On my max effort chest days, I typically start off going for a 3-5 rep max effort on flat barbell bench, followed by 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps on incline dumbbell bench. Those are the only two chest movements I do on my heavy day, that are actually part of the routine I'm following. I add in a max set of dips and a few sets of flyes because I'm vain

For instance, on Tuesday, I got 215 up 3 times, then used the 50s for 3x10 and 1x9. Next Tuesday, I'll attempt 225 for 3-5 and use the 55s.
But I've been lifting a while, not as long as a lot of posters here, but considerably longer than 1 month. I think for you it will be best to give Starting Strength or another novice program a go for several months and build up some strength before moving on to an intermediate program.