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Football Thread 2017/18 |OT| Relegated to Community

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Meanwhile Everton are fucking about with the striker. Still noone strongly linked.

Really liking that Vlašić lad tho, potential Modrić/Kovačić hybrid.

BUY A STRIKER EVERTON. ffs inb4 Okaka.
Bit early to be concrete, but saw a tweet saying Ox is gonna be on £120k a week with us, compared to the £180k Arsenal offered him. Bit of an indictment on Arsenal no? Like the commitment it shows at least.


We have "no money" 😂😂😂

Kill me now.

Bit early to be concrete, but saw a tweet saying Ox is gonna be on £120k a week with us, compared to the £180k Arsenal offered him. Bit of an indictment on Arsenal no? Like the commitment it shows at least.

And Chelsea were apparently offering 200k p/w so there's that as well.

But from what I understand liverpools contracts are heavily weighted towards performance related bonuses these days.


What's the point if they don't buy anyone with that money though ?
Are they even linked with anyone ?

Maybe the will buy VVD with the money they gotten from Liverpool lol. He will improve the team and would be better than keeping want away ox.

Just saw that arsenal claim they have no money... WTF!
I gave up after Torres saga. Now I just want the team to win. They can sod off after bringing silverware back. As long as the club is winning, we can attract high quality players or having a great manager like Klopp.

Something akin to Shankly's attitude towards players, specifically injured. He had not time of day for anyone who wasn't actively trying to win glory for his team. I feel with the level of wankery football fans (Liverpool especially) have for players makes me want to see more of that older attitude.
What's the point if they don't buy anyone with that money though ?
Are they even linked with anyone ?


The Ox signing is perfectly fine for Liverpool this late in the window.

In terms of price, it's on the high side but the club has been missing their main targets (except Keita) so there's plenty in the kitty.

He's a versatile player so could do the following :

* fill in for the wide positions when Mane and Salah need a rest or injured.

* rotate between Can and Wijnaldum for the box to box role.

* backup to Coutinho and Lallana for the creative midfield role.

* rotate between Moreno and Clyne should Liverpool play a formation with wingbacks.

Basically a younger and faster version of Milner.


If Arsenal need money that badly there's no way they'll let Sanchez run his contract down. I still think they'll splash out tomorrow.
What's the point if they don't buy anyone with that money though ?
Are they even linked with anyone ?

Teams don't get the money immediately and very rarely in a lump sum, it's usually spread out over the length of a contract. Also depends what the board are prepared to invest.


Mahrez seems like a very Arsenal deadline day signing. Improves the squad, but not in the areas immediately needed, and could have been done weeks ago in order to give him more time to settle into the squad.

Basically a younger and faster version of Milner.

Without the technique or work ethic...
1. Being an Arsenal fan is like doing penance with whips and hairshirts. Good lord.

2. Of the current squad here are the my assessments of the players/roles and mentality especially given drama at club. Scan below for summary if you're not interested.

Cech: Still a top keeper, but off his peak form. Reliable af. Leader
Ospina: The only thing is height / command of area, I actually rate him. Reliable.
Kos: Aging but exceptional player barring the rare brain freeze. Leads with action. Reliable af.
Mustafi: No idea why he is rumored to be on way out. Solid player. German National team defender with 19 caps and 2 goals. Question mark I guess, but if you can't count on a German defender...
Monreal: Aging. Mostly reliable LB CB sub. Off top pace but deeply skilled passer and observer of game. A CB sub is not a CB however. Solid B with an A for effort. Utility player.
Kolascinac: More skilled than his frame indicates. Time will tell. We bought him, so play him. Jury out. In my view. Let him play.
Holding: Like Chambers a few years ago. Skilled but needs experience. No real doubts about commitment / mentality. If this year is a Europa / rebuilding year, could work out well for him not to get thrown up against Bayern level players too often.
Chambers: Substitute CB. He is now filling Gabriel boots and will get thrown in to big games. Rooting for him but time will tell.
Mertesacker: Yoga better work. At far end of sunset of career. Far far end. Reliable brain and leadership, we will see if the legs even move anymore.
Bellerin: Basically first big, as in HUGE question mark. Madly skilled but it's all down to his mentality. A player who could rise to be a Spanish NT regular...but the warning signs are flashing all over the place. Great players rise to the top and develop despite any and all challenges. Personal / professional. Does he have it in him? I don't know.
Debuchy Should not count on.
Jenkinson Not Arsenal quality.

Coquelin At this point an above average PL Sub and Europa League player. Mentality fine barring rage induced blunders.
ElNeny I rate him above average and fine for most PL and Europa League games. Runs guts out. Adequate passing and position. Not quite ever shown big game or CL quality. Hovering in that Monreal zone where hustle gets beat by top players.
Xhaka No question on my end about this player's commitment to team and attitude. He's a B+ DM with some room to grow. His question mark is mental blunders. And it's the second HUGE question mark so far.
Cazorla Forget it. He's crocked. Anything from him would be a miracle. We had a maestro while it lasted. A great, great player and credit to the PL who kept Arsenal afloat for a good spell.
Ramsey Third ENORMOUS question mark. Don't think he really works with Ozil / Sanchez on the pitch. Back in the era of Ramsey / Arteta / Cazorla / Giroud it worked against most teams. Bottom line. He's with us. He's legit a quality player with heart and legs and skill for goal and hugely poor decision making and squad mentality at times. He would be the captain folks...but he's not the captain. What does that tell you?
Ozil. Fourth giant question mark but of a different nature. Ozil is a great player, a legend with the medals to prove it, but Ozil needs smart, fast players around him running forward and two great midfielders behind him. Does not have that and Arsenal should have built team and strategy around him. Giroud and Sanchez never suited his m.o. I do not doubt his commitment/skill or mentality even though it looks suspect to TV commentators. You don't buy a sports car to drive on city streets in 2nd gear. Ozil is the same way.
Wilshire Don't really know what to say at this point. It did not work out and don't know if it could have. Arsenal would be better off with a healthy CM right now. Would be a huge question mark if it wasn't pretty much over at this point.
Ox Baffling. Fifth giant question mark. Should be gone. Money should have been spent on a midfielder. He is not one. He was also never going to work out with Ozil. The biggest issue is if a deal does not get done what happens. Should be gone.

Giroud Giroud was never the CL / legendary striker Arsenal needed to advance in PL/CL. But Giroud is reliably just below that level (with clear limitations) and has proven himself with France. His mentality is sound. He is reliable. I look for him to stay at Arsenal and add to his track record of significant contributions. Him staying may well prove very significant this year in PL Europa. It just sucks when he starts with Ozil because it holds Ozil back not having someone who can run onto a ball.
Lacazette Play him. Please. Let the player set the level he can attain and support him. If I had to pick between Sanchez and Lacazette, I would pick Lacazette for this squad.
Alexis Wants out. Let him go. If he stays, however, I have no doubt about him. He can single-handedly beat anyone and consistently scores and assists with intelligence. His track record for club and country is at the very highest level. If Arsenal are not playing as a team (as Chile always do) then Sanchez is tempted to go it alone...which he pulls off...but it pulls Ozil out of his game. Ozil needs squad cohesion to work magic. Ozil would be better off with two fast, slightly less skilled players who play as a unit than one Alexis going rogue.
Welbeck it's a shame that Welbeck was so much more effective with Ferguson...but that's because he was played into a role with clear expectations. You can count on Welbeck to play with the team and for the team. He has a track record of significant goals and contributions that can't be ignored. You can't count on him to reliably score goals on the day to day in the PL however...and that's a problem with how he has been played at Arsenal.
Walcott Keep him. Play him. It is what it is. You could run Ozil / Lacazette / Walcott / Welbeck / Iwobi / Perez across the front and save Giroud for super sub and line up pretty well against 95% of teams. If Sanchez leaves and we get a player to add to that line up all the better.
Perez The kind of player who might light up the Europa league this year, but he won't be with Arsenal so it's a moot point.
Campbell No idea what Arsenal were thinking treating him this way. But if you don't develop a player you can't count on him then, either.
Iwobi One to watch. I have no doubt he will continue to develop.

TLDR: All is not lost for Arsenal even mentality wise. Esp. if this season is Europa plus aim for CL qualification, one way or another. What's needed are clear roles and goals and reforming the team.

Ideal scenario 1: Sign Ozil. OUT = Sanchez / Ox / Wilshire / Perez / Campbell / Debuchy / Jenkinson Sign quality at RB / DM / CM / FW.

Ideal scenario 2: + Ramsey OUT / CL level CM arrives to play BEHIND Ozil..

But you would need a whole summer for that...and what's left is less than 48h.
Mahrez seems like a very Arsenal deadline day signing. Improves the squad, but not in the areas immediately needed, and could have been done weeks ago in order to give him more time to settle into the squad.

Without the technique or work ethic...

I have faith in Klopp unlocking his potential and his work ethic may drastically change in a new environment. He doesn't strike me as a lazy player, Wenger always praises him for his work ethic.


Tried to persuade AOC to join @LFC when he was a kid, obviously Klopp is more persuasive! Interested how he gets him into CM after Sunday!!

More Liverpool tapping up of Saints players.... smh



My ideal, yet realistic, Arsenal summer would've been signing Idrissa Gueye and Riyad Mahrez in addition to Lacazette and Kolasinac. Sell Ozil and switch to a 4-3-3 with Xhaka, Gueye, and Ramsey in midfield; Lacazette up front with Sanchez and Mahrez cutting in from each flank.
Krychowiak And Renato Sanches going to West Brom and Swansea respectively are crazy.

Gonna be an insane season in the Premier League

Him going to bayern was hundred times more crazy, at least to anyone who watched him play regularly. I can write the same exact thing I did when he was transferred. He's a young kind who is physically very strong for his age...that's it. He has no skills whatsoever, he play terrible off the ball, can't handle defensive coverages, he's not a good passer, terrible decision making, everything a center midfielder needs to excel he lacks. I expect a level of professionalism from the scouting of a top club that goes beyond some badly constructed hype from two performances of a euro-cup.

Swansea will be a good club for him. He has all the physical qualities necessary to perform at the top level. Maybe he can develop everything else.


Liverpool's medical staff are on stand-by to travel to Clairefontaine, where Thomas Lemar is preparing for France’s qualifier. (Andy Hunter)


I have faith in Klopp unlocking his potential and his work ethic may drastically change in a new environment. He doesn't strike me as a lazy player, Wenger always praises him for his work ethic.

Yeah, he will track back if he loses the ball (last weekend notwithstanding...).

What I meant by work ethic was that I don't think he's the "model pro" that Milner is where he'll play in different positions and not complain.

I don't mean to come across as someone who instantly thinks a player is shit when he leaves my team. I meant it tongue-in-cheek.
Yeah, he will track back if he loses the ball (last weekend notwithstanding...).

What I meant by work ethic was that I don't think he's the "model pro" that Milner is where he'll play in different positions and not complain.

I don't mean to come across as someone who instantly thinks a player is shit when he leaves my team. I meant it tongue-in-cheek.

Tbf we've already got Sakho as the ultimate example of what happens to our players if they don't #stayintheirlane. Be curious to see what happens with Phil if he's here beyond Friday as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Ox for £40m is definitely one of the worst transfers this window. Especially when you consider Liverpool are already stacked in these positions.

if anything he should be going for 8-12 with a year on his contract and bang average performances.


It'll be tough to like him.

I'm personally one of those fans who places a lot of stock in having a group of players you like admire, as well as them being good. I'm done with Coutinho in that regard though. I'll appreciate his contributions if he stays, but he can do one on a personal level.

tldr: friendship ended with Coutinho, Mane is my best friend now

Not to be too negative, but I cant see that ending well either lol, not like Mane doesn't have a history of forcing transfers through


Ox for £40m is definitely one of the worst transfers this window. Especially when you consider Liverpool are already stacked in these positions.

if anything he should be going for 8-12 with a year on his contract and bang average performances.

I agree he's overpriced but 40 million this year is genuinely the same as 10-15 last year. Football is crazier than ever. Bang average is harsh. He was one of Arsenal's best players towards the end of last season when he had a decent run. I'm not overly excited by it but it's not the worst signing to deepen our previously shallow squad.


When OX starts performing at his level under Klopp, 40 Million will look like a steal. Fact of the matter 40 million is nothing in today's market, and he's English.

We need depth.
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