far?
Asstron: Defender of the Gluteus
Must gained like 5lbs over the 2 week holiday break.
I need a picture drawn.
I need a picture drawn.
He'll probably look kinda like this.
Hahah, I don't think I will stay in touch. I already forgot his first name (five letter, R maybe involved) and I don't even know his last name. But hey, random encounters are nice as they are.Aww. Try to keep in touch with the guy!
I'm glad you're back to regularly scheduled work out! Just take it slow with your back.
Pretty much... I'm going to try to keep carbs to soup and fruit though. And the occasional Kraft Dinner... Lol. It was super cheap the other day, I get two servings from a box... I won't eat it more than once a week at least.
Trust me, I am more amazed than anybody else. When I started around 10 months ago, I wasn't expecting anything really - I just did what I was told to do.Amazing how different you look really. Your face seems to have changed a fair bit too, I assume from losing quite a bit of weight.
Thank you so much for the kind words! I have been working out now nearly 10 months.Sadetar, I have no idea how you looked before but you look great now! Congrats!
Oh my, I must have so bad sense of humour (or I am really tired or both) that I find it hilarious that you mistyped my gamertag in that way. SadEater. Now I am thinking did you do it on purpose...Sadeater!! Looking great! It shows that you really worked hard to get those legs![]()
Awwww, thanks honey!Nice picture, Sadetar.
Thank you! :3Nice progress Sadetar!
I am somewhat speechless. (And totally hungry.)I'm unofficially starting my first bulk with this delicious meal.
12 eggs, a pound of turkey and a half gallon of milk. I'd better make my lifts tomorrow morning.
I am doing a cross-post from Real Pic -thread, but since I actually took a recent pic today of my legs, I thought to post it in here as well. This far I am most satisfied with how my legs look like, but they were quite alright to begin with. Upper body needs a whole lot of work still. I will most likely post proper comparison pics on March, when it would be a whole year of going to gym. Ah, still need to be on a cut.
Thank you! Still a long way to go, but this far I have really enjoyed the journey.I'm finally at home where images aren't blocked. Looking great!
Oh my, I must have so bad sense of humour (or I am really tired or both) that I find it hilarious that you mistyped my gamertag in that way. SadEater. Now I am thinking did you do it on purpose...
Hahah, what comes to legs I have been working with them nearly my whole life: just got myself ridiculously fat and yet biked to everywhere. Now I am just cutting and squatting and trying to see what I find under that all. But hey, thank you for the compliment! ^_^
Lmaoall I see is an epic toilet tantrum later, at least for me and that many eggs
I ran hills while pretty sick with a fever and sore throat a couple weeks ago. Felt better the next day, so went to the gym with the intent of just lifting what I could, no set plan since I didn't know how my energy would be. Hit a PR of 150x3 on OHP.So I had the man-flu the other day. How long do you usually wait before going back to the gym. I'm itching to and I think my body feels ready, that's probably all that counts. Just interested in your rules of thumb.
It took me nearly two hours, but it's done. I find it amusing that GOMAD, 2DEAD and intermittent fasting are in OP2, but my meal is unusual. I guess I'm about to find out why tonight.
He'll probably look kinda like this.
If you watch my sandbag loading on my last video you're gonna see a HUGE ASS. Compare. Please respond.
That looks like a fucking shitload of protein. Very few people would need that kind of intake.Here's my diet. How does it look GAF?
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 100g egg whites, 1 packet plain oatmeal
Meal 1: 100g apple, 45g peanut butter
Meal 2: 150g salmon, 100g broccoli
Pre Workout: 200g chicken breast, 100g banana
Post Workout: 200g chicken breast, 60g spinach salad, 2 tsp Asian Sesame dressing, 70g white rice
Sleep: 50g cottage cheese
Plus two 29g protein isolate shakes. This should give me a 50% protein/20% carb/30% fat macro breakdown. I've never broken it down like this and properly stuck to it. I took all data from fatsecret.com. Some of the numbers look kind of funny (dat broccoli), which is why I want some feedback...
Hit 165 lbs on overhead press! Since I have no one to celebrate with I'll celebrate here. 😊
The first two are kinda just there because well... I mean "you could"... but yeah. The third, there's nothing particularly strange about it, it's just different timing on when you get your calories.
As for your meal, I would never try to eat anything that large in one sitting. Certainly not a two hour sitting! How many calories did that work out as btw? I'm going for something like 2000 with 155g of protein. That's like, my daily allowance.![]()
Hey fitbros my gf says she wants dem thighs https://38.media.tumblr.com/e8cd8c48a0812da46b407546542068f5/tumblr_mp6nsueTIE1qeu577o3_1280.jpg as one of her fitness goals this year, I've been trying to get her comfortable with the front squat and deadlift any other tips?
That looks like a fucking shitload of protein. Very few people would need that kind of intake.
Maybe consider upping your fat intake a bit?
There's also that kick out machine that hits the glutes, don't know it's name.
Hmm will give it a shot. Maybe a 40% protein/40% fat/20% carb ratio? It was a little hard trying to fit all that protein in there.
In terms of carbs it looks ok?
Depends what you're trying to achieve really. If you wanted Keto, you'd have to go lower, if you wanted to do a ton of cardio, I'd suggest higher...
Personally, I'd probably start with 40/30/30 and see how I was getting on. It's not worth getting too caught up in the macros as providing you're getting a reasonably balanced diet and watching your calorie intake (and your weight), then you're going to be getting results.
The more complicated you make your diet, the less likely you are to stick to it.
Edit - Oh, and don't believe the calorie numbers on the machines. They're full of shit (I've seen some off by as much as 75% vs a high end heart rate monitor).
There's one at my gym that's actually called the Butt Blaster.
Experienced weight lifter used to having the ability to spend at least an hour and a half at the gym training every night. Just had a kid and don't have all that time anymore. I basically have just the 5 weekdays and 45-60 minutes to train at lunch now, at a lame corporate gym.
I'd like to maintain both cardiovascular health and my physique. Any ideas for some new programs? I've been doing 5/3/1 lately because I can get a good workout from that, but that kind of limits me to just weight training and I'd like to get my cardio/ edurance back up as well because I'm going to be chasing a little kid around the house and don't want to be slow dad. But I also still want to be swole dad.
That is a significant quantity of ass, no question.
Debating if I should bench tonight. I have pain in my bursa area. Not chronic but if I make the benching motion it starts to hurt.
Gonna try and do a bunch of band pull aparts.
If you watch my sandbag loading on my last video you're gonna see a HUGE ASS. Compare. Please respond.
Gonna give FE a run for his monay.
Yeah we don't have thatThere's one at my gym that's actually called the Butt Blaster.
Traditional back squat, deadlifts, leg curls, leg extensions, lunges, glute bridges. The two big compound lifts will hit the butt but not as good as say glute bridges. But the totality of it will come from the big two lift in regards to hamstring, quad growth. There's also that kick out machine that hits the glutes, don't know it's name.
Yes, either you or FE would form the torso of Asstron.
I like how your strongman workouts are more functional. The sandbag makes me think that nobody in FitGaf can dispose of corpses better than you.
With a role name like that... I'm guessing that you either work in a prison, are a cop, or you're a teacher!