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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Guys! I've really cut down my soda intake (going for no soda at some point soon), and feel so much better. Waking up with much more energy, and I'm no longer cramping on my runs.

fitness forever!!

I drink a lot of soda. Especially energy drinks. HFCS forever!

Seriously though, I'm assuming you're drinking more water. This is why you're cramping less and feeling more energized. You're not dehydrated.


Honestly it is better overall IMO. I like it a lot. Not only is it more fun, but it's more applicable to me, especially in my line of work and being a member of the disturbance control team. I've never felt my legs, abs and back get taxed more.

It's also incredibly hard.

Yeah, I remember that story you to about how you had to carry out some huge inmate that collapsed. You took one side while it took up to three guards to handle the other side.

While DL contributed to your strength to pick up the poor bastard, it was really like a modified farmers walk.


Had a mini-victory today. I deadlifted 180 pounds, which isn't a PR for me. However, I didn't use chalk and I did the lift with a standard grip. The bar felt nice and stable the whole time, with no hints of slippage. Previously, I had similar weight killing my grip even with chalk. Hopefully a stronger grip will eventually allow me to add more weight.
My grip is awful, no matter how much I train it, it doesn't really improve.

Doesn't help that I have tiny little girl hands on my tiny little girl frame. :(


My grip is awful, no matter how much I train it, it doesn't really improve.

Doesn't help that I have tiny little girl hands on my tiny little girl frame. :(

Well, my hands and grip are girly by default. :p

I've only started grip training in the past few months, mostly by just hanging on an overhead bar for increasing time periods. I'm still a long way from strong, but the training has helped.
Had a mini-victory today. I deadlifted 180 pounds, which isn't a PR for me. However, I didn't use chalk and I did the lift with a standard grip. The bar felt nice and stable the whole time, with no hints of slippage. Previously, I had similar weight killing my grip even with chalk. Hopefully a stronger grip will eventually allow me to add more weight.

Very nice. It's a good feeling when you can realize actual improvements, such as a clearly improved grip strength.
HIIT if you want to maintain your cardio on a compressed timescale, no question. You literally just need 20 mins if you do it right.

I'll probably look into some of this, maybe Volume training with less rest


I know the feels. I just became a dad last year. I've also been relegated to working out on weekdays. I try to cram my weights into four days. I save one weekday for all cardio and endurance work.

Thanks! my past 3 months have been similar, 5/3/1 on MTTF and Wednesday stair climber/ sprints

Regarding lifting with children. It may be tough at the early ages but if your gym has a kids club use it. I have three kids and they go with me on average 4 or 5 times week. Such is life. They can get homework done, play DS, or watch TV. It's only an hour or so. Not too bad. Occasionally they bitch about going. Boo hoo.

Yeah my gym near home actually has a really good child care service, he's just not old enough yet for them to watch, but I definitely fully plan on utilizing it. My wife and I would spend close to 2 hours on the weekends at our gym, we're looking forward to when we can start going back together again. But I still think we'll be cutting our time short.


Hmm will give it a shot. Maybe a 40% protein/40% fat/20% carb ratio? It was a little hard trying to fit all that protein in there.

In terms of carbs it looks ok?

Would you know the total amount of pro/carb/fat rather than the percentage breakdown?

I know you posted the amount of food but it's hard to judge based on just the weight of things (Plus I measure in Oz instead of g :p).

Also, don't do Keto. Carbs are great if you know when to use them. I always prefer to center carbs around my workouts (pre/intra/post).
Would you know the total amount of pro/carb/fat rather than the percentage breakdown?

I can tell you that his meal plan up there was about 2000kcal and 230g (8oz?) or more of protein.

You can pretty much reduce any accessory arm workouts. My arms got burnt carry around the ever increasing weight of my son.

Funny you should mention that. I have a really unfit friend who suddenly has massive arms after his latest kid (who weighs a TON). :D


Regarding lifting with children. It may be tough at the early ages but if your gym has a kids club use it. I have three kids and they go with me on average 4 or 5 times week. Such is life. They can get homework done, play DS, or watch TV. It's only an hour or so. Not too bad. Occasionally they bitch about going. Boo hoo.

Cooter, you need to get your kids with the program. They're behind the curve.

My son getting ready to walk. After that, I think I'll start him on the bench.



Guys! I've really cut down my soda intake (going for no soda at some point soon), and feel so much better. Waking up with much more energy, and I'm no longer cramping on my runs.

fitness forever!!

That's awesome I used to drink a 2ltr of mtn dew a day and I quit cold turkey on Dec 1st and haven't had any yet....it is amazing how much better u can feel.


We should expand the mobility section of the OP. Prescribing stuff usually put in my Evernote link should solve the usual mobility and discomfort problems, ie shoulder problems.

I mean I've posted stretching/smashing the pec and the medial head part of the shoulder with a lacrosse ball should fix most of normal people's shoulder issues, assuming form is good, quite a few times.


Debating if I should bench tonight. I have pain in my bursa area. Not chronic but if I make the benching motion it starts to hurt.

Try taking a lacrosse ball to your chest too. Tight pecs might be pulling on your shoulder.

I think Brolic (unsurprisingly) is right.

I had bursitis at the end of 2013, did band exercises for a few months and took care of it. It seemed to come back mid 2014 (after 6 or so months of the SS routine) but radiating further down my arm, and I felt it especially during bench. Turns out it was tight pecs and a muscle imbalance. So I went to see a physio, lacross ball, pec stretches in doorways and a few other little movements are what she suggested, almost back to normal now.


Phenomenonal progress Sadetar. Weight loss but maintained muscle mass. The dream.
Well thank you! I am trying. Oh the amount of protein I am eating. :p

Yeeeeeeah soooo it turns out I saw your name and my brain was like "Sadeater! that totally her name!" Types up the post* goes back and double checks the name* my brain is like "nailed it buddy! Hit post"

Blam! Posted it! Read you response! Started hitting my head against a wall*

My bad! lol Sadetar

(I checked three times before I wrote it this time)
Hahahah. You totally nailed it. ;)

Sadetar is killing it. Amazing progress.
Awwww, that is so sweet of you to say!

I am still amazed that people in here do bulks and cuts like it is nothing! I am just trying to follow people's marvellous example. ^_^

Tried DL and squat today for the first time.....holyshit! I feel like I was wasting my time not doing these.....Thanks for the help, guys, especially Vince!
*pat pat* Attaboy!

I am already looking forward to see your gains. :D

Hey fitbros my gf says she wants dem thighs https://38.media.tumblr.com/e8cd8c48a0812da46b407546542068f5/tumblr_mp6nsueTIE1qeu577o3_1280.jpg as one of her fitness goals this year, I've been trying to get her comfortable with the front squat and deadlift any other tips?
Oh my! That is a nice goal to have! BlueTsunami quite much said already everything I was going to suggest.

And damn, I am always jealous to the chicks who have someone to coach them at the gym. I am sure they don't all even understand how lucky they are.

You better post some progress pics.

Had a mini-victory today. I deadlifted 180 pounds, which isn't a PR for me. However, I didn't use chalk and I did the lift with a standard grip. The bar felt nice and stable the whole time, with no hints of slippage. Previously, I had similar weight killing my grip even with chalk. Hopefully a stronger grip will eventually allow me to add more weight.
It is all about those mini-victories. Awesome work!

So since I've been working out and dieting, I've dropped 14lbs. No visible changes yet but I do feel stronger.
Stronger and you weigh less? That's the dream, my friend. Enjoy it while it lasts and keep up the good work!
Like Soka said, keep living the dream as long as it last! You are on the right path!
Would you know the total amount of pro/carb/fat rather than the percentage breakdown?

I know you posted the amount of food but it's hard to judge based on just the weight of things (Plus I measure in Oz instead of g :p).

Also, don't do Keto. Carbs are great if you know when to use them. I always prefer to center carbs around my workouts (pre/intra/post).

Psychotext was close, originally I was at 250g/100g/67g protein/carbs/fat. Based on his advice I'm now 200g/150g/67g protein/carbs/fat. Chicken cost savings :D

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Tonight's meal:


Hopefully this is enough for a full day. I know that I'll be good on protein. I'll probably do eggs and meat again tomorrow.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Choo choo! Jump on the gainz train or you'll miss it.


315x2! (Haven't hit 3 plates in over a year)


Hahah, I don't think I will stay in touch. I already forgot his first name (five letter, R maybe involved) and I don't even know his last name. But hey, random encounters are nice as they are. :)

Oh and I am soooo happy for being able to work out again with a normal schedules. Today was pilates. Felt so good after a long break! Tomorrow is a day off and Friday is gym again. :D Can't wait.

How has your working outs been doing? I just admire the fact you do them twice a day.

What comes to food, I should actually recount my calorie intake, but I have been really lazy with it. I have switched my foods as well so I should most likely calculate what there exactly is in my daily smoothies in general.

Haha oh, okay. Fair enough.

Yay! Glad you're getting back into it. How was your rest day today?

They're going okay here. I mean, even doing two a day, I'm only getting an hourish a day. I do my You Are Your Own Gym in the morning (36 minutes) and after work, I do 20 minutes of cardio. I should up the cardio. But I'm going to start adding a few other different things.

Today, I did 36 in the morning and hot yoga for 75 minutes.

I haven't been eating a lot the past two days (under 1000 cals), but I ate about 1300 today. Eeeeh.
Alright Fit-GAF here's my go -

Background: Reconstructed ACL and missing lateral meniscus in my left knee from a soccer injury, surgery was 3 years ago. I went through PT but was never able to regain all of my range of motion, but have most of it. I also had alot of nerve damage that never healed, so the entire right half (inside) below my knee, from the middle of my shin to the back of my calf, is always super sensitive/numb.

Began lifting 2 years ago with my roommate who helped me along to get some decent gains on upper body, but I still lacked the confidence in my knee, so never got very far/slacked on lower body. He knew his stuff and taught me alot about form. He could go pretty heavy on stuff (600+ DL, 455 Squat), which I never came close to, but was more than happy to accomodate my lower tiers. He ended up moving away for work, so I tried to stick to the gym by myself, but it was tough with the motivation and then my work got extremely busy from November through January.

This time last year, I started training for a half marathon, mainly to build confidence in my knee, so was not lifting as much as the year prior. I was happy to get back to running, but told myself that I'd get back in the lifting after the marathon. Did the half marathon in May, no problem. Unfortunately, I began traveling over the summer for work, and was only able to get to the gym once or twice a week. Upon returning in September, my best friend asked me to play racquetball, and I was amped. My luck, I came down on my knee wrong. Had it checked out by my doctor, who said it was just a sprain, but since the swelling did not go down, planned to have it drained. Decided to rest through the last 3 months after the drain.

Here I am - weak, but motivated to get in the gym again. My goal is to wipe the slate clean, and start from the bottom with the lifts that I neglected so much - Deadlifts and Squats.

Back to 2 years ago lifting with my friend, he always pushed me to get into deadlifting, but I was terrified. When I finally agreed to give it a go, I immediately had an issue in my form of what he described 'swinging the bar over/around my knee caps' as I was going up. My chest was out, back was straight, shoulders and elbows were lined up with the bar. For weeks we would work on it, but I just could not fix it, because of how sensitive my knee/leg is. I've seen people drag the bar along their shins - I shudder to think of doing that. I'll try to get a video of it here in the next few weeks.

Anyways - ordered Starting Strength, and focusing on the basics this time. Wish me luck!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah, I remember that story you to about how you had to carry out some huge inmate that collapsed. You took one side while it took up to three guards to handle the other side.

While DL contributed to your strength to pick up the poor bastard, it was really like a modified farmers walk.

Yeah, and that was back when I was still training powerlifting!

This plus alternating ice/heat and ibuprofen helped tremendously. Good call on the tight pecs.

Glad I could help bud. It's why I still post here mostly.

I think Brolic (unsurprisingly) is right.

I had bursitis at the end of 2013, did band exercises for a few months and took care of it. It seemed to come back mid 2014 (after 6 or so months of the SS routine) but radiating further down my arm, and I felt it especially during bench. Turns out it was tight pecs and a muscle imbalance. So I went to see a physio, lacross ball, pec stretches in doorways and a few other little movements are what she suggested, almost back to normal now.

It's amaing how it works. One thing I've learned pretty well is healing injuries or preventing them. I'm almost as interested in that stuff as lifting itself. And where pain is, doesn't mean that's where the cause is.

I was going to, but they turned out to be disgustingly sweet. Low sugar doesn't mean very much it seems. I'll just eat something else.

You woulds been wrecking that shitter again. That's a load of fiber.

Choo choo! Jump on the gainz train or you'll miss it.


315x2! (Haven't hit 3 plates in over a year)

Next to 4 hundo?

240 bench pr.

Nothing stops this gain train

Grats bud.


there is joy in sucking dick
Biceps curls is a boring movement. How do I keep it interesting

They became more enjoyable for me when I would do high rep low tempo movements. Basically fonthem slow enough so you can feel the burn. I find churning them out doesn't really stimulate the bicep.
Tell me about it. I have to buy mine in bulk because my better half only lets me eat free range. Somewhat expensive in the UK. =/

Oh man that's not cheap anywhere! Here in Ontario, Canada a supermarket had 3kg of non-free range chicken breast for $13. I now have 9kg in my freezer.

Gotcha! That looks solid. Time to put that food to use!

Thanks :) I'm looking forward to it, haven't been this motivated through diet in a while!


Tonight's meal:


Hopefully this is enough for a full day. I know that I'll be good on protein. I'll probably do eggs and meat again tomorrow.

I think that's about 200g of fiber. Probably not a good idea lol.

You're going to have to drink a couple of gallons of water after that.
I think I'm going to have to hire a pro for a massage after leg day from now. Three days later and I still can't walk without taking tiny steps, and even laying on my legs to sleep is significantly painful. Don't ask me how awkward trying to squat down to take a crap is. It's ridiculous. :(

Walking after didn't work, cycling after didn't work, stretching didn't work.

Foam rolling might work, but stupidly this time I didn't try it as I was too wiped out to do any more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Tonight's meal:


Hopefully this is enough for a full day. I know that I'll be good on protein. I'll probably do eggs and meat again tomorrow.

Say "sweet dreams" to your asshole. It's gonna be a rough time!
Just had my first workout since the flu. I haven't been since Christmas. Amazingly, no strength loss, and my weight is 204 (though I've got a lot of water weight on me from the holidays).

I felt like I was dying on the treadmill though.


First day of my new program today! Squat is the real shit! My legs are burning like hell and I love it.

Today I did bb bench press, db inclined bench press and push ups. However, I think it's too much, am I wrong? I had also done 2 triceps exercises before the push ups and then I could do only 15-6-6 push ups. I can normally do around 25. I don't know what to do. Any help, fit-GAF?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
First day of my new program today! Squat is the real shit! My legs are burning like hell and I love it.

Today I did bb bench press, db inclined bench press and push ups. However, I think it's too much, am I wrong? I had also done 2 triceps exercises before the push ups and then I could do only 15-6-6 push ups. I can normally do around 25. I don't know what to do. Any help, fit-GAF?

Drop pushups
Consolidate your bench. Pick incline or normal bench and stick with that for a while. I recommend normal for now, later you can go incline for reasons. Dips last.
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