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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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So Danny moved one of the largest land armies ever seen in Westeros from Dragonstone to the Crown Lands next to King's Landing without being noticed? Almost as bad as Jon reaching Dragonstone from White Harbor (or East Watch?) in basically a couple of days. Ever since Season 5, the TV characters have found a way of teleporting from points A to B wherever they need to be in the map.

How do you know it was a couple of days?


"With your permissions, flogging stragglers..."

The Lannisters sure know how to pick them. Buddy would fit right at home in Slaver's Bay.

Oh shit, did I violate some rule that Lannister's shouldn't be chastised? I take back everything I said.

That "Are we the baddies" look Jaime gave Bronn.


Cersei still has stockpiles of wildfire, yes? There is no stopping her from using that and turn King's Landing into ashes if she see herself besieged. Plus she has all the gold and support of Iron Bank and the largest mercenaries in the Essos. Qyburn is mass producing anti-dragon missiles.

So far, Cersei is still holding all the cards.

I'll be honest, this is what I thought was going to happen. Cersei was going to threaten to destroy the city before she let Dany take it, like the Mad King ("Burn them all!"), but then in order to stop her from murdering millions of innocent people, Jaime kills her - mirroring his murder of Aerys Targaryen for the very same reason. Although this time instead of killing a Targaryen to save the city, he kills his own sister so a Targaryen can take it.

However, if Jaime does indeed get captured as result of this episode, that whole idea may go down the drain. I guess we'll see.


semen stains the mountaintops
Didn't Euron say something about bringing the storm with him or am I making shit up? Storm God?

Maybe a lightning storm will fuck them up mid flight.

Euron in episode 5.

7he Talon

I'm hoping for another Bran vision soon. He needs to give us some juicy past details (more on Jon Snows parents?) to redeem his pure weirdness these past two episodes.


what is Cersei doing for this dude to be charging straight at a dragon that just torched a thousand of his men?

Jamie's always been in love with Cersei, and I remember dialogue referring to Catelyn or Ned about how he was always faithful to the one he loved.

On the other side, I never felt Cersei was as in love with him with her cheating on him and it coming off more like she enjoys the idea of him being hers than the 'love' part.
This episode pretty much confirms that Euron will kill 2 dragons or destroy the entire Dothraki horde. Now that Drogon is out of the picture.

It is time for the real master of plot armor to return.
So Danny moved one of the largest land armies ever seen in Westeros from Dragonstone to the Crown Lands next to King's Landing without being noticed? Almost as bad as Jon reaching Dragonstone from White Harbor (or East Watch?) in basically a couple of days. Ever since Season 5, the TV characters have found a way of teleporting from points A to B wherever they need to be in the map.
We've pretty much established that in the show no army has any scouts. The Lannister/Tyrrell force marches to relieve Kings Landing but Stannis never notices, the Arryn army marches from the Vale all the way to Winterfell without Ramsay noticing, the Lannister Army goes from Casterly Rock to Highgarden without anybody in Danny's alliance noticing.
Good episode and all, but Im bothered that Jamie and Bron are, by chance, left alive, and Tyrion overwatches and sees them. I just can't buy that and its annoying when a dragon is overhead and burning everything indiscriminately.

So clearly Jamie lives... but what's up now, do they just talk over the table and does he reunite with his bro and apologize or what.


Jamie will have his redemption whenever he (hopefully) realizes how blatantly evil Cersei is nowadays and ends her. He's a very strange character in that I used to hate him, then I loved him, and now I'm getting indifferent!


Fighting soldiers isn't burning cities. Fuck the Lannister army. Go ask the people of the Riverlands what Tywin Lannister had his dog the Mountain do to those people. Ask the Northerners how the feel about those golden haired cunts. Ask Dorne and the Reach while you're at it as well. The Lannisters have been slaughtering civilians and tearing down noble houses long before Dany ever sailed to Westeros, and long before she was ever born.

I think that's why it's a poor PR decision, and a strategic mistake.

Nobody liked the Lannisters, but now the common people will be afraid of Dragons and rampaging Dothraki. Given that garnering popular support has been Dany's MO most of the time, it's now less likely she'll attain that than before, for the reasons both Cersei and Tyrion have identified previously.

Killing soldiers is one thing, but to rule a monarch needs popular support, unless they plan on being a tyrant.

In addition this attack achieved very little positive. All it did was thin out the tail end of the Lannister army. The gold was already inside, and the grain that was lost will not deprive the army of sustenance, but more likely the people will suffer - again, something to be used in building the propaganda against her.

And it's not entirely unjustified. Every piece of advice she received was to not follow this course of action. The only advice you could claim was pro something like this was Olenna's - but, cool character as she was, her arrogance lost her and her entire house absolutely everything.

So yes, a poor decision that achieved very little. No doubt there will be consequences.
I know it's easy to complain about the teleporters on this show but it would pretty much be impossible to wrap things up on time in real time without like 4 more seasons. Its the problem that basically forced bad pacing without speeding things up

And this is essentially a problem that was inherited from the trying adapt Martins world.


I'm hoping for another Bran vision soon. He needs to give us some juicy past details (more on Jon Snows parents?) to redeem his pure weirdness these past two episodes.

He's too busy laughing at Jorah's "nice guy" posts on 4chan to download any more of jons_family_tree.txt
What do you guys think is gonna be the end game with Cersei and Braavos alliance then? Obviously they are using it for a reason, something has to come of it.

She needs soldiers, even more now. Probably going to try and angle in once Dany has to fight the Night King's army. I wouldn't put it past her be the most despicable opportunist. Like everyone else who's left in Westeros agrees to fight the NK and she stabs them in the back. Although I don't know how she plans to deal with them herself.


Me and my friends talked about this. Very few things annoyed us this season. But this "lets just speed this army to this side of the map" is one of them.

No sense in how fast time is passing, or anything like that. Euron is the fastest man in the seas. And Dany & the Dothraki might be the fastest army alive at this rate.

Whitewalkers must move like snails.

The distance between Winterfell and Dragonstone is greater than that between the Canadian Northern Territories and Miami. And Jon, on a caravel/sailboat, finished the journey in a couple of days, show-wise. It would have taken weeks, maybe over a month if the winds were bad (and they are, specially in winter).

Likewise, there's no way Euron could have sneaked a whole damn fleet into the waters near Dragonstone and surprised Yara and her hundreds of ships. No lookouts? The ships were slow, which is why fleet ambushes were incredibly, immensely rare before the XXth century.
Teleporting has been a thing since the first episode of the show.

Jaime and Cersei were at the Throne room during Jon Arryn's funeral.

Couple scenes later they're at Winterfell.

This isn't new, the only thing jarring this season is Euron's travels. Everything else is the same.

The more concerning thing is how no one manages to use their scouts.
I'll be honest, this is what I thought was going to happen. Cersei was going to threaten to destroy the city before she let Dany take it, like the Mad King ("Burn them all!"), but then in order to stop her from murdering millions of innocent people, Jaime kills her - mirroring his murder of Aerys Targaryen for the very same reason. Although this time instead of killing a Targaryen to save the city, he kills his own sister so a Targaryen can take it.

However, if Jaime does indeed get captured as result of this episode, that whole idea may go down the drain. I guess we'll see.

Wellll playing off the whole mirror thing... Jamie did free Tyrion... and if Jamie is held prisoner by Dany..


Death Prophet
So Danny moved one of the largest land armies ever seen in Westeros from Dragonstone to the Crown Lands next to King's Landing without being noticed? Almost as bad as Jon reaching Dragonstone from White Harbor (or East Watch?) in basically a couple of days. Ever since Season 5, the TV characters have found a way of teleporting from points A to B wherever they need to be in the map.

Honestly, who gives a shit? I couldn't care less about dragging out characters' journeys around the world. Dany teleporting got us one of the best scenes of the show.
Teleporting has been a thing since the first episode of the show.

Jaime and Cersei were at the Throne room during Jon Arryn's funeral.

Couple scenes later they're at Winterfell.

This isn't new, the only thing jarring this season is Euron's travels. Everything else is the same.

The more concerning thing is how no one manages to use their scouts.

Yeah the only thing that really sticks out as possibly overboard is Euron and that doesn't even really bother me. Its minor enough in the grand scheme of things I just roll with it


I don't mind the passage of time before the fight.. but where the heck did the Dothraki make landing? North of King's Landing and just charged right past it? In struggling with westeros geography figuring out how she pulled it off. Amazing episode though.
Yeah. I agree completely. I really don't want to see these characters make campfires and shoot the shit. There are very few episodes left. Things need to start happening.
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