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GameFAQs pollers agree with Iwata to some extent.

Well if you combine the ones that don't want it or think its overrated vs. the ones that think it's important it's still over 50% for it.


yeah that poll pretty much confirms that Iawatatatatatat is correct....

If Pikmin 2 had online play or Metroid Prime 2 had co-op or deathmatch online I would be ten times more excited for it.


yeah, but it's gamefaqs. remember how insanely anti-xbox they were? i haven't been reading polls recently, so i'm not sure if that still exists, but i wouldn't be surprised.


Will start substantiating his hate
Of course it's true. One only needs to look at the number of consoles sold versus those of broadband adapters/Xbox Live subscribtions to know it's true.


SolidSnakex said:
Well if you combine the ones that don't want it or think its overrated vs. the ones that think it's important it's still over 50% for it.

even if they think online play is important, they "somewhat" think his words are true, meaning that they "somewhat" think consumers don't really want online play...

Just because the vast majority of console owners don't play online right now, doesn't mean it's not important (like is seen by games like Burnout 3 and the new Godzilla game)...


I agree with Iwata. Online play doesn't automatically give magic to games, and isn't really needed for me, ESPECIALLY with fees. His example of Sony's golf game is on target; fees and addition extra expensive hardware is stupid.
efralope said:
even if they think online play is important, they "somewhat" think his words are true, meaning that they "somewhat" think consumers don't really want online play...

Just because the vast majority of console owners don't play online right now, doesn't mean it's not important (like is seen by games like Burnout 3 and the new Godzilla game)...

We've been through this and like I said Nintendo will see the consequences when they come around. They'll see if it was worth it or not for skipping out on online play (despite constantly waving the "We're the only gaming company" flag). I'm betting on it biting them in the ass just like CD formats did.


I'm betting when they do come around, they'll be happy they didn't jump in too quick into an unprofitable business model...

Just a couple of more years and I'm sure they'll figure out a way to make it work...


I think peer to peer will be best, but Nintendo will have to at least host servers and such - but hopefully to an extent where costs aren't that high.


Hopefully server costs go down so that a non-tech heavy company (unlike Sony and Microsoft) can afford them without too much of a hit on profits...


Deg said:
Maybe because the vast majority arent going to play an online game on a console for sometime yet? :roll

I say its important but to an extent and certainly not as much as many people keep harping on about and look like fools either way.

That's why Satoru Iwata is frickin' right! :D


Deg said:
I never said he was right.

but your statement was in line with his thoughts...

I'm sure even he thinks it's important considering now Nintendo has experimented with networked games since the NES days, but he knows it's not the end-all feature at the moment that some people make it out to be...
efralope said:
but your statement was in line with his thoughts...

I'm sure even he thinks it's important considering now Nintendo has experimented with networked games since the NES days, but he knows it's not the end-all feature at the moment that some people make it out to be...

Same thing Nintendo thought going into last gen about CD formats and look where that got them. That's Nintendo's problem, they think for the present and not the future, so when the future hits they fall down because they aren't prepared.


I know you didn't, but the first reason you gave only helps his case.

I meant for consoles not pc. When online becomes more popular in places like the frontroom and home netwroks become more common it should matter more.


SolidSnakex said:
Same thing Nintendo thought going into last gen about CD formats and look where that got them. That's Nintendo's problem, they think for the present and not the future, so when the future hits they fall down because they aren't prepared.

Actually, I'd say cartridges were an advantage for Nintendo...

They had a more stable and reliable hardware, durable and lasting software (that could be dropped, thrown, flung, didn't scratch or skip or not load, etc..) no loading times, cheaper transition and costs since they are not an electronics company, forced games to have consistent graphics, etc...

I don't know many people (outside of the educated internet community), that cared that N64 used cartridges, since they just noticied a $10 price difference, but better graphics (not to do with cartridges, but still present) and zero loading times...


SolidSnakex said:
Same thing Nintendo thought going into last gen about CD formats and look where that got them. That's Nintendo's problem, they think for the present and not the future, so when the future hits they fall down because they aren't prepared.

CD formats = standard
online gaming = not quite standard
"Actually, I'd say cartridges were an advantage for Nintendo..."

So much of an advantage now that they went from 1st to 3rd. Were there benefits to carts? Sure. Were they worth what it cost Nintendo? Absolutely not. Right now if they could go back and choose CD's they wouldn't hesitate. That's what happened when they only thought about what was happening in the industry right then instead of what was going to happen down the line. Unless they really believed people would be playing carts over other formats this gen which I really hope they didn't.


they were second against PS-X, and they are second against PS2...

More like Squaresoft betrayal and Sony cash coffins and marketing (not to mention faulty hardware that needed replacing) were more likely reasons for their "downfall" than the use of cartridges


SolidSnakex said:
Same thing Nintendo thought going into last gen about CD formats and look where that got them. That's Nintendo's problem, they think for the present and not the future, so when the future hits they fall down because they aren't prepared.

If it does you bet they will be there as they want to make money too. They already made the DS abit more wireless freindly than PSP and they are making sure they can do such things on all their stuff.

Right now uptake of online gaming on consoles has been far slower than expected(well not really but there those that make it look like it was suppossed to be huge) so i'm not surpised most companies and consumers dont bother much. There is still someway to go. I dont think its the consoles but rather the motivation to use it for the tv or console and not just home pcs. A hell of alot of people are onine on their pc's and i think in the coming years online usage will spread outside of that slowly too as technology tries to push online use also outside the home and around it. That is when i belieeve there will be many people online across many devices not just pc's.The question is 'when' not 'if'.
efralope said:
they were second against PS-X, and they are second against PS2...

More like Squaresoft betrayal and Sony cash coffins and marketing (not to mention faulty hardware that needed replacing) were more likely reasons for their "downfall" than the use of cartridges


"Right now uptake of online gaming on consoles has been far slower than expected(well not really but there those that make it look like it was suppossed to be huge) so i'm not surpised most companies and consumers dont bother much."

Yah but most companies (especially big companies) are already online this gen. Sony, MS, Konami, Capcom, Sega, Square-Enix, Tecmo ect ect. all online. The main big company that still isn't online is Nintendo. Everyone else seems to see that the future is bright for online gaming and are going to help it get there.


Unconfirmed Member
efralope said:
they were second against PS-X, and they are second against PS2...

More like Squaresoft betrayal and Sony cash coffins and marketing (not to mention faulty hardware that needed replacing) were more likely reasons for their "downfall" than the use of cartridges
Squaresoft betrayal a more likely reason for their downfall than their use of cartridges? And what exactly was one of the leading reasons why Squaresoft jumped ship in the first place, I wonder?....


Nintendo might think there is a bright FUTURE for online, maybe they just don't want to jump in just yet...

so you admit you were wrong when you said they dropped to 3rd place?


MetatronM said:
Squaresoft betrayal a more likely reason for their downfall than their use of cartridges? And what exactly was one of the leading reasons why Squaresoft jumped ship in the first place, I wonder?....

lying to Nintendo about their backdoor dealings...


GameFAQs !=everybody.

They are insanely pro-Nintendo, judging from the flow of topics there in the past three or four years.


The n64 had some serious issues like no games, not enough variety , 3rd parties not bothering etc.. That caused alot of damage to Nintendo. Alot of those users wont be coming back for some time ;)


These people don't know what they're talking about... I was on Live this morning playing Counter Strike and these two guys began arguing and started calling each other f*ags and c*cksuckers... I almost had a heart attack, it was so hilarious to hear these two rednecks fight with each other over live. One guy said he was going to beat the shit out of the other etc

Drug talk, name calling, and being an ass is all what Live is about and it's so freaking amusing... I don't even talk or use a head set anymore, I just play and hear what others have to say.
efralope said:
lying to Nintendo about their backdoor dealings...

How do you know they lied to Nintendo about anything? It's not like they were Nintendo's property to begin with anyway. They just developed games for them. So even if they were talking to Sony all along it doesn't mean anything. They were 3rd party and could do whatever they want.


Unconfirmed Member
efralope said:
lying to Nintendo about their backdoor dealings...
And nothing at all to do with the fact that FF VII would have taken up 36 N64 cartridges?

And why would they have backdoor dealings with some upstart company anyway, if the hardware advantage was so clearly in favor of Nintendo, anyway? Your conspiracy theory just doesn't fit with the assertion that cartridges were a positive thing for Nintendo. In fact, it is perhaps the strongest example of what went wrong because of that decision.


SolidSnakex said:
How do you know they lied to Nintendo about anything? It's not like they were Nintendo's property to begin with anyway. They just developed games for them. So even if they were talking to Sony all along it doesn't mean anything. They were 3rd party and could do whatever they want.

FFVII was set for release on N64, and look what happened... if they had been truthful, they would have released it regardless of what happened with Sony dealings...

What a betrayal to the loyal fans who had bought their games on SNES (and I loved them thanks to FFI and Secret of Mana)...


MetatronM said:
And nothing at all to do with the fact that FF VII would have taken up 36 N64 cartridges?

And why would they have backdoor dealings with some upstart company anyway, if the hardware advantage was so clearly in favor of Nintendo, anyway? Your conspiracy theory just doesn't fit with the assertion that cartridges were a positive thing for Nintendo. In fact, it is perhaps the strongest example of what went wrong because of that decision.

I don't see a rulebook that said RPG's needed FMV, they were ALREADY working on FFVII for the Nintendo 64, and look at Crystal Chronicles, no FMV...

sure, they changed what they were doing once they had a deal with Sony, but initially they announced and told fans FFVII was coming to Nintendo's system, I have the Gamefan where pictures are shown...

edit: I never said cartridges were 100% positive, they were just working in Nintendo's favor in certain ways... imagine playing an RPG with no loading times, certainly some people would have found that appealing as they had on the SNES...


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
To me, it's unfortunate that so many people, even if they aren't personally interested in online gaming one way or the other, still support Nintendo's decision to withhold that option from ALL gamers. There are ways that Nintendo could offer the option with little cost to themselves, if the financial health is what truly concerns that crowd. Somehow, I doubt that altruism is genuine...
Square never announced FF7 for the N64, when it was announced it was for the PSone. They had that old CG demo to see what they could get out of the N64 and determined that it wasn't worth putting it on that system in comparison to the PSone.

There were also reports that Sony had gone out and talked to developers about what they wanted in a system. That's the main reason they got all those companies. Nintendo did what THEY wanted in a system and expected every other developer to jump on. Sony didn what developers wanted.

" imagine playing an RPG with no loading times, certainly some people would have found that appealing as they had on the SNES..."

Seeing the sales of the PSone RPG's in comparison to the SNES ones, i'd say the majority of people didn't care if games had loading or not. Sony and Square did more for the RPG genre in the US in 1 generation that had been done in the previous 2 combined.


DjangoReinhardt said:
To me, it's unfortunate that so many people, even if they aren't personally interested in online gaming one way or the other, still support Nintendo's decision to withhold that option from ALL gamers. There are ways that Nintendo could offer the option with little cost to themselves, if the financial health is what truly concerns that crowd. Somehow, I doubt that altruism is genuine...

Somehow, if profit is involved, I doubt Nintendo would turn down an opportunity to work something out...


Unconfirmed Member
efralope said:
edit: I never said cartridges were 100% positive, they were just working in Nintendo's favor in certain ways... imagine playing an RPG with no loading times, certainly some people would have found that appealing as they had on the SNES...
Imagine playing an RPG at all. Certainly some people would have found that appealing as they did on the PlayStation.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
cybamerc said:
Of course it's true. One only needs to look at the number of consoles sold versus those of broadband adapters/Xbox Live subscribtions to know it's true.


You folks are acting like online console gaming is going to explode any day now. It's not. Nintendo pretty much has nothing to lose by sitting it out right now because for the vast majority of gamers online gaming may as well not even exist. I'm guessing that its going to be at least 5-10 years before we see something like 50% of consoles online on a regular basis. I do believe that the PS3 and XBX2 will ship with the ability to go online and that will help raise the fraction of online gamers above the current level (which iirc is sub 5%) but the question is how many folks will actually use those features?

A lot of people like to make the argument that Nintendo should test the waters now and build a fanbase for online gaming but they really don't need to. I mean what kind of a fanbase could they build? How much of a fanbase has MS built up again? Well under a million? And that is from a company who is putting a ton of resources into online gaming. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put a console online. Nintendo doesn't need to waste time testing the waters when they can just dive right in 5 years from now. And with their focus on multiplayer gaming I have no doubt that when they do take the plunge they will make quite a splash.


efralope said:
What a betrayal to the loyal fans who had bought their games on SNES (and I loved them thanks to FFI and Secret of Mana)...

I bought their SNES games, then managed to buy them on PS1 despite their WICKED BETRAYAL.


SolidSnakex said:
Square never announced FF7 for the N64, when it was announced it was for the PSone. They had that old CG demo to see what they could get out of the N64 and determined that it wasn't worth putting it on that system in comparison to the PSone.

There were also reports that Sony had gone out and talked to developers about what they wanted in a system. That's the main reason they got all those companies. Nintendo did what THEY wanted in a system and expected every other developer to jump on. Sony didn what developers wanted.

" imagine playing an RPG with no loading times, certainly some people would have found that appealing as they had on the SNES..."

Seeing the sales of the PSone RPG's in comparison to the SNES ones, i'd say the majority of people didn't care if games had loading or not. Sony and Square did more for the RPG genre in the US in 1 generation that had been done in the previous 2 combined.

well, I remember reading that FFVII would make it to N64 (before PS-X FFVII announced)...

don't forget that many people's first RPG was FFVII, and was quite a departure (more "mainstream"), but yeah, I admit Square sold more games on PS-X than SNES, that doesn't mean they wouldn't have sold to a hardcore faction on N64 as well, in addition to whatever FMV-use RPG's on PS-X...


Grifter said:
I bought their SNES games, then managed to buy them on PS1 despite their WICKED BETRAYAL.

I didn't, but I do admit to having some fun with FFVII and FFIX on a buddy's PS-X (not that they were better than the SNES games, but they were ok, but not enough to warrant an extra system purchase)...
"hat doesn't mean they wouldn't have sold to a hardcore faction on N64 as well"

Wouldn't have been worth it though. And it's sucked for RPG players in general. The impact that FF7 had on the whole console RPG scene in terms of what we finnaly got over here is just huge. If it'd went to the N64 it'd just been playing ot that same hardcore following. Square made the move that was not only smartest for them but was also best for the entire console RPG industry.


seems to be working out well for the PC and gaining support on Xbox and PS2.

Also GameFAQs suck a lot of Nintendo dick.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put a console online.
It doesn't if all your doing is 'connect and play'. MS has built a SERVICE.

well, I remember reading that FFVII would make it to N64 (before PS-X FFVII announced)...
no, that was simply an SGI demo of '3D RPG' game. The thought process goes like this.
Fact 1: Square making 3D game on SGI machine
Fact 2: Nintendo using SGI to make processor in Ultra 64
Insane Nintendo Fan Logic Equals: OMG!! Square making 3D FINAL FANTASY ON ULTRA 64!!E%!#$
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