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Gaming Journalists stepped in to defend Sweet Baby Inc. after curator page went viral

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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Its amazing really. Any other sort of company working in the space, especially those who clearly brand their work, get to deal with consumer backlash...

Totally apparent who the "annointed" ones are, and funnily enough the commonality always seems to based on something other than creativity and talent... funny that.


Pretty much the NPC response expected from these outlets. They've openly called for what this consultancy group does for games for a while now, and are either trying to deflect or reframe the argument so they can paint the backlash as more extreme than it is.

People know this group isn't a boogieman ruining games on their own, they're just the one group dumb enough to make it obvious, and trying to ban a curator group only made more people notice it.

Game studios injecting ham-fisted socio-cultural issues into their titles is the dev staff themselves wanting this, or want access to funding for doing this and don't care.

No such thing as racism towards white people is just the power + privilege redefinition for racism, that "progressives" have been trying to push for almost a decade now.
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“If you’re a creative working in AAA which I did for many, many years: put this stuff up to your higher-ups.
And if they don’t see the value in what you’re asking for when you ask for consultancy, when you ask for research: go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility if they don’t give you what you want.”

Kim Belair, CEO of SBI. Source.

Yep, just a normal consulting firm. Industry standard. Nothing to see here.


All they do is give more visibility, thing that Sweet Baby don't want lmao.
Yeah, they could have defused the whole situation by just saying "We're so glad someone is highlighting our work! Keep it up!", even if it just was in a passive agressive way.

...but they seem to understand on some deeper level their "work" isn't a good thing, thus they get defensive like that. They act no different from corrupt politicians caught up in some scheme.
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baby crying GIF


And yet somehow these journalists are turning a blind eye to the insane bullshit Sweet Baby employees have been spouting in tweets.

Truly amazing.

Which is why we need to be careful how we articulate the reasons for the pushback.

Most people go along with the idea of DEI -even if they aren't that ideologically motivated- because its hard to say the opposite is good. The trick is not to try and argue on those grounds because that's how the activists will try and trap you - "You don't want x alternate lifestyles represented because you're a bigot", which is a hard thing to argue against because they've created a narrative where they are the supporters of a virtue, therefore you by definition of your opposition must be the corrupt one.

Its a cheap trick, but its an effective one rhetorically.

Same deal applies with activists presenting themselves as Anti-"bad thing". They do this so any opposition is immediately smeared as being pro-"bad thing"... Its a misdirect so you end up fighting the virtuous position they claim to uphold, rather than them on their own merits and failings.

Don't fall for it.

You called it. This is their favorite god damn tactic to use.
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It is quite the coincidence this all kicks off in election year for most western nations, a replay of "all gamers are nazi shitlords", associating gamers with Trump in the USA and the Tories in the UK.

Since it's an election year BLM are due in the summer too, aye?


this whole thing is pathetic

I think babies crying about wokeness are dorks.
but I also find it funny that this list is causing a stir, I like to see the stupid interactions it has caused, enjoying the chaos.

let the dorks make their list, hire better writers is all. diversity needs to be done better.
So everyone is supposed to bury their heads in the sand and just let the "wokeness" go unchecked and unrivaled. Yeah I'm sure they will hire better writers once they fully take over...
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Gold Member
Wouldn't it be poetic if sweet babies involved in games were ousted like the ex-developer involved in the wizard game? And games, with their involvement, magically disappear from the NPD list, as if they aren't real, just for the shits and giggles?


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Nobody believes those journalists anymore, that job has already been greatly denigrated...

They couldn't even finish Gollum's game.... And I could finish it 😂😂😂.


Don't forget: these are white americans getting mad at and trying to lecture a brazilian-made group on diversity and inclusion. Brazil is probably the most racially mixed country in the world, basically half of our population is some mix between white, black, natives and asians.

You can't demonstrate DEI anti-philosophy better than this.

Brazilian people according to Kotaku:

this whole thing is pathetic

I think babies crying about wokeness are dorks.
but I also find it funny that this list is causing a stir, I like to see the stupid interactions it has caused, enjoying the chaos.

let the dorks make their list, hire better writers is all. diversity needs to be done better.
...but then nobody would call it "diversity" anymore. It'd just be good writing.
Multiple gaming journalists over the past 24 hours have begun to address the Sweet Baby Inc. page drama, which went and is still going viral on the past week after brazilian player @Krabutus created a curator page to track down games in which the consultant company Sweet Baby Inc worked on. The Page went viral and is still growing, currently amassing over 210k players as the writing of this topic,

But instead of just reporting on the subject, big gaming news publication have published articles in defense of Sweet Baby Inc, despite controversy surrounding it's business pratices. Some big news gaming outlets have come in their defemse, such as eurogamer and PCGamer.

Here are some examples:



One a Follow up to the viral status of the whole debacle, moderators of the Steam Page have confirmed that Valve has reached to the creators which led to the community posts getting locked
In a "surprising" move woke journalists speak out in support of woke company. Who could have seen this coming?


And this is why i don't read their articles anymore and also why I've only bought Cyberpunk in the last few years, they are ruining gaming at the AAA level plus a lot of the entertainment industry as well, but they have saved me wasting quite a bit of money though.


Where's the racist Kotaku twat?

Good grief.

In my country, we have our usual, deeper, systemic problems, so i usually try to stay away from political news & discourse, because it just gets depressing.

But seeing this kind of stuff play out in the west is just........entertaining. A high-profile/high-visibility "journalist" saying something like this is truly baffling. Did she say that sarcastically ? I can't tell.

It's like you're trapped on a sinking ship and there are no liferafts or rescue boats so you pass the time pointing and laughing at another ship, that may not be sinking but is on fire or something. I don't know if this metaphor worked as i intended it to.
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