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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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I'm not feeling bad, I've always felt that Danny was on the cusp of being maniacal and egotistical.

Burning people alive is quite a shit way to go. That's her only play, the threat of utter annihilate with dragons. She came to this land thinking her dragons were going to let her take the throne without resistance, thinking everyone was going to flock to her. She thought she was better than everyone else, and now she's so desperate for the throne and to be queen, she's using her only power play.

So my point stands, I couldn't tell what the writers were really going for. Was she going to be set up as the queen to save the kingdom, or just another person who is desperate for the throne they think is somehow birthright?

We got our answer this episode.
She burned the armies, not the civilians. If she was plain evil as you said, she would have disregarded Tyrion (and Jon's) advice to not torch King's Landing. She brought her fucking dragons, of course she was going to kill her enemies. What did you think she brought her dragons to Westeros for? To cook marshmellows with their dragonfire?


Dany didn't just take out her enemies, she ambushed an army with her semi-invincible nuclear device and killed thousands of people indiscriminately. What does a war become when one side has absolutely no chance of surviving? There are lines, she's just crossed a big one, what's next?

holy shit, this dany hate is getting out of fucking hand
I mean cersei fucking blew up a church and burned everyone alive. I don't really think Dany burning enemy soldiers on the field who are fighting against her is somehow reprehensible. She has shown a lot of restraint not burning cities to the ground


Jorah gonna come back with the m'lady and get friend zoned again. Then kill the queen out of spite and Jon takes over the dragons.
She burned the armies, not the civilians. If she was plain evil as you said, she would have disregarded Tyrion (and Jon's) advice to not torch King's Landing. She brought her fucking dragons, of course she was going to kill her enemies. What did you think she brought her dragons to Westeros for? To cook marshmellows with their dragonfire?

This is actually how Dany will win over the people
That was soooooo good, it's going to be a long week.

Can anyone tell me what Bran says to Little finger for him to have this expression? All I heard was "terrace is a letter". And man, so sad to see Bran that way, and having that poor girl Meereen(?) treated that way. Little man's got no emotions left.


So they took out the bulk of the Lannister/Tarly army right?

That was the group that left Casterly Rock early and went to High Garden- only to get obliterated.

What's left for Cersei? She only has Euron now?

Big Blue

Judging by the 30 second preview, we might actually be headed that way.

Dany didn't just take out her enemies, she ambushed an army with her semi-invincible nuclear device and killed thousands of people indiscriminately. What does a war become when one side has absolutely no chance of surviving? There are lines, she's just crossed a big one, what's next?

What? Indiscriminately? They were Lannister soldiers. That's war. As you can see in the preview, she ends up giving the surviving bannermen an ultimatum.


Avoiding all logic considering his one hand, & the heavy armor he's wearing. That would be a truly anti-climatic death for Jamie tbh. Death by drowning? Just don't feel like the show would let him go like that.

Especially if it's not even confirmed in this vey episode. Plot armor lives on methinks.
Did you guys notice how Dany burned all the supply wagons, and was talking about how they have no food to feed the Dothraki?

I hope they like BBQ human extra crispy.


Water is not wet!
She burned the armies, not the civilians. If she was plain evil as you said, she would have disregarded Tyrion (and Jon's) advice to not torch King's Landing. She brought her fucking dragons, of course she was going to kill her enemies. What did you think she brought her dragons to Westeros for? To cook marshmellows with their dragonfire?

Thats how i took it. Jon convinced her that she cant go burning towns to ash but armies and their supply lines? Military targets are fair game.


Dany specifically went after the army to avoid any collateral damage.

People seem to just be shitting on her for no reason. This is still GoT, she's not winning the throne through buttercups and rainbows with no massacres.


And then they start making out

In the doodle cave

Totally happening.

I wasn't sure they would do it, the whole incest and Jon and Dany being heros. But Targaryans love that type of shit. Hopefully next episode. Then Jorah sees them outside their window and Radioactive plays in the background.

One can hope.
i mean, last week there were memes about how much the starks and jon have changed and there is Sansa that while she has suffered, she doesnt bring anything to the table,

arya is a master asssasin
bran is tree eye raven
jon is king and the prince that was promised

and there she is, just sansa

I think Sansa wins the throne.


This is war. What do you want, for her to hug the enemy soldiers?

They didn't start this war, she did. Now she's just nuking them all. Everything about this is just whatever she decides to do, and she's got an unstoppable power, so basically if she decides 10,000 people in a field die, they die. They don't have a chance, it's beyond the normal war Westeros usually sees. She shouldn't be that powerful, because she's just demonstrated that she will use it to excess.

Dany specifically went after the army to avoid any collateral damage.

People seem to just be shitting on her for no reason. This is still GoT, she's not winning the throne through buttercups and rainbows with no massacres.

Yeah but the difference is she's presented as a messianic saviour, and that is what rubs people the wrong way. My point isn't that it is bad TV, it's that I think she's getting more and more tyrranical as her strength grows, and there was no need for this war to even happen. People didn't like Cersei, but they would have dealt with that like they've dealt with all the other bad leaders before her. Dany on the other hand thinks she should just be automatic ruler of the world, and when she meets resistance to that, she just sends a dragon out to wipe people off the face of the earth.


That was soooooo good, it's going to be a long week.

Can anyone tell me what Bran says to Little finger for him to have this expression? All I heard was "terrace is a letter". And man, so sad to see Bran that way, and having that poor girl Meereen(?) treated that way. Little man's got no emotions left.

Chaos is a ladder. Something LF told Varys in an earlier season. It showed LF that Bran saw through his shit.


That was soooooo good, it's going to be a long week.

Can anyone tell me what Bran says to Little finger for him to have this expression? All I heard was "terrace is a letter". And man, so sad to see Bran that way, and having that poor girl Meereen(?) treated that way. Little man's got no emotions left.

"Chaos is a ladder"

It's what Little Finger said to Varys in one of their earlier discussions in the first few seasons. Basically Bran letting finger know that he sees everything
I don't even know who I was rooting for, makes for an infinitely more compelling fight scene.

Tyrion watching his family house burning right in front of him while he's on the opposite side....

If it came down to it I would've preferred Jaime to spear Dany over Jaime getting cooked, but I'm okay with the draw.

Davos still the GOAT
Some of you guys are ridiculous.

After every terrible legitimate thing that's happened in this series, you're flipping out because of Dragonfire on the BATTLEFIELD?

Were you down on Tyrion when he used wildfire in the Battle of the Blackwater?
That was soooooo good, it's going to be a long week.

Can anyone tell me what Bran says to Little finger for him to have this expression? All I heard was "terrace is a letter". And man, so sad to see Bran that way, and having that poor girl Meereen(?) treated that way. Little man's got no emotions left.
LF tells Bran that it must be strange returning to Winterfell and being surrounded by chaos.

Bran tells LF "Chaos is Ladder".

Remember, LF gives Varys a little speech about "Chaos" in Season 3.

They didn't start this war, she did. Now she's just nuking them all. Everything about this is just whatever she decides to do, and she's got an unstoppable power, so basically if she decides 10,000 people in a field die, they die. They don't have a chance, it's beyond the normal war Westeros usually sees. She shouldn't be that powerful, because she's just demonstrated that she will use it to excess.

Honestly because how backwards their feudal system is, they both have claim to the throne so that shit is gonna happen, and it's both their faults for this war.

It's a great way to begin a siege of Kings Landing - if the people are starving during the winter.

yea but the Dothraki need to eat too lol


Yea I don't see anything wrong with what Dany did.

She went after an army that she's fighting against. Cersei blew up a damn church.

Dany killed soldiers and their supplies. She didn't wipe out a city.

She was losing. The current plan clearly wasn't working. She took the next step and did damage. How can you be mad at that?
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