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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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After the first year of lifting the only opinion that matters is your own.

My legs are built for purpose, and if my wife doesn't like them, tough shit. :D

My legs are so huge they play a part in pants selection, i know how I feel about having big muscular legs, but if someone is working out with the intention of impressing someone with their looks, it might work against them. That is why the whole culture of leg day skipping is hilarious, people have different goals. I'm all for it, but if someone has decided they don't care for big strong legs, that's also fine with me.


the piano man
My legs are so huge they play a part in pants selection, i know how I feel about having big muscular legs, but if someone is working out with the intention of impressing someone with their looks, it might work against them. That is why the whole culture of leg day skipping is hilarious, people have different goals. I'm all for it, but if someone has decided they don't care for big strong legs, that's also fine with me.

but people are allowed to have opinions, and mine is that thin legs with huge upper bodies are not aesthetic and that's all I meant, what people's goals are is their business and can do as they please.

the same with the steroid guy, from what I've seen around, bad use of steroids (people who want the shortcut, that's what I meant with non-athletes) leads to muscled but rather ugly bodies, again in my very own personal opinion and from what I've seen.

what I meant is that people who have had a life as athletes (look at all those bodies in high impact competing sports) are aesthetic with or without PEDs, they look great. This is something I believe no matter the nature of the juice they take.

you say that I can't possibly know, like, surely there's people I find aesthetic and are mostly on PEDs and sitting on their asses curling for a bit and letting the PEDs do the work, and there are muscled but ugly bodies that bust their asses working out and are natty, sure that exists, the posibilities are endless but I have commented on what I have seen. and that steroid guy was a clear example that reinforced my opinion.
you say that I can't possibly know, like, surely there's people I find aesthetic and are mostly on PEDs and sitting on their asses curling for a bit and letting the PEDs do the work, and there are muscled but ugly bodies that bust their asses working out and are natty, sure that exists, the posibilities are endless but I have commented on what I have seen. and that steroid guy was a clear example that reinforced my opinion.

Selection bias is a hell of a thing.
I can't bulk one more day. I'm done. I maxed today on squat and bench and I'm just taking my 550 DL from a few weeks back.

Here's my 500lb squat:


That felt good so I went for 510. I got it but it was a struggle. Also was told after the fact that it's a 50lb bar so I guess they are 505 and 515 but I'm counting it as 45 pounder.


Here's my 375 bench. I told him not to touch unless I start coming down but he didn't listen. I was getting this anyway so I'm counting it!


Awesome job man. Gotta find better bros to spot though.


I can't bulk one more day. I'm done. I maxed today on squat and bench and I'm just taking my 550 DL from a few weeks back.

Here's my 500lb squat:


That felt good so I went for 510. I got it but it was a struggle. Also was told after the fact that it's a 50lb bar so I guess they are 505 and 515 but I'm counting it as 45 pounder.


Here's my 375 bench. I told him not to touch unless I start coming down but he didn't listen. I was getting this anyway so I'm counting it!


I always impressed with you, Cooter. I also almost equally impressed at the your goddamn shiny gym. The bright yellow equipment with your red belt and shoes. What ya gonna when Cootermania runs wild on you?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Yeah I know the spotters are terrible. That's all I had to work with unfortunately. Even more frustrating when you give them detailed instructions and they don't follow them.

Day 1 of this cut. I decided to drop to 2800 for a week. Followed by 2200 for another week and then down to my normal 1800-2000 range. I'm really in no rush and even these first 2 weeks under 3000 will warrant solid results.


Neo Member
What are you guys opinions on wrist straps?
Starting to get in the 300s for my DL reps and getting to hold the bar is becoming a problem.
For some reason I've always had a slightly negative impression of straps, and I'm not even sure why.
Is grip strength training worthwhile? or am I being silly?
What are you guys opinions on wrist straps?
Starting to get in the 300s for my DL reps and getting to hold the bar is becoming a problem.
For some reason I've always had a slightly negative impression of straps, and I'm not even sure why.
Is grip strength training worthwhile? or am I being silly?
get chalk

train with plate pinches, static holds, or even farmers walks
What are you guys opinions on wrist straps?
Starting to get in the 300s for my DL reps and getting to hold the bar is becoming a problem.
For some reason I've always had a slightly negative impression of straps, and I'm not even sure why.
Is grip strength training worthwhile? or am I being silly?

I personally don't like straps. I would rather use chalk and do movements that help with grip (something like farmer walks and so on). Depends on what your going for in the gym really.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Straps serve a purpose. I use them for hi rep exercises like shrugs and RDLs where grip isn't a focus. For DL mixed grip with chalk is the way to go.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What are you guys opinions on wrist straps?
Starting to get in the 300s for my DL reps and getting to hold the bar is becoming a problem.
For some reason I've always had a slightly negative impression of straps, and I'm not even sure why.
Is grip strength training worthwhile? or am I being silly?

I rarely use straps anymore. I used to use them for higher rep work, but stopped that. I only use them now when I'm using snatch grip

Like anything, nothing is inherently wrong with them, so long as you use them correctly.
Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Yeah I know the spotters are terrible. That's all I had to work with unfortunately. Even more frustrating when you give them detailed instructions and they don't follow them.

Day 1 of this cut. I decided to drop to 2800 for a week. Followed by 2200 for another week and then down to my normal 1800-2000 range. I'm really in no rush and even these first 2 weeks under 3000 will warrant solid results.

You should read this:


J. Bravo

Do this quick and dirty shoulder routine before work since I can do it at home with my dumb bells, and wow. I have a trap pump. it's awesome haha. nothing yall would notice but I can definitely tell. never had a trap pump before.


He never said to buy the book though lol. I'm fairly certain you can find a PDF of the book floating around on the Internet to read.

J. Bravo

fuck it idc. edited face because I was making a goofy face to flex my traps lol. Anyways not much of a pump but I'm enjoying it. Also it's getting about time to cut....another month eating and lifting big perhaps. oh and I apologize for the attire. that's just what I chill in between school and work :p

Sounds like I'll be getting fat for a lot longer than most here. That said, I had more need to actually put some muscle on in the first place. :D

Will be July before I'm slimming down again I reckon. Well, that or like, 10kg above where I am now if I get things wrong.

J. Bravo

Sounds like I'll be getting fat for a lot longer than most here. That said, I had more need to actually put some muscle on in the first place. :D

Will be July before I'm slimming down again I reckon. Well, that or like, 10kg above where I am now if I get things wrong.

I need a lot more muscle too but I'm not letting that stop me from getting shredded for the summer months :p the girls i'm tryin to get with just want athletic, lean, sinewy mofos. Plus I'll look bigger anyways.

end goal is to be yoked. just a big monster at like 15% bf. easily maintainable and still awesome looking.
I need a lot more muscle too but I'm not letting that stop me from getting shredded for the summer months :p the girls i'm tryin to get with just want athletic, lean, sinewy mofos. Plus I'll look bigger anyways.
I'm married, so no-one really cared what I look like any more.

Not entirely convinced the missus would approve of me looking good for the girls. :D


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?
Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?

While the barbell bench is good for overall upper body mass building, it is not great for building a chest (especially if you benchpowerlifter style) unless you are naturally chest dominant. Dumbbells will give you more chest activation than the barbell.
Can anyone give me benching tips. I almost never feel it in my chest? Feel my triceps working more than anything. Why is that?

The form that is described in Starting Strength really helped me. The most important part is the bar path, it is not exactly 90 degrees. If you feel it in your triceps too much I would suspect that either you're going way towards your navel at the bottom or not exactly above the shoulders at the top.

It could also be that your triceps are underdeveloped, are you doing any accessory exercises?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
While the barbell bench is good for overall upper body mass building, it is not great for building a chest (especially if you benchpowerlifter style) unless you are naturally chest dominant. Dumbbells will give you more chest activation than the barbell.

Even with dumbbells I rarely feel a chest pump. Even dips don't give me a chest pump.

I must be doing something wrong, althoug I've always had a lagging chest.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Deads felt like shit today. Did 545 for 3 singles and it was slow as hell. Moved to sumo and accessory work. Rows are strong and snatch grip Romanian dead is getting better.

Sumo dead 495x1, barbell row 335x4, 315x9, snatchgrip Romanian 365x5 and what turned into a snatchgrip desdlift 405x1.



Deads felt like shit today. Did 545 for 3 singles and it was slow as hell. Moved to sumo and accessory work. Rows are strong and snatch grip Romanian dead is getting better.

Sumo dead 495x1, barbell row 335x4, 315x9, snatchgrip Romanian 365x5 and what turned into a snatchgrip desdlift 405x1.


Jesus, dude...you're strong as hell. Newcomers should watch your form, especially on DL.


Had really awesome work out today. I am just thinking I really need to add more weights on my squats. Now I do 4-5 sets of ten with 10 kilos / 22 pounds bar (meaning I do 40-50 squats twice a week). We have 15 kilos / 33 pounds bar there as well, but that would require me to use it on a squat rack since I wouldn't want to lift it from the ground to my shoulders/back. With lower weight that hasn't been an issue. I am still somewhat hesitant to go up, even though I know I should. I just don't want annoy other people's work outs with being a noobie on the squat rack.

Also today I was somewhat annoyed. I went to do bench press since the bench was empty. Well, after couple minutes I was nearly ready and this lady comes shouting to me that she was using it and I should leave. I politely explained to her that the gym was full and she was doing lunges when I came and there wasn't even any weights on the bar. If she would have nicely explained that she was there a while back and could we share the bench I would have been fine by it. Now I decided to be an asshole and did extra sets. You just can't reserve a place like that and do something else.

2AdEPT, welcome. And whoa. That was a wall of text. I did read all of it, but I most likely didn't follow everything. Might need to give it another shot after a proper night sleep.

I am in awe. I have always loved that kind of body weight work outs and really admire the body control some people have. Absolutely splendid! <3

I can't bulk one more day. I'm done. I maxed today on squat and bench and I'm just taking my 550 DL from a few weeks back.

Here's my 500lb squat:


That felt good so I went for 510. I got it but it was a struggle. Also was told after the fact that it's a 50lb bar so I guess they are 505 and 515 but I'm counting it as 45 pounder.


Here's my 375 bench. I told him not to touch unless I start coming down but he didn't listen. I was getting this anyway so I'm counting it!

All that was truly awesome! Congratulations!
I am so looking forward to see you shirtless after a bit of a cut. I don't say that it is the sole reason why I am in this thread, but it might be a small factor... ;)

Why do you guys think I'm still going to the gym? For my health?
I love your comments nearly as much as I love pics of Cooter without a shirt. <3

fuck it idc. edited face because I was making a goofy face to flex my traps lol. Anyways not much of a pump but I'm enjoying it. Also it's getting about time to cut....another month eating and lifting big perhaps. oh and I apologize for the attire. that's just what I chill in between school and work :p
That doesn't look at all bad. :p Yet you better share us summer pics as well though!

Deads felt like shit today. Did 545 for 3 singles and it was slow as hell. Moved to sumo and accessory work. Rows are strong and snatch grip Romanian dead is getting better.

Sumo dead 495x1, barbell row 335x4, 315x9, snatchgrip Romanian 365x5 and what turned into a snatchgrip desdlift 405x1.

You are a machine!

Also that gym looks so empty it makes me jealous.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Nice to see the strenf gainz fitgaf! :)

Had a good day today doing squats. Usually I would feel the adductors, 7-8" inches of my inner thigh, strain during the concentric phase but today it was minimal. I was only going to do 395 on my top set but felt good and did 405 instead...

385/395/405/385/385 x 5


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
***WARNING...Incoming half naked man***

Here's my post bulk progress pic. This is what happens when you eat 4,000 calories for 3 months. I'm 215 here which puts me 40lbs heavier than 3 months ago. Jesus!

Even with dumbbells I rarely feel a chest pump. Even dips don't give me a chest pump.

I must be doing something wrong, althoug I've always had a lagging chest.

Bench press targets your chest, triceps, and your shoulders. Feeling it in one of those muscles over your chest doesn't really mean your doing it wrong. It just depends on your physiology.

If you want to feel it in your chest more, try pre-exhausting the pec muscles with either dumbbell flyes, cable crossovers, or the Pec Deck machine.
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