My legs are so huge they play a part in pants selection, i know how I feel about having big muscular legs, but if someone is working out with the intention of impressing someone with their looks, it might work against them. That is why the whole culture of leg day skipping is hilarious, people have different goals. I'm all for it, but if someone has decided they don't care for big strong legs, that's also fine with me.
but people are allowed to have opinions, and mine is that thin legs with huge upper bodies are not aesthetic and that's all I meant, what people's goals are is their business and can do as they please.
the same with the steroid guy, from what I've seen around, bad use of steroids (people who want the shortcut, that's what I meant with non-athletes) leads to muscled but rather ugly bodies, again in my very own personal opinion and from what I've seen.
what I meant is that people who have had a life as athletes (look at all those bodies in high impact competing sports) are aesthetic with or without PEDs, they look great. This is something I believe no matter the nature of the juice they take.
you say that I can't possibly know, like, surely there's people I find aesthetic and are mostly on PEDs and sitting on their asses curling for a bit and letting the PEDs do the work, and there are muscled but ugly bodies that bust their asses working out and are natty, sure that exists, the posibilities are endless but I have commented on what I have seen. and that steroid guy was a clear example that reinforced my opinion.