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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Indeed. And I think the Dothraki number much more than that.

The only guy I thought that could come up with something was Qyburn. But a glorified balista? Nope. That's not gonna cut it.


When he unveiled that shit previously, I was like, "THAT'S IT?!" He's a goddamn mad scientist. I was expecting something crazy! At the very least, something wildfire related.
Anyone think Bran gave that dagger to Arya knowing she would kill Littlefinger as another time paradox type of deal?

My personal thoughts (I'll spoiler them just to be safe):
It'll be the weapon Arya uses to kill Cersei. It'll be cathartic and Bran shamelessely reminded us that Cersei was at the top of Arya's list.
The fire breathing and roaring sound effects were absolutely fucking spectacular. I felt the heat. Sound team knocked that shit out of the park tonight.

Only time Jon gonna bend that knee is when he ask Dany to marry him. THATS IT.

And Dany, please stfu about "Jon swallow your pride."

Every single he's made, his people pretty much hated. Your god damn grandfather burned his family, the current queen killed his whole family. The north is tired of outsiders.

Basically, and it wont really be a "bend the knee" kind of deal. More of a WERE IN THIS TOGETHER AS EQUALS!!!! kind of thing.


What was up with Sansa's reaction to Arya training and being a badass? I was thinking maybe she was shocked by how much everyone changed, but she looked more annoyed tbh.

Was I the only person that felt that it was concern over no longer having the safety of being the only daughter of Catelyn for Littlefinger to drool over?

Littlefinger's long look and nod at Arya only cemented that impression for me.


Anyway, lovely episode.


semen stains the mountaintops
THAT battle was un fucking believable

The fact we are watching a TV Show that has this kind of scale is incredible

One in a million, there probably won't ever be a show that has the scale and is so popular that has the money to make something like that happen.
Anyone think Bran gave that dagger to Arya knowing she would kill Littlefinger as another time paradox type of deal?

This would be awesome. Was thinking about this when she got it. If LF would be killed by the weapon he willingly gave up.

The moment I saw this, I needed to add it to my GIF library so I thought I'd make it and share it.


That was perfection.
Tyrion loves his brother. If given the chance and Jamie was taken hostage, he would set him free.

A lot of interesting stuff in the last few pages of this thread. lol

Do the people that hate Dany not want her to win because of the dragons? Is it the gamer mentality setting in of "cheer for one of the underdogs because she's op?" I'll be honest, I don't want her to win and it's not because of her being OP. I'd like to see Jon win or the unexpected like...idk...one of the Stark ladies sitting on the throne.


Bronn should have died. Especially when his character made the mistake of choosing loyalty over gold

Hopefully he will be at least horribly scarred by the fire

Jaime will get fished out of the water by Tyrion I assume.

Dany will go to the brink of Mad Queenin' before Jon probably pulls her back


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Can you guys believe we finally got a Sansa/Arya reunion? AHHHHHHHHHH

Though I did find it odd that Arya asked the guards who the lady of Winterfell was. Or maybe she didn't know about Sansa leaving KL, I can't remember.


Anyone else get bad foreshadowing vibes from Sansa when she says that Jon's heart will damn near stop when he's reunited with Arya? I feel like this may have to be taken literally especially now with Littlefinger seemingly planning some shit.

Littlefinger won't survive the season if you paid attention. Brandon basically called him out and gave the dagger Littlefinger tried to have Bran killed with to his assasin sister.


semen stains the mountaintops
The One and Done™;245568660 said:
Yeah the Dothraki fucking delivered! I loved the guy owning Bronn horseback v horseback. It was perfect.

Now we really know why the world is scared of a Dothraki horde.


So 3 episodes left this season, 6 more afterwards...do we think they resolve the War for the Iron Throne or the White Walkers first? And will one be resolved this season? They can't do both at the same time still, can they?


It's crazy because at the start of the episode I was so jazzed about a lot of little things.

Arya's reunion. Especially her spar w/ Brienne. Arya is legit now, and she got some sweet loot with that dagger. An appropriate upgrade for her skills.

Bran letting on to Littlefinger and all that implies.

Indiana Snow making his little archeological discovery, and the implications.

Sansa making this realization that her siblings are dangerous people.

And they cut to this long shot of the Lannister/Tarly army and the dothraki yipping is heard and I'm talking w/ my sister saying "Hey I wonder if Dany is gonna bring a dragon" and there Drogon is in all his glory and I'm giddy and on the literal edge of my seat until the credits finally show.

What an ep.


Tyrion loves his brother. If given the chance and Jamie was taken hostage, he would set him free.

A lot of interesting stuff in the last few pages of this thread. lol

Do the people that hate Dany not want her to win because of the dragons? Is it the gamer mentality setting in of "cheer for one of the underdogs because she's op?" I'll be honest, I don't want her to win and it's not because of her being OP. I'd like to see Jon win or the unexpected like...idk...one of the Stark ladies sitting on the throne.

Bronn and Bad Pussy, obviously.

Anyway, fuck Cersei.
alright this was a really good episode. and...the season is also technically half over. more than half I guess.

if season 7 is 7 episodes, then season 8 should be 8 episodes, not 6.

anyways, lots of improvements on Bran, in my opinion. I was just complaining earlier that he's too important to his loved ones for him to lose his humanity, and there were plenty of signs in this episode that after Meera calls him out, he at least tries to be better. You can even argue that Petyr had a hand in getting him to snap out of it coz as soon as he said "chaos" Bran looked right up at him & quoted him. So maybe for a second that was a rage going on in 3 eyed raven Bran's head that this motherfucker betrayed his dad and was present at his execution.

but yes Meera <3 I ship these 2 also, coz like come on, how do you spend nearly a year, maybe more by yourselves doing nothing but surviving and not fall in love? It's poetic as hell too they almost died together and they were right up close ready to die in each other's arms. I'm glad she called him out, good on her. But she's had such little screentime this season are they just writing her off by sending her back home? Or are they gonna bring her back with her dad? Bran would probably wanna speak to him, too...right?

So yeah, I like what they're doing with Bran. Coz we see him later reuniting with Arya, he at least hugs her back a little more; that is a big difference because he was so empty and emotionless with Sansa. So maybe he is still there somewhere and knows how important family is. I think he was able to converse with his sisters better; only problem now is he still sounds robotic but I guess that's just the actor's choice so I'll let the kid be. Gives Arya the dagger, explains how Cersei's on the list...judging by what all the Stark kids went through it was a sensible convo they were having, it wasn't weird like it was with Sansa & Bran previously.

I loved the Stark sisters reunion, the whole conversation was cute and funny and all. Like how Sansa basically showing that Jon was way closer to Arya than her. The Brienne sparring was cool too but I hope they start making Podrick more important.

Now to be honest with this show, the human and crime drama is what attracts me to it the most. The fantasy stuff is either stuff on the side or icing on the cake with the show I suppose. So the battle at the end was great. Although Randyl did say all the gold made it into King's Landing so all Cersei lost was men. She still got her gold to give to the bank, unless I misunderstood what he said. He mentioned stragglers getting the rest across so was that food that Dany was burning?

Tyrion isn't doing a good job as Hand, Dany deserves better; Davos maybe? Tyrion is not a bad dude but I don't think power in politics or war suits him best. If he thinks slavery and prostitution are good means no negotiations - even if they are time limited. He also fucked up a lot making moves in this war. Also is the Dornish army completely gone too? They all died with the Greyjoys?

Maybe he should sit this one out, still have a say but not Hand level. Once this is all over he should stick to that wine brewery he was talkin about. It's a shame how this was a short episode, this is a short season and some characters we don't even see at all during the episodes. bannerless men + hound, sam x gilly, jorah...none of them, wtf. were previous episodes from previous seasons like this too? Like, this often?

I don't even wanna get into the Jon x Dany because it's kinda hilarious to me how Dany is enjoying the fact that she's got this man who needs her so much and just almost toying with him about it. It probably reminds her about when she was outside of Qarth and the guys wouldn't let her in till someone vouched. Now the tables have turned and someone is pleading with her.


Tyrion loves his brother. If given the chance and Jamie was taken hostage, he would set him free.

A lot of interesting stuff in the last few pages of this thread. lol

Do the people that hate Dany not want her to win because of the dragons? Is it the gamer mentality setting in of "cheer for one of the underdogs because she's op?" I'll be honest, I don't want her to win and it's not because of her being OP. I'd like to see Jon win or the unexpected like...idk...one of the Stark ladies sitting on the throne.
It's because she is extremely unlikeable.
I think people are missing the main point.

This war never needed to happen. The only reason this war is happening is because Danny wanted to be better than the rest. Danny is going to single handedly bring forth the collapse of Westeros and lay waste to the remaining houses that gasp aren't cool with an invading horde.

Turns out she isn't better than the rest. The entire point of this war is now moot and pointless. She fucked up her initial war goal, time to sail back to Meereen and not be Queen of the Ashes


Yes, it's acceptable, because it is war. Why is this so hard to understand???

It isn't hard to understand, your take on it is just more simplistic. War isn't something you just handwave as 'ah well it's war so just do whatever you like'. That's isn't how it works, there are still rules, and no matter what war is a terrible thing that should be avoided at all costs.

Dany started this war because she felt like it and she's got firepower so far beyond her enemies it isn't even close to fair. She was not using it because Tyrion was advising restraint, it would be pretty heinous to just send the dragons out killing everyone. Then she started running into a little trouble, and said fuck it, let's just use our ultimate weapon. Not on King's Landing - yet - but she doesn't even seem conflicted about using the kind of power she has.

Them being soldiers is different than them being civilians, but they're still people. You don't just get a pass because they happened to be armed - and for all purposes, they were incapable of fighting back anyway. It ain't a fair fight, and it ain't right.
According to the initial plan, yea basically.

She's an invading threat who just brought a bunch of war mongering barbarians to the lands that is already suffering from the previous wars and collapse of major powers, and a few mobile BBQs.

She's the one pretending to be better than the rest of the rulers of the lands. I'm not damning her on the use of her weapons to conquer her enemies, I'm pointing out her character arcs in previous seasons and how she is getting more and more full of herself as time goes on.

Did you see the look on Tyrion's face? He knows he fucked up, he knows he just helped bring more death and destruction to the land and the same shit is going to happen over and over again.

She was hyped up by her crew that she was going to be better than the rest, that she was going to be the bringer of peace to the lands.

Well, how is that going?
"invading threat"

I mean, I dont know what you expected...she was amassing an army for the past 6 seasons, for what reason? To defeat her fucking enemies. She has 3 dragons with her who are crucial for her to win Westeros. It's just plain ridiculous for me to see people going look how cruel she is when shit actually hits the fan. It's like people expecting her to just walk in and become crowned, in Westeros of all places. So yeah she is an invading threat! NO SHIT!

Nothing so far shows that she cannot bring peace to the lands. But in order to do that first, she has to defeat her enemies' armies. People really do not understand the concept of war?
Bronn is the most battle savy person in the show. Of course he's gonna survive. He's been keeping his cool and paying attention to all the fire blasts to know when it's time to dive.


I don't know what a CW shipper is, but I'm talking about how she just torched the whole army.

Some people are watching it just thinking, well they're soldiers so it's okay to kill them in any way you please if they are your enemy. So it's acceptable for Dany to fly over them, completely out of reach, and kill about 300 of them every few seconds. It's a war atrocity, she doesn't get a pass because the Lannisters didn't immediately vacate the throne the second she said she wanted it.

Drop the hints about 'motivated', because my motivation for saying this stuff is that she's presented as a hero, but her actions and motivations aren't heroic, they're the same as anyone else - she wants power.

Of course it's acceptable. And seriously, of all the terrible shit being done to people on this show you think using dragons on enemy soldiers is a war atrocity? Jamie just sent Bronn and Tarley to steal food from farmers. Does that make it onto your atrocity list?

The reason people get frustrated with these kinds of things is because the push back against this character has always been there, but it seems the reason is always changing from one ridiculous double standard to the next.


Happy the dragons aren't wasted in this battle. They need to stay alive for the white walkers.

Dany isn't going mad queen either.


And that door swings both ways, now Dany knows that Cersei and her allies have a means to kill the dragons, so she'll (hopefully) be more careful about using them.

There's no way she attacks Kings Landing now without some plan to infiltrate the city and sabotage the scorpians first.

I agree with this. She definitely can't just fly into KL and she knows it


jamie will live but he shouldn't

awesome to see the dragon's fury in action, but those scorpions will be their doom


I just can't get over how fast of a drop off that water level was. Like two feet to the left was 6 inches max of shallow water, then a drop off into an endless abyss.
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