With only 11 episodes now left I don't think they have much time left. They have yet to conclude the whole human drama and haven't even touch white walkers yet.The entire character of Euron has been bad. "Let's go murder them." Holy shit why?! His obsession with that word make him so fucking cringe and edgy. He's following the same footsteps as Ramsay and his awful writing. Iron Islands as a whole has been poorly written as has almost anything that touches Dorne.
I think that's the weirder part overall too. Yes there are some great interactions still there, like with Jaime and Randall, but those feel like vastly different writers or something.
The problem seems to me that somewhere around Season 5 they had to introduce all these new characters that would have a hand in the endgame but didn't want to actually earn that endgame with them. They took the quickest paths to get them into the game and they feel really strange next to others. It's like their stories are on fast forward in order to get to the main characters story quicker. Someone like Euron should have been in the show way earlier. Him taking over the island should have been a more drawn out thing.
Besides for the final scene, which was admittedly pretty bad I feel, I felt the rest of the episode was on par with most Game of Thrones fare. I've been rewatching most of the show with someone to catch them up for season 7 and sometimes a lot of the older stuff actually feels like stale filler (it could be that I've seen it all plenty of times though). Dany confronting Varys was very well written I felt. Most of the other discussions didn't seem any more poorly written than usual. Arya got a nice poetic moment with Nymeria, we got some nice house interactions with Jaime and Randall, Olenna being her usual self, Littlefinger being a conniving bastard, nothing felt particularly poorly executed in comparison to older stuff.
Is it possible it only feels rushed because most storylines converged and there's less separate characters to visit and intricacies to discuss and understand? I don't think it feels rushed, it just feels like we've reached the endgame and are careening into it.
The final scene I felt just left a bad taste in people's mouths and hyperbole is setting in, that scene was bad but it doesn't make the episode bad.
She wouldn't be doing what the Mad King did, but instead she'd be emulating the actions of her ancestors Aegon the Conquarer. Aegon is the reason Harrenhall is the way it is. Aegon and his sisters torched a combined army of tens of thousands on the battlefield. How many people do you hear shit talk Aegon?
I get that she doesn't want to be anything like Aegon, and would rather avoid as much bloodshed, but her being forced to fight wouldn't be mad king like.
She's reciting stories that are told then when talking to one person and using #fakenews stories told to everyone about her being queen.The only Targ I've ever heard talked about being crazy is the Mad King though. Rhaegar was liked, Maestor Aemon was cool, they mentioned Baelor was a pious. The line that it was a flip of the coin in terms of sanity with the Targs came Fromm Cersei, and considering her Fox News/Breitbart attempt to reframe what was happening with Dany, I don't think I'm inclined to actually trust anything that comes out of her mouth.
With only 11 episodes now left I don't think they have much time left. They have yet to conclude the whole human drama and haven't even touch white walkers yet.
The entire character of Euron has been bad. "Let's go murder them." Holy shit why?! His obsession with that word make him so fucking cringe and edgy. He's following the same footsteps as Ramsay and his awful writing. Iron Islands as a whole has been poorly written as has almost anything that touches Dorne.
I think that's the weirder part overall too. Yes there are some great interactions still there, like with Jaime and Randall, but those feel like vastly different writers or something.
The problem seems to me that somewhere around Season 5 they had to introduce all these new characters that would have a hand in the endgame but didn't want to actually earn that endgame with them. They took the quickest paths to get them into the game and they feel really strange next to others. It's like their stories are on fast forward in order to get to the main characters story quicker. Someone like Euron should have been in the show way earlier. Him taking over the island should have been a more drawn out thing.
I think this is where the argument is a bit off.
People seem to be acting like 11 episodes is some force of nature. They couldn't help it. 11 episodes is all they have. Then the world is going to come crashing down or HBO is going to burn to the ground or something because they totally can't make more than 11 more episodes.
Uh... they chose 11 episodes, and it's really clear to me that they should not have. They needed to slow the fuck down at Season 5 or so and instead have sped everything up and people excuse the bad writing because of that. That's not an excuse. This show could go on for 2 or 3 more years. It's one of the most popular shows in the damned world. If it can't get the proper number of seasons to send it off well then I don't know what show can.
The show needed these last two seasons to be full and at least one more season on top of that to flesh out things from season 5 onward and not make it quite so ridiculously awkward.
Don't agree that it is basic strategy. Like I said it was just too neat and too perfect, might not have helped that the editing and/or writing (on a structural basis) wasn't great.A lot of what that writer complains about would be BASIC strategy for anyone even slightly interested in the conflict.
Some are debatable but not Sam stumbling across a cure for greyscale which we've never heard of until this episode. He didn't know about it either.I think those are kind of a stretch
Starting to get ready. As in this episode hit a lot of notes that I really didn't care for and genuinely made me not appreciate the direction of the show.What didn't match the character's motivation?
A lot of these come across as "the show is too cool now so let me just pick it apart". You also liked last week's episode and season 5, which is considered by most the worst season. So you dislike one ep in season 7 and now the show is not only bad, you are ready to quit it, and it's comparable to BvS?
Holy hyperbole!
LOL OK yeah everyone just watches it cause of boobs, blood, and because no one wants to be the lonely person who doesn't. Pretentious as shit.
I hate criticism like this because instead of just focusing on what you might find lacking or not working plot wise, the writer has to throw in a shot that of course, it still popular despite how bad it is and its only cause people just like boobs!
I think it has to do with budget, is GoT more expensive than Rome? And creators kind of getting tired of GoT I think they already got a new show deal from HBO.I think this is where the argument is a bit off.
People seem to be acting like 11 episodes is some force of nature. They couldn't help it. 11 episodes is all they have. Then the world is going to come crashing down or HBO is going to burn to the ground or something because they totally can't make more than 11 more episodes.
Uh... they chose 11 episodes, and it's really clear to me that they should not have. They needed to slow the fuck down at Season 5 or so and instead have sped everything up and people excuse the bad writing because of that. That's not an excuse. This show could go on for 2 or 3 more years. It's one of the most popular shows in the damned world. If it can't get the proper number of seasons to send it off well then I don't know what show can.
The show needed these last two seasons to be full and at least one more season on top of that to flesh out things from season 5 onward and not make it quite so ridiculously awkward.
With only 11 episodes now left I don't think they have much time left. They have yet to conclude the whole human drama and haven't even touch white walkers yet.
The only Targ I've ever heard talked about being crazy is the Mad King though. Rhaegar was liked, Maestor Aemon was cool, they mentioned Baelor was pious. The line that it was a flip of the coin in terms of sanity with the Targs came from Cersei, and considering her Fox News/Breitbart attempt to reframe what was happening with Dany in Essos, I don't think I'm inclined to actually trust anything that comes out of her mouth.
I am no maester to quote history at you, Your Grace. Swords have been my life, not books. But every child knows that the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness. Your father was not the first. King Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.
I don't entirely disagree, Euron has been poorly written. I guess we just let it effect our views differently, to me in the grand scheme he hasn't bothered me and hasn't made an impact on the shows quality just like how I was able to excuse Dorne due to it being surrounded by a lot of good stuff. The Greyjoy storyline just feels like the new Dorne to me, which I can easily ignore for the meat surrounding it. I guess it just boils down to what you're willing to excuse and what you're not. The older seasons had a bunch of weird stuff in it too like Crasters Keep and crazed shirtless Ramsay and 20 good men, it just feels like writing hiccups rather than an overall decrease in quality to me. To each their own though I suppose.
I think it has to do with budget, is GoT more expensive than Rome? And creators kind of getting tired of GoT I think they already got a new show deal from HBO.
So ummmm have we talked about this
It would be funny if the wall is and always was useless.
I noticed that too.
However, they actually fucked it up. If you look at the incoming into The Wall, you'll see the ocean is still water. It's only ice on the pan out.
So... yea, most likely bad editing/double checking.
Unless of course the pan out is a glimpse into the future, but that's stupid.
Theres so much shit happening at breakneck speed. I like it better than every other season.Feel like ive lost interest a bit in this show.
How is season 7 going?
People on Reddit pointed out that it looks like ice in that screengrab but it's actually just a cloud in the video.
We already knew a cure existed due to Stannis' daughterDon't agree that it is basic strategy. Like I said it was just too neat and too perfect, might not have helped that the editing and/or writing (on a structural basis) wasn't great.
You might be right in that was it just a pacing issue, but I fear it wasn't.
Some are debatable but not Sam stumbling across a cure for greyscale which we've never heard of until this episode. He didn't know about it either.
People on Reddit pointed out that it looks like ice in that screengrab but it's actually just a cloud in the video.
Some are debatable but not Sam stumbling across a cure for greyscale which we've never heard of until this episode. He didn't know about it either.
Guys, sorry if this has been answered, but how did Euron know who was on that ship? Like the Greyjoys and the Dorne hot as fuck people couldn't have been just as easily travelling on another ship on the armada? He boarded the right one and took hostages (not personally, but his men did that, implying they knew who the fuck were those chicks) he had no way of knowing were even there. What am I missing here?
Guys, sorry if this has been answered, but how did Euron know who was on that ship? Like the Greyjoys and the Dorne hot as fuck people couldn't have been just as easily travelling on another ship on the armada? He boarded the right one and took hostages (not personally, but his men did that, implying they knew who the fuck were those chicks) he had no way of knowing were even there. What am I missing here?
Guys, sorry if this has been answered, but how did Euron know who was on that ship? Like the Greyjoys and the Dorne hot as fuck people couldn't have been just as easily travelling on another ship on the armada? He boarded the right one and took hostages (not personally, but his men did that, implying they knew who the fuck were those chicks) he had no way of knowing were even there. What am I missing here?
It's because it of the medium of film. The entire fleet was sacked, so they would have been killed/taken either way. It simplifies things to just have them all be on the flagship, which would stand out from the others.
Guys, sorry if this has been answered, but how did Euron know who was on that ship? Like the Greyjoys and the Dorne hot as fuck people couldn't have been just as easily travelling on another ship on the armada? He boarded the right one and took hostages (not personally, but his men did that, implying they knew who the fuck were those chicks) he had no way of knowing were even there. What am I missing here?
Guys, sorry if this has been answered, but how did Euron know who was on that ship? Like the Greyjoys and the Dorne hot as fuck people couldn't have been just as easily travelling on another ship on the armada? He boarded the right one and took hostages (not personally, but his men did that, implying they knew who the fuck were those chicks) he had no way of knowing were even there. What am I missing here?
Indeed, sometimes you just have to excuse these things in movies/tv shows, otherwise you'd have Euron just finding random dudes 30 jumps over or just waiting behind doing nothing.
We already knew a cure existed due to Stannis' daughter
We go from Jim Broadbent talking about how curing advanced greyscale is different from that in infants in one scene to Sam talking about how he found the cure for advanced greyscale in a book in the next. Zero time is spent showing how he found out about it.A lot of the episode was Sam trying to find a cure. We already knew for a long time that 2 were successfully treated, one being Shireen, Stannis's daughter. Sam works in the biggest library in Westeros, Maesters like writing their shit down... not hard to see the connection.
Bad writing.
Even if he did know what ship to attack, the fact that he could attack it without any sort of warning is just nuts.
We go from Jim Broadbent talking about how curing advanced greyscale is different from that in infants in one scene to Sam talking about how he found the cure for advanced greyscale in a book in the next. Zero time is spent showing how he found out about it.
It is unbelievably convenient.
You can explain how he snuck up on them, but it would involve talking about the written text version, which is forbidden.
We go from Jim Broadbent talking about how curing advanced greyscale is different from that in infants in one scene to Sam talking about how he found the cure for advanced greyscale in a book in the next. Zero time is spent showing how he found out about it.
It is unbelievably convenient.
It just looks that way when the camera pans out, probably because of clouds and what not. It looks like this in the most recent episode:So ummmm have we talked about this
It would be funny if the wall is and always was useless.
You can explain how he snuck up on them, but it would involve talking about the written text version, which is forbidden.
Which means this was bad writing for TV.
Valtýr;244344876 said:You can easily explain it in any number of ways that don't matter in the end. The result is the same so why waste time on it?
The cure is essentially something written down by an old maester who himself died of greyscale.We go from Jim Broadbent talking about how curing advanced greyscale is different from that in infants in one scene to Sam talking about how he found the cure for advanced greyscale in a book in the next. Zero time is spent showing how he found out about it.
It is unbelievably convenient.
This whole season is moving at a fast pace, and I think it's better for it. If it doesn't matter how Arya got from one place to another, don't show it. If it doesn't matter how many books Sam had to read, don't show it. If it doesn't matter why Euron snuck up on the flagship, whatevs! I do think that much of the scene was lame, but that's not why.
Get picked up by Gendry.I mean Theo is a bitch.
But honestly. What was he going to do in that situation?