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GameTrailers to close after 13 years


FYI, if you're archiving their Twitch streams, check the Highlights section. SO much more full streams than Past Broadcasts for some reason. i'm just grabbing the press conference stuff. not sure of the other streams.


I felt a bit glum this evening as it got around the point when I would normally watch Huber Hype, but seeing Brandon pop up in the Twitch chat cheered me up a bunch. Especially with the hope that it isn't quite the end, but a potential rebirth.
Can we get a link to his Twitch channel? Gonna follow him

EDIT: Also where will we be able to find the full retrospectives and Twitch streams when they inevitably go away?


bish gets all the credit :)
FYI, if you're archiving their Twitch streams, check the Highlights section. SO much more full streams than Past Broadcasts for some reason. i'm just grabbing the press conference stuff. not sure of the other streams.

Past broadcasts are only saved for 14 days. Highlights indefinitely (I believe).


It took me from last night around 9pm till now to finally get through this whole thread.

I opened up tumblr and I follow the #gametrailers search for some reason and I saw that picture talking about it was their last day then I log on to GAF and see this thread and my heart dropped.

I watched the last stream and fought back tears on some

Man It hit me hard, I was really hoping for a snow storm so I could sulk at home but instead I had to work.

Man It's been a roller coaster, back in my childhood in the virgin islands my internet was never fast enough to videos when they first started popping up but when I came to the states and got back into gaming (2009-10) GT was one of the first places I went there to look up info on Red Dead Redemption and I remember that preview getting me so hyped up. Since then GT has been a staple of my gaming habits, I thought that the "voice" of game trailers (didn't find out his name till 2012) was doing all those reviews and I just thought he was the hardest working guy in the biz.

I started watching invisible walls around that time (2011-12) but never actually finished the episodes since they were so long, but i loved things like retrospectives and watching reviews for games that were interesting but that I'd never buy just because they were so well done . I remember when they had the 100 best game trailers ever .... so many classics in there.

Then I remember the first time I saw Bosman on video and shane shatterfield left and then there was a lot of turnover but despite it all the quality of reviews stayed up. Then I remember when they lost people like Ryan Stevens and "the other blood" (Justin Speer) but they still soldiered on, I remember things that were incredibly short lived like Thanks for playing.

Man it was just great to be able to see some positive people in gaming and see people who actually wanted to do this.

I remember when joystiq went down and now GT it's so sad I don't know where to go for my fix of gaming. I do listen to GB but they're mostly downer (no offense) but I do really enjoy GBeast they seem to like gaming a bit more.

As far as Patreon and all that I feel like one of the greatest things about GT was as someone said they're TV like quality to the videos, the cuts the editing all of it was really great.

I personally feel it'd be really hard to have that quality out of the garage, and to have enough money to actually support the whole cast.

It'd be a shame if they left gaming media but especially for family men like Blood and Jones I would completely understand if they went corporate.

I mean I looked up justin speer and he's now an analyst and if Micheal Pachter taught me anything it's that analyst make BANK!
Music to my ears. Nice to see they're going to consolidate ideas and aren't just all going their separate ways right now.


EDIT: More from Brandon in Twitch chat:

And on the topic of doing things like streaming on his own from home if that's not part of his future career:

Where is he streaming right now?


Has anyone found or hosted the Fallout Retrospective? I can't seem to find it anywhere, and the GT websites video has been broken for year(s).


I just finished watching their last stream and i cried a bit at Brandon's speech at the end.

To the crew at Gametrailers i just want to say, Thank you for all the superb videos and content you guys put up on the site and youtube. You will be sorely missed by me and many others, and we hope to see you guys again soon.
Take care guys.



I stopped going there after they changed the forums a while back, got rid of GTD, and I couldn't even log in eventually, they fucked up the logins from the old site, lost all my user videos so I never got back on. They used to be great, but I saw it dying for a few years now. They still had good reviews though.


So do we know what Brandon Jones will be doing?
That guy is a widely recognized voice of gaming. I think the industry needs him.
Love to hear there's a chance some stick together in some form. and it's good to take a couple of weeks to reflect on your next move. I get the sense that most would be game in forming their own thing. Ian is the one I could see going off and doing something new
So do we know what Brandon Jones will be doing?
That guy is a widely recognized voice of gaming. I think the industry needs him.
None of these people know what they'll be doing at the moment

Their options are try to create a new "Gametrailers" type thing or do something else

Obviously Brandon can pursue more VO work so it's very possible he'll shift to that if he decides against GT 2.0
It would be awesome if the guys got together sometime in the next few weeks at a SoCal arcade where fans can meet and play some arcade games with them for a few hours.
I'd call in sick that day.
After moping around for 24 hours im going to try and be positive and hope that they can figure something out and stay together.

I have felt absolutely dreadful about the whole situation all day. But seeing Brandon in Twitch chat just now confirming that the whole crew is getting back together in a couple of weeks to discuss a potential battleplan, and that he'll continue streaming regardless of the outcome, has made me feel a LOT better.


I agree. It's not equating the losses as being the same. For me the GT logo is just there to show that I appreciate what they did and I'm going to miss them and hope they find some place where they can continue. Ideally somewhere where I can watch them again.

Yes :)

Can you GT afy my avy as well


Dropped by in the chat to thank Brandon for the ten years plus he and everyone has done. I have no idea if he read it, buy I'm just grateful that even as just his job he did so much for not just me but so many.



Anyone know how to download this by chance? Been trying various flash downloaders but nothing. Wanted to get it incase the site eventually went down.


Currently trying to locate: Fallout Retrospective, Halo parts 2/3, Metroid parts 2/4, starwars part 5, D&D Retrospective, and Daxter Retrospective.

Lots of stuff is missing from GT's site.



Currently trying to locate: Fallout Retrospective, Halo parts 2/3, Metroid parts 2/4, starwars part 5, D&D Retrospective, and Daxter Retrospective.

Lots of stuff is missing from GT's site.

Thank you!

edit: here's part 3 for Halo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRqELCEkf3c

Still looking for 2 aka Halo Retrospective - Index 2 - Once More Unto the Breach

edit 2: found part 2 here - http://kivvi.kz/watch/3wg98632p1js/, not the greatest but will do.


I have felt absolutely dreadful about the whole situation all day. But seeing Brandon in Twitch chat just now confirming that the whole crew is getting back together in a couple of weeks to discuss a potential battleplan, and that he'll continue streaming regardless of the outcome, has made me feel a LOT better.

It's made me feel a little better too. Now I need Huber, Ben, Brad and Kyle to say they'll stream some days too.


I downloaded the KH Timelines episode. Should I upload it or does someone have it already? Would love to see the downloads for the retrospectives somewhere!
Right now I'm uploading the retrospectives of Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Metal Gear and Zelda to Mega. I'll give you the links when I have them (I downloaded them from the old site, so they are all on .wmv format).

Btw, I love that Final Fantasy retrospective.
Palabragrís;194765244 said:
Right now I'm uploading the retrospectives of Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Metal Gear and Zelda to Mega. I'll give you the links when I have them (I downloaded them from the old site, so they are all on .wmv format).

Btw, I love that Final Fantasy retrospective.

Awesome! I really want that FF retrospective!


Palabragrís;194765244 said:
Right now I'm uploading the retrospectives of Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Metal Gear and Zelda to Mega. I'll give you the links when I have them (I downloaded them from the old site, so they are all on .wmv format).

Btw, I love that Final Fantasy retrospective.

Ooooooo, nice! Look forward to them! Thank you! :)


Also, has anyone been able to track down those Game of Thrones discussions they used to have? Really enjoyed those since they went into book territory a lot
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