High concentrated dosis man.
And this is GOT anything is possible.
I hope the dragon dies and turns a walker.

High concentrated dosis man.
And this is GOT anything is possible.
I hope the dragon dies and turns a walker.
GRRM threw upSince we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
It's also called a Scorpion for no apparent reason unless it has poison on it.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. Three dragon kids come out of nowhere to, the orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
Speaking of dead dragons being resurected there's a room full of them in kings landing if the white walkers get that far.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
The scar had not pained Harr...Jon Snow for 10 years. All was well.
Quick and dirty:
Quick and dirty:
Yeah those Wight Giants better be able to shoot bows.
Otherwise even just one Dragon will cut through the Army of the Dead like piss through snow.
So at this point it's a no brainer that Bran isright?Bran the builder
So at this point it's a no brainer that Bran isright?Bran the builder
I don't know the WWs ice weapons might be able to kill them. I'm sure the night king has seen dragons before and has some kind of counter.
So at this point it's a no brainer that Bran isright?Bran the builder
Rewatching and ive a question.. When Bran goes "Do you know whos dagger this is?" Is he echoing Littlefinger there? Isnt that what LF said to someone.. iirc he follows up with "I do."
So at this point it's a no brainer that Bran isright?Bran the builder
Has it been said if this night king is a new dude or possibly the same from the first war?
Has it been said if this night king is a new dude or possibly the same from the first war?
Since we're talking endings here's how I think it'll go:
Jon kills the Night King, collapses on the ground and we fade to black.
Cut to 10 years later. It's still winter. Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are wearing unconvincing old people make up as they chill in Winterfell looking down at two of their three kids practicing sword fighting. Jon calls out to Robb Hodor Starkaryen, their oldest, and tells him to practice his shield technique. Dany tells Missandei Drogo Starkaryen to not get too "fired up" as it will harm her chances in the "heat" of battle. She then looks straight into the camera and literally winks at it because fuck you.
Jon notices something, Olly Davos Starkaryen is on the upper walls of Winterfell looking out into the distance. He leaves Dany to investigate. Upon Jon's arrival he prepares to scold Olly for climbing but instead finds staring at a beautiful sunset coming up from the Horizon. Zero dawn time is over and Jon declares that "Summer has come." Dany and the two other kids come up to meet them and they all look smiling into the distance. The orchestra swells and...
Cut to credits.
"And now we dream of spring."
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."
-Cersei Lannister
"We'll hit first and hit hard and leave a feast for the crows."
"A dance of dragons? How it that a dance?"
-Stannis Baraethon
"You know Jon, these really are the winds of winter."
Drogon vs Ice dragon one on one sky battle in season 8.
Who's in?
"You know Jon, we really are in a throne of games." - Night King"You know Jon, these really are the winds of winter."
Wight Dragon, ice dragon, whatever
Quick and dirty:
Ice dragon?
There are only three dragons.
I think one or two of the dragons are going to die. I've theorized for a while they get over the wall by converting a dragon and flying over the wall(if possible) is how they get past it.