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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Bruh yesssss. Been waiting longer than the show has existed for some form of this being realized.
This was the best episode in the entire series.

You had:

1. Family reunion
2. Subtle sexual tension
3. Foreshadowing & rearshadowing via Bran and a brief history lesson via some ancient cave drawings
4. Women making men nervous and terrified of their fighting skills
5. An unbelievable open-field battle
6. Both sides unveiling their super weapons
7. Old family and friends facing each other on different terms; Tyrion v. Jamie/Bron; Jon & Theon

So many things happening. I wish every episode was this good.


Decent episode, but there were way too many luck moments in that battle. Bronn missing getting burned to a crisp by just leaping onto the ground was one. I'm not entirely sure how someone could leap onto a speeding horse to knock Jaime down, either. And both me and my wife were screaming at our TV that there's no fucking way water would be that deep like a foot into that stream.

Plot armor > dragon
I think some people are getting upset because HBO did a good job of showing how much it would suck to burn to death.

War ain't pretty folks. Did those Lannister soldiers deserve to die? No. Their only crime was following the wrong House. But that's how all wars are. Most of the infantry are innocent.


semen stains the mountaintops
Some folks only want to hear yas queen.

For the folks who aren't on that train I guess all I have left to say is you aren't alone!

Yo, can you post those war rules you talked about? I can't wait to see read Westeros' Geneva Convention. It's weird that they allow literally everything but they cut it off at dragons.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
"Would you forgive me if I switched sides?"

- Sir Davos, the Onion Knight

When the hype man himself says it, the tears start flowing.
Well, luck is a factor during war. You wouldn't believe some of the stories to come out in our history.

It's believable enough to me, just sprinkle in a little plot armour and it's all good.


I think people are missing the main point.

This war never needed to happen. The only reason this war is happening is because Danny wanted to be better than the rest. Danny is going to single handedly bring forth the collapse of Westeros and lay waste to the remaining houses that gasp aren't cool with an invading horde.

Turns out she isn't better than the rest. The entire point of this war is now moot and pointless. She fucked up her initial war goal, time to sail back to Meereen and not be Queen of the Ashes

Not trying to start a huge debate but it was pretty clear from the start that Danny's only goal was to take the Iron Throne which she believes is rightfully hers. Yes she wanted to go about it more civilly than others before her however at this point she is losing her army and knows she was going to have to fight the Lannisters at one point or another. I mean she must know that the Lannisters weren't just going to give up the throne and walk away. This war was not pointless.
Bronn saving Jaime says something about his character progression.
He wouldn't have risked his neck for someone like that in the first season.

Unless he's only saving Jaime to guarantee a castle of his choosing after the war is won.
Especially since he just lost his bag of gold..


This was the best episode in the entire series.

You had:

1. Family reunion
2. Subtle sexual tension
3. Foreshadowing & rearshadowing via Bran and a brief history lesson via some ancient cave drawings
4. Women making men nervous and terrified of their fighting skills
5. An unbelievable open-field battle
6. Both sides unveiling their super weapons
7. Old family and friends facing each other on different terms; Tyrion v. Jamie/Bron; Jon & Theon

So many things happening. I wish every episode was this good.

You get it, yo. I was thoroughly entertained from beginning to end. I can't remember the last time I can say that about this show.


Neighbours from Hell
What do you guys think is gonna be the end game with Cersei and Braavos alliance then? Obviously they are using it for a reason, something has to come of it.
Some folks only want to hear yas queen.

For the folks who aren't on that train I guess all I have left to say is you aren't alone!
Fuck outta here with Yas Queen bullshit. I'm sick of people who have unnaturally high negative disposition toward Dany for no discernible reason. It's a bitch eating crackers scenario with some of you. Suddenly we should care about lannister army because Dany is toasting them, right?
Bronn saving Jaime says something about his character progression.
He wouldn't have risked his neck for someone like that in the first season.

Unless he's only saving Jaime to guarantee a castle of his choosing after the war is won.
Especially since he just lost his bag of gold..

I think theyre showing his growth. When he dropped his sack of gold, he looked at it before running towards the ballista. He could have easily taken his money and ran off if he wanted to.


Jaime's deus ex Bronn moment at the end was the only part of the episode I didn't like. I genuinely believed as soon as Bronn got on the scorpian that his number was finally up. He'd wound Drogon but get fried to crisp in the process or get crushed by Drogon crashing on him (or something). I figured that would be a pretty badass way for Bronn to go out, and then was actually kind of disappointed when it didn't happen XD

Would've been a shit (and stupid) way for Jaime to go out though.

Jon scribbled those White Walker drawings himself.

That would be a pretty hilarious twist.


It was LF behind Bran's attemp of Assassination?

Also Bronn with the heavy plot armor, he was so close to become "Bronn the dragonslayer"


This episode was full of amazing stuff.

What cut the deepest for me was Meera's goodbye to Bran. Her whole purpose was to be Bran's shield and sword and do whatever she can to keep him alive and when it comes to say goodbye there is hardly any recognition or gratitude from Bran. Fuck, man. That had me tearing up more than the Stark reunion.
This episode was full of amazing stuff.

What cut the deepest for me was Meera's goodbye to Bran. Her whole purpose was to be Bran's shield and sword and do whatever she can to keep him alive and when it comes to say goodbye there is hardly any recognition or gratitude from Bran. Fuck, man. That had me tearing up more than the Stark reunion.

That shit was so sad :'(

It was a great scene though cause it revealed what everyone was thinking, Bran died in that cave :(


Holy hell that was intense. That was a really good episode even before the battle, which I did *not* expect. Makes me glad they kept the Casterly Rock/Highgarden battles brief or off screen. I thought it would end with a setup for a battle next episode. Everything about Arya's return was perfect, Bran's detached-or-douche nature actually improved this episode IMO, like it got developed enough that it fit and was tragic in a way. Jon's scenes were good, Bronn was... Bronn. I was very conflicted between Bronn getting an awesome death and not having the most badass of the Dragons die. I'm happy he lived, someone has to both rib and respect Dickon.

Jamie in the water sinking what seemed like a mile was a little odd, but I took it more as just an artistic thing than him actually sinking that far. Plus, could be like a loch, super deep super fast.

While they said the gold made it in, the rest of the dialogue makes me believe the Lannister's main army just got wrecked. The Dothraki would be able to work their way up and down the line and dominate what's left even without a dragon in support.

Perhaps Tyrion reunion with Bronn and Jamie? Would be funny if Bronn opted to switch sides...

In short, one of the best all around episodes on the show ever IMO. Had a perfect balance of all the things the show does well, and the converging of the character storylines is paying dividends now.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I think people are missing the main point.

This war never needed to happen. The only reason this war is happening is because Danny wanted to be better than the rest. Danny is going to single handedly bring forth the collapse of Westeros and lay waste to the remaining houses that gasp aren't cool with an invading horde.

Turns out she isn't better than the rest. The entire point of this war is now moot and pointless. She fucked up her initial war goal, time to sail back to Meereen and not be Queen of the Ashes
Fighting soldiers isn't burning cities. Fuck the Lannister army. Go ask the people of the Riverlands what Tywin Lannister had his dog the Mountain do to those people. Ask the Northerners how the feel about those golden haired cunts. Ask Dorne and the Reach while you're at it as well. The Lannisters have been slaughtering civilians and tearing down noble houses long before Dany ever sailed to Westeros, and long before she was ever born.
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