Trackside geometry is really low poly, looks bad.
Trackside geometry is really low poly, looks bad.
Poor old Spa, Bathurst has taken the spotlight away from you..
LoL, come on now. It's impossible to judge that from such a poor video.
It'll be simple enough to assess when we have some better quality footage. As blurry as what we have here is, it looked good to me.
according to the reddit leak, '98,'04,'05,'08,'11 subies are in, and the corresponding evos too.The lack of Subaru in this game has me put off a bit. A bug eye WRX would make me giddy like a school girl
Link to this please.according to the reddit leak, '98,'04,'05,'08,'11 subies are in, and the corresponding evos too.
his comments where deleted days ago.Link to this please.
When was the last time you've been at Mount Panorama?Look at the geometry on the right side of the track from 0.14 to 0.18 . Those kind of edges should be history by now, especially next gen.
Look at the geometry on the right side of the track from 0.14 to 0.18 . Those kind of edges should be history by now, especially next gen.
When was the last time you've been at Mount Panorama?
When was the last time you've been at Mount Panorama?
Trackside geometry is really low poly, looks bad.
according to the reddit leak, '98,'04,'05,'08,'11 subies are in, and the corresponding evos too.
Dragonball is the worst thing ever.
Um...I'll take a second look. We can do it second-by-second actually.
I don't see anything resembling what you're talking about in these shots. If you look up drive-through video from the real-world track, I think you'll be surprised at the quality of what we've seen here (in spite of the overall video clarity).
Would you mind explaining a little better? Maybe indicate where the bad "geometry" is in that stretch of the video?
Guys, GUYS. Walls have edges I think, I might be imagining things though. But I am pretty sure I can look over them or something. So, edges.
Above the walls.
Angular dirt.
Like Ridge Racer on Playstation 1.
That video looks like a water color painting.
Forza 5 cel shading confirmed!
Today will be the day when it starts raining or what?
The Cboat guy is getting me down. Need a pick me up of sorts..
For what it's worth, didn't he say Forza 5 was the exception?
Exception for 1080p yes.
But the system will supposedly have "issues" which doesn't sound too good..
dragons are better than dinosaurs (which are EA creautes btw).
i took he meant issues "competing with PS4", which is why devs will go sub-1080p.
Unless issues are OS/sdk related and devs are currently struggling with games performing worse than they imagined, which could be a disaster.
Yep, EA has an exclusive deal with Porsche AND Dinosaurs.
I really cannot wait til these games finally release so we can have so real analysis. The wait is killing me.
Home sweet home! This gonna be a good week!
Home sweet home! This gonna be a good week!
Home sweet home! This gonna be a good week!
i hate the fact that turn10 never listens to us. that makes me so angry.
when will they finaly put the flintstones car in?
i want it so bad.
Home sweet home! This gonna be a good week!
The massive multidiscipline Forza 4 career has been replaced with 42 90-minute mini-careers, each built around a specific class. The Sport Compact category opens up into a series of campaigns Modern Hot Hatch, Early Sport Compact, Modern Sport Compact and lets players take them on in any order, as long as they have the car for it.
Youll start in a mid-range sports car rather than a Ford Focus, but you can step up or down the classes at will so long as you have the cash for it. Every car is fully articulated and those million-polygon models can be explored in firstperson with an intro from Top Gears presenters, detailing the differences between an STi and a GTi or framing it in the history of motorsport, movies or automotive design.
No matter where you go in the game, you get money and XP and level up, Greenawalt says. Whether youre a five-year-old or a 35-year-old race car mechanic, whether in splitscreen or Free Play, multiplayer, singleplayer we value everyones time equally. I dont ever want to try to fit someone into a cookie-cutter mould, to say, Oh, youre not into simulation get out of here. I believe thats poor design. Are there arcade games and sim games? No, there are just poor designers. I believe a good designer can come in and we can have excellent physics and we can have that depth, but if you dont get it, dont even worry about it.
Greenawalt sure is a nutcase. I mean, he could've easily settled on a particular manufacture's data and expertise but he wanted more.
God bless this man..
Dan Hyperbolewalt said:We now know things about Pirelli tyres that Pirelli doesn’t know about Pirelli tyres. We know things about Toyo and Yokohama that are going to help write the textbooks in two or three years.
"We now know things about Pirelli tyres that Pirelli doesnt know about Pirelli tyres. We know things about Toyo and Yokohama that are going to help write the textbooks in two or three years."
sal, i think he refers to console competition and the like.Exception for 1080p yes.
But the system will supposedly have "issues" which doesn't sound too good..
w/b badned, but you will have to understand that a good week for you, doesnt automatically translate to a good week for us.Home sweet home! This gonna be a good week!
unless you want to spill the beans on your brothers that is..
Only shows 16 players here.