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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Great episode. This season is damn good thus far. Only 6 more left :(

I can't stand reading this thread some times though. The hate for the Breaker of Chains is so ridiculous up in here. It's like we're watching two completely different shows.

Jaime rape.

Incestious relationship. No problem.
Attempted murder of a child. No problem.
Rape of low borns. No problem.
Chopping off a guy's manhood and flaying him. No problem.

Now a lot of people have problems with the show's content?

I think that scene is open to interpretation.
Where Dany is right now is on the southern end of the map of Westeros right?

So you have Dany building an army in the south with Dragons. Fire. Then you have these white walkers building an army in the North. Ice.

Ha, it is starting to make a little sense now. Fire and Ice.
Wasn't it that it was pretty much a rape scene, but the director said (thought) otherwise? From what I understood from bits and pieces of what I heard.

Not that I'm defending Jamie for it but that doesn't mean he's a complete piece of shit (or that he is); maybe he simply doesn't think straight when his sister is involved. I dunno. I felt like Cersei this episode was trying to get back at him for the rape in the Septum.

I think it's open to interpretation.

We know both are lovers. She definitely said "stop it", but we also see her grabbing at him and kissing back passionately. She says "It's not right."

Let's say there is a woman and a man (married to other people) were attracted to each other. They don't want to cheat on their respective spouses, but they have an opportunity. If one of them says, "stop it" and is grabbing at him/her passionately at the same time, and that person also says "it's not right", is it definitely rape? Or does that person want it and also doesn't want to because of guilt and other reasons.

I'm not a book reader so I was not aware it was definitely not rape based on the book. Watching the show I can see how it can be taken that way. If she was not kissing back passionately and also showing some signs of enjoying it, then I would say no question.


My theory on the WW scene is that the WW that turned the baby is one of Crasters former sons that he already sacrificed and has grown into some kind of WW/Human hybrid King type thing and only they can transform living humans into WW.I figure there are several of these hybrid Kings and they are gearing up for the eventual winter to strike. Also the WW we always see on the horse is like a general that reports back to him and does the hard work.


Where Dany is right now is on the southern end of the map of Westeros right?

So you have Dany building an army in the south with Dragons. Fire. Then you have these white walkers building an army in the North. Ice.

Ha, it is starting to make a little sense now. Fire and Ice.

And we have Bran who hopefully will use his warg abilities to use the dragons to take out the white walkers.

Then Jon Snow makes peace with the wildlings and promises them vast riches and humans to eat if they help him take back the north from the Boltons. Then for good measure, they head south where he invades the Lannisters' lands and beheads Joffrey's corpse.

Meanwhile, Stannis becomes king by using Wall Street to gain power and invites Jon Snow over to dinner to discuss which god is more powerful while Margaery tries to seduce Stannis as a last-ditch effort after losing 6 kings before consummation. A few decades, Danaerys finally reaches Westeros and realizes her army is now a bunch of 60 year old men who can't reproduce since the rest of them figured out freedom meant they didn't have to die for some other world's battles so she just gives up after she realizes she spent way too much time making dramatic speeches in faraway lands and could have come back sooner simply by using her dragons to roast Joffrey and anyone who disagreed with her.

That's the foreshadowing I picked up on this episode at least. Well, the Bran part was meant to be a real thought. :D


I loved how we started in the hot lands of Mereen, stopped in the Spring/Autumn feel of King's Landing and then ended at the most northern and coldest land ever shown in the series. Even the Littlefinger/Sansa bit fits since they are on the water and there's a ocean separating Essos from Westeros. Brilliant stuff.

The acting was so good too, except for that bit in Craster's, that didn't really look like a drunken fit. You can tell so much just by paying attention to Margeary's, Jamie's or Littlefinger's eyes.

And seeing that row of White Walkers was intimidating, could they all be Craster's sons? I was half expecting a "brotherrr....." line in that last scene haha.


Tonight's episode was the best of the season (thus far)! Every minute, from beginning to end was masterfully done! I'm beginning to worry about Daenerys Messiah Complex.


Does anyone have a screencap of the whitewalker babby?



Rapid Response Threadmaker
Where Dany is right now is on the southern end of the map of Westeros right?

So you have Dany building an army in the south with Dragons. Fire. Then you have these white walkers building an army in the North. Ice.

Ha, it is starting to make a little sense now. Fire and Ice.

Dorne is in the South. Dany is all the way over across the sea to the east.


On a different note...I'm amused at the enormous uproar about last episode's alleged Jamie/Cersei rape, when compared to enormous silence about multiple definite rapes going on at Craster's Keep.

Selective outrage much?

Is it because Cersei is highborn, that folks has "concern""? Is it because Craster's daughters are lowborn, no one seems to give a crap? This is why I said all the hoopla over last week's episode was typical fake outrage, we see so much of now-a-days.


On a different note...I'm amused at the enormous uproar about last episode's alleged Jamie/Cersei rape, when compared to enormous silence about multiple definite rapes going on at Craster's Keep.

Selective outrage much?

I think I've mentioned this before along with several others, but much of the "uproar" was discussion about the ambiguity of consent and the director's comments regarding this, not about any objection to depicting rape in a television show.


I think I've mentioned this before along with several others, but much of the "uproar" was discussion about the ambiguity of consent and the director's comments regarding this, not about any objection to depicting rape in a television show.

I didn't read the discussion about it here, but at IGN and and other Game of Thrones blogs, it was insanity. However, I agree with you about the director should had conveyed the consent better in that scene.


I didn't read the discussion about it here, but at IGN and and other Game of Thrones blogs, it was insanity. However, I agree with you about the director should had conveyed the consent better in that scene.

Also maybe because Jamie had recently gone out of his way to save someone else from being raped, so it was more surprising. Those mutineers at Crasters were always rapist scum so far as I can tell.
It's a logically progression with her though. After all the shit she's been through. She's basically the female Darth Vader.

Something I expected and wanted to see happen. She's Ezio Auditore dialled up to 11 without any moral support or a higher cause to fight for. I just hope someone is able to snap her out of it, maybe Gendry, Sansa or Bran. I would like to use a term from the Mass Effect series called 'Battle Sleep' which the character Thane uses to describe his tranquil fury/emotionless state and spends years mercilessly killing all those responsible for his wife's murder
I feel like I'm missing something here ...
I mean with Daenerys. Seems like people think what she's done is harsh (reading the comments here at least) or some new level for her character but I'm gonna have to side with the 160 something dead lil slave girls these fuckers killed to parade around as a warning.

Maybe that's how she learns to connect with her dragons ... can't be merciful all the time. Sometimes you gotta dish out old school Karma.

Plus it's not really that different than what she did before by having all the masters killed. That was more of a power rush moment ot passion and this was more "I can do anything with you .... but I'm gonna go that karma route!".
I didn't read the discussion about it here, but at IGN and and other Game of Thrones blogs, it was insanity. However, I agree with you about the director should had conveyed the consent better in that scene.

It seemed out of place for Jamie to rape his sister at the foot of their dead son's corpse. These guys were noted murderers and scumbags in a situation that magnifies and accelerates their scumbaggery. Seems different enough.
It seemed out of place for Jamie to rape his sister at the foot of their dead son's corpse. These guys were noted murderers and scumbags in a situation that magnifies and accelerates their scumbaggery. Seems different enough.

Problem is that Jaime is not your typical moustache twirling bad guy. He has a sense of right and prioritizes personal victory/safety before considering others. The fact that he killed the Mad King and prevented King's Landing destruction and saved Brienne shows that he has a conscience and a knightly sense of right provided his own life is not in any danger (from an external source, not self induced like jumping into a bear pit). So having sex next to his dead son whom he loved seems un-Jaime and more The Mountain kind of thing
I don't think Jamie raped her. At first I did but then I thought about it and thought it best to wait it out to see how they interact ... and she doesn't seem the least bit bothered by THAT event and she doesn't seem to hold any resentment for THAT sooooo I just think of it as them having a very very VERY strange connection and incestual love for each other that's damn strong.
I don't think Jamie raped her. At first I did but then I thought about it and thought it best to wait it out to see how they interact ... and she doesn't seem the least bit bothered by THAT event and she doesn't seem to hold any resentment for THAT sooooo I just think of it as them having a very very VERY strange connection and incestual love for each other that's damn strong.

Someone else also made a very good point that Cersei is positively toxic for Jaime and brings out the worst in him. Like a drug addict being sent to a dealer after a few weeks in rehab.


Very good episode

Craster's Keep is a fucking nightmare; that place needs to be nuked from orbit. What a bunch of animals..

And yeah, that ending.. I wished WW would finally start doing their thing instead of hiding in the north. I want to see some shit going down


I feel sad for Bran and the bunch. Craster's Keep would be the last place you want to get captured with these savages running the place now. Locke comes across as a slick dude in the Night's watch and it looks like he will almost get Bran gifted to him by joining in on the journey to Craster's. I liked every bit of this episode again, can't wait for next week :D


Where Dany is right now is on the southern end of the map of Westeros right?

So you have Dany building an army in the south with Dragons. Fire. Then you have these white walkers building an army in the North. Ice.

Ha, it is starting to make a little sense now. Fire and Ice.

No, she's much farther east. Check the HBO map.


Where Dany is right now is on the southern end of the map of Westeros right?

So you have Dany building an army in the south with Dragons. Fire. Then you have these white walkers building an army in the North. Ice.

Ha, it is starting to make a little sense now. Fire and Ice.

She isn't even close to Westeros.


The continent on the left includes all of the Seven Kingdoms. She is currently in Mereen. It's the city on the top of Slaver's Bay, on the right side of the map, near the northern parts of Red Waste.
She's seriously really damn far from any other character.


On a different note...I'm amused at the enormous uproar about last episode's alleged Jamie/Cersei rape, when compared to enormous silence about multiple definite rapes going on at Craster's Keep.

Selective outrage much?

Is it because Cersei is highborn, that folks has "concern""? Is it because Craster's daughters are lowborn, no one seems to give a crap? This is why I said all the hoopla over last week's episode was typical fake outrage, we see so much of now-a-days.

It wasn't fake outrage. Jaime is supposed to love Cersei. The common criminals at Crasters Keep, some of whom were already rapists, raping strangers is not nearly as surprising. There's also a posse coming to get them.

Also, highborn/lowborn has nothing to do with it. If Sam rapes Gilly the outrage will close down the internet and she's lowborn.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Tywing is going to be PISSED when he finds out Jamie just gave away that sword.
Jamie is fucking over his father and his sister, they're definitely building it up for him to help Tyrion.

I had thought way back that the babies might be for new White Walkers but it's very cool to see it work like that. Seemed like there was a king Walker too, wonder if he'll be all powerful and shit.

I look forward to Brienne inevitably killing off Littlefinger. Probably my least favourite character and actor in the entire show so the sooner he goes the better.

Also Lady Olenna continues to show everyone why she is a bad ass
I need FAR more Brienne then we are currently getting.

She needs to save Sansa, kill Littlefinger, reunite with Margaery and come back to King's Landing. Then she can murder Cersei, and then sit on the Iron Throne with Sansa and Marg.

You can thank me later GRRM.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Ok I'm watching the beginning of the new episodes, and am I crazy or is everyone's acting a lot worse than it used to be?
I feel like Dani sections are always reminiscent of Xena/Hercules, from the 90s. Really cheesy, mediocre shots out in the field, and varied acting.

I need FAR more Brienne then we are currently getting.

She needs to save Sansa, kill Littlefinger, reunite with Margaery and come back to King's Landing. Then she can murder Cersei, and then sit on the Iron Throne with Sansa and Marg.

You can thank me later GRRM.
I don't think Margery too thinks much of her. She was always more Renly's counterpart, even beyond his time.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I need FAR more Brienne then we are currently getting.

She needs to save Sansa, kill Littlefinger, reunite with Margaery and come back to King's Landing. Then she can murder Cersei, and then sit on the Iron Throne with Sansa and Marg.

You can thank me later GRRM.

Yes. Just yes to everything
Although I'd probably put money on Margarey being the one to top off Cersei. The tussle for Tommen is going to end up in blood and tears mark my words
Yes. Just yes to everything
Although I'd probably put money on Margarey being the one to top off Cersei. The tussle for Tommen is going to end up in blood and tears mark my words
Sansa, Margaery and Brienne can all kill her together. It'll be a bonding experience.

I also forgot to mention that Oberyn can stick around too as their beefcake-in-waiting. Olenna will also make frequent appearances to dole out sassy barbs.
Ok I'm watching the beginning of the new episodes, and am I crazy or is everyone's acting a lot worse than it used to be?

Is there someone in particular you think got worse? I think the guy playing Jon Snow is getting much better. Maybe it's just the character developing, but I never cared for him the first few seasons but he's really bringing it this season, a welcome change.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think Snow is excellent this series. I never thought his acting was bad so much as the material he was given generally pretty empty. Season 2 he had the same problem as Danny: a lot of aimless wandering, padded narrative, and very little real development. Season 3 picked it up and really made it something interesting towards the end when he stayed true to the Night's Watch and fucked over the wildlings. He's had great material to work with in every scene this season.
Regarding the promo for next week's episode:

Cersei needs to fuck off. How great would it be if she tried to hurt Margery and Tommen put her to death as retaliation ? Man. And the Arya scene: I wouldn't read too much into it. Arya will try too kill him but her sword won't pierce his chain mail, The Hound will knock some sense into her and that will be that.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
There is a gif that needs to be adapted with that
Cersei, margarey and tommen scene. The one where samwise ganji is in highschool somewhere and smiling at a girl
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