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Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: clean-up begins)


I'm completely ignorant on the science behind Hurricanes but...

It's now a Cat 2, but could it strengthen on its way up the coast?

That's not to downplay its potential as a Cat 2 of course.

I am not an expert either, but my understanding is that the turn onto land makes that unlikely. Hurricanes gather strength over water, and lose strength over land. It seems like with this turn it will now largely be over land as it heads North, meaning it should only get weaker.

Again, just a layman's understanding.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.
"...if they really need to..."

So when would that be? When it's on top of them?


The current weakening should save Tampa from getting wrecked. There will still be a significant storm surge, but it shouldn't be at the 9ft levels.


Its not the boy who cried wolf. I understand for some of you, may be disappointed or think that it was overhyped.

But, you are not who are not living and breathing this storm, those of you whose family, loved one, history, job, and possessions are not in danger, who have not slept properly in days preparing for the worst case, those of you who simply cannot have any perspective, you are the ones who were overhyped. The rest of us knew what was possible. Please stop, your ignorance is damaging.

I took all necessary precautions - no regrets, this is a blessing. A Cat 4/5 landfalling in Tampa, which was well within the scope of possibilities would have been Katrina catastrophic. So please, stfu.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.
Boo fucking hoo.

You aren't the one hundreds of miles from home wondering if it will still be there when you come back.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.

Perhaps you should have lost your home and life instead.

The idiocy of some people in this thread is completely mind boggling.


Let us know when you have a machine that can predict the future with 100% accuracy

I mean if they did, do you think they would be crying on GAF about some fucking money they didn't make.

They probably don't even have machine that can tell them about the past with 100% accuracy if they expect nothing in Florida to ever be shut down by a hurricane.
I'm completely ignorant on the science behind Hurricanes but...

It's now a Cat 2, but could it strengthen on its way up the coast?

That's not to downplay its potential as a Cat 2 of course.

She started committing suicide the moment she hit land in FL. They become weaker and weaker while traveling through land.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.

I'm sure people who lose their house will weep for you.

Seriously, if this makes you so upset, leave Florida. Because, while you stay, it seems like your choice is to either lose a little money and time over nothing or lose a lot of money in time over something.


Its not the boy who cried wolf. I understand for some of you, may be disappointed or think that it was overhyped.

But, you are not who are not living and breathing this storm, those of you whose family, loved one, history, job, and possessions are not in danger, who have not slept properly in days preparing for the worst case, those of you who simply cannot have any perspective, you are the ones who were overhyped. The rest of us knew what was possible. Please stop, your ignorance is damaging.

I took all necessary precautions - no regrets, this is a blessing. A Cat 4/5 landfalling in Tampa, which was well within the scope of possibilities would have been Katrina catastrophic. So please, stfu.

This x1000. I couldn't even sleep well last night because I was afraid to wake up to news of complete destruction of most of Florida, and hearing that it was to be coming my way soon after. It's easy to downplay when you've never experienced a bad hurricane yourself.


I take any hurricane very seriously because Andrew tore a hole in my house and I lived without power or water for 5 weeks. The argument that "the last time nothing happened, so I'm not gonna believe the government " is a fools argument. Hurricanes aren't something to fuck around with.

Same thing happened to me after Andrew. It's part of the reason I moved away, much as I love the Keys and will always consider it to be my home.
I honestly believe the whole hurricane was a false flag operation by the government to see how fast we can all evacuate a state when they invade with their black helicopters.
There's pictures of Barbuda being destroyed, Key West being submerged, and Miami losing roofs. People will just be happy that it didn't happen to them. No one is going to think this was some phantom storm that people made up and they don't have to worry about the next one.

You'd be surprised.
Some people are monumentally obtuse.

"If it didn't affect me, it wasn't really a big deal."
"Pictures? Video? First-hand accounts? Fakenews"

(To be clear, I'm not saying that proper warning shouldn't be given. I'm just saying that some people are really obtuse).


Boo fucking hoo.

You aren't the one hundreds of miles from home wondering if it will still be there when you come back.

Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.
As a very recent exflorida resident, the fuck are these people who are saying the storm was over hyped? Did you not see what that storm did to cuba and the bahamas? We mostly lucked out, but that's still what it was. Luck. Even as it is there are still going to be a lot of people going home without a home to return to.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.

If I tell 10 people there is a 10% chance they will die if they don't leave their house, and only one dies, should the other 9 people be angry that their houses didn't explode and kill them?


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

So you're saying wait until the storm is literally on top of people and it's too late to do anything?

As a very recent exflorida resident, the fuck are these people who are saying the storm was over hyped? Did you not see what that storm did to cuba and the bahamas? We mostly lucked out, but that's still what it was. Luck. Even as it is there are still going to be a lot of people going home without a home to return to.
People do not understand probability or scientific prediction. They just fucking don't. It's kind of crazy how bad our education system is that they don't, but I guess that's reality...
Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

The worst of the storm has yet to hit Tampa and Central Florida.


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

Nobody would be coming out to eat in your restaurant in a middle of a severe storm anyway. You're acting like a Cat 2 still can't do damage like wtf


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

Go be a 1st responder you'll get paid all the way through this thing. Problem solved, your welcome.


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.
As of yesterday evening we were still set to have a Cat 3 move right over the fucking bay. Fuck your rent check, 26 years of my parent's livelihood is on the fucking line right now.


They probably use the worst scenario for their decisions. The alternative is saying "it will be OK" and hundreds of people dying if it happens to come out worse.

They don't. They attempt to forecast all storms accurately with the current level of understanding on how weather systems work. The problem is there is still a shit ton we don't know.

The NOAA forecast Irma to continue to weaken, instead it strengthened into a CAT 4 from a CAT 3. Their official statement was that Cuba killed it and it was unlikely to re-strengthen.


So you're saying wait until the storm is literally on top of people and it's too late to do anything?

Give like three days not a week, and not have the Governor, CNN and Fox all telling everyone every three minutes if you don't leave you will die, that's super over the top.
Its not the boy who cried wolf. I understand for some of you, may be disappointed or think that it was overhyped.

But, you are not who are not living and breathing this storm, those of you whose family, loved one, history, job, and possessions are not in danger, who have not slept properly in days preparing for the worst case, those of you who simply cannot have any perspective, you are the ones who were overhyped. The rest of us knew what was possible. Please stop, your ignorance is damaging.

I took all necessary precautions - no regrets, this is a blessing. A Cat 4/5 landfalling in Tampa, which was well within the scope of possibilities would have been Katrina catastrophic. So please, stfu.

Thank you for this post. My family hasn't slept in days in anticipation for this storm. People fighting in Lowe's for lumber, gas cans nowhere to be found, its just been a crazy week. When they announced that Tampa could be hit by a Cat 4/5, we backed bags and gtfo. We got out of Tampa yesterday afternoon, and we have no idea what we'll find once we return to a house we literally just closed on 72 hours ago. Just glad we're safe. Been playing Destiny 2 on a crap Hotel flatscreen to keep my mind off of things.


I mean in my opinion yes, the news and government officials whipped everyone into a frenzy and now nothing. Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.

They aren't actually predictable in that way.

The logical conclusion of what you are saying is: don't ever warn or evacuate anyone, don't ever close down workplaces, just let what happens happen.
Not to mention a lot of people myself included lost a week's worth of pay which will be damaging enough to our bills. Sure get people to evacuate if they really need to but this has turned into the second storm where I've lost time and money over nothing.

Would you have preferred to lose personal property and have physical injury?
Damn some of the fucked up bullshit in the recent pages. It is a blessing that Irma isn't what she could have been in Florida. This could have been so much worse, and yes it was right to prepare.
Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

I like how you're saying this when Tampa is still going to get hit with a Cat 2 hurricane.

I'm sorry about your work situation, but Tampa is still getting hit with a hurricane and should have prepared the same way it did.


Its not the boy who cried wolf. I understand for some of you, may be disappointed or think that it was overhyped.

But, you are not who are not living and breathing this storm, those of you whose family, loved one, history, job, and possessions are not in danger, who have not slept properly in days preparing for the worst case, those of you who simply cannot have any perspective, you are the ones who were overhyped. The rest of us knew what was possible. Please stop, your ignorance is damaging.

I took all necessary precautions - no regrets, this is a blessing. A Cat 4/5 landfalling in Tampa, which was well within the scope of possibilities would have been Katrina catastrophic. So please, stfu.

Exactly. Thank you. It's easy to sit back and talk that kind of dumb shit when you aren't living through this.
Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way.

Shouldn't you be blaming the people trying to exploit you during a natural disaster rather than getting mad at some weather?


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.
Then just stay behind and work in your restaurant. You can tell your boss that you toughed it out and deserve some pay. He/She'll be as bewildered as the rest of us are at your responses in this thread.


As a very recent exflorida resident, the fuck are these people who are saying the storm was over hyped? Did you not see what that storm did to cuba and the bahamas? We mostly lucked out, but that's still what it was. Luck. Even as it is there are still going to be a lot of people going home without a home to return to.

it's like saying it was nothing because your house is fine even though your neighbor's house is a pile of wood and nails.


Nope I'm one of the many people in my restaurant that lost out on tons of hours this week which could mess up my rent check, hell could put me out of a house either way. I can guarantee some of my coworkers will lose their apartments due to a loss of pay. I'm simply saying don't whip the entire state into a frenzy. Miami and other places sure but there is no need to have shut down Central Florida or Tampa at this point.

Maybe wait until Irma has finished hitting Central Florida and Tampa before coming to any conclusions.


Coral Springs here, almost all the trees are down and the lakes are overflowing. it's still windy here but I'm more worried about the rising lake...
I am not an expert either, but my understanding is that the turn onto land makes that unlikely. Hurricanes gather strength over water, and lose strength over land. It seems like with this turn it will now largely be over land as it heads North, meaning it should only get weaker.

Again, just a layman's understanding.

Cool. That's good.

Might just be the constant news coverage and the thread here (and because I live somewhere where extreme weather consists of an inch of snow every few years), but it's been fascinating to learn/watch the development of this.

That being said, for every bit of fascination there's a load of hope that people heed the warnings and stay safe.

Nature is fucking scary.


It's the boy who cried wolf, except the wolves actually came. He said 8 would be getting into town and only 6 did since two got distracted by a rabbit on the way. They still bit 10 people and tore into 2, but I didn't get bit, so fuck that kid.


A lot of emotional responses and extremes. Early prep/evacuation in stages is necessary, all flood and surge prone areas should have been the ones to warn in the beginning and then progressively inward as the noodle models converged. It's the difference between boarding a plane having everyone rush the gate vs establishing boarding groups. People were fighting over water in my area 5 days out, gas stations drained and I-95 was stop and go, when it could have been easier on everyone with a more progressive evacuation.

If you think Florida can't do better at this than we are currently then just forgive me for probing people the wrong way when I didn't mean it. I've lived in Florida my whole life, I ain't moving and I'm not new to disasters from this shit like it has been implied.


Its not the boy who cried wolf. I understand for some of you, may be disappointed or think that it was overhyped.

But, you are not who are not living and breathing this storm, those of you whose family, loved one, history, job, and possessions are not in danger, who have not slept properly in days preparing for the worst case, those of you who simply cannot have any perspective, you are the ones who were overhyped. The rest of us knew what was possible. Please stop, your ignorance is damaging.

I took all necessary precautions - no regrets, this is a blessing. A Cat 4/5 landfalling in Tampa, which was well within the scope of possibilities would have been Katrina catastrophic. So please, stfu.

Word. It's just disaster porn to some folk.


fort myers here, eye walll approaching

reports are the eyewall takes about 45 minutes to pass through the inner ring, so the worst is coming very soon

still have power and everything is okay right now though, be safe lee county gaf
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