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Forza Horizon Season Pass Costs $49.99

I'm not against DLC, I'm not against publishers making money on it because without it, realistically, the budgets wouldn't be the same and some games wouldn't even be made; I think that considering all DLC as content taken out of a game is childish, shortsighted and simply wrong; I'm not even against on-disc DLC because of the things I already mentioned and because you know what you're paying for in advance.

But this, this is way too much. Unless the expansion and car packs bring as much brand new content (new geometry, new cars, new textures, new sounds, new everything) as the full game. If not, fuck off.
Maybe an over reaction on my part but I was trying to decide whether to buy this or Most Wanted.

This news has made the decision for me....

Need for Speed Most Wanted it is!
I wouldn't be surprised if EA tries to do something similar. Burnout Paradise was a prototype of the game as a platform, publishers just didn't know how much money they could squeeze out of gamers at the time.


I'd Buy a season pass for rockband... just sayin

£40 for a years worth of dlc? I'd get a couple of hundred quids worth of song packs outta that :p

Apart from that the only other "season pass" I've got is BF3 but thats because each DLC is a fairly large expansion on the game, in my opinion its worth it.

thats also the only two games ive ever bought DLC for... I usually just ignore it.




What??? 5 Season Pass exclusive cars??? I wont stand that BS, im not buying the Season Pass for sure now, i wont support those tactics.
It's a good thing, though. When you get this game on the cheap, those driving said cars are basically walking around XBL with a giant "sucker" sign stuck to them.

Cars and tracks should never cost that much.
Some of us paid $40 for F1 2012 and didn't even get THAT.

Anyone not buying FH now because of the season pass could be doing it out of not wanting to even support the dev/pub by buying the game. More power to them. Best way to show you don't like something.
It's what I'll be doing.

BTW, I think the majority of the outrage is coming from the fact that all this content has been known about prior to the games release, yet wasn't shipped with the game. Consumers have every right to think that it was held back just to make a quick buck after the game came out. Announcing it before it went on sale was a pretty fucking big error on their part, though. I'll definitely be waiting *at least* until a week or two after it's out so I know how many cars are in the game, how many this season "pass" will offer and what the expansion is. Until then, I have pCARS, FM4 (except without any extra fucking track packages, the pricks), Sonic All Stars 2, F1 2011 and TDU2. That should cover me.


They're shooting themselves in the foot with this. You want gamers to buy your game as soon as possible. Give away some timed, free DLC like LittleBigPlanet does. Stuff like this often convinces me to wait until the GOTY with all the DLC. Dead Island, GT5, Borderlands, ... All games that are on my wanted list, and I'll get them cheap with most of the DLC.


Not this time, sorry.

I got the LE from Forza 4 with the Season Pass and the Porsche DLC on Day one just to find regular price drops on DLC Packs as well 50% OFF or something on Porsche DLC after what, 2 months release date?

This will be a Day one release if I get the Limited Edition or a Complete Pack later on with all DLC or something like 20€. Putting all this aside I still look forward for this game. Let's see...
Car Packs? not missing too much then. Stuff like that I buy in sales for dirt cheap.

Does horizon have the vip thing going on with it too? because that is one of the worst pointless things forza has had, forza 3 only just made it useful with something like 30+ gifted cars but forza 4? lol such a worthless feature.
The gall is pretty impressive

"The complete experience. For the low, low price of $110"

I'm sure the converted price to Australian dollars will be comical



I'm going to assume there'll be a ridiculous metric fuck tonne load of DLC for this is they're going to essentially charge us for the game twice.

Fox Mulder


I had the forza 4 season pass and felt like it was a waste. With so many cars already in the game, why make all the dlc just more cars.
I think T10/Microsoft are pushing their luck with a $50 season pass.

Seriously, the full game experience is $130. That's ridiculous.

Like I said in the Horizon thread, I'll wait for the $29.99 Ultimate Collection.
I think T10/Microsoft are pushing their luck with a $50 season pass.

Seriously, the full game experience is $130. That's ridiculous.

Like I said in the Horizon thread, I'll wait for the $29.99 Ultimate Collection.

That's probably not the full experience either, I bet there will be more DLC after that. Which wouldn't necessarily be bad, as I previously explained, but at this price? No, thanks.
I spent almost $600 for my racing setup for Forza 4 and GT6. Totally worth it. This? Not even buying it day one.

This was probably one of my most anticipated games this year too, but I'm out. Fuck that. Honestly, you can release an "expansion" with DLC up to $60 worth barely a couple months out of the gate of the initial launch?

I don't mind waiting on tracks or cars if they are still working on them but this is just simple robbery. They are selling an incomplete game in order to trick the consumer into buying the rest at a later date.

I'll be playing Forza 4 until the Forza 5 it seems as I will only buy this heavily discounted in a GOTY pack now.
I think T10/Microsoft are pushing their luck with a $50 season pass.

Seriously, the full game experience is $130. That's ridiculous.

Like I said in the Horizon thread, I'll wait for the $29.99 Ultimate Collection.

You are asuming that the Season Pass will include all pieces of DLC. Which it won't.

Season passes are just another scam to milk customers. The "but I'm saving money on DLC I'd bought anyway" excuse isn't a very convincing one.

Instead of milking customers periodically, risking fewer and fewer DLC sales over the months, they'll simply cash in at launch when hype is still high and raise their revenue considerably.

Disgusting as hell.


Like I said in the Horizon thread, I'll wait for the $29.99 Ultimate Collection.

Do not want to burst your bubbles, but recent developments are clear indication it will never happen.

Unlike Forza 3 Ultimate Collection (to clarify: proud owner here, I bought both FM3 LCE on release day and Ultimate Collection a year later) current development regarding Forza 4 indicates the not-so-bright prospect of DLC-focused "GOTY" editions.

At this point, there is something called Forza Motorsport 4: Essentials Edition, one-disc new release of FM4 that comes with only 320 cars (out of 500 available on FM4 release on both discs) and not compatible with original release (to prevent those smart-ass buyers who would maybe use their friend's original game to install and such). However, all additional content (cars, nothing else as we know has been released) can be flawlessly purchased via Marketplace.

Now include the fact we got an official confirmation about FM4's DLC coming to an end, and now do the math.

It needs to be highlighted how Essentials Edition is currently not available as separate purchase and it is only included at holiday bundles for X360, but it really does not change the overall picture of potential heading for the actual releases.

Sincerely, I think how FM3 Ultimate Edition was one-hit-wonder and how such treat for the consumers will never repeat again.

Same goes for Horizon IMO, all is speculation, but everything leads to such conclusion.


Why the outrage? BF3's season pass also costs 50 bucks right?
Yes, but its a little different, as BF3 is a multiplayer sensation with hardcore fans that would find value in buying all the DLC even if they had to get it seperately and for full price. It also includes ALL DLC and some extra little perks, which is why they called it Premium instead of Season Pass.

Forza Horizon wont have the same hardcore playerbase. Frankly, I think the most ridiculous thing is that we dont know what the expansion is at all. Cars, extra driving areas, just new events?

I'm actually not mad about it. I think its crazy, but I think it will ultimately be a failure. Forza Motorsport can get away with it because again, its a game with a lot of depth and hardcore players, but Forza Horizon is not that sort of game. I'm sure some people will buy it, but I dont see it being a popular shopping cart item. This just isn't one of those 'gotta have everything' games.
Lots of bad news

Well, if that's true then I'll probably skip this game altogether. I was slightly disappointed by F4 Season Pass (was hoping for at least ONE track), the LE didn't really net me anything worthwhile. I will buying the regular version of F5 with no Season Pass for sure.

I'll buy this used or on CL or something. I'm pretty irritated at this whole fiasco right now, it seems like they are leaving so much off the disk in order to sell it to me a couple months later. At least with F4 I had an amazingly full game, I just don't feel I'll be getting the same content with this when there is an expansion planned to release so soon out of the gate.

And my trip to Croatia was great FYI! You have a beautiful country with amazing water, just amazing.


it is good way to get more from their biggest fans.

saddest part of these season passes is that there will probably come out dlc thats not supported by it and you will have to buy that separatly... just like they did with Uncharted.

Why? Because people who bought season pass are their biggest fans/spenders and will spend more.
it is good way to get more from their biggest fans.

saddest part of these season passes is that there will probably come out dlc thats not supported by it and you will have to buy that separatly... just like they did with Uncharted.

Why? Because people who bought season pass are their biggest fans/spenders and will spend more.

People can only be pushed so far. I spent hundreds on my setup, bought the LE along with the season pass .. but will NOT buy Horizon at face value and steering clear of the season pass altogether.

This just irritates me. Always cryptic with their release information, they constantly say "for the fans" but then they turn around and fuck them.


I don't really care, 200 cars on disc is enough for me so I wouldn't pay for Season Pass anyway. I might buy Expansion Pack, but only if there are new events and locations.


Oh expansion packs how I miss thee...

Fox Mulder

it is good way to get more from their biggest fans.

Why? Because people who bought season pass are their biggest fans/spenders and will spend more.

The season pass would probably be more successful gouging hardcore fans if this wasn't an entirely new offshoot of forza. If they're doing this with a new game, I can't wait to see how forza 5 is.
The main issue I have with Seasons Pass is they are basically taking money upfront/pre-orders for DLC that hasn't been developed yet.
SOMEHOW though this DLC has already been priced even though it hasn't been developed, makes sense.
Were Rockstar the first company to use Season Pass with L.A Noire?
So can we blame Rockstar and assume GTA V will be season passed to hell?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why do people hate this? Seems like the amount of content might be worth it (full expansion), and you don't have to buy the pass, you can buy it separate.

Why is saving money a bad thing?

I get the hate of online passes, but this is 100% optional...


Wow I'm shocked it took this long. I would have figured MS would have done this shit earlier. Course I can't say I didn't see it coming because I fucking did. Everyone was so stoaked about season passes when they started cause that ensured they'd get all the DLC or most of it. I said way back then that this wouldn't last and before you knew it before a game was even announced there would be Season passes announced and content ready to go before the games even go gold. I also said that the prices would go up and eventually you'd see them not covering all the DLC. Welll surprise surprise those days are upon us.

Sometimes it really sucks being right. When. and that's when not if because plenty of morons will fall for it, this succeeds then next gen you can expect "season passes" to become common at 40 to 60 bucks and of course to not include all the content. As for me I simply will keep practicing what I preach and not falling for this shit. GOTY with most or all the content for me when it hits 20 bucks or less.
lol. I'm so proud of myself in moments like these for not buying any DLC this whole generation. I'm doing my part.

And yes I'm aware there has been some good DLC, still don't care.
Why do people hate this? Seems like the amount of content might be worth it (full expansion), and you don't have to buy the pass, you can buy it separate.

Why is saving money a bad thing?

It's ok saving money, everyone likes to save.

Lets just say you Season Pass an FPS game and they say they will give you 8 new maps.
So far all of the maps release, 5 of 8 have been 8 v 8 maps and you mostly play 12 v 12, now do you feel ripped off? You got content you pre-orderd and paid for, you got a discount, just they didn't specify what it would entail, only that you would get it when it was released and it would 10% cheaper.
That's what I would like to think people have an issues with, DLC with no idea of just how substantial/worth the DLC will be.


Gold Member
Why do people hate this? Seems like the amount of content might be worth it (full expansion), and you don't have to buy the pass, you can buy it separate.

MIGHT be worth it... that's the key.

I signed up for the GOW3 season pass thinking that Epic wouldn't do me wrong and I got a bunch of flotsam (some of which was immediately available to non-buyers) and crap.

You're basically giving the company a stack of money for who knows what. It might be awesome (BF3's Premium) or it might be terrible (pretty much everything but BF3's Premium).

If I buy FH a year from now for $20 and all the season pass DLC was good I might buy it at a discount. But it's just annoying to hear about all this mystery DLC before the game is even out.

That's not even getting into the fact we are getting a full expansion 6 weeks after release.


Thanks Turn 10! It's very nice of you to let us know that we shouldn't buy your game until the complete version (GOTY, ultimate edition etc.) is around 20, maybe 30 dollars.
Do not want to burst your bubbles, but recent developments are clear indication it will never happen.

I don't agree--the essentials edition is a way for them to quickly pack FM4 into a bundle without the extra cost of having to print a 2nd disc en masse.

When FM2 went Platinum Hits, it included all the previously released DLC. When FM3 went Platinum, it became the Ultimate Collection with all the DLC. There's nothing to say we won't get a FM4 Platinum down the road.

Now will it happen this year? I don't think so, but let's chat again in another year and see where we are.
So 4000 moonbucks (or £33 in Her Majesty's Pounds) for some car packs and an expansion that will be released a month and a bit after release that will almost certainly consist of content that was cut for the express purpose of selling it again, and if past Forzas are any indication there will be another couple of car packs not included in that.


I would like to think that we're getting close to the tolerance level of gamers towards DLC and season passes, but on the other hand this is the company that charges for online multiplayer and that's widely accepted. I think we haven't seen anything yet.
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