The Elite
Dany M said:Who are the first people?
The two walters, olivias, astrids, Nina and broyles?
Whoever took the machine through the time vortex.
Dany M said:Who are the first people?
The two walters, olivias, astrids, Nina and broyles?
Big Papa Husker said:I would say the picture on the Season 4 OT is the shot of the Walters and Olivias looking at each other. ;D
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:See this is why I don't think the show is anything like Lost, every season where received explanations for what occurred. Hell, it was far more than the X-Files ever did.
DoctorWho said:Whoever took the machine through the time vortex.
I'm assuming Astrid, Walter, Sam Weiss and Broyles.Basileus777 said:Sam Weiss' ancestors.
DoctorWho said:I hate to bring up Doctor Who again but isn't this similar to the Doctor freeing himself by giving Rory the sonic screwdriver? He couldn't have given Rory the screwdriver if he was initially trapped. said:This is probably a more accurate version of what will happen tonight:
Raxus said:Now the universes have been bridged, does this mean the intros will combine?
That has me really excited.PhoncipleBone said:Exactly. But the Doctor did it with a fez and a mop.Fez's are cool
Glad to know my idea for the season 4 thread title was accurate.
This summer will be fun for the speculation. Glad to see they have gone for the timey wimey on the show.
The great thing is that the universes are not merged, just bridged. Kind of like one is Asgard, the other Midgard, and Liberty Island is the Rainbow Bridge between them. People (Lincoln and Charlie) will cross over now and then to help, so now we will get both universe themed episodes but with different characters.
Seriously awesome finale.
Solo said:Comparing it to LOST, despite the similarities of mindfuckery/"WTF!?" moments, is frankly an insult to Fringe, and I say that as a big LOST fan. The creative team of LOST had no fucking idea where the show was headed and kept pulling crazy shit out of their ass and trying to patch it together. The creative team of Fringe pulls out even crazier shit, but its all meticulously planned and payoffs are constant.
Fringe > LOST
Solo said:Comparing it to LOST, despite the similarities of mindfuckery/"WTF!?" moments, is frankly an insult to Fringe, and I say that as a big LOST fan. The creative team of LOST had no fucking idea where the show was headed and kept pulling crazy shit out of their ass and trying to patch it together. The creative team of Fringe pulls out even crazier shit, but its all meticulously planned and payoffs are constant.
Fringe > LOST
gdt5016 said:Well, now sure. But I've recently been watching some S1 stuff, and alot of threads come up that where clearly wrong and/or never mentioned again. I'll allow it though, I guess, they got their whole plan together by the end of S1/S2.
Basically, they learned from all of Lost's mistakes, which is fitting.
I'll admit, I'm utterly theory-less.gdt5016 said:WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT THE FUCKIN FUCK.
Damn, that was Lost levels of awesome. The whole episode. What the hell happens now? If Peter never existed, how will he work himself back in? Is he just with the Observers now?
No reason to even theorize right now, damn.
Solo said:Comparing it to LOST, despite the similarities of mindfuckery/"WTF!?" moments, is frankly an insult to Fringe, and I say that as a big LOST fan. The creative team of LOST had no fucking idea where the show was headed and kept pulling crazy shit out of their ass and trying to patch it together. The creative team of Fringe pulls out even crazier shit, but its all meticulously planned and payoffs are constant.
Fringe > LOST
PhoncipleBone said:There are plenty of dropped threads on Fringe, but unlike Lost the dropped threads are not really directly tying into the central mystery of the show. Fringe is planned out MUCH better than Lost ever was. The producers are pacing out the answers perfectly. They keep enough going to make us want to come back, but they answer enough to make us happy. Things keep getting more fucked up and weird, but only during or after the resolution of previous mindfuckery.
We thought so at first, but in a sense he was meant to be a door to bigger things (as has happened).brucewaynegretzky said:This is definitely true. Her original boyfriend was implied to be something much bigger than he was.
brucewaynegretzky said:This is definitely true. Her original boyfriend was implied to be something much bigger than he was.
No, that's what should have happened, but it didn't. The show was a complete mess at the end.Dany M said:I'm only going to say this once in this thread but I think the creative team on Lost knew exactly what they were dealing with. With the end of the show being announced in early season 3 for another three season was a ballsy move on ABC but it did lend the creators to do something no one else has, finish a show properly.
They knew exactly what was going to happen at the instance they brought something up in the show. They did not have clear intentions of answering it, as evident to the 'heart of the island' but the ambiguities of the show is what makes it great, they did tie some knots, answer some questions but still, I'd think they knew what was happening ever since early season 3 and 'course corrected' to make everything make sense, which i believe it did.
Basileus777 said:The Pattern, the ZFT, and the FBI agent from Season 2 are bigger dropped threads. I think don't Olivia's boyfriend was a plothole or anything.
Basileus777 said:The Pattern, the ZFT, and the FBI agent from Season 2 are bigger dropped threads. I think don't Olivia's boyfriend was a plothole or anything.
Matt said:No, that's what should have happened, but it didn't. The show was a complete mess at the end.
TripOpt55 said:I really loved this episode. I remember last week I wondered how they would top that episode's cliffhanger. I guess this is how.
Solo said:Comparing it to LOST, despite the similarities of mindfuckery/"WTF!?" moments, is frankly an insult to Fringe, and I say that as a big LOST fan. The creative team of LOST had no fucking idea where the show was headed and kept pulling crazy shit out of their ass and trying to patch it together. The creative team of Fringe pulls out even crazier shit, but its all meticulously planned and payoffs are constant.
Fringe > LOST
Willy105 said:But I would rather not compare Fringe to Lost, because even though the Fringe characters cry, emote, and mourn in a lot more convincing and realistic fashion than in Lost, it didn't make you as attached to what was happening.
Solo said:Speak for yourself. For me, after 3 seasons, Im more invested in Peter and Walter than I was any LOST character, and my Locke fanboyism is the stuff of legend.
Solo said:Speak for yourself. For me, after 3 seasons, Im more invested in Peter and Walter than I was any LOST character, and my Locke fanboyism is the stuff of legend.
Solo said:I wonder if people would have a more "emotional" attachment if there was a Giacchino score blasting out during all those scenes. Not detracting from LOST, but you have to admit that the music took most of that stuff up a few notches. I mean, picture Walkabout's climax without "Locke'd Out Again".
EDIT: Im not dragging LOST through the mud. I posted more in the S6 threads than anyone else, and Im a huge fan regardless of my issues with S5 and S6. I just happen to feel that Fringe has sidestepped almost every mistake LOST made, and is going to be looked back on as the better show when all is said and done.
Solo said:Speak for yourself. For me, after 3 seasons, Im more invested in Peter and Walter than I was any LOST character, and my Locke fanboyism is the stuff of legend.
Yaweee said:At this point in LOST history, we had just seen "We have to go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!" This episode was fantastic, but no Through the Looking Glass.
Yaweee said:I'm going to have to come down on the LOST side of the fence, for now. It had better characters and more consistently enjoyable and satisfying episodes, but at the expense of definitive mythological payoff.
At this point in LOST history, we had just seen "We have to go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!" This episode was fantastic, but no Through the Looking Glass.
Yaweee said:This episode was fantastic, but no Through the Looking Glass.
Willy105 said:Yeah, but Locke wasn't that interesting. He was right, and was the subject of the best episode ever, but Lost Spoilers:wasn't anywhere as big a deal to me as Greatest Hits.Locke dying
Walter is definitely a more interesting character than Locke. I see nothing to care about with Peter, but you obviously do, so that is good.
Solo said:That is 100% true, but at this point in LOST, there was a subpar S2 and first half of S3. I think its a fair comment to say that after 3 seasons of each show, LOST had higher highs (and much lower lows) while Fringe has been much more consistent. LOST never had a SEASON AND A HALF run of greatness like Fringe has.
Yaweee said:I don't know, I've found plenty of Fringe episodes to be pretty boring.