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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Dany and Jon getting together is a little too much like fan fiction to me. Jon already turned down Melisandre because he still loved Ygritte. It'll probably happen though.



Guess she doesn't like a finger in the bum.
I think people just don't want things wrapped up in a nice bow with Jon and Dany, which the Lannisters can help with.

Cersei and Jaime are top tier actors on the show as well, and the characters are extremely well written (even if they do shitty things) they are compelling, that why you'root' for them. You don't want to lose them.
So Danny moved one of the largest land armies ever seen in Westeros from Dragonstone to the Crown Lands next to King's Landing without being noticed? Almost as bad as Jon reaching Dragonstone from White Harbor (or East Watch?) in basically a couple of days. Ever since Season 5, the TV characters have found a way of teleporting from points A to B wherever they need to be in the map.

Guess Westeros sucks when it comes to reconnaissance.


So Danny moved one of the largest land armies ever seen in Westeros from Dragonstone to the Crown Lands next to King's Landing without being noticed? Almost as bad as Jon reaching Dragonstone from White Harbor (or East Watch?) in basically a couple of days. Ever since Season 5, the TV characters have found a way of teleporting from points A to B wherever they need to be in the map.

Me and my friends talked about this. Very few things annoyed us this season. But this "lets just speed this army to this side of the map" is one of them.

No sense in how fast time is passing, or anything like that. Euron is the fastest man in the seas. And Dany & the Dothraki might be the fastest army alive at this rate.

Whitewalkers must move like snails.
She started a war because she felt she was going to be better than everyone else.

Turns out she's not better than everyone else and the last remaining houses in the kingdom are collapsing because of her need to start a war in an already war ravished land.

I've always thought her invading Westeros was pointless really, she should have stayed in Essos and been a good queen there instead of laying waste to Westeros.
The war was started long ago. After Robert's death the War of the 5 Kings has been going on.. It never let up! Stannis laid siege to King's Landing! Robb Stark carved out Riverlands! Everyone is fighting for the crown, yet when Dany decides to get into the fray, it is just this great umbrage. This silly slave girl should have stayed in Essos and let these bunch of squabbling men decide their own fates! Why is her claim to Iron Throne any less valid than Cersei's? Stark's? Stannis'? Those crazy fuckers in North who flay their enemies? If anything, she is a rightful heir!

And yes, she is better than many of them because she did abolish slavery, leading Iron Bank to divest from slave trade in Essos. From all that we know, the people in Essos like their queen (except the rich, slave-trading kind) and there's no reason to believe she wont be just and fair, unlike the current ruling dynasty which is made up of greedy shitstains.


People keep saying he's gonna kill Cersei, but I still feel like that's just too predictable and on the nose.

I've been saying this since last season, the swerve is that Cersei is going to betray Jamie and kill him somehow. Even Olenna knew it.

Nah man she is going to betray his heart. When he gets cucked by cersei and euron he going to go all OJ Simpson on them and then kill himself from the post guilt
Eddard Stark:
Can you free me from this pit?

I could. But will I? No. As I said, I'm no hero.

Eddard Stark:
What do you want? Tell me, no stories, no riddles. Tell me, what do you want?

Peace. Did you know that your son is marching south with an army of northmen? Loyal lad, fighting for his father's freedom.


I want you to serve the realm! Tell the Queen you will confess your vile treason, tell your son to lay down his sword and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir! Cersei knows you as a man of honour; if you give her the peace she needs, and promise to carry her secret to your grave, I believe she will allow you to take the black and live out your days on the Wall, with your brother and your bastard son.

I serve the realm, the realm needs peace, not a Dothraki horde and dragons. There are no rights to the throne, she obviously can do as she pleases with dragons and the largest remaining army at her side.

You'll all see the truth soon enough, I do hope it's not when Kings Landing is a pile of ash and the lands are being ravished by leaderless Dothraki trying to survive winter.
"It's alright."

Yup, looks like Jon's earned Dany's trust.

Oh my! That's quite the find. And a second find too.
It also happened right after Missandei got done talking about GW. Who also wasn't in this episode :\
Jon is showing Danny his Minecraft cave.
Dragonglass is such a pain in the ass to mine, where's Jon gonna get his diamond pickaxes from???
So many sexual innuendo in this cave...
? I didn't notice any.
Lets hope they use all that Obsidian to explore each other's Nether Realms.
Let us hope
Many things

And it's all preluded by that brief chat between Dany and Missandrei too. Missandrei totally knows Dany's got a thing for Jon Snow.
If that's true, I'd like to hear them actually talk about it like Jon & Davos talked about her. And then they even talk to Missandei afterwards.


I really do not want to wait another season
Maybe next episode? :\
Jon just trying to keep them beautiful dragons alive.
lol what does this mean
Listen I've noted I'm not a fan of Dany in general at all but there's nothing wrong with what she did here. She was getting wrecked by Cersei and these were soldiers not civilians. War is ugly, and she needed a W now more than ever.
People talking about *rules* lol fuck out of here, Lannister sympathizers you are right...


While I am by no means a Lannister sympathizer, I think there's still a distinction to make between the evil leaders of the House and the common foot soldiers like you saw with Ed Sheeran and his crew talking to Arya.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
"With your permissions, flogging stragglers..."

The Lannisters sure know how to pick them. Buddy would fit right at home in Slaver's Bay.

Oh shit, did I violate some rule that Lannister's shouldn't be chastised? I take back everything I said.


was it a fair fight when the Tarlys switched sides and helped the Lannister army slaughter the remenants of House Tyrell?

None of it is 'wow such good heroes', but the Lannisters aren't presented that way so it doesn't bother me. They do good and bad things depending on the situation, but mostly bad. However, that's still men fighting men.

It's pretty simple, and I'm already getting tired of explaining the same thing to people coming up with different ways of making the same false equivalencies but here it is one last time:

- Daenerys is described as 'good' and 'different' by characters such as Jon, Tyrion, Varys, Jorah, and in this episode even Davos was joking about 'switching sides' to her - a joke, but this is indicative of how she's presented on the show.
- She had responsibilities over in Essos to the slaves she freed and the cities she threw unto upheaval, which she abandoned as soon as she throught she was ready to take over Westeros, always her goal. Essos was nothing to her but practice.
- Westeros always has big problems, but nobody was specifically fighting for Daenerys to rule instead of Cersei, they were dealing with their own shit.
- Regardless, Dany sailed on over and declared war, because as she's always believed, it is just her right to be the ruler of Westeros and that's all there is to it.
- She has a kind of weapon which reduces everything she is fighting against to basically sticks and stones, and is eager to use it to get this nasty conquering part over with so she can get what she wants.

That's just who she is and what she's done lately. If she was presented like the various other sides that have been fighting on the show over the years, cool. So she's a self-righteous leader who is focused on getting power as soon as possible, because she thinks it belongs to her.

Just like everyone else on the show. Except no, Dany is 'different'. Except she isn't different, she just happens to have a sympathetic backstory and 3 gigantic dragons. What she's done is start a war the other side, on paper, has no chance of winning, where tens of thousands of people will likely die, and for what?

What's the end goal? She gets to be Queen? Who cares? That doesn't change anything, the people of Westeros will be at her throat before long because that's how their world works. If she is this destructive and selfish in seeking the throne, then why would that change when her job is to keep it?

There are no slaves in Westeros. The moral landscape is a lot more grey, and nuanced. Dany's presentation, thus far, hasn't been nuanced. It's been a slow build into a power fantasy. When her enemies only existed to be evil, that was fun. Now that she is centre-stage in the real world, she needs to start being held to account for the stuff she does. She just torched likely thousands of men, it's not 'good guy' behaviour.

Don't get me wrong, this was a great episode. The fight was thrilling, but I'm sure as fuck not rooting for Daenerys when I watch it.

While I am by no means a Lannister sympathizer, I think there's still a distinction to make between the evil leaders of the House and the common foot soldiers like you saw with Ed Sheeran and his crew talking to Arya.

Yes, which I'm astounded people don't seem to just get without it being pointed out. Of those thousands of soldiers who just died, how many of them do you think deserved to die? Most of them were probably just poor young men with limited options in life. Dany killed them all, too. It's kind of fucked up and the show has always tried to present it's wars with some realism so I respond to them with that in mind, except with Dany those rules don't seem to apply. Her massacres are presented as triumphs.

I hope they take the right direction and start holding Dany to account for all her bullshit, rather than continue to present her as a pure hero who only wants to kill the bad queen and free the people.
Doubt it, bending the knee is serious and would be something they would have to show.

That said, I doubt he bends the knee.
Doing it in secret in the cave, in a position of mutual respect between them, versus him in a throne room or something, would make sense though and fit the tone of that scene and Jon's speech there
Euron hasnt shown up yet. He will kill all three dragons with his bare hands.

Didn't Euron say something about bringing the storm with him or am I making shit up? Storm God?

Maybe a lightning storm will fuck them up mid flight.

Edit: he calls himself the Drowned God.


While I am by no means a Lannister sympathizer, I think there's still a distinction to make between the evil leaders of the House and the common foot soldiers like you saw with Ed Sheeran and his crew talking to Arya.

Those dude's just betrayed the house they sworn loyalty too (Tyrell's). They betrayed friends they use to hunt with. Just like the Freys and Boltons betrayed the Starks.
The scene with those soldiers laid out like the pompeii victims and then ashed away was insane, they really showed how much damage a dragon can do.
I don't think people understand how serious Jon bending the knee would be for him.

I mean, if the show doesn't bullshit and stay true. He'd lose the North's support, he'd prove Sansa and the other Lords right...
He'd be the king of nothing.


Did that cut from "survival over pride" to Dany and Jon walking out imply that Jon bent the knee?

I need gifs of ze dragon over the shoulder shots. And Dothraki's trick riding! Bronn got out of dodge real quick once he saw that shit. Man, a proper Mongol/Genghis Khan movie would be 90 minutes of this.

Also, what go Littlefinger so shook in the scene with Brann? Did he supply the latter for the would be assassin or something? Fuck it, Dothraki too strong, "your people can't fight." If you wore a little less eye shadow it would pass for menacing.
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