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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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It was supposed to be 10, they bumped it up to 13, with the longer run times it will probably be like 17-18 normal length episodes.

So really, we should be glad we're at least getting that and not 10.

No, we should demand that they not neuter the show's pacing for no real reason at all. "It was supposed to be 10..." uh... says who? That doesn't refute what I just said. This is all a decision and the decision should be based upon keeping the show consistent in quality. There's no law in place that says Game of Thrones couldn't be more episodes or even more seasons. Again, this is the most popular show on air. I'm 100% sure HBO themselves want more. It was the show runners that said they didn't need it, presumably because they could keep up the quality. Well, they didn't. You can't use episode count to excuse their decisions, because that was also their decision.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I got weird vibes during the Missandei scene... kind of felt like they were setting it up for when Missandei wants to part ways and Dany won't be so willing to let her go as she thinks.

Also, Jamie = The Prince that was Promised... just you wait. The show keeps pushing Jon/Dany so I don't think it will be them.


Loved tonight's episode but my god does HBO Now's streaming quality suck absolute ass. It looked like I was watching a 480p YouTube rip with all the compression and motion artifacting going on.

This is why I have absolutely no sympathy whenever HBO whines about how much this show gets pirated. Charging a monthly fee for the streaming quality I had tonight should actually be considered criminal.

May I ask what you are using to stream HBO?
Seriously, why is everyone acting like the episode count was somehow written in the stars? HBO couldn't do anything about it. The show runners couldn't either. We have this many episodes and then it just runs out! Who knows why!

Uh... they chose the amount of episodes presumably because that's all they thought they needed. If a lot of people are complaining about the pacing being off then it's obvious they did need more and they made a bad choice. This isn't some indie show with no budget. It's one of the biggest shows in history and certainly the biggest on air today. You can't excuse bad pacing with episode count especially after they cut that episode count down even from normal.

I don't think it's an issue of pacing now, it was pacing 'back then'. It would take several episodes for someone to travel from one far place to another. Now it happens...three scenes from now.

No evidence to support this theory, but I suspect this was all because Martin promised a certain amount of story through finished books, and when that would be done. He didn't come through. The slower, less phronetic pace was to keep in line with the books that are out.

They then came to the realization that Martin was never going to keep up, so they had to get broad story strokes from him and then make up for lost time by cutting to the chase. The fact that the weather was a big factor, they had to start production very late and therefore could not do as many episodes, just made this worse.


I need a slow motion GIF of the soldiers who got turned to ash and blown away in the wind. There were a lot of great touches to the action, and suspense leading up to it.

Arya/Brienne sparring was done very well too, for the most part she was actually parrying which maybe her small sword could actually do without breaking. Nice flip of the dagger to avoid Brienne grabbing the hand to disarm her. Maise Williams was good, Arya was enjoying showing off a bit.

The cave paintings were a bit convenient/clumsy but eh didn't bother me much, for the most part I enjoyed the non-action sections of the episode.



What do we say to the Night King?


I don't think it's an issue of pacing now, it was pacing 'back then'. It would take several episodes for someone to travel from one far place to another. Now it happens...three scenes from now.

No evidence to support this theory, but I suspect this was all because Martin promised a certain amount of story through finished books, and when that would be done. He didn't come through. The slower, less phronetic pace was to keep in line with the books that are out.

They then came to the realization that Martin was never going to keep up, so they had to get broad story strokes from him and then make up for lost time by cutting to the chase. The fact that the weather was a big factor, they had to start production very late and therefore could not do as many episodes, just made this worse.

My own theory is that D&D don't actually care about much of anything in this story past the red wedding. They want to move on and HBO probably doesn't trust anyone else as show runner on something so big and complex so they had to negotiate for the episodes we got.
No, we should demand that they not neuter the show's pacing for no real reason at all. "It was supposed to be 10..." uh... says who? That doesn't refute what I just said. This is all a decision and the decision should be based upon keeping the show consistent in quality. There's no law in place that says Game of Thrones couldn't be more episodes or even more seasons. Again, this is the most popular show on air. I'm 100% sure HBO themselves want more. It was the show runners that said they didn't need it, presumably because they could keep up the quality. Well, they didn't. You can't use episode count to excuse their decisions, because that was also their decision.

You've hated this show since S5, why are you still watching it then? lol. It just seems to annoy you more than anything because all you ever do is complain.

qcf x2

I got weird vibes during the Missandei scene... kind of felt like they were setting it up for when Missandei wants to part ways and Dany won't be so willing to let her go as she thinks.

Also, Jamie = The Prince that was Promised... just you wait. The show keeps pushing Jon/Dany so I don't think it will be them.

He does like his women blonde!
It's been two episodes now since we last saw The Hound n' crew, where exactly were they heading again? North?

Yeah, I think their little cult has been having visions of some calling beyond the wall for a while now (and the Hound saw in the fireplace this season).

I know in the trailer for the season we see Beric (and a group) in a wintry scene with a flaming sword, so they were probably headed towards Eastwatch I guess? Can't imagine anyone at Castle Black would let them through. I don't know what the play would be though. A couple of dudes with swords against a horde of zombie warriors.
Surprised people still think Dany is going to go all mad king

Dany isn't the mad king analogue, Cersei is

She had always been ruthless and arrogant
Cersei has slowly become increasingly unhinged throughout the series
She was willing to use wild fire within city limits to kill her enemies
She is clearly drunk on power (doesn't even care if her servants see her screwing her brother)
The people hate her and she is ruling through fear. She had made enemies of half the continent.

Dany has spent the entire series learning to be a proper ruler and essentially going through a checklist of different Targaryen personality flaws and learning to do the opposite. She isn't perfect by any means but she is probably the best option outside Jon Snow who doesn't want it or Tyrion who would never be allowed to have it.

She has 3 dragons, is allied with John Snow, and her and her armies are the only real thing stopping the Night King. Story is also called a Song of Ice and Fire. I know its GoT and we are all expecting "OMG TWISTS" but I don't think this is one of them.

Also LOL at the constant complaining about time and teleporting and shit. If you want every detail laid out for you go read the books that GRRM is never going to finish.

Surprised people still think Dany is going to go all mad king

Dany isn't the mad king analogue, Cersei is

She had always been ruthless and arrogant
Cersei has slowly become increasingly unhinged throughout the series
She was willing to use wild fire within city limits to kill her enemies
She is clearly drunk on power (doesn't even care if her servants see her screwing her brother)
The people hate her and she is ruling through fear. She had made enemies of half the continent.

Dany has spent the entire series learning to be a proper ruler and essentially going through a checklist of different Targaryen personality flaws and learning to do the opposite. She isn't perfect by any means but she is probably the best option outside Jon Snow who doesn't want it or Tyrion who would never be allowed to have it.

She has 3 dragons, is allied with John Snow, and her and her armies are the only real thing stopping the Night King. Story is also called a Song of Ice and Fire. I know its GoT and we are all expecting "OMG TWISTS" but I don't think this is one of them.

Also LOL at the constant complaining about time and teleporting and shit. If you want every detail laid out for you go read the books that GRRM is never going to finish.

Cersei makes sense since it helps conclude Jamie's arc.

But they do keep teasing Dany being cruel. She's definitely successfully battling off what people expect of her as a Targ, but she seeing as she won't sit the iron throne, I wonder what will become of her. No way she doesn't end up really pissed off

I assume she'll accept her loss and join Jon, or die off and Jon acquires the dragons since he's pretty much a snowball of being the biggest hero.
a few people mentioned it.

it was great to see her progress from sensible chuckle to shock to sheer terror.

hope she isn't in on some fuckshit with Petyr.

I honestly don't think Sansa is scared of her sister at all. Sansa has always viewed her sister as her little sister - who was just a silly little girl.

Now she's grown up, and is a killer. It was probably just then that the realization came to her that Arya is now a woman - and a lethal one. But why should she be scared of her? She's family. She now has an able protector at her side in addition to Brienne.
I don’t get how the scorpion is meant to be effective. It seems to have no vertical range. Why can’t a drag fly up, over, and dive?
It's probably meant to work in large numbers to overwhelm the dragon.

Or in the hands of someone who will hit a dragon straight into the mouth or heart. *Cough* Euron *Cough*


I don’t get how the scorpion is meant to be effective. It seems to have no vertical range. Why can’t a drag fly up, over, and dive?

True, but the fold-out cart and free rotation was more than I was expecting from seeing it shoot a skull, seemed pretty functional at the time.

One shouldn't be much of a threat, but if they build dozens of them she'd definitely have to be much more careful.


I don’t get how the scorpion is meant to be effective. It seems to have no vertical range. Why can’t a drag fly up, over, and dive?

It's possible that's a strategy Dany will implement down the road. She now knows flying straight towards those things is a death sentence for the dragons. So now she just attacks from their blind spot.


Am I remembering things wrong, or didn't the Children of the Forest create the White Walkers as a weapon for fighting against the First Men in the first place?


You know what's more absurd than the Dothraki getting to KL so fast? Dany and her army finding the Lannister army so fast. I doubt that a dragon makes for a good scout ship.

Great episode but the plot contrivances continue.

It's best to let go of the idea of real time in this show. Things can and will be shown in orders that don't convey the time between them.


I honestly don't think Sansa is scared of her sister at all. Sansa has always viewed her sister as her little sister - who was just a silly little girl.

Now she's grown up, and is a killer. It was probably just then that the realization came to her that Arya is now a woman - and a lethal one. But why should she be scared of her? She's family. She now has an able protector at her side in addition to Brienne.

I think it's just the realization that Arya's list is not a joke to be laughed at.


You've hated this show since S5, why are you still watching it then? lol. It just seems to annoy you more than anything because all you ever do is complain.

Season 5 was pretty crap. Season 6 brought things back a bit.

And what do you mean why am I still watching it? The first four seasons were one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. It was fantasy perfection. It was a story that made me not want to ever write anything ever again because this had been done. You don't think I'd at least be curious about what happens to the characters and story I loved so much?

And yeah I am a bit cynical on things. I blame how utterly awful Euron was this season. I think it's making me question everything and see everything I wouldn't have cared about in a new light.

But the bottom line is that I don't hate everything. There's some great stuff still buried amongst some trash.

And on top of that I don't actually have to hate it to say the things you're replying to. Why does me pointing out that 13 episodes of these last two seasons aren't somehow willed by god himself, that they're actually a choice of the show runners?
Anyone else have problems streaming the ep tonight?

HBO Go stopped to buffer pretty much every 8 minutes or so. I had to refresh the stream about 5 times.

Shit was pissing me off.

When this is all over with we are going to miss how damn spoiled we have been by this show. Yes it has its issues. Sure it's not perfect.

But there has never been anything like this on TV before and who knows how long it will be before we get something similar
Holy Shit, what an ep.

I just want to give that extra shout out to the audio people this ep, the thunder of the Dothraki horde and the dragon entering through my surround sound was incredible.


Death Prophet
When this is all over with we are going to miss how damn spoiled we have been by this show. Yes it has its issues. Sure it's not perfect.

But there has never been anything like this on TV before and who knows how long it will be before we get something similar

We need an epic space opera to replace it. Hell, we need on period.
The timeline is screwed up again though.

Dany learns that Casterly Rock was won, because nobody was there to really defend it. Which means several days would have past by time she finds out. In the meantime, Jamie defeats the Tyrells and is still marching the gold and food to Kings Landing... when suddenly Dany shows up to intercept them with her ENTIRE DOKRATHI ARMY and a Dragon, which she had to sail over from Dragonstone.


She didn't go to Casterly Rock or King's Landing. She went to some area between King's Landing and Highgarden, or maybe between Highgarden and Casterly Rock - so where did she come on shore??? And how did she get the army over there in time?

And where are the other two dragons?
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