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Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: clean-up begins)


Just saw a couple cars and then someone on a moped traveling down this part of Key West. Cam takes a bit to load but it's a live feed with not much going on atm.


edit: and just saw 3 guys casually riding on their bikes. So maybe this area isn't a direct concern? It says it's in Key West.


Just saw a couple cars and then someone on a moped traveling down this part of Key West. Cam takes a bit to load but it's a live feed with not much going on atm.


The stupid caretakers of the Ernest Hemmingway house decide not to evacuate, not them of the 54 cats. =( Apparently something like 25% of the population there isn't. The whole island is gonna be underwater... why can't they just pack it up and leave? They all had ample time.... people as so goddamn stupid.


Wondering this too. How is this going to fare for Orlando compared to what Charley did? How much worse are we talking?

So are Orlando and South Carolina gonna be spared?


getting restless in orlando tbh
I am so upset right now. I have friends I have known for forever down there on both the east and west side (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and St. Petersburg) they are all refusing to leave. They are saying they "will be fine", "we have a generator". A lot of my friends families are also down there and refuse to leave. They think they will be fine....It just makes me so upset because they've had a whole week of warning and could lose their lives.


How're my Tampa people holding up?

Clearing my backlog of PS4 games before I pack everything into airtight containers.

3-5ft of flood water is predicted in my area, so I have to wedge a big container containing every electronic and PC in my house as close to the ceiling as I can.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
shame we can't stock up on AA batteries to ride this out like back in the day

do you guys think it is way too late to find a weather radio somewhere?

You sorta can, they make adaptors you can use batteries to charge usb devices. But honestly getting one of those storage lithium batteries is your best bet. I have one that will charge my phone twice.

Nervous now. Scared now about the roof being torn off my townhome if this thing doesn't weaken before reaching us Sunday night.

How old is your house, and do you have shutters?

qcf x2

I am so upset right now. I have friends I have known for forever down there on both the east and west side (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and St. Petersburg) they are all refusing to leave. They are saying they "will be fine", "we have a generator". A lot of my friends families are also down there and refuse to leave. They think they will be fine....It just makes me so upset because they've had a whole week of warning and could lose their lives.

It's looking likely that it won't hit Miami directly. A non direct hit is not worth evacuating over unless flooding is an issue. As for St Pete, if it rolls up the west side of FL it will be much weaker by the time it gets there. Not saying everyone is in the clear, but they most likely will be fine.

People talking about wind picking up, where are you? It's calm af.
Cuba is the shield that guards the realms of Publix.

It's looking likely that it won't hit Miami directly. A non direct hit is not worth evacuating over unless flooding is an issue. As for St Pete, if it rolls up the west side of FL it will be much weaker by the time it gets there. Not saying everyone is in the clear, but they most likely will be fine.

People talking about wind picking up, where are you? It's calm af.

do your eyes not work? This system is so big that even if it skirts the mainland entirely, miami is going to see huge rainfall and surge, and that's the best case scenario. If anyone's in miami right now, god speed.
I don't think we will know shit until the hurricane starts making it's supposed sharp turn north. The only sure thing to me right now is that the Keys are screwed. The strength of this storm is so unprecedented, I'm not sure the computer models can accurately predict what this thing will end up doing. But ay, what the hell i know.


It's looking likely that it won't hit Miami directly. A non direct hit is not worth evacuating over unless flooding is an issue. As for St Pete, if it rolls up the west side of FL it will be much weaker by the time it gets there. Not saying everyone is in the clear, but they most likely will be fine.

People talking about wind picking up, where are you? It's calm af.

It's not major wind or anything but the wind has been significant enough to notice trees blowing for the past couple hours here.

qcf x2


do your eyes not work? This system is so big that even if it skirts the mainland entirely, miami is going to see huge rainfall and surge, and that's the best case scenario. If anyone's in miami right now, god speed.

The expected rainfall didn't look that bad, but I mentioned "unless flooding is an issue," in case your eyes don't work...
How're my Tampa people holding up?

/incoming vent rant

At this point I'm much more worried about the aftermath.

Weeks without power is unimaginable with my dad. Having dementia where he watches the same movies every day, if he doesn't get that he screams and hits himself. I'm sure he'll be able to 'understand' for the first day or so, but any more than that and I have no idea what I can do.
Add onto that the lack of AC and water issues (we always have to fight to get him to drink even cold water) and that my mom has extreme anxiety so she's going to be flipping out often.
Then we get to worry about money issues for any home repairs (here's hoping this dinky house can show it's teeth) since we can barely keep up as is.

If this pans out that badly then none of the bad I've been going through these last years will compare to what's to come.
And obviously there's a chance of us all dying if the house gets destroyed, but here's hoping Irma isn't strong enough to do that by the time it reaches here.

I'm not sure I can even hope for much luck with the current path but that's all I can do.


Is it still impossible to leave Miami because of the traffic?

I fired up Google Maps out of curiosity and it says it would only take 32 minutes to hit Jet Blue with usual traffic.


How're my Tampa people holding up?
Fucking terrified for my parent's place. They live in a mobile home, and the further West this storm tracks, the more concerned I get that they will not have a home to return to when this is over. I stopped by today to grab some things that I had still hadn't taken with me when I moved out a few months ago, and my mom was visibly distraught. Luckily they'll be staying with me in my apartment, which is much sturdier than their house, but hopefully it is only for the weekend, and not the next few months.


Tampa area here as well. Watching this thing and waiting until they start sending people in my area (Zone E) to shelters. Luckily there is one like half of a mile (10 min walk) from where I live.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I know gov Mccauliffe has declared a state of emergency for VA, but how much of this storm is expected to hit the commonwealth?


I know gov Mccauliffe has declared a state of emergency for VA, but how much of this storm is expected to hit the commonwealth?

As of current projections, absolutely none.

Edit: as I suspected, he declared it primarily to expedite the process by which VA can provide assistance to other states in the area.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
As of current projections, absolutely none.

Edit: as I suspected, he declared it primarily to expedite the process by which VA can provide assistance to other states in the area.

Okay, phew.
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