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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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It seems unlikely, but they keep dropping weird little data points that point to something like this:
Hot Pie says shes not herself, her wolf wants nothing to do with her, she made that creepy same little smile the waif does when she struck that pose during the fight with Brienne

I'm like 50/50 on it at this point.

The real Arya is the Iron Banker.

There's something off about that guy.


Apologies if this has already been asked but: is anyone else scratching their head over Arya's question about which Lady Stark was in charge of Winterfell. Kinda weird. She knows her mom is dead, that leaves Sansa.

A part of me can't help but wonder if
she is a faceless man, the real Arya is MIA, and she's asking whether Arya or Sansa is in charge.
Oh shit...

Looks nothing like him...


Wasn't that a recast?



"playing" dumb? unpossible
I don't think so. Cersei and Jaime's earlier conversation clearly states that they're going to need Highgarden's crops/food to feed their soldiers because Winter is here.

I have to imagine that they wouldn't have taken such a large army to kill such a weak army if there weren't anything in it for them.

No I absolutely get that control over food supplies is why an alliance or full takeover of the reach is necessary for Cersei. But it isn't a matter of single transport that's needed. A few caravans isn't that much of a deal in the face of control over the largest food producing region in westeros. What I was getting at though is that those caravans could have just as easily been the gold they stole, had the Lannister's prioritised what got to KL first. Without scouting, how would Dany know what is and isn't being transported?

Plus, I'm pretty sure there are lords in the Reach who weren't all ok with what Tarly and the Lannisters did. There is nothing to indicate that the Tyrells weren't liked by all of their bannermen. So couldn't some of the Reach Lords realign with Dany now that the traitorous elements within the reach have been defeated and the Lannister army smashed? That would solve her food problem. There's more to the Reach than two dozen caravans guys. That's like what, a couple of days of food for the Dothraki and their horses? She would need to reestablish her alliance within the Reach to truly satisfy the food problem.
It seems unlikely, but they keep dropping weird little data points that point to something like this:
Hot Pie says shes not herself, her wolf wants nothing to do with her, she made that creepy same little smile the waif does when she struck that pose during the fight with Brienne

I'm like 50/50 on it at this point.

she knew where Aryas sword was hidden. She knew where to go to find Ned's tomb. She didn't get devoured by that pack of wolves. I'm pretty sure it's her.
It seems unlikely, but they keep dropping weird little data points that point to something like this:
Hot Pie says shes not herself, her wolf wants nothing to do with her, she made that creepy same little smile the waif does when she struck that pose during the fight with Brienne

I'm like 50/50 on it at this point.

You don't need to spoiler tag speculation.

Anyway, if it's not Arya then why would she bother killing the Freys, all of them. How would she recognize Hot Pie. Why would she know to go to the crypts below Winterfell?

Finally, she introduced herself to the guards as Arya Stark, she asked which lady Stark was in charge because she herself isn't trusting. She doesn't know that Sansa is back home, she just knows, from Hot Pie that Jon is King of the North. Which could be bullshit.

Do you people even watch this show? lol


It seems unlikely, but they keep dropping weird little data points that point to something like this:
Hot Pie says shes not herself, her wolf wants nothing to do with her, she made that creepy same little smile the waif does when she struck that pose during the fight with Brienne

I'm like 50/50 on it at this point.

I don't think this can happen, wouldn't Bran just see right through them? This is extremely unlikely simply because of Bran's powers.
(Food from reach on fire pic)

Exactly. They made a point to talk about this and Dany made it a big deal.

I literally just watched the battle scene again. Dany does initial attack fire against Lannister defense line. Dothraki rush through the clearing and mess stuff up. Fighting, fight, fight, fight. Cut shot to Dany on Drogon overlooking the battlefield and carefully choosing a target to attack. She willingly and deliberately attacks the caravan with a continuous stream of dragon fire for like 20 seconds. Jamie gets archers to aim at Dany/Drogon. Arrows fail. Dany/Drogon circle around for another attack. Instead of attacking the archers she attacks another stretch of caravan. C'mon Dany, you better than that.

I mean I know the real reason is that D&D wanted to have stuff blow up, and that there is no story reason but still. :/


No absolutely get that control over food supplies is why an alliance or full takeover of the reach is necessary for Cersei. But it isn't a matter of single transport that's needed. A few caravans isn't that much of a deal in the face of control over the largest food producing region in westeros. What I was getting at though is that those caravans could have just as easily been the gold they stole, had the Lannister's prioritised what got to KL first. Without scouting, how would Dany know what is and isn't being transported?

Plus, I'm pretty sure there are lords in the Reach who weren't all ok with what Tarly and the Lannisters did. There is nothing to indicate that the Tyrell weren't liked by most of their bannermen. So couldn't some of the Reach Lords realign with Dany now that the traitorous elements within the reach have been defeated and the Lannister army smashed? That would solve her food problem. There's more to the Reach than two dozen caravans guys. That's like what, a couple of days of food for the Dothraki and their horses? She would need to reestablish her alliance within the Reach to truly satisfy the food problem.

I don't think so. The show likes to keep its places, people, and things as simple as possible.

I don't doubt that in the books, there are probably many Reach farmers willing to grow crops for Dany. However, for the show's purposes, Cersei won the food by defeating Olenna's army. In the show, Dany is like a scary monster to all of Westeros.

That's where we are in terms of complexity.
Completely misinterpreted my post. I was saying I wanted that extra drama out of my own boredom. Not that the scene had extra drama or that them two are boring. They are also two of my favorite characters of this entire show.

my bad, I was on mobile and working when I made that post so yeah, not knowing the context I completely misinterpreted what you said


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I don't think so. The show likes to keep its places, people, and things as simple as possible.

I don't doubt that in the books, there are probably many Reach farmers willing to grow crops for Dany. However, for the show's purposes, Cersei won the food by defeating Olenna's army. In the show, Dany is like a scary monster to all of Westeros.

That's where we are in terms of complexity.

I suppose you're right. I guess we'll find out if those caravans actually turn into a plot point, or just gets waved away as just stuff being blown up for the spectacle on the screen lol. I see your point though.
Apologies if this has already been asked but: is anyone else scratching their head over Arya's question about which Lady Stark was in charge of Winterfell. Kinda weird. She knows her mom is dead, that leaves Sansa.

A part of me can't help but wonder if
she is a faceless man, the real Arya is MIA, and she's asking whether Arya or Sansa is in charge.

I was confused by that too I think that Arya was just testing those guards' intelligence, since she could easily tell that they sucked at their job and probably at life, too.

7he Talon

It seems unlikely, but they keep dropping weird little data points that point to something like this:
Hot Pie says shes not herself, her wolf wants nothing to do with her, she made that creepy same little smile the waif does when she struck that pose during the fight with Brienne

I'm like 50/50 on it at this point.
I feel like this is just confirmation biased. It would feel out of place to do something like that this late in the series.
You don't need to spoiler tag speculation.

Anyway, if it's not Arya then why would she bother killing the Freys, all of them. How would she recognize Hot Pie. Why would she know to go to the crypts below Winterfell?

Finally, she introduced herself to the guards as Arya Stark, she asked which lady Stark was in charge because she herself isn't trusting. She doesn't know that Sansa is back home, she just knows, from Hot Pie that Jon is King of the North. Which could be bullshit.

Do you people even watch this show? lol

I'm 50/50 because of stuff like this, I think what you brought up is totally valid so I have a hard time committing either way. However, if you've got somebody that can change faces effortlessly, you never really know who is who - or if its even the same character doing all these acts.

If I had to pick, I'd say its Arya just because Bran would totally know for sure, and could have ratted her out in like 3 seconds. But there's definitely a weird bunch of things happening.


I'm 50/50 because of stuff like this, I think what you brought up is totally valid so I have a hard time committing either way. However, if you've got somebody that can change faces effortlessly, you never really know who is who - or if its even the same character doing all these acts.

If I had to pick, I'd say its Arya just because Bran would totally know for sure, and could have ratted her out in like 3 seconds. But there's definitely a weird bunch of things happening.

Arya being "different" is part of the plot; same with Bran. Sansa is dealing with her siblings being totally different people than she remembers.

Having her be someone else would make no sense; how does she know Brienne? It would just completely retcon the entire reuinion between her and Sansa as well as Brienne if she turns out to be someone else. She also knows everything about the past, about Littlefinger, her list.. etc.,etc.

Yes Arya is a "different" person.. she's "nobody".. lol, she's not some random other person using her face. She'd have to be dead anyways for that wouldn't she?


Why does Arya ask "Which Lady Stark?"

Arya knows Bran and Rickon are probably dead, and she is well aware of the red wedding.
This is more or less what Arya looked like the last time she saw Hot Pie, even younger when she last saw Nymeria.

This is what she looks like now having returned to Westeros years later.

Think of what she went through during that time.

Of course she's different to Hot Pie, he's the same dude still working at the same place doing the same thing...Her on the other hand, she's gone through a lot. Of course her wolf might not recognize her at first, which, if she really didn't, Nymeria would have chewed her to pieces and fed her to her pack.


There could be any number of 'Lady Stark's since she's been away. Crazy shit happens.

Not too mention she herself has been rumored to be other places she never was.
This is more or less what Arya looked like the last time she saw Hot Pie, even younger when she last saw Nymeria.

This is what she looks like now having returned to Westeros years later.

Think of what she went through during that time.

Of course she's different to Hot Pie, he's the same dude still working at the same place doing the same thing...Her on the other hand, she's gone through a lot. Of course her wolf might not recognize her at first, which, if she really didn't, Nymeria would have chewed her to pieces and fed her to her pack.

I miss cute runty arya

She does look like daddy though
This is more or less what Arya looked like the last time she saw Hot Pie, even younger when she last saw Nymeria.

This is what she looks like now having returned to Westeros years later.

Think of what she went through during that time.

Of course she's different to Hot Pie, he's the same dude still working at the same place doing the same thing...Her on the other hand, she's gone through a lot. Of course her wolf might not recognize her at first, which, if she really didn't, Nymeria would have chewed her to pieces and fed her to her pack.

is the argument that the girl is not Arya just someone pretending to be her? How would she recognize Hot pie, then? Or Nymeria?
Arya being "different" is part of the plot; same with Bran. Sansa is dealing with her siblings being totally different people than she remembers.

Having her be someone else would make no sense; how does she know Brienne? It would just completely retcon the entire reuinion between her and Sansa as well as Brienne if she turns out to be someone else. She also knows everything about the past, about Littlefinger, her list.. etc.,etc.

Yes Arya is a "different" person.. she's "nobody".. lol, she's not some random other person using her face. She'd have to be dead anyways for that wouldn't she?

I think a 'nobody' impersonating Arya that knows all that stuff is the easiest to explain - they spent like a whole season showing how the faceless get to know every single detail about people, and the waif used to beat her with sticks playing those games finding out everything about her.

It doesn't explain the interactions with Bran though. To me, thats the strongest evidence for Arya just having a screw loose now.

qcf x2

Fantastic episode, but it was almost ruined by the insane Jaime and Bronn plot amor. I love them both but no way they should have come out of that alive, specially the logistics of that water being so deep so close to the ground (they even showed people waking in the "beach" right before.

You have a small blonde chick riding a dragon with no harness, getting it to strike with precision by just calling its name, who survives an aerial freefall with nary a scratch, who hatched these dragons from long-fossilized eggs, who somehow manages to make a huge iron spear move with her hidden musculature, who somehow supposedly magnetizes people while treating them like shit and showing off her military advantage.

And people are fixating on Bron/Jamie dodging out of harm's way at the last possible moment? I don't get it.


Why does Arya ask "Which Lady Stark?"

Arya knows Bran and Rickon are probably dead, and she is well aware of the red wedding.

Probably because she's coming back to a place that's changed dramatically over the years, hasn't seen a single Stark for perhaps the better part of a decade, and so hesitated to automatically assume that "Lady Stark" referred to Sansa. Understandably, she wanted confirmation.

I didn't find the question strange in the slightest.


semen stains the mountaintops
Having Arya be an imposter would be the most pointless twist ever and would retroactively ruin all of Arya's scenes.
is the argument that the girl is not Arya just someone pretending to be her? How would she recognize Hot pie, then? Or Nymeria?

That is the argument.

More so, Bran would know...It all started because someone questioned why Arya asked WHICH lady stark was in charge, as in, Lady Sansa or Lady Arya...Yet that person didn't even notice that before asking which Lady Stark, she introduced herself AS Arya Stark to the guards.

Baseless argument.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Apologies if this has already been asked but: is anyone else scratching their head over Arya's question about which Lady Stark was in charge of Winterfell. Kinda weird. She knows her mom is dead, that leaves Sansa.

A part of me can't help but wonder if
she is a faceless man, the real Arya is MIA, and she's asking whether Arya or Sansa is in charge.

I brought this up last night, and while others did explain what she meant by that I can't help but feel that
Arya is really the Waif in disguise
. I really hope that's not the case, as I would be soooooooo fucking mad.


I'm not arguing that this show actually killed Arya despite what a mindfuck that would be, only that the writers once again constructed a piece of dialogue that makes no sense.
That is the argument.

More so, Bran would know...It all started because someone questioned why Arya asked WHICH lady stark was in charge, as in, Lady Sansa or Lady Arya...Yet that person didn't even notice that before asking which Lady Stark, she introduced herself AS Arya Stark to the guards.

Baseless argument.
yeah Bran would definitely know too everybody, everyone would know. No "no one" here except Arya herself showing off her no one skills
You have a small blonde chick riding a dragon with no harness, getting it to strike with precision by just calling its name, who survives an aerial freefall with nary a scratch, who hatched these dragons from long-fossilized eggs, who somehow manages to make a huge iron spear move with her hidden musculature, who somehow supposedly magnetizes people while treating them like shit and showing off her military advantage.

And people are fixating on Bron/Jamie dodging out of harm's way at the last possible moment? I don't get it.

I also didn't realize so much people wanted them dead.


Having Arya be an imposter would be the most pointless twist ever and would retroactively ruin all of Arya's scenes.

Not to mention it would mean Arya was killed sometime off screen. It's just a stupid idea and I can't see the show building Arya as a character just kill her off screen for such a dumb "twist". Not even Rickon, the Stark with the least development, got an off screen death.
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