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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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I hope Jamie is captured (again) instead of conveniently washing up at King's Landing.

I think it's going to happen, it's the reverse situation with Tyrion and him and maybe he bails him out this time. I like to see Dany/Jon confronting Jaime.

Dickon better lives too!
You know what's more absurd than the Dothraki getting to KL so fast? Dany and her army finding the Lannister army so fast. I doubt that a dragon makes for a good scout ship.

Great episode but the plot contrivances continue.


semen stains the mountaintops
That still doesn't excuse poor depictions of time. They could have shown larger periods of time had passed without dragging it on like earlier seasons did.

The early seasons showed us by showing us the travel. The Hound and Arya's whole story was them just traveling.

Like, if by now you don't understand that days or even weeks can pass between scenes, then what else do you want from them? The audience needs to be faster on the uptake.
Also not to bring the mood down but this episode did have one very stupid line.

When Arya and Sansa were discussing Ned's face and one of them said " well no one who saw his face is still alive".....wait what. I mean a lot of people died but there are still a bunch more left who remember his face.

She said everyone that knew is his face not saw his face.

She's saying everyone who knew him in a very close manner is dead. Which is mostly true at this point with a few exceptions


What Dany did was brilliant. She utilized her strengths while reducing civilian casualties to zero(not counting any resulting deaths from the supplies that were lost). Soldiers are fair game. Whether they die from wildfire or their own side's arrows or dragon flame they're just as dead. I raised this during Cersei debate and so far I applaud Daenerys for not unleashing hellfire on innocents, though she'll have to at some point to get what she wants. She caught Jaime with a his pants down(and a finger up the bum) but no one is going to willingly face Dragons and Dothraki in open battle like that. She's going to have to fire bomb castles and keeps into submission from this point on. Aegon was willing to spill/boil as much blood as took in his conquest, will she?


FIRE AND BLOOD. Glorious. One of the top episodes for sure.

So back to the power level debate. A new challenger appears. Forget everyone else. Can Arthur Dayne beat Arya? :p On a side note: her outfit makes her look like a mini Ned Stark. Adorable and deadly little Ninja she is. So it would appear that Starks have a magic power. The magic power of being Valyrian steel magnets. lol

I really hope Sansa is just giving LF false messages. Otherwise she might actually plan something stupid with him. Bran seems to have caught onto him though. I wonder at what point he'll tell his family about LF betraying Ned and being the one who ordered the assassination attempt on him. Cuz all he's managed to do so far is creep out Sansa about her rape and make Meera (the girl that nearly died carrying his busted ass across a frozen wasteland) cry. What a fucking douche. I feel so bad for Meera. I hope she finds better friends and peace once the wars are over. Maybe she and Arya can be freids.

Jon likes taking girls out on dates that entail going into caves. ;) And that look that Dany and Misandei had when Jon approached right after the "Many things?" line. It's happening. Fire and Ice. She also did take Jon's advice in the end...

And OH MY GOD Drogon lighting mother fuckers up! Best dragon action sequence OF ALL TIME. That shit was euphoric to see. Dany was fierce. Too bad she didn't get there in time to intercept the gold. Now Im really starting to think that the Iron Bank could actually hire the Faceless Men to help Cersie win the war as a token of gratitude.

So now I think Jaime will be dragged out of the water and taken captive. Danny might use him as a bargaining chip for Jon and the North. How funny would it be for Jaime to once again find himself to be prisoner of another Stark king of the North?

Bronn might be taken too, but I get the feeling he might be inclined to rejoin with Tyrion if Tyrion can offer him better perks.
Tyrion is going to capture Jamie and Bron alone in a field away from Dany... and let hem both escape without her knowing.

...Until one of the Dokrathi tells her.

Tyrion is going to let them go and Dany is going to be pissed.
Everyone talking about the battle but no one is talking about how Sansa seems scared of Arya.

Her little sister is a freaky assassin.

Her brother is a soulless freak.

Her other brother is loved by everyone and can do no wrong, despite being a bastard.

And she has to deal with that pestering Littlefinger, who is a grade A creep.


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't think it's necessarily the teleportation that is the root of the problem so much as it is the lack of acknowledgement of the passage of time.

But do you want every scene to have one throwaway line to acknowledge the time passing?

Jon: The queen isn't here, she left a couple of weeks ago.

Next scene

Jaime: Hey Bronn, I can't believe it took us enough time for an army to travel here.

People have been saying this all seasons by now we'd have like 50 lines telling us how much time has passed between scenes.
That still doesn't excuse poor depictions of time. They could have shown larger periods of time had passed without dragging it on like earlier seasons did.

What was wrong with how they depicted it here?

The beginning of the episode had Jaime and co right outside Highgarden, it would have taken them weeks to get close to KL, maybe longer especially with their supply train. Enough time for Dany to get the news and head over there within that period of time.


Her little sister is a freaky assassin.

Her brother is a soulless freak.

Her other brother is loved by everyone and can do no wrong, despite being a bastard.

And she has to deal with that pestering Littlefinger, who is a grade A creep.

And Winter's tomorrow!


Every episode from now on should have a disclaimer telling us how many episodes are left and that this means they can't spend 3 episodes showing us Dany traveling with her army.

Seriously, why is everyone acting like the episode count was somehow written in the stars? HBO couldn't do anything about it. The show runners couldn't either. We have this many episodes and then it just runs out! Who knows why!

Uh... they chose the amount of episodes presumably because that's all they thought they needed. If a lot of people are complaining about the pacing being off then it's obvious they did need more and they made a bad choice. This isn't some indie show with no budget. It's one of the biggest shows in history and certainly the biggest on air today. You can't excuse bad pacing with episode count especially after they cut that episode count down even from normal.


Dany was on pace to be the other kind of 'yas queen' if she didn't do what she did tonight.

And then she gets to sit in Dragonstone while Cersei raids the vaults and granaries of Westeros, and has no one left to plead fealty to her and Dragonstone gets blockaded and the Unsullied and Dothraki and all her other followers starve to death.

If she wasn't going to stay on the other continent, and wanted the Iron Throne, then she pretty much had to use the dragons to get it.


The early seasons showed us by showing us the travel. The Hound and Arya's whole story was them just traveling.

Like, if by now you don't understand that days or even weeks can pass between scenes, then what else do you want from them? The audience needs to be faster on the uptake.

Considering some of the events don't seem congruent such as Dany holding off on attacking Casterly Rock until Euron has had enough time to sail to King's Landing and then afterwards sail to Casterly Rock, yes it's a problem. Not to mention this episode with her having enough time to land an entire army near King's Landing before the Lannisters were able to retreat back from Highgarden.


Me and my friends talked about this. Very few things annoyed us this season. But this "lets just speed this army to this side of the map" is one of them.

No sense in how fast time is passing, or anything like that. Euron is the fastest man in the seas. And Dany & the Dothraki might be the fastest army alive at this rate.

Whitewalkers must move like snails.

You're right about Euron but look at a map. Dragonstone is right next to Kings Landing and much closer than Highgarden is. It's more than plausible for them to ride horses to Kings Landing in the time it would take the Lannister army to march back with loot.


Seriously, why is everyone acting like the episode count was somehow written in the stars? HBO couldn't do anything about it. The show runners couldn't either. We have this many episodes and then it just runs out! Who knows why!

Uh... they chose the amount of episodes presumably because that's all they thought they needed. If a lot of people are complaining about the pacing being off then it's obvious they did need more and they made a bad choice. This isn't some indie show with no budget. It's one of the biggest shows in history and certainly the biggest on air today. You can't excuse bad pacing with episode count especially after they cut that episode count down even from normal.

I think geographically speaking... maybe this one gets a pass. I'll save my anger for when we see Euron in King's Landing next week.


So is Dany gonna take Jon up in her dragon and sing "A whole new world"?

Pretty sure, he's going to "bend the knee" aka. propose to her. Similar to the play on the name hodor. So much blatant foreshadowing was going on in the cave scene.

Anyway, I think the spiral imagery is referring to the inevitable repetition or cyclical nature of time. Maybe we're in Jon's cycle right now? Otherwise, things will stay the same like Dany going mad, Starks losing, etc.

Seriously, why is everyone acting like the episode count was somehow written in the stars? HBO couldn't do anything about it. The show runners couldn't either. We have this many episodes and then it just runs out! Who knows why!

Uh... they chose the amount of episodes presumably because that's all they thought they needed. If a lot of people are complaining about the pacing being off then it's obvious they did need more and they made a bad choice. This isn't some indie show with no budget. It's one of the biggest shows in history and certainly the biggest on air today. You can't excuse bad pacing with episode count especially after they cut that episode count down even from normal.

It was supposed to be 10, they bumped it up to 13, with the longer run times it will probably be like 17-18 normal length episodes.

So really, we should be glad we're at least getting that and not 10.
Seriously, why is everyone acting like the episode count was somehow written in the stars? HBO couldn't do anything about it. The show runners couldn't either. We have this many episodes and then it just runs out! Who knows why!

Uh... they chose the amount of episodes presumably because that's all they thought they needed. If a lot of people are complaining about the pacing being off then it's obvious they did need more and they made a bad choice. This isn't some indie show with no budget. It's one of the biggest shows in history and certainly the biggest on air today. You can't excuse bad pacing with episode count especially after they cut that episode count down even from normal.

While I agree that an extra episode or two could have been very beneficial, I guess Im not sure how they can pad out the teleporting, because all that would be in between are shots of them traveling. It wouldn't really progress the storyline.

The issue is more that things feel out of sync, leading to the teleporting to feel like a major issue, when maybe it isn't.... though I find it hard to imagine HOW does Dany know to attack the Lannisters, when the Lannisters are exporting goods? That would presumably take a few days, but for Dany to know their location and set the Dothraki there would take weeks.

It's a serious issue
Pretty sure, he's going to "bend the knee" aka. propose to her. Similar to the play on the name hodor. So much blatant foreshadowing was going on in the cave scene.

Anyway, I think the spiral imagery is referring to the inevitable repetition or cyclical nature of time. Maybe we're in Jon's cycle right now? Otherwise, things will stay the same like Dany going mad, Starks losing, etc.


maybe that's exactly what she wants.
Loved tonight's episode but my god does HBO Now's streaming quality suck absolute ass. It looked like I was watching a 480p YouTube rip with all the compression and motion artifacting going on.

This is why I have absolutely no sympathy whenever HBO whines about how much this show gets pirated. Charging a monthly fee for the streaming quality I had tonight should actually be considered criminal.


That certainly wasn't a look of approval. I think she came to terms with the fact that the list is real and Arya actually has killed people on it.

Felt like a mix of jealousy and "What the fuck has my sister been up to", but not necessarily being fearful of her.


Surprised people still think Dany is going to go all mad king

Dany isn't the mad king analogue, Cersei is

She had always been ruthless and arrogant
Cersei has slowly become increasingly unhinged throughout the series
She was willing to use wild fire within city limits to kill her enemies
She is clearly drunk on power (doesn't even care if her servants see her screwing her brother)
The people hate her and she is ruling through fear. She had made enemies of half the continent.

Dany has spent the entire series learning to be a proper ruler and essentially going through a checklist of different Targaryen personality flaws and learning to do the opposite. She isn't perfect by any means but she is probably the best option outside Jon Snow who doesn't want it or Tyrion who would never be allowed to have it.

She has 3 dragons, is allied with John Snow, and her and her armies are the only real thing stopping the Night King. Story is also called a Song of Ice and Fire. I know its GoT and we are all expecting "OMG TWISTS" but I don't think this is one of them.

Also LOL at the constant complaining about time and teleporting and shit. If you want every detail laid out for you go read the books that GRRM is never going to finish.
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