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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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They didn't start this war, she did. Now she's just nuking them all. Everything about this is just whatever she decides to do, and she's got an unstoppable power, so basically if she decides 10,000 people in a field die, they die. They don't have a chance, it's beyond the normal war Westeros usually sees. She shouldn't be that powerful, because she's just demonstrated that she will use it to excess.

Just demonstrated? Lol, wow. This reminds me of the CW shipper controversy. It's these weird motivated delusions.


semen stains the mountaintops
Littlefinger, Jaime and Bronn got shook. It's not often you see those guys shook to the core like that.


Junior Member
Danny letting Lannister soldiers join her army is asking for an easy betrayal.

Soldiers are just soldiers. They are paid to be such (not talking about knights though). In the end they will fight for survival and not try any big heroics against a fucking dragon.
Yea I don't see anything wrong with what Dany did.

She went after an army that she's fighting against. Cersei blew up a damn church.

Dany killed soldiers and their supplies. She didn't wipe out a city.

She was losing. The current plan clearly wasn't working. She took the next step and did damage. How can you be mad at that?

Seriously I guess the fact that burning alive is a terrible death but it's not like being smeared in the gut and slowly dying is much better. I think it's the fact that people don't see Jamie and Bronn as evil as Cersei that makes them feel bad but they are still fighting for her.
Yea I don't see anything wrong with what Dany did.

She went after an army that she's fighting against. Cersei blew up a damn church.

Dany killed soldiers and their supplies. She didn't wipe out a city.

She was losing. The current plan clearly wasn't working. She took the next step and did damage. How can you be mad at that?

Damn right


Jaime ain't dead. We've had Stark reunions, it's time for the Lannister one.

I hope Bronn is gonna re-evaluate his choices though. Seeing a dragon come down and turn an army into ash has gotta change your values.

Big Blue

Some of you guys are ridiculous.

After every terrible legitimate thing that's happened in this series, you're flipping out because of Dragonfire on the BATTLEFIELD?

Were you down on Tyrion when he used wildfire in the Battle of the Blackwater?

Seriously, people are literally mad at Dany for being good at war for once and actually winning a battle.
Man, it's too easy to be Daenerys. What the hell are they going to do against dragons? Even early 19th century armies would probably be outgunned.
I really hope we see more of Meera. Her goodbye to Bran was heartbreaking. Poor girl has been through so much and Bran is too much of a robot to care anymore.
I wasn't sure they would do it, the whole incest and Jon and Dany being heros. But Targaryans love that type of shit. Hopefully next episode. Then Jorah sees them outside their window and Radioactive plays in the background.

One can hope.

Lmao I really want to see Jorahs pained face no matter what happens.

I legit thought Dany would propose marriage or something in order to unite the north and the south when they were in the doodle cave.

"The north wont accept a southern ruler"
"But they will if their king does. Marry me Jon Snow"

"Chaos is a ladder"

It's what Little Finger said to Varys in one of their earlier discussions in the first few seasons. Basically Bran letting finger know that he sees everything
I don't understand this. Telling somebody you know their awful secrets is never a good idea. Specially in GoT. That's what killed Ned Stark. Why would the guy who knows everything be so unwise?
Yea I don't see anything wrong with what Dany did.

She went after an army that she's fighting against. Cersei blew up a damn church.

Dany killed soldiers and their supplies. She didn't wipe out a city.

She was losing. The current plan clearly wasn't working. She took the next step and did damage. How can you be mad at that?

Exactly, Cersei's crimes can't compare. This is war and no civilian casualties to boot.

For Dany this is a good result, however I do wish she didn't burn the supplies which may have been carrying food.
Yea I don't see anything wrong with what Dany did.

She went after an army that she's fighting against. Cersei blew up a damn church.

Dany killed soldiers and their supplies. She didn't wipe out a city.

She was losing. The current plan clearly wasn't working. She took the next step and did damage. How can you be mad at that?
Some people have decided Dany is horrible long time ago and just want to retrofit their views.
So how the fuck does Jaime not drown?
Bronn pulls him out. Bronn wasn't wearing armor aside from a gambeson.

Jaime ain't dead. We've had Stark reunions, it's time for the Lannister one.
yes so we can get a recreation scene at the prison before Jaime let Tyrion out.

Fuck that shit! Jaime should have killed Dany (and then get roasted).

Sorry bro, but Cersei is gonna lose to Dany.


How it should've ended

I really hope we see more of Meera. Her goodbye to Bran was heartbreaking. Poor girl has been through so much and Bran is too much of a robot to care anymore.

And I wonder if we will ever gonna see normal Bran back, maybe Jon is the one that will make he go back to normal?

Seriously. Hes such a fucking robot now, I hate it. I really do hope he gets his personality back, somehow. Maybe he will when Meera dies in front of him or something.


The scorpion was actually pretty impressive in battle. And now that they know it works, they'll be on every castle wall and in every army for as long as Dany has dragons.


Soldiers are just soldiers. They are paid to be such (not talking about knights though). In the end they will fight for survival and not try any big heroics against a fucking dragon.

I'm probably overthinking it but then again Cersei and her ways to find spies and shit lol


What do you guys think Littlefinger was plotting when he saw Arya fight? His mind was thinking something you could tell.

Despite his keen sense of chaos to climb the ladder he likely crapped himself a bit there seeing how skilled Arya was. That's going to be a complication and easily one that doesn't work good for him. Taking her out sooner would be best for him, Bran's little comment to him threw him for a loop enough as it is.

Jaime killing Cersei then..

Is there any doubt?

I got scared real quick when we got that quick cut of Bronn's gold pouch hitting the dirt when he fell off his horse. That was foreshadowing af and it caused me to kung-fu grip my drink during that ordeal.

Bronn always gets fucked over. No matter what he does, no matter what he achieved he gets screwed. Maybe he gets Jaimie's gold hand one day when fleeing finding it aside a stream when the show ends.


Lmao I really want to see Jorahs pained face no matter what happens.

I legit thought Dany would propose marriage or something in order to unite the north and the south when they were in the doodle cave.

"The north wont accept a southern ruler"
"But they will if their king does. Marry me Jon Snow"


Yeah I was half expecting that as well.
Chaos is a ladder. Something LF told Varys in an earlier season. It showed LF that Bran saw through his shit.

"Chaos is a ladder"

It's what Little Finger said to Varys in one of their earlier discussions in the first few seasons. Basically Bran letting finger know that he sees everything

LF tells Bran that it must be strange returning to Winterfell and being surrounded by chaos.

Bran tells LF "Chaos is Ladder".

Remember, LF gives Varys a little speech about "Chaos" in Season 3.

Ohhh that's awesome, thanks!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
So how the fuck does Jaime not drown?

Either Tyrion will get some Dothraki to get him or Bronn will bring him back up to the surface.

Bronn always gets fucked over. No matter what he does, no matter what he achieved he gets screwed. Maybe he gets Jaimie's gold hand one day when fleeing finding it aside a stream when the show ends.

So true :lol
For anyone complaining about the Lannisters not reacting properly after rewatching the scene 3 times they absolutely reacted accordingly. First it was utter astonishment as they were literally shaking mouths agape. Then after the first flames they scattered. Jaime was the only thing keeping any of the men together.
She burned the armies, not the civilians. If she was plain evil as you said, she would have disregarded Tyrion (and Jon's) advice to not torch King's Landing. She brought her fucking dragons, of course she was going to kill her enemies. What did you think she brought her dragons to Westeros for? To cook marshmellows with their dragonfire?

According to the initial plan, yea basically.

She's an invading threat who just brought a bunch of war mongering barbarians to the lands that is already suffering from the previous wars and collapse of major powers, and a few mobile BBQs.

She's the one pretending to be better than the rest of the rulers of the lands. I'm not damning her on the use of her weapons to conquer her enemies, I'm pointing out her character arcs in previous seasons and how she is getting more and more full of herself as time goes on.

Did you see the look on Tyrion's face? He knows he fucked up, he knows he just helped bring more death and destruction to the land and the same shit is going to happen over and over again.

She was hyped up by her crew that she was going to be better than the rest, that she was going to be the bringer of peace to the lands.

Well, how is that going?

Some people have decided Dany is horrible long time ago and just want to retrofit their views.

How is it retrofitting to view Danny as a questionable character seasons ago and see where buying into your own hype could possibly lead to not good things?


Man can you see the pain of everything going on affecting Tyrion. All he wants is peace and the strategy he put forth was to lay that into play but it’s just not working and it’s crumbling. Especially when he gets to the top of that hill and is about to witness his brother potentially die.


Lmao I really want to see Jorahs pained face no matter what happens.

I legit thought Dany would propose marriage or something in order to unite the north and the south when they were in the doodle cave.

"The north wont accept a southern ruler"
"But they will if their king does. Marry me Jon Snow"


She kind of did no? She basically said they would follow their king, meaning he would be a real king if she and him married.


Dude probably went down. But Tyrion is watching it all happen. He probably told the Dothraki pick his ass up and take him prisoner.
Jaime is in full combat gear with a metal hand. Dude should weight three to found hundred pounds minimum and is way far down in the water. He absolutely should be dead.
I don't understand this. Telling somebody you know their awful secrets is never a good idea. Specially in GoT. That's what killed Ned Stark. Why would the guy who knows everything be so unwise?

People keep talking about plot armor, I think the artist formerly known as Brandon Stark has the biggest, bulkiest set.


It's funny that people think Dany will ultimately be evil.

LIke I can see it happening for a few episodes as the power kinda gets to her head. But ultimately. Like I said. Jon Snow will bring her down a few notches.

Either that or the Night King is about to humble everybody.
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