StoOgE said:Anyone know when Funi is going to put out the second series on Bluray?
The Part Two DVD and Blu-Ray sets come out August 24.
StoOgE said:Anyone know when Funi is going to put out the second series on Bluray?
B.K. said:The Part Two DVD and Blu-Ray sets come out August 24.
StoOgE said:Ugg.. it's going to take a year to get them all out at that pace. Although, I suppose at 1 episode a week that is AS schedule too.
GaimeGuy said:music helped really well in this ep. I think they switched between like 3 or 4 tracks over the course of the last ~5 minutes of the ep.
Cloudy said:Ep 60: WTF did I just watch and why does it remind me of Evangelion? :lol
StoOgE said:Ugg.. it's going to take a year to get them all out at that pace. Although, I suppose at 1 episode a week that is AS schedule too.
pirata said:EDIT: By the way, Duckroll, this may be a stupid question, but...why on earth are things (especially DVDs and such) so damn expensive in Japan? Is it because they can get away with it? The dwindling anime industry sure says otherwise...
duckroll said:Asian culture. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
StoOgE said:I have no idea what I just watched.
They better do some explaining in episode 61, because that 1) Made no sense. 2) Seemed a bit stupid.
So, Father created a circle to open a gateway to Truth so that he could consume him and take his knowledge/power? And he needed 5 people who had opened the gate themselves to form the points of a smaller transmutation circle to power the larger one that consumed the entire country?
He shed himself of his "sins" by putting them into humunculi so that he wouldn't have a weakness once he opened the door to Truth he wouldn't have a weakness the way the humans who had opened the portal did?
holy god a magazine mentioned the date july 4th that confirms everything.B.K. said:Looks like Brotherhood is definitely getting a 64th episode. A magazine scan that I assume is part of the magazine that has the manga says something about 7/4.
GaimeGuy said:(Okay, you said a magazine mentioned 7/4.... and? Is that it? My calendar mentions july 4th too)
Cloudy said:Ep 60: WTF did I just watch and why does it remind me of Evangelion? :lol
And unlike Evangelion, this outcome has been hinted at for ages. Plus I'm sure the series will ultimately chicken out and find some way to bullshit its way out of this dilemma.CcrooK said:Because Ep. 60 is extremely mild to what Evangelion pulled. Do you hear the words of music singing "tumbling down"? I think not. :lol
grandjedi6 said:And unlike Evangelion, this outcome has been hinted at for ages. Plus I'm sure the series will ultimately chicken out and find some way to bullshit its way out of this dilemma.
Creepy fucking music.CcrooK said:Because Ep. 60 is extremely mild to what Evangelion pulled. Do you hear the words of music singing "tumbling down"? I think not. :lol
Actually, if I had to make a serious prediction I'd say they'll revert it with eitherCcrooK said:Must be all just some sort of bad dream.
Hmm, I wonder!grandjedi6 said:Actually, if I had to make a serious prediction I'd say they'll revert it with eitheror with whatwhatever Hohenheim has been setting up throughout the entire seriesScar & the Ishvalans are up to.
grandjedi6 said:Actually, if I had to make a serious prediction I'd say they'll revert it with eitheror with whatwhatever Hohenheim has been setting up throughout the entire seriesScar & the Ishvalans are up to.
duckroll said:There's probably an embargo of at least 6 months between the JP and US release. Japanese DVDs and blu-rays for anime are much, much, much more expensive, and since the blu-ray region is the same for Japan and US, I don't imagine Aniplex will be thrilled to have a 50 buck set of 13 episodes release too close to the Japanese volumes which are 70 bucks for 4 episodes.
Don't expect the final set to be out before June 2011, since the final volume will be out in Japan in November/December.
CcrooK said:Must be all just some sort of bad dream.
Anywho! 4 more episodes? Damn. What do I watch after it's all over?
CcrooK said:Sold.
That makes so much sense I don't know why I never thought of that. I wonder what piracy is like in Japan given the high cost of Blurays.duckroll said:There's probably an embargo of at least 6 months between the JP and US release. Japanese DVDs and blu-rays for anime are much, much, much more expensive, and since the blu-ray region is the same for Japan and US, I don't imagine Aniplex will be thrilled to have a 50 buck set of 13 episodes release too close to the Japanese volumes which are 70 bucks for 4 episodes.
Don't expect the final set to be out before June 2011, since the final volume will be out in Japan in November/December.
Lots of reactions in the manga thread.wwm0nkey said:Anyone else have any reactions to 108 yet?
grandjedi6 said:And unlike Evangelion, this outcome has been hinted at for ages. Plus I'm sure the series will ultimately chicken out and find some way to bullshit its way out of this dilemma.
firehawk12 said:As pointed out though, they've set up the counter before hand. They show some of it in the episode actually.
Kilrogg said:I must have missed it. Do you meanScar's brother's transmutation circle? Does that have any effect on the sacrifices at the moment?
Kilrogg said:I must have missed it. Do you meanScar's brother's transmutation circle? Does that have any effect on the sacrifices at the moment?