It was a moment for him to reflect the soldiers of House Lannister being burnt alive by dragonfire, with his help.I don't even know why Tyrion showed up.
It was a moment for him to reflect the soldiers of House Lannister being burnt alive by dragonfire, with his help.I don't even know why Tyrion showed up.
Honestly, who gives a shit? I couldn't care less about dragging out characters' journeys around the world. Dany teleporting got us one of the best scenes of the show.
She was advised to not attack cities. She didn't attack cities. Who are these people that are pro Lannisters that should be worried about Dany? The Riverlands hates the Lannisters, Dorne hates the Lannisters, the North hate the Lannisters, etc. By "people" are you referring to those who live in the areas ruled by the woman who blew up 4 city blocks?I think that's why it's a poor PR decision, and a strategic mistake.
Nobody liked the Lannisters, but now the common people will be afraid of Dragons and rampaging Dothraki. Given that garnering popular support has been Dany's MO most of the time, it's now less likely she'll attain that than before, for the reasons both Cersei and Tyrion have identified previously.
Killing soldiers is one thing, but to rule a monarch needs popular support, unless they plan on being a tyrant.
In addition this attack achieved very little positive. All it did was thin out the tail end of the Lannister army. The gold was already inside, and the grain that was lost will not deprive the army of sustenance, but more likely the people will suffer - again, something to be used in building the propaganda against her.
And it's not entirely unjustified. Every piece of advice she received was to not follow this course of action. The only advice you could claim was pro something like this was Olenna's - but, cool character as she was, her arrogance lost her and her entire house absolutely everything.
So yes, a poor decision that achieved very little. No doubt there will be consequences.
I think that's why it's a poor PR decision, and a strategic mistake.
Nobody liked the Lannisters, but now the common people will be afraid of Dragons and rampaging Dothraki. Given that garnering popular support has been Dany's MO most of the time, it's now less likely she'll attain that than before, for the reasons both Cersei and Tyrion have identified previously.
Killing soldiers is one thing, but to rule a monarch needs popular support, unless they plan on being a tyrant.
In addition this attack achieved very little positive. All it did was thin out the tail end of the Lannister army. The gold was already inside, and the grain that was lost will not deprive the army of sustenance, but more likely the people will suffer - again, something to be used in building the propaganda against her.
And it's not entirely unjustified. Every piece of advice she received was to not follow this course of action. The only advice you could claim was pro something like this was Olenna's - but, cool character as she was, her arrogance lost her and her entire house absolutely everything.
So yes, a poor decision that achieved very little. No doubt there will be consequences.
I see atleast a few houses in the radius being blown to bits by Wildfire.This and those other gifs. Fuck the Lannisters.
Also of course:
People talking about *rules* lol fuck out of here, Lannister sympathizers you are right...
Sparrow's last words: So much for the tolerant left!!
Poor Meera though...I hope we see more of her.
Great ending but damn some of that CGI was straight-up hideous, especially the close-ups of Dany on the dragon.
Can someone please remind me what Arya's beef is with Littlefinger? I truly don't remember her finding out anything he's done.
She was advised to not attack cities. She didn't attack cities. Who are these people that are pro Lannisters that should be worried about Dany? The Riverlands hates the Lannisters, Dorne hates the Lannisters, the North hate the Lannisters, etc. By "people" are you referring to those who live in the areas ruled by the woman who blew up 4 city blocks?
I don't even know why Tyrion showed up.
That scene broke my heart. I was rooting for those two and it was obvious by the way Meera was wording her question she was hoping that Bran would ask her to stay with him. But damn, that scene was depressing.
Seriously. Lannisters have never played by any rules.
As much as I liked the last battle of tonight's episode, there was way too much plot armor. Dany flying through, lighting up the entire caravan, and somehow the crossbow survived. Would have worked out if they didn't go out of their way to show Dany literally flying through and intentionally lighting up the entire caravan.
Jaime surviving the entire battle while everybody around him burned. Same with Bronn. That's fine, whatever, the heroes always manage to be the survivors in the big battles. Gonna find it weird when someone manages to fish Jaime out of that water with all his armor on though, unless it's Dany and her army, and they do it intentionally.
Dany being thickheaded and flying straight toward the giant crossbow rather than taking it out with fire from a much further distance, or hell, not taking it out at all. It's only effective against her dragon, and she'd already done all the damage she needed to do. I don't even think her dragon was necessary to win that battle.
Dany hopping off to pull the spear out of the dragon in the middle of the battlefield. Fortunately only Jaime seemed to notice her. The spear is hardly gonna prevent the dragon from flying. Should have flown somewhere safe first.
Also, lol if Tyrion feels bad for the Lannister forces now. Or anybody for that matter. They just fucked up and ransacked Highgarden. Fuck them.
She was advised to not attack cities. She didn't attack cities. Who are these people that are pro Lannisters that should be worried about Dany? The Riverlands hates the Lannisters, Dorne hates the Lannisters, the North hate the Lannisters, etc. By "people" are you referring to those who live in the areas ruled by the woman who blew up 4 city blocks?
The majority of the Seven Kingdoms hate Cersei, her rule, and her family. Break the Lannisters and there goes the kingdom. Destroying their army would get that shit done.
It's ridiculous though that the Lannisters held the line after the dragon torched an opening.
Because she was doubting his allegiance and placed him somewhere where he could watch his side get absolutely slaughtered.I don't even know why Tyrion showed up.
Qyburn's demonstration was with one of them being shot into the skull of a dragon though.I never thought that one giant arrow was a real threat to the dragons. I think they're building up to a scene where there are hundreds of those things. That's the real threat.
Good episode and all, but Im bothered that Jamie and Bron are, by chance, left alive, and Tyrion overwatches and sees them. I just can't buy that and its annoying when a dragon is overhead and burning everything indiscriminately.
So clearly Jamie lives... but what's up now, do they just talk over the table and does he reunite with his bro and apologize or what.
All Bran had to do was remind her that his dick didn't work
Honestly, who gives a shit? I couldn't care less about dragging out characters' journeys around the world. Dany teleporting got us one of the best scenes of the show.
I'd assume to advise Dany. I doubt she's there with a horde of Dothraki to just trash the place and get back to Dragonstone. There's probably prisoner management, dealing with any unburnt spoils, etc...
Stuff that the Hand would be useful for.
I would have liked to see Dany have some kind of actual armor.
And they were severely outnumbered as well, considering the vast bulk of Lannister army left to King's Landing and what Jamie had was the very backside of the army gathering food.Yep. Tyrion wasn't exaggerating when they talked up how supremely trained they were.
Works every timeWhen they go low, we go high.
Reminds me of that Friends episode when Joey dove over Ross in the car in an attempt to save him from what he thought was the sound of a gunshot.Bronn saving Jaime says something about his character progression.
He wouldn't have risked his neck for someone like that in the first season.
Unless he's only saving Jaime to guarantee a castle of his choosing after the war is won.
Especially since he just lost his bag of gold..
I remember the first time I watched this ep. My first holy shit with this show, seems like forever ago.Poor Jamie here was just using self defense Bran was on a murder spree.
That's not a problem for Grey Worm.
Do yall think Drogon was poisoned considering the weapon is called Scorpion and who commissioned it?
I see atleast a few houses in the radius being blown to bits by Wildfire.
I'd assume to advise Dany. I doubt she's there with a horde of Dothraki to just trash the place and get back to Dragonstone. There's probably prisoner management, dealing with any unburnt spoils, etc...
Stuff that the Hand would be useful for.
I would have liked to see Dany have some kind of actual armor.
I mean. With shit like Euron surprising Theon's troops (I guess their navy with the best ships in the sea were no match for Euron's navy that Euron made in less than a few months) and then going to Kings landing to take part in a parade and then to Casterly Rock to take out Wormtails ships.... yea. This shit doesn't make sense.
That scene broke my heart. I was rooting for those two and it was obvious by the way Meera was wording her question she was hoping that Bran would ask her to stay with him. But damn, that scene was depressing.
All Bran had to do was remind her that his dick didn't work
When they go low, we go high.
Do yall think Drogon was poisoned considering the weapon is called Scorpion and who commissioned it?
YES. YES. YES.Every episode from now on should have a disclaimer telling us how many episodes are left and that this means they can't spend 3 episodes showing us Dany traveling with her army.
Every episode from now on should have a disclaimer telling us how many episodes are left and that this means they can't spend 3 episodes showing us Dany traveling with her army.
Do yall think Drogon was poisoned considering the weapon is called Scorpion and who commissioned it?
Really? You think she did it all for the dick? I guarantee you she did not.