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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Tyrion loves his brother. If given the chance and Jamie was taken hostage, he would set him free.

A lot of interesting stuff in the last few pages of this thread. lol

Do the people that hate Dany not want her to win because of the dragons? Is it the gamer mentality setting in of "cheer for one of the underdogs because she's op?" I'll be honest, I don't want her to win and it's not because of her being OP. I'd like to see Jon win or the unexpected like...idk...one of the Stark ladies sitting on the throne.

She has no redeeming qualities as a character.

At least Jon has been shown time and again that he, infact, ain't shit. And he knows it.
Sansa is going to do something stupid.

The way Bran didn't hug her when they reunited, they way he hugged Arya when they reunited while staring Sansa down.

Then Sansa's reaction to Arya actually being a badass, the envy.


semen stains the mountaintops
How would a line of muskets do against dragons?

Not well. Muskets are extremely innacurate, so they would have to shoot very closely to the beast. A properly trained dragon would probably be able to easily avoid it while burning everybody. Maybe rifles could do some damage if mass fired...

The hardest thing however is to make man stay in line against an upcoming threat such as that. Against horses are already hard and they won't charge a shield wall. Against a dragon that will burn you alive?

I thought the most fantastical scene in this episode was the Lenister's archers holding in formation against the dragon. That took some nerve.
That battle was insane. That was like civil war era infantrymen meeting an F-16 fighter jet, holy shit they couldn't do anything.

Also the way they portrayed the dragon's fire effectiveness was so nice to watch. That thing literally turns armies into a bowl of ashes.


So 3 episodes left this season, 6 more afterwards...do we think they resolve the War for the Iron Throne or the White Walkers first? And will one be resolved this season? They can't do both at the same time still, can they?

I think Iron Throne is settled this season.
"invading threat"

I mean, I dont know what you expected...she was amassing an army for the past 6 seasons, for what reason? To defeat her fucking enemies. She has 3 dragons with her who are crucial for her to win Westeros. It's just plain ridiculous for me to see people going look how cruel she is when shit actually hits the fan. It's like people expecting her to just walk in and become crowned, in Westeros of all places. So yeah she is an invading threat! NO SHIT!

Nothing so far shows that she cannot bring peace to the lands. But in order to do that first, she has to defeat her enemies' armies. People really do not understand the concept of war?

You're missing the point like Bronn missed that arrow.

I'm not criticizing the show, I'm criticizing Danny as a person in Westeros for what she is doing.


Those last couple of minutes were intense.

When the dragon opened his mouth and Bronn shot the weapon, I could have sworn he was gonna hit the dragon right through the mouth.

Glad to know that the dragon came out relatively unscathed.

Next week should give us a Tyrian and Jamie reunion. That should be interesting.


Littlefinger won't survive the season if you paid attention. Brandon basically called him out and gave the dagger Littlefinger tried to have Bran killed with to his assasin sister.

Just cause he will die doesn't mean he can't plan something. All I'm saying is it seems to suspicious to make Sansa use those words exactly to describe the reunion.
I don't know about muskets but if I was Napoleon vs dragons I would use cannons with canister shots. Basically a bigass shotgun.

More important than killing the dragons would killing their rider though.

Could you even engage fast moving aerial targets with Napoleonic era cannons without putting them on an AA gun-like rotating mount like the one the scorpion had in the episode?

Their original mounts would make them take ages to rotate?
Them being soldiers is different than them being civilians, but they're still people. You don't just get a pass because they happened to be armed - and for all purposes, they were incapable of fighting back anyway. It ain't a fair fight, and it ain't right.
lmao this is funny shit

PLEASE think of the lannister army
I know Danny's getting cocky and shit, but fuck anyone rooting for her and the dragons to lose. Cersei is the worst and anything that takes the throne from the Lannisters and wipes out her, Euron and the rest of those scumbags is a huge win in my book.
Bran had a brief moment of hesitation while giving the dagger. he saw something in the future and at that point he realizes that he has a hand in the outcome.

I'm guessing

he probably saw Little Fingers death but didn't know Arya would be involved and him handing her the weapon to do it.


Just awesome episode, glad i skipped watching Sharknado to watch it. As soon as Jaime told his army to line up I knew what was coming and just said "You are so fucked". I couldn't see the screen very well but she just took one dragon right? Imagine all three on the battlefield.

Am I missing something or is it the new edgy thing to be anti-Dany now? I don't get it, people are looking and hoping for her to go bad. If she was truly power hungry she wouldn't have offered to help Jon and executed him. This very episode she stopped herself and even asked him for help and advice and it was obvious she was at a loss and vulnerable.
So wait, is it confirmed the gold was there in the battle? I remember the banker emphasizing that they will need the gold in the bank before they partner up with Cersei.


You're missing the point like Bronn missed that arrow.

I'm not criticizing the show, I'm criticizing Danny as a person in Westeros for what she is doing.

Some folks only want to hear yas queen.

For the folks who aren't on that train I guess all I have left to say is you aren't alone!
When there is a Geneva Protocol is Westeros, then you'd have a point.

Lol, besides I'm sure napalm was used since then. Which is closer to dragon fire?

I'm not even taking a side, this conversation just made me think of that.

Some things are considered too cruel or efficient even by people who are trying to kill eachother.

Nukes are another example. This is like the modern day equivalent of someone with a 'good heart' taking over the world with nuclear weapons. I'm not really taking a side on whether or not shes right to do it.


Decent episode, but there were way too many luck moments in that battle. Bronn missing getting burned to a crisp by just leaping onto the ground was one. I'm not entirely sure how someone could leap onto a speeding horse to knock Jaime down, either. And both me and my wife were screaming at our TV that there's no fucking way water would be that deep like a foot into that stream.
jamie will live but he shouldn't

awesome to see the dragon's fury in action, but those scorpions will be their doom

People keep saying he's gonna kill Cersei, but I still feel like that's just too predictable and on the nose.

I've been saying this since last season, the swerve is that Cersei is going to betray Jamie and kill him somehow. Even Olenna knew it.
It's crazy because at the start of the episode I was so jazzed about a lot of little things.

Arya's reunion. Especially her spar w/ Brienne. Arya is legit now, and she got some sweet loot with that dagger. An appropriate upgrade for her skills.

Bran letting on to Littlefinger and all that implies.

Indiana Snow making his little archeological discovery, and the implications.

Sansa making this realization that her siblings are dangerous people.

And they cut to this long shot of the Lannister/Tarly army and the dothraki yipping is heard and I'm talking w/ my sister saying "Hey I wonder if Dany is gonna bring a dragon" and there Drogon is in all his glory and I'm giddy and on the literal edge of my seat until the credits finally show.

What an ep.

Yep, this ep was absolutely amazing.
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