What? That's not what I'm saying at all. Is not having political views expressed everywhere, even in writing on, say, your Starbucks coffee, being 'protected from debate'? I'm just saying there are some things where the debate shouldn't be had and people just want to kick back and enjoy something regardless of who they are and what their views might be.
feel free to express your desire for escapist comics but your desire to limit the scope of a genre within a medium for no other reason than you want to speak for everyone else is misguided at best.
every piece of art or literature is created within a sociopolitical framework
everything is political. only when a work deviates from the established norm is it usually accused of being political.
out of the big heroes you could make the case Spider-Man is essentially apolitical although his problems or villains are likely so.
superman and cap america clearly push american sociopolitical ideology.
batman and iron man dont exist as they are without living in an imbalanced capitalist society
thor's whole deal is that hes the prince of asgard
so when a work isnt criticized for being political its because its mostly conformed to historical, demographic and social expectations.