Do you even understand how much time it takes to create cars and tracks at this level of detail?
While also launching on brand new hardware with teams working on new AI, new physics, new graphics and lighting engines?
You guys make game development sound like the easiest job in the world when Turn 10 has clearly been working their asses off the past two years.
This is also the first game on a new platform that doesn't get to enjoy upgrading already existing tracks.
BADNED already confirmed that they basically threw out all of the old content and started from zero with Forza 5 and the track list shows this the most considering the amount of new to Forza tracks and the amount of old tracks that are gone.
Hell the fact that Nurburgring is still in the oven for a couple more months means it is being completely redone and most likely laser-scanner, which by the way would be the first time in history.
So, lets use your logic, making a car takes millions of man hours.. but they will be able to release 10 cars per month for DLC........
Second, dont treat me like a noob, I´m someone that have been following Turn10 developing proccess since E3 2004. I know how much time takes to develop things and I know the kind of strategies that Turn10 use.
I heard many times how Turn10 was future prooft and how the making of cars never stop and how the cars were designed in several levels of detail.
I ask you this question: Why not make the cars its much more detail since Forza 3?
Why not start early?
Why not start working on tracks early when they had this same problem from Forza 1 to Forza 2 in the last gen change?
Also, whatever Badned said, should I be happy because he said Turn10 was going to drop some contents? NO, I should not.
Do I respect the decision of dropping 480 cars and some of the most important tracks for a graphic update and a rushed launch? NO.
Sorry but you are pretty much alone in this, Im a huge fan of Forza but I dont care to defend what I dont feel its right, theres many ways and strategies where Turn10 could have prevented this. And I believe that lots of contents are being holded to be sold as DLC because its much easier to sell cars when you have 200 than when you have 400 or 500. Forza Horizon proved this.