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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Absolutely spendid meeting with the work physiotherapist today! He was very nice and extremely professional, he also lifts so he understood my concerns about free weights and what not. He said I can most likely start to do them later on on autumn. He also checked my squatting form, went through my whole gym programm, showed me what stretches I need to do daily, said me to skip some things I have been doing that are bad for my back and just generally was über awesome. Yay! ^_^

Looking forward to hearing about your back being at 100%. Keep up that positive attitude.

I see a lot of talk of people here munching on almonds. Is it better to get them blanched or unblanched? I'm guessing the latter, but it doesn't hurt to check.

Unblanched. Blanched are usually used in cooking. There's not a ton of difference nutritionally if you're looking at just the macros but the skin of the almond is also where most of the flavonoids come from. Not to mention it adds quite a bit to the flavor.


Boy is it tough to keep up with workouts and diet when life gets thrown into turmoil. With me and my girl breaking up this last month after 5 years, I've been attempting to still make it to the gym, eat right, and get myself packed up and moved all while dealing with the stress. Didn't fall off the wagon entirely as I still made it to the gym 3 days a week instead of 4, but my diet sure went to shit from stress eating.

Guess I should be happy my lifts are still increasing on 5/3/1 though, but with the surplus I've been downing they damn well should be!

It happens to the best of us. After losing 100 pounds, I spent ten years in great shape, exercising every single day. Three years ago my son was born, I went back to school, and worked fulltime. I didn't have time to work out, and my diet eventually went downhill. I gained 40 pounds over the past three years. And now that everything is back to normal, I'm ready to get back in shape again.
Unblanched. Blanched are usually used in cooking. There's not a ton of difference nutritionally if you're looking at just the macros but the skin of the almond is also where most of the flavonoids come from. Not to mention it adds quite a bit to the flavor.

Pretty much what I thought. Thanks.
Deff gonna indulge this weekend

Friday - Drinking vodka all day. Won't eat anything but protein shakes, eggs, PB and veggies

Saturday - Same as Friday. Going to eat as little as possible so I can drink

Sunday - Ending it with a killer cheat day. Not going to track a single calorie and I am going all out. I don't care if I eat 5K calories.
I have found that adding in a small amount of cardio does make a real impact layered over a weight training regimen. Even 20 minutes of hiit twice a week helps noticeably with managing fat.

That being said it impacts your recovery so may slow strength gains in the gym. Balancing act for me!
Oh I will always advocate cardio over none, but if you aren't seeing yourself lose fat even with cardio in your routine it's your diet that's the problem.

I do cardio 5 days a week just because it's how my routine works. I walk on an incline at a moderate pace for 30 mins 3 days a week, and then 15 minutes of HIIT cycling 2 days a week. I also don't drive ANYWHERE and walk/cycle quite a bit throughout the day. (I live in Oklahoma also.)


ughh developed chostocondritis some how, all started around when I released my pectoralis minor. Anybody ever dealth with this :-/

Yeah, my friend had costochondritis. He had to stop lifting for close to 10 months and recent eased himself back to lifting. There were days that the chest pain was at a minimum and then the next day it would hurt a lot. It'll take a while before you can go back into the gym based on the accounts I've read and heard.

And thanks for the answer Soka. I was trying to get an idea when I should move from SS to 5/3/1 or another program.


3x225 lbs squat form check: http://youtu.be/0eDV2yn3ZFg

Any advice greatly appreciated. As always, I'm happy to do a full deload if needed to improve my form. This was my last set for my 3s day of 5/3/1.

looks good

I was entertained by the woman in the back doing some weird french press/tricep extension combo for like 50% ROM and like 5 reps while wearing gloves
I have found that adding in a small amount of cardio does make a real impact layered over a weight training regimen. Even 20 minutes of hiit twice a week helps noticeably with managing fat.

That being said it impacts your recovery so may slow strength gains in the gym. Balancing act for me!
Yeah, gains get tougher for me, especially with the rather strict diet.
My routine for 9 months now was one part cardio and another part anaerobic muscle training (with splits). I work out every second day.
Lost 21 kg/ 46lbs so far. Still need to lose around 8kg to look athletic, I guess .

I always felt fit when I was fat, but it's a whole new feeling today.

The bankruptcy because of a new wardrobe is fantastic... So far.
I'm not buying new clothes (I'm back in some of the ones I wore 10 years ago ;). Especially given I'm planning on bulking quite a lot after I'm done with this phase.
I worded that wrongly.

What I meant is, muscle weighs more than fat per volume, so don't be alarmed if your weight is going up. Your waist may be shrinking, even if your weight doesn't go down dramatically.

Just noticed this-

Thanks. I actually thought that it is taken for granted what I meant was by volume.

Right. I know it is a dumb thing for me to bring up but a lot of people do not think in this way. Sorry, I wasn't trying to come off as condescending or anything. Just didn't want people misinformed.


Yeah, gains get tougher for me, especially with the rather strict diet.
My routine for 9 months now was one part cardio and another part anaerobic muscle training (with splits). I work out every second day.
Lost 21 kg/ 46lbs so far. Still need to lose around 8kg to look athletic, I guess .

I always felt fit when I was fat, but it's a whole new feeling today.

The bankruptcy because of a new wardrobe is fantastic... So far.
Seriously splendid work for losing that much! You must feel awesome!

I can imagine the hit to the wallet though. Yesterday I was trying on my jackets and none of them fitted. I have lost only around 11 kilos / 24 pounds in the last four months and every single one of my jackets is a bit big for me. At your situation you must have basicly just bought all new clothes.

Oh I will always advocate cardio over none, but if you aren't seeing yourself lose fat even with cardio in your routine it's your diet that's the problem.

I do cardio 5 days a week just because it's how my routine works. I walk on an incline at a moderate pace for 30 mins 3 days a week, and then 15 minutes of HIIT cycling 2 days a week. I also don't drive ANYWHERE and walk/cycle quite a bit throughout the day. (I live in Oklahoma also.)
This is what I do as well. I mainly bike to everywhere and during winters mostly walk. At least keeps my legs toned even if I otherwise wouldn't be. :p

Boy is it tough to keep up with workouts and diet when life gets thrown into turmoil. With me and my girl breaking up this last month after 5 years, I've been attempting to still make it to the gym, eat right, and get myself packed up and moved all while dealing with the stress. Didn't fall off the wagon entirely as I still made it to the gym 3 days a week instead of 4, but my diet sure went to shit from stress eating.

Guess I should be happy my lifts are still increasing on 5/3/1 though, but with the surplus I've been downing they damn well should be!
Awwww, poor babe! I can only imagine how stressful and hard it is for you at the moment. Just do the best you can and give yourself some time as well.

Looking forward to hearing about your back being at 100%. Keep up that positive attitude.
Everything is actually looking rather good so I am being very hopeful. For a short while I was thinking that why on earth I didn't start working out earlier, but then I realized that dammit, stop that - you started now and think how awesome it is after a year to think that thank gods I started. I can't wait to see how my body changes. ^_^ I have been hitting the gym only four months and I am getting more and more enthusiastic about it (I blame you all).

Unblanched. Blanched are usually used in cooking. There's not a ton of difference nutritionally if you're looking at just the macros but the skin of the almond is also where most of the flavonoids come from. Not to mention it adds quite a bit to the flavor.
Oh and when talking about nuts, what is your sweeties opinion about sometimes putting the raw unsalted, unblanched nutty goodies into a hot pan without oil and baking them for a while to have a nicer taste? Does this affect the nutritional value, take away some awesome goodies I would be otherwise having from them or is just basicly the same will I do it or not? I just think it adds more flavour to them. :p

J. Bravo

Just failed incline bench lol. Only 110lbs. Needed 10 and failed on #8. So I got 7. I feel better than I should because I went ham on flat bench just beforehand though.


Hey guys, first post here, inspired by the thread in the OT where the guy said he has a muscular frame but has a hard time reducing belly fat/love handles. I'm pretty much in exactly the same boat, as my legs, arms, back are exactly where I want them but my torso refuses to budge. So, kinda need some help. A couple of questions:

How important is doing a cardio warm up before lifting? Walk or jog?
Is HIIT the way to go? Can someone recommend me a beginner plan? No jogging outside though, fucking hate that.
Do I really have to drop alcohol?
What are your thoughts on many small meals a day to boost the metabolism?

I'd love to give you measurements but don't have them up-to-date at the moment. If need be, I'll get them tomorrow. Thanks!
I've grown to really love the feel and motion of doing incline barbell bench.
I love BB and DB incline about equally, but for different reasons. I like the feel of actually doing DB incline, but for BB I like the feeling after completing a set. If that makes any sense.

Also idk about you, but I can't unrack the bar on incline BB. It's just too heavy for that angle. I always need a lift off, lol.


Oh and when talking about nuts, what is your sweeties opinion about sometimes putting the raw unsalted, unblanched nutty goodies into a hot pan without oil and baking them for a while to have a nicer taste? Does this affect the nutritional value, take away some awesome goodies I would be otherwise having from them or is just basicly the same will I do it or not? I just think it adds more flavour to them. :p

That's my preferred way to eat almonds. You're dry roasting them which shouldn't alter the nutritional value in any meaningful way. If you were to roast them in oil that would alter the nutritional value somewhat, leaching out a slight amount of the vitamins and minerals in addition to adding calories. If you want roasted nuts stick to the dry roasted variety, whether you buy them that way or you make them in your oven or on the stove top. I find those to be the tastiest.


That's my preferred way to eat almonds. You're dry roasting them which shouldn't alter the nutritional value in any meaningful way. If you were to roast them in oil that would alter the nutritional value somewhat, leaching out a slight amount of the vitamins and minerals in addition to adding calories. If you want roasted nuts stick to the dry roasted variety, whether you buy them that way or you make them in your oven or on the stove top. I find those to be the tastiest.

These little packs are pretty awesome: http://sahalesnacks.com/product/california-almonds-sea-salt/


That's my preferred way to eat almonds. You're dry roasting them which shouldn't alter the nutritional value in any meaningful way. If you were to roast them in oil that would alter the nutritional value somewhat, leaching out a slight amount of the vitamins and minerals in addition to adding calories. If you want roasted nuts stick to the dry roasted variety, whether you buy them that way or you make them in your oven or on the stove top. I find those to be the tastiest.
Ok, so it is called dry roasting. I do agree with you that they are the tastiest. Good to hear it doesn't really affect the nutritional value since then I would need to revalue doing it. I eat different nuts and almonds every day so I assume it is still the cheapest to just buy huge packages and roast and mix them myself plain. Then I can add them to quark or eat a small handful with some good spices. :p

I usually have a dry roasting day once in a while and chop them before putting them to the pan. Then they are easily available when I actually need them. :)

Those looks handy if you are on the go and you need something quick to snack to keep yourself going.
Question guys

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired

does the book Starting Strength tell you how you should be doing all these exercises? Also, does it tell you what kind of diet you should maintain? Should I be doing cardio on off days? I don't have access to any gym other than Planet Fitness while I'm at home, and you guys don't seem to recommend that for strength training, so I'll probably spend the next 2 months trying to lose this last 10 - 15 lbs of fat I still have left. When I get back to college though, I have a great gym so I really want to start doing this stuff. Also, are there any alternative exercises to pull ups? I can't do one at the moment :/

any help with what I should be doing for losing this last bit of fat would be great too. I unloaded around 25 lbs by doing cardio for an hour a dayand cutting calories. I've been swimming for half an hour, running for 15 minutes, and doing a bit of lifting at a friends house recently. I'm keeping a low cal diet, but idk what I should be doing. I'm 5'8.5" and 165 lbs btw


Hey Fitness-GAF, long time no lurk.

Just gonna cut to the chase here; I'm 22, skinny, and currently my diet ranges from mediocre to shit due to being a poor student / lazy. I've always been super self-concious about my looks - mostly with any fat (stupid I know considering how I am), lack of muscle etc. When I can be bothered I do run occasionally.. sometimes 12 miles in a week, sometimes 4 miles in the space of a 2 months depending on how I'm feeling.

Well, no longer!

In order to properly motivate myself and finally get my body to where I want it to be, I'm going to start a blog of sorts and keep a decent food, weight & workout diary (daily if I can) and I'd very much appreciate any tips for a complete gym / diet noob such as myself. I would say my general goal is to gain muscle mass with some definition.. I'll probably end up posting the link here when I'm a few weeks in.

This is me now. A blank canvas of sorts. I know there are one or two gaffers out there that know me anyway, but this is the first time I've uploaded anything like this so for now I am faceless.


Hey guys, first post here, inspired by the thread in the OT where the guy said he has a muscular frame but has a hard time reducing belly fat/love handles. I'm pretty much in exactly the same boat, as my legs, arms, back are exactly where I want them but my torso refuses to budge. So, kinda need some help. A couple of questions:

How important is doing a cardio warm up before lifting? Walk or jog?
Is HIIT the way to go? Can someone recommend me a beginner plan? No jogging outside though, fucking hate that.
Do I really have to drop alcohol?
What are your thoughts on many small meals a day to boost the metabolism?

I'd love to give you measurements but don't have them up-to-date at the moment. If need be, I'll get them tomorrow. Thanks!

Not important
Up to you
No. Moderation. You can fit it into your macros.
Broscience. Meal timing is bullshit. Just make sure you're meeting your macros.


Hey Fitness-GAF, long time no lurk.

Just gonna cut to the chase here; I'm 22, skinny, and currently my diet ranges from mediocre to shit due to being a poor student / lazy. I've always been super self-concious about my looks - mostly with any fat (stupid I know considering how I am), lack of muscle etc. When I can be bothered I do run occasionally.. sometimes 12 miles in a week, sometimes 4 miles in the space of a 2 months depending on how I'm feeling.

Well, no longer!

In order to properly motivate myself and finally get my body to where I want it to be, I'm going to start a blog of sorts and keep a decent food, weight & workout diary (daily if I can) and I'd very much appreciate any tips for a complete gym / diet noob such as myself. I would say my general goal is to gain muscle mass with some definition.. I'll probably end up posting the link here when I'm a few weeks in.

This is me now. A blank canvas of sorts. I know there are one or two gaffers out there that know me anyway, but this is the first time I've uploaded anything like this so for now I am faceless.

1. Read the OP.
2. If you're looking for a purely strength based novice template do SS. If you're looking for something with more aesthetics in mind do Grayskull LP. Do them EXACTLY as prescribed. Exactly. GSLP has room in it for endurance work, although looking at you, honestly, ya don't need it.
3. Use the OP to find the macros you need to eat. Eat them every day. Try not to flood yourself with too much shit. Avoid doing GOMAD unless you ABSOLUTELY have no other option. (Others will disagree, see what they post).
4. Do SS or GSLP for, like, six months.
5. Look better and be stronger.
6. Play a circuit at 150cc of Mario Kart 8 as Daisy on days you are too tired to work out.. You will place 4th on the last race after 3 first places. Your rage will get you through any workout.

Not important
Up to you
No. Moderation. You can fit it into your macros.
Broscience. Meal timing is bullshit. Just make sure you're meeting your macros.

To add:

1. A 500m casual row or a light bike ride for 5 mins is good for just raising your body temperature. Your best warm up is gradually getting to your working sets, however.
2. HIIT, generally, is better from an aesthetic standpoint versus LSD due to the way various fibers develop. But honestly, that's not not a big deal until you really are on a cut.
3. I'd cut alcohol completely if you really are serious about your lifting and looks goal. Yes, everything in moderation. However, alcohol interferes with protein synthesis which is counterproductive to the goal of developing muscle tissue.
4. Multiple meals per day have been shown to have the barest of minimum impacts towards development. Some people find it easier to get all their food in throughout the day, some people really like intermittent fasting, some people do 3 squares and are able to meet it. The calories in are more important than the timing. Get the important stuff down first then worry about timing.
BroTip- If you guys are planning on drinking and partying all weekend, make sure it's clear. Vodka is the way to go. Lowest in calories and carbs. If you want to dilute it even more than add in some club soda.

This will also dehydrate you, making you look shredded as fuck in the morning to hit the beach or pool.


BroTip- If you guys are planning on drinking and partying all weekend, make sure it's clear. Vodka is the way to go. Lowest in calories and carbs. If you want to dilute it even more than add in some club soda.

This will also dehydrate you, making you look shredded as fuck in the morning to hit the beach or pool.

Get drunk, not fat.

Best site for those who are looking to get wasted and not get chubby.
3. I'd cut alcohol completely if you really are serious about your lifting and looks goal. Yes, everything in moderation. However, alcohol interferes with protein synthesis which is counterproductive to the goal of developing muscle tissue.

Best bet for most people that wont completely cut out alcohol is keeping it to only a day or two a week. Unless you're competing then you're not going to notice the difference that way (some studies that state that moderate drinking doesn't affect recovery / performance anyway), and you get to lead a relatively normal life.


Best bet for most people that wont completely cut out alcohol is keeping it to only a day or two a week. Unless you're competing then you're not going to notice the difference that way (some studies that state that moderate drinking doesn't affect recovery / performance anyway), and you get to lead a relatively normal life.

Beer shits will just make you lose gains


Gotta drink Natty if you are natty, ya heard?

If I'm looking for a cheap buzz I'm going Miller Lite or The Beast Ice. All other light beers are shit IMO. Miller if I'm gonna tolerate the taste, the beast if I'm just trying to get sloshed.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I'm starting to lose weight, and I'm noticing I've got veins everywhere, big, bulging spider webbed veins. I've seen bodybuilders have discussions about how to increase the appearance of vascularity, but is there any way to decrease it?


Sigh my tummy hurts again... Not going to jump around. I'm going to just use my weights and do sitting reps on my arms for like...the entire night though.

Also don't think I'm going to eat any dinner. Bleh.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm starting to lose weight, and I'm noticing I've got veins everywhere, big, bulging spider webbed veins. I've seen bodybuilders have discussions about how to increase the appearance of vascularity, but is there any way to decrease it?
Yeah. Give some to FE.
I am fairly confident blood pressure plays a factor in veinyness. Higher BP = more pressure on the walls of your veins/arteries = more expanded veins. Not saying you have to have high/unhealthy blood pressure to see veins, just that it plays a factor, so if you have abnormally low BP you may never see any.
I felt guilty enough for laughing at Cooter's post, but now I feel even worse for laughing at this follow-up. Genetics truly are a bitch sometimes.
:mad: I have friends with way higher BF% and still have throbbing bicep veins of awesome.

I have to be sub 10% and even then it's the width of a toothpick.


Question guys

does the book Starting Strength tell you how you should be doing all these exercises? Also, does it tell you what kind of diet you should maintain? Should I be doing cardio on off days? I don't have access to any gym other than Planet Fitness while I'm at home, and you guys don't seem to recommend that for strength training, so I'll probably spend the next 2 months trying to lose this last 10 - 15 lbs of fat I still have left. When I get back to college though, I have a great gym so I really want to start doing this stuff. Also, are there any alternative exercises to pull ups? I can't do one at the moment :/

any help with what I should be doing for losing this last bit of fat would be great too. I unloaded around 25 lbs by doing cardio for an hour a dayand cutting calories. I've been swimming for half an hour, running for 15 minutes, and doing a bit of lifting at a friends house recently. I'm keeping a low cal diet, but idk what I should be doing. I'm 5'8.5" and 165 lbs btw

Yes, the book goes in to painstaking detail on how to do these exercises. It gives you all the info you could ever need. 95% of the book is dedicated in explaining the exercises.

It says to eat a lot of food and suggests GOMAD. I would enough to recover but GOMAD isn't for you. Just eat a lot but not too much. Lots of protein and try to keep it clean-ish. Don't eat too much junk.

Cardio is not recommended in most cases because it usually impairs recovery. Maybe some walking if you really wanna do something but you probably shouldn't.

You can't really do SS at Planet Fitness and if there's no other gyms around then it might be better to just focus on losing fat and doing some bodyweight stuff in the meantime. Or/and just keep lifting at your friends house. Maybe practice the lifts with a broom and focus on improving your mobility if you have issues with it.

Chin ups are easier than pull ups but if you can't do either then lat pulldowns are an option. Or if you have some kind of assisted pull up machine in the gym. But once you can do even one clean rep you're good to go. Losing BF ought to help also.

Diet-wise it would help to know what you're doing now aside from the cardio. Usual advice is to keep calories at a level you lose fat at an approriate rate, eat lots of protein, lower your carbs, cut out all crap from your diet etc.. Maybe look in to HIIT instead of doing an hour of "normal" cardio every day.
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