I always wondered why Roose bothered warning Cat about his armor. Was he just that big a piece of shit that he wanted her to know she was about to die?
You know what was surprising? The Red Wedding.
You spent a whole episode with those characters, building to that point. Even the surprise itself had a music cue letting you know something was about to happen.
I always wondered why Roose bothered warning Cat about his armor. Was he just that big a piece of shit that he wanted her to know she was about to die?
Yeah but littlefinger said he delivered his bones to winterfell. I'm sure Sam can find a fix in the forbidden section.Sure. He just had his head cut off and put on a spike. A few weeks rest and he'd be good as new.
Are you really upset that they can't match one of the most exquisite and devastating sequences ever put on either film or paper?
Ignoring that we've hit a point where catching people off-guard like that twice is next to impossible; that bar may be too high, for either D&D or George Martin to hurdle again.
Nah, we saw Ned's cameo last season.
I really hate arguments like this.
I'm saying the scene wasn't even up to regular Game of Thrones quality, let alone one of the best episodes of the series. This is the kind of lazy storytelling and action I expect from a low-tier TV series like TWD.
I'm saying it could have been way better, and we shouldn't just settle for good enough. It was barely better than the infamous sand snakes scene.
For those who want to know, now I just read it.
Short summary: Jaquen/The Faceless Men
Here is the link:
Really feel like I watched a different scene than some of you. This was far and away beyond anything The Walking Dead has ever done or attempted. Game of Thrones couldn't have even pulled off a scene like this at that level 3 seasons ago.
Interesting. I thought I could detect a tiny smile on Jaqen's face when Arya announces her name and intent to return to Westeros.
am, i thought that was pretty obvious? if jaqen wanted could have killed her right there, but he didnt
Interesting. I thought I could detect a tiny smile on Jaqen's face when Arya announces her name and intent to return to Westeros.
Yeah, Jaqen liked her, which is why he gave her a coin and was disappointed when she didn't go with him at the beginning. He guess he isn't supposed to have connections like that since he's "no one" but he's a liar and he cares about Arya.
Guys, Jaqen Season 2 and Jaqen in Season 5 and 6 are different people.
We don't really know that for sure.
It's just the Faceless Men using a face that's familiar to Arya (and the audience).
"Jaqen" drinks poison in the S5 finale to account for Arya taking Meryn Trant's life, and the "Waif" removes her face to reveal another "Jaqen".
But that whole plotline is a mess. They never explained how they have Arya's face either.
Or how the actual magic of it works.
Really feel like I watched a different scene than some of you. This was far and away beyond anything The Walking Dead has ever done or attempted. Game of Thrones couldn't have even pulled off a scene like this at that level 3 seasons ago.
Yup, seasons before that scene would've been the big battle of the season or the scale would've been ten times smaller. Others shows wish they had the budget to do something like that.
I always wondered why Roose bothered warning Cat about his armor. Was he just that big a piece of shit that he wanted her to know she was about to die?
Are people shipping Dani and John? What is their relation? First cousins? Second?
Dany is Jon's aunt.Are people shipping Dani and John? What is their relation? First cousins? Second?
Are people shipping Dani and John? What is their relation? First cousins? Second?
Are people shipping Dani and John? What is their relation? First cousins? Second?
Euron is such a boring character that watching him win for no reason, was just so damn annoying. The plot armor was especially ridiculous for him.
It's tough to watch someone like him after having Ramsey.
She's his aunt.
Ramsey was set up in the same manner. Plot armour against Yara and the Iron Island's strongest warriors (fighting against them clad in armour whilst topless for christ sake) and the 20 good men bollocks.
They've both been lame replacements for the best villains of the show, Joffery and Tywin.
There was a thousand cuts during that battle you could hardly tell what was happening at any given time.
I really liked the ending to that scene btw, it was nearly perfect, but the fights leading up to it were terrible imo, and the quick cuts were annoying.
I really miss Tywin. Him and Olenna together made for great scenes too.
I'm saying even surprise moments can have build up, and are all the better for it. The ship battle had no build up whatsoever, and on top of it all was shot like somebody who had half as much of Sapochnik's talent trying to mimic his style.
This whole season, but that episode in particular, felt rushed to me. One of the best aspects of the show in my opinion is the slow build up to "Oh shit" moments.
I really miss Tywin. Him and Olenna together made for great scenes too.
Ramsey was set up in the same manner. Plot armour against Yara and the Iron Island's strongest warriors (fighting against them clad in armour whilst topless for christ sake) and the 20 good men bollocks.
They've both been lame replacements for the best villains of the show, Joffery and Tywin.
I really hope there's more scenes with Randyll Tarly. Great casting.
In fact GOT has possibly the best ensemble casting of older men and women than any show i can think of.
Randyll Tarly
Maester Aemon
Ned Stark
Maester from Winterfell
Euron was kinda whatever in season 6, I mean, he really didn't do much and it's now clear he was being step up for season 7. I'm all on the Euron boat after episode 2, dude is a damn beast.
I really miss Tywin. Him and Olenna together made for great scenes too.
I think it says something good about his acting that from last season, I'd assumed that the guy playing Randyl Tarly was enormous (he's sitting down that whole scene, iirc), but he's actually small. Just dominates the scenes.
Are people shipping Dani and John? What is their relation? First cousins? Second?
At least we can expect Euron to go fairly quickly. I can't see him playing much of a part in the great scheme of things.
But then again this is GoT so who knows.
they're also close to the same age despite being a generation apartAre people really not expecting Jon and Danny to get together at some point?
I'll be more shocked if it doesn't happen at some point this season. I foresee a lot of fan service this season.
I hope they bone on top of a dragon.
I hope they bone on top of a dragon.
We need to take this further.
Bone on top of a dragon sat on the Wall. Truly a song of ice and fire.