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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sadetar is frantically trying to zoom that picture and cursing pixilation.

Jesus, dude...you're strong as hell. Newcomers should watch your form, especially on DL.

Thanks bud, I take a lot of pride in my deadlift, which pisses me off when I have a bad day like today.

You are a machine!

Also that gym looks so empty it makes me jealous.

It's pretty much a strength gym, so it's usually always pretty reasonable with the crowds.

Nice to see the strenf gainz fitgaf! :)

Had a good day today doing squats. Usually I would feel the adductors, 7-8" inches of my inner thigh, strain during the concentric phase but today it was minimal. I was only going to do 395 on my top set but felt good and did 405 instead...

385/395/405/385/385 x 5

Great news. Th comeback is real.


Brian Burke punched my mom
***WARNING...Incoming half naked man***

Here's my post bulk progress pic. This is what happens when you eat 4,000 calories for 3 months. I'm 215 here which puts me 40lbs heavier than 3 months ago. Jesus!

Half monkey with those big hairy forearms.

All the recent mass I've gained has gone to my legs and ass, 205 right now.


They will, however, make you slightly less hideous.

Worst comes to worst, can always dump some pec and ab shots on tinder and see what you can get. Objectification, ho!
This isn't really a laughing matter but it yet made me giggle.

Have any one of you actually tried that? ;)

Sadetar is frantically trying to zoom that picture and cursing pixilation.
Hahah, you got me there. :p

It's pretty much a strength gym, so it's usually always pretty reasonable with the crowds.
Ah, I see. I am using university gym and the only times it is reasonable is the early hours of the day and that doesn't work well with my inner clock.

***WARNING...Incoming half naked man***

Here's my post bulk progress pic. This is what happens when you eat 4,000 calories for 3 months. I'm 215 here which puts me 40lbs heavier than 3 months ago. Jesus!
Somehow I am fairly sure I wouldn't look that good after eating 4,000 calories for three months... yet you actually manage to look quite glorious. ;)

We need more photos like this... :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bearmode. Any particular reason you decided to put on weight that quick?

No reason. I think my body has a natural weight it gravitates to and that's around 190. I was keeping it down all summer and when I started eating more I shot up to 190 in a few days. After that it was a slow climb.
This isn't really a laughing matter but it yet made me giggle.

Have any one of you actually tried that? ;)

When i was swiping girls in miami, quite a few FitGirls had "looking for a GymBro for the next X days" in the description, so yes.

Alas, i was nowhere near close to a GymBro body.

Also lotsa peeps on craigslist explicitly asking for toned body pics before scheduling a hook up.

Sex is really only as complicated as one makes it.

Also very easy to check how well it works down here in south america. Find a guy with a kickass body, plenty of body pics on fb and not too hideous a face, good odds he'll have 2k+ fb friends, 70% of them women, some 30% of them quite attractive.

I make do with face pics.


Man the treadmill work is really paying off. I'm able to run a 3k now and not have a heart attack.

The beginning of the year I felt like an old man after walking half a mile.


Brian Burke punched my mom
2000+ cals of goodness



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Anybody have some pro tips, particularly recipes and shit to make to get me through the day, for a keto diet?

I have to lose as much weight as I can (within reason and heathily) before my next doctor consultation in April. I've already lost about 8kg just watching what I eat and rejuvenating regular daily exercise in my life, but I'd like to give it a boost to shed some of the body weight.

I've already got some ideas on meals (gotta love eggs, meat, and greens), have done research on the process and average cals for certain veggies (goodbye potatoes :(), but yeah. If anyone has any tips or recipes they love please let me know :)


Anybody have some pro tips, particularly recipes and shit to make to get me through the day, for a keto diet?

I have to lose as much weight as I can (within reason and heathily) before my next doctor consultation in April. I've already lost about 8kg just watching what I eat and rejuvenating regular daily exercise in my life, but I'd like to give it a boost to shed some of the body weight.

I've already got some ideas on meals (gotta love eggs, meat, and greens), have done research on the process and average cals for certain veggies (goodbye potatoes :(), but yeah. If anyone has any tips or recipes they love please let me know :)

/r/ketorecipes is always full of good choices.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Anybody have some pro tips, particularly recipes and shit to make to get me through the day, for a keto diet?

I have to lose as much weight as I can (within reason and heathily) before my next doctor consultation in April. I've already lost about 8kg just watching what I eat and rejuvenating regular daily exercise in my life, but I'd like to give it a boost to shed some of the body weight.

I've already got some ideas on meals (gotta love eggs, meat, and greens), have done research on the process and average cals for certain veggies (goodbye potatoes :(), but yeah. If anyone has any tips or recipes they love please let me know :)

When the hell did you lose mod? Also Vince/sunflower is our resident Keto expert I'm pretty sure.


Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?
If you want to build size and isolate your pecs hold the bar closer to your your center of gravity or even more toward your belly (away from your face.) You may have to reduce the weight to do this but it will better isolate the lower par to fyour pecs. Imagine squeezing an orange in between the huge monster pecs you wish to have there in the middle of your solar plexis. You can do this by assuming the push up position, but making a triangle with your fingers in the middle of where your solar plexis would hit the floor. THis will help you get brain involved in squeezing lower section of your pecs into action. The reason dumbells would work better for this is you can more easily cross over the centre of gravity and pump and sqeeze the pecs into a bulky shape. To build size always go slower with gravity both on your back with the bar, and facing the floor in the push up position (eccentric contractions)...if you actually want to better at a sport, do pliometric (explosive) contractions against gravity, even static contractions are better for size though, but imagine the squeeze if you want size and milk it slow. Pec muscles attach to the sternum and area around the solar plexis, but rarely get worked there unless you focus on isoalting that specific area. If you do the pecs will "POP" out of your solar plexis area and increase definition in that area specifically, where lets face it, it counts the most for esthetics.

Anybody have some pro tips, particularly recipes and shit to make to get me through the day, for a keto diet?

I have to lose as much weight as I can (within reason and heathily) before my next doctor consultation in April. I've already lost about 8kg just watching what I eat and rejuvenating regular daily exercise in my life, but I'd like to give it a boost to shed some of the body weight.

I've already got some ideas on meals (gotta love eggs, meat, and greens), have done research on the process and average cals for certain veggies (goodbye potatoes :(), but yeah. If anyone has any tips or recipes they love please let me know :)
Most important is to eat less simpe sugar and more complex CHO from veggies. Eat lots of salad, like way more than you thought you could stand, different kinds (parsley is my favourite) the thermic effect of food (energy required to digest) will burn calories but at least the vitatmins are going in if not a lot of starch. Cook some of your vegetables (broccoli is the most nutritious) a little (steam) and nuke (micro or boil) a small section of them to get your complex carbs. By eating a huge volume but keeping the caloric intake low you boost metabolism. Eat a tonne of wild and whole grains but avoid white starches and simple sugars like the plague. Eat far less protein than you think you need from hard to digest large animals and get more from fish, the extra fish oil will help with lots of things and still give you the lipids you need without over doing it.

Dont eat any children ;)

Doing a little surfing on ketones etc. and I had the idea that maybe what advocates of keto are actually doing isnt as bad as what I have beeen trained to beleive. I thought that what actaully constitutes a new age "keto" diet wasnt really the zero CHO diet it is advertised to be...pretty much am finding I was correct, you are still eating a lot of complex carbs, probably more than you think, which is good. What most of you who are successful with keto are actually doing and what I and many doctors would promote, is of course less sumple sugars, but still 60% CHO (COMPLEX FIBRE rich mind you), 25-30 % fat (kinda get falsely accused of being a scientist who says to avoid fat, I have never said that, especially when it is obvious from research that we burn at no greater than 40%, and that eating lots of fat is akin to evolutionary history) and of course 10-15% protein to round it out. As an endurance athlete, I can guarnatee you that the old definition of keto was not for me. I was likley in keto for a large part of my training days as I ate 6000 calories a day and still was as thin as rail. I simply burned it all off and had an exceptionally high metabolism. I already told you all how I could smell the acetone (solvent) in my urine the one time and felt weak and lost size in my muscles. Many times I overtrained, under fed (didnt eat enough fat) and lost sleep. I actually was extremely grouchy when I was not meeting the demand for the high output I was doing which flies in the face of those that say ketones are better for "thinking and mood." I am willing to accept that perhaps people with the opposite problem (i.e. are burdened with exceesive fat) might react differently to such restrictions, however THIS SITE run by a doctor and Canadian appears to have a pretty good grip on how to do what I will consider is a current day "keto" plan (which is actually not similar to Atkins or the extremely low CHO crash diets I was trained to abhorr.) I dont agree with everytihng this dude says as not all doctors can be trusted just because theyare doctors, but he hits a lot of the same tenets that match what I have researched in person and through study. He also says there is a continuum of "keto" so it is not black andwhite whether you are in it or out. Bottom line, do not continue with any plan where you lose sleep, become grouchy, smell excessive acetone in your urine. If you mitigate these risks....all power to you.
Man, I really wish I'd found these shoulder dislocators earlier. Anyone else have any exercises (other than those horrible scarecrow things) which might help fix my wrecked shoulders?

however THIS SITE run by a doctor and Canadian appears to have a pretty good grip on how to do what I will consider is a current day "keto" plan (which is actually not similar to Atkins or the extremely low CHO crash diets I was trained to abhorr.)

Most keto dieters here woudn't consider 200g+ a day of carbohydrates a keto plan. I'd be surprised if any of them are over 100g a day, and probably most around 50g a day.


Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?

Have you tried switching to dumbbell presses? I'm almost positive my chest has gotten bigger after making this switch. I can squeeze my chest when I press with dumbbells so much better than with barbell bench. I rarely barbell bench anymore.
Anyone here had any experience with Nike Pro Combat Recovery Hypertight (or similar) heavy duty compression gear for recovery?

I'm still having ridiculous problems with leg DOMS (anywhere up to a week worth at worst) and I need to do everything I can to get on top of it. Got so bad a couple of weeks back that I took about 5 minutes to get down one flight of stairs, and every step was agony.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Most keto dieters here woudn't consider 200g+ a day of carbohydrates a keto plan. I'd be surprised if any of them are over 100g a day, and probably most around 50g a day.

More like 20 for most people. I'm a pretty big dude @ 6'7" and I can get away with ALMOST 50 before I get knocked out of ketosis, retain water, and then shit my brains out a couple days later when I'm back on keto.


Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?

Try paused Bench. I've been doing all my benching paused (2x/week) for the last 6 months and my chest is developing at a much faster rate than when I was only doing Touch and go.
More like 20 for most people. I'm a pretty big dude @ 6'7" and I can get away with ALMOST 50 before I get knocked out of ketosis, retain water, and then shit my brains out a couple days later when I'm back on keto.

There we go then.

Unrelated, fairly amusing occurrence with the delivery driver then.

I knew this was for you as soon as I put it on the van. If it's fairly small, very heavy and near the end of my route, then it's for Mr X


there is joy in sucking dick
Have you tried switching to dumbbell presses? I'm almost positive my chest has gotten bigger after making this switch. I can squeeze my chest when I press with dumbbells so much better than with barbell bench. I rarely barbell bench anymore.

Yep, Barbell benching is a obviously compound movement so, if isolation is the purpose dumbbell movements would be preferable. Flys or presses. The range of motion with dumbbells is much larger.
Thrall's tip about resting your arms on your lats for OHP really has helped me. If anyone hasn't tried it with that method I would suggest giving it a shot and seeing how it feels. When I learn something new that helps that I feel like such an idiot. Like how did I survive before doing x in the gym? So dumb.


Strained a quad today doing lunges. Sucks.

Probably needed to warm up more.

Don't think its that bad but it does mean no running or leg days for a couple weeks, though.

I tried that and realised I don't really have lats. Anyone know any good lat exercises? lol
Bentover barbell/dumbbell rows and cable pulldowns.

J. Bravo

Man, I really wish I'd found these shoulder dislocators earlier. Anyone else have any exercises (other than those horrible scarecrow things) which might help fix my wrecked shoulders?

Most keto dieters here woudn't consider 200g+ a day of carbohydrates a keto plan. I'd be surprised if any of them are over 100g a day, and probably most around 50g a day.


Can use this to move to scarecrows I would think.

As for lats: seated pulldowns with various bars, rows, deads, straight arm pulldowns, and the champ - pull ups.


Man, I really wish I'd found these shoulder dislocators earlier. Anyone else have any exercises (other than those horrible scarecrow things) which might help fix my wrecked shoulders?.
Look at the Evernote link in the OP. I listed a bunch of links with recommendations.
I tried that and realised I don't really have lats. Anyone know any good lat exercises? lol
My lats have been growing, probably from all the chin-ups and pendlay rows I do on GSLP.

Edit: I can't argue against that Brolic lol. But after going through university and my brother currently going for his degree, I don't like the idea of paying for books. Might be a generation thing since I'm like a decade younger than you.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Look at the Evernote link in the OP. I listed a bunch of links with recommendations.

My lats have been growing, probably from all the chin-ups and pendlay rows I do on GSLP.

Edit: I can't argue against that Brolic lol. But after going through university and my brother currently going for his degree, I don't like the idea of paying for books. Might be a generation thing since I'm like a decade younger than you.

It's not a generation thing. I'd say most people do that. I got a degree as well (BA in criminal justice) and I work In a prison. That probably has more to do with it.

As for lat work, as others have said, rows and keep rowing. Also, snatch grip desdlifts with an emphasis on pushing your ass back and keeping the bar on your legs will hit the shit out of your lats.
One negative of my current home gym setup is no cables. I could use bands but I've found them not to be as good on certain exercises (mostly ones that need resistance at the start of the movement to get results)

J. Bravo

does nitric oxide really work for keeping your pump going? I want to look like a i have a pump during waking hours, but until I get to that point size wise, jw if anyone has experience with nitric oxide.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lats? All I do are lots of pullups (both bw & weighted), bent over rows, and DLs. I'm fairly content saying lats are probably my strongest body part too.


One negative of my current home gym setup is no cables. I could use bands but I've found them not to be as good on certain exercises (mostly ones that need resistance at the start of the movement to get results)

That and a glute-ham bench are the two things I would add to mine if I had the money and space. :/
Lats? All I do are lots of pullups (both bw & weighted), bent over rows, and DLs. I'm fairly content saying lats are probably my strongest body part too.

I'm struggling to even find them. Supposedly I've got reasonable numbers on exercises that involve them, but they've certainly got no size on me.


does nitric oxide really work for keeping your pump going? I want to look like a i have a pump during waking hours, but until I get to that point size wise, jw if anyone has experience with nitric oxide.

Never heard of it. The little I've read just now kinda makes it seem like another bogus supplement.

Just curl everything in sight at all times. Instant pump


there is joy in sucking dick
I'm struggling to even find them. Supposedly I've got reasonable numbers on exercises that involve them, but they've certainly got no size on me.

Maybe make sure each exercise is activating the lats, then maintain that concentration. I know it's easy to let other muscles take over when it comes to lats.
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