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Olivier versus Sloth.
Oh and *salutes* Good job 4th opening/ending, you were great. Hoping the final ones can follow in your footsteps.
B.K. said:Episode eight just aired on Adult Swim. They cut the scene after the credits. I hope they don't cut the stuff before the opening and after the credits every time. Adult Swim only viewers will be missing some important stuff.
firehawk12 said:Edit: In Cantonese, Homunculus seems to be "person who pretends to be a person" (人做人 - ren zuo ren in pinyin... because I don't know jyutping :lol). That's not what it is in Japanese, is it?
Auron_Kale said:- Not sure if I like the pronunciation for Sheska in the dub... I've usually say 'Shee-ska' rather than their 'Sheh-ska', but it's a minor thing.
That means "man-made man" actually, which is the definition of homunculus, so yes it's the same.firehawk12 said:Latest seems to be episode 47. Ed is basically sounds like a woman... they didn't even bother having the voice actress try to sound like a pre-teen male. Outstanding. :lol
Edit: In Cantonese, Homunculus seems to be "person who pretends to be a person" (人做人 - ren zuo ren in pinyin... because I don't know jyutping :lol). That's not what it is in Japanese, is it?
Auron_Kale said:Having watched the 5th OP/ED without the massive lag from Keyhole... I like the OP (particularly the visuals) and the ED is nice, but I think it needs to grow on me. At least the 5th ED is leagues better than the 3rd one.
Anyways, ep. 51 was another great one, but it helps that during this portion of the story is quite action-packed. Also, lots of blood was spilt this episode.
Fave WTF moment from this ep.:I have no idea why it struck me as amusing. Next amusing moment was definitely with Ed.Roy waxing philosophically while staring at the cartoony bear eating ice cream.
Galactic Quail said:Getting really frustrated with Google.
Can someone please tell me how to find OP/ED 5 for brotherhood?
Can't find it anywhere...nor the episode.![]()
Firestorm said:ew not a fan of the OP =( It's a shame considering how amazing the first OP was. I think it replaced Rewrite as my favourite in the series.
Masked Man said:In Japanese it's 人工人間 (jinkou ningen), or "manmade human."
yanhero said:That means "man-made man" actually, which is the definition of homunculus, so yes it's the same.
Barry the Chopper wasn't cut out of Brotherhood. The scene you are thinking of was filler added to the original series.lucablight said:Just finished watching episode 7. Am I crazy orwas Barry the Chopper cut out of Brotherhood? In the first series I remember him trying to kill Ed but it seems in this one they skipped directly to him in prison.
Also when I heard about Brotherhood being released I stopped watching the first series after episode 21 because I didn't want to watch any filler and only wanted to see the manga storyline. Are there any other major incidents in the first series which are canon which they cut out of the Brotherhood past episode 21 I should consider watching?
ILikeFeet said:well this episode is the first where I saw significant difference.
Galactic Quail said:Wait just a goddamn second...
B.K. said:The introduction of Truth in episode two and Tucker's death weren't significant enough for you?
ILikeFeet said:what I mean was something that didn't happen in the original series.
Truth wasn't in FMA1, and you seemed to have blocked ou tthis monstrosity from your memory altogether (can't blame you, though):ILikeFeet said:no, not reeally. they were going to happen. what I mean was something that didn't happen in the original series. (unless this did happen and I forgot)
Tamanon said:We're already past the point in the previous anime where Fullmetal vs Flame happened, so I'm thinking at least that fight is off.:/
B.K. said:Truth wasn't in the old series and Tucker didn't die. Tucker was around until the end of the last series. Those two are incredibly huge changes for this version of the story.
GaimeGuy said:Truth wasn't in FMA1, and you seemed to have blocked ou tthis monstrosity from your memory altogether (can't blame you, though):
pirata said:I really like the new OP and ED. Guess I'm in the minority. Oh, well.
Tamanon said:We're already past the point in the previous anime where Fullmetal vs Flame happened, so I'm thinking at least that fight is off.:/
ILikeFeet said:I remember that he was in the end of the series. for some reason, I thought he was brought back.
grandjedi6 said:Barry the Chopper wasn't cut out of Brotherhood. The scene you are thinking of was filler added to the original series.
Brotherhood has some minor (mostly inconsequential) scenes missing from the manga, but you aren't going to find any of them in the original series either. Well, except for Youswell. But its absence is funnier this way.
Just watch Brotherhood by itself. You aren't going to gain anything by looking at the original anime's filler/altered scenes. Indeed, you're more likely to confuse yourself due to the original anime's differing characterizations.
lucablight said:so what exactly is the deal?? My impression was that Brotherhood rushes through the scenario already covered in the first series and actually cuts stuff out. Is that true? Is Brotherhood actually a rush job or does it still cover everything included in the manga?
lucablight said:Is Brotherhood 100% faithful to the manga (barring the first episode obviously which is filler?)
Also is there any canon stuff in the first series which isn't in Brotherhood?
Just Youswell as far as I can remember. But even that was altered. However, even in the manga, the Youswell/Coal Mine story didn't serve much purpose other than introducing Yoki.lucablight said:Also is there any canon stuff in the first series which isn't in Brotherhood?
Dundar said:i think, going on a basis of "episode after episode", that they're both great series. First one is more angsty/dramatic while the second one is less dark, funnier and more epic in its scale.... but ultimately, when you look at the cohesion of the plot and the way everything is pulled together at the end, i think BH is the obvious winner. The first series had a seemingly endless rush of asspulls before the end that made me really despise it. The plot just went all over the place, character started pulling out deus ex machina out of nowhere and the final explanation of alchemy is..... god i don't even want to remember, since it made way for the atrocity that was FMA teh movie. Over time i learned to appreciate S1's strong points for what they are, but as a whole, i think it really cannot compare to brotherhood.
Well, if you know where to look there are some, I'd say major, spoilers in the opening. Also imo incredibly subtle spoiler of one of my fav "HOLY SHIT" moments in manga.Masked Man said:@ grandjedi6: I won't give you details--unless you want them--but, while the new OP is pretty spoiler-y, it still doesn't reveal some of the major plot developments that occur toward the very end. (The ED kind of hints at some, though...)
CassSept said:Well, if you know where to look there are some, I'd say major, spoilers in the opening. Also imo incredibly subtle spoiler of one of my fav "HOLY SHIT" moments in manga.
Overall I like the new OP. It's unique compared to the other ones, and the animation is great. Not as good as the first one, but I guess once it grows on me it will overtake OP4.