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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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does anyone besides me think that Dany was trying not to attack Jaime? Maybe on Tyrion's request?

Drogon, first of all, his roars are very satisfying, second of all I remember 2 instances where Drogon flies down by Jaime but doesn't ignite him. The first is when Jaime gets the arches to knock, draw, and loose, Drogon flies right down that way it looks like all the arrows bounced off his scaly ass chest tbh and Drogon didn't light them on fire.

Another instance later on Jaime goes "take cover!" to his men and they're all lit up before his eyes; but he wasn't. It looked like careful aiming on Drogon's part it didn't look like he got lucky. You can't get lucky twice like that, come on.

And then in the end anyways Jaime tries to kill Dany coz he's a fuckboy and if I'm right about this theory, Dany's gonna be so pissed off at Tyrion

Hmm... I also assumed "plot armor," but it'd actually make a great deal of sense to spare Jaime's life. He'd make a great hostage.

This would also add another layer of context to Tyrion's "flee, you idiot" line. Aside from generally preferring his brother to survive, it's possible it was never intended for him to die in the first place.


I don't get it..

Littlefinger was starting on a plan to make Bran think "Jon Snow is not a real Stark, I should be king of the north". He started by giving him a valuable dagger with a story connected to him, talking about Catelyn and her children etc. It was really early in his plan, trying to plant the first seeds. Then Bran read right through him and said LF's "Chaos is a ladder" quote.

Unfortunately you posted about it here.

It's probably about this episode (nr.4). There were a lot of clips out there this weekend.


Yes but if they do off him, it would be because they have evidence of him being a cocksucking traitor right? Why would the Vale still support him? They are only loyal to him because he married Lysa.

Oh I agree completely. And all the current crap aside, the only ruling power I can see the Knights of the Vale supporting from here on out is the North, no matter who is in power in the Eyrie.


Neighbours from Hell
Is the sole purpose of the 3 Eyed Raven existing to defeat the Night King? Like, if they win this war, I wonder if he suddenly has no purpose, or does he go about helping with his visions in other ways?


Yes but if they do off him, it would be because they have evidence of him being a cocksucking traitor right? Why would the Vale still support him? They are only loyal to him because he married Lysa.
That Robyn kid seems pretty attached to LF as well as being mentally unstable, they'd need some very strong evidence presented to be able to off LF and retain the support of the Vale.


It's probably about this episode (nr.4). There were a lot of clips out there this weekend.

Episode 4 doesn't really contain anything other than a practice fight between Arya and Brienne, and Sansa being reunited with Arya.

There's just way too much drive by spoiler bombing in this thread.
Yes but if they do off him, it would be because they have evidence of him being a cocksucking traitor right? Why would the Vale still support him? They are only loyal to him because he married Lysa.

If they do off him, I'm curious what'll happen of his nephew (Lysa's son). He seemed pretty unhinged.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
did anyone else interpret last week that Arya wasn't going back to Winterfell? I thought when she said "that's not who you are anymore" to Nymeria that that meant Arya was realizing she wasn't of Winterfell anymore and that she needed to go finish her task to kill Cersei.


Is the sole purpose of the 3 Eyed Raven existing to defeat the Night King? Like, if they win this war, I wonder if he suddenly has no purpose, or does he go about helping with his visions in other ways?

I don't think we've been told a purpose? My guess is he won't be there after the end, and permanently wargs himself into the past somehow. He's the GoT looper.


Two soldiers wide?


The flames are much wider than all the wagons as he goes past.

And is it really that amazing people are trying to figure out what's happening? The show went to a lot of detail making sure things fit and made sense and that this was a very grounded, realistic series for the first 4 or so seasons.

lmao at this gif
I can see how this makes sense, but only in restrospect because I assumed mere plot armor before the very end. The final look she gives Jaime before Drogon goes volcanic is one of concern, and it doesn't look like it's for herself.
That's true, Dany did look worried but she didn't have a look on her face like she thought she was gonna. Fuckin Jaime man
I was just thinking about the results of the fight if Jaime had put that spear through Dany.

The dragon would have barbecued him for killing its mother, and we would have lost Jaime Lannister and Danerys Targaryen.

However, the war would have been won for Cersei and she would have just moved on.

After 3 seasons of staying out of danger and getting Bronn to handle everything, Jaime Lannister actually put his life on the line. For however brief that scene was, it was positive growth for his character.
No it wouldn't

With Dany dead and Jon 100+ miles away not even knowing how to be with a dragon, there's nothing holding Drogon and maybe even Viserion and Rhaegal from flying straight to King's Landing and roasting Cersei's ass
Does Dany and Drogon got any idea what Jaime looks like at that height ?
From that height and on the charge down, she would be able to tell if one individual looks like he's commanding the rest of the men; Jaime was on a horse with pimped out armor while he was commanding mostly foot soldiers.
Unfortunately you posted about it here.
Cant wait to see Danny going full Targaryen. will people still love her?
you know what's weird about family names in this show is people talk about them like they're ethnicities, instead of family names.

"Jon is half Targaryen, half Stark" - but that's 100% Westerosi, isn't it? Those are house names it's like I'm saying "I'm half Clarke, half Harington" but it's not supposed to be the same as saying something like "I'm have Irish, half Guyanese"
Hmm... I also assumed "plot armor," but it'd actually make a great deal of sense to spare Jaime's life. He'd make a great hostage.

This would also add another layer of context to Tyrion's "flee, you idiot" line. Aside from generally preferring his brother to survive, it's possible it was never intended for him to die in the first place.
Indeed, yeah. Or it could just be some thick ass plot armor, who knows. Because it didn't look like Dany was trying to spare Bronn; Tyrion might not've known Bronn was even there not that it matters but Dany definitely tried to kill the shit out of Bronn when Drogon blew up the scorpion.

Are there more scorpions?


I like them both. Sandor is my fucking GUY as well, but of late I get more psyched when Arya is on the screen than anyone. Like, I would watch an Arya series.
Sandor's been one of my favorite characters since day 1, and Arya's best arc was when she was with him. I love Beric and Thoros as well, so if Arya could just group up with them it would be such a dream team.


No Scrubs
If they do off him, I'm curious what'll happen of his nephew (Lysa's son). He seemed pretty unhinged.

That depends, does Bron join with Dany or not? If he does he's going to be the new Lord of the Vale. All he needs is 10 Unsullied and some climbing spikes and he's got his own castle.
did anyone else interpret last week that Arya wasn't going back to Winterfell? I thought when she said "that's not who you are anymore" to Nymeria that that meant Arya was realizing she wasn't of Winterfell anymore and that she needed to go finish her task to kill Cersei.

No go back 2 weeks for the arguments againt this idea.



Who saved Jaime from being fried alive at the end??

Can I have a PickleRick and Drogon action film please???
Lol, Robin Arryn is far from unhinged. He's just overly sheltered and naive beyond hope.

What! The kid is as psychotic as his mom. He doesn't know the difference between good and bad. He does everything on impulse.

Considering that He's likely Littlefibger's son, he doesn't have any of LF's intelligence.


do you ship Jon & Dany?

Actually no. I think it will be played-up, but not actualized. Jon is not destined for love and happiness, and neither is Dany. They are both living on borrowed time for a purpose, and I think those things will take precedence, although the tension might add to that for a time.

Edit: I just think they have better on-screen chemistry than I imagined. It's good.
Actually no. I think it will be played-up, but not actualized. Jon is not destined for love and happiness, and neither is Dany. They are both living on borrowed time for a purpose, and I think those things will take precedence, although the tension might add to that for a time.

Edit: I just think they have better on-screen chemistry than I imagined. It's good.

I beg to differ, my good sir. I think they have been destined to fall in love but one of them will have to die for the other. But I agree with you on the chemistry


So the spoils of war versus the battle of the bastards
i think I prefer bastards.

I too felt Bastards was better. The dragon stuff was obviously amazing, but yea, I still think it wins out. Probably because of that shot where the entire army is charging at Jon, the tenseness of Rickon's impending doom, and of course, it concluding with Ramsay's death.


As much as I like Jaime as a character, he should have died right there and then. Just imagine him being burnt like a crisp by Drogon. In a relatively "grounded" show as GOT, I can't stand that amount of plot armour.
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