Skilotonn said:I did this alone on Insane a few hours ago, and this has to be the strategy Epic thought for it...
When you get down to the two Maulers, get rid of any grunts/wretches with them, and run around trying to get them separated - then head to the Troika in the middle, and pick them off with it as they come to you...
The reason why I say I'm sure this is the strategy meant by Epic is because the Troika can turn 360 degrees... so use the Troika to finish off the Maulers, then when they are both dead, swing around back to the door in the middle at the top of the stairs where the Bloodmounts will come through, and grind them to pieces with the Troika - fight's over...
kaizoku said:ust played a bunch of matches, my first friendless multiplayer session on gears that I would consider a success. About 7 games all in all, one was so laggy it took 5 seconds to pick up a weapon, my whole team finished with 0 points, 1 guy had 27! and the other team cleaned up - they only had 4 players vs our 5 too. Wonder if they were doing it deliberately because the whole opposition team just rushed right to us with shotguns out everytime, as if they knew we couldn't defend ourselves.
Eh, imo it's not too useful in campaign on Hardcore/Insane, I guess it may be on Casual and Normal but I didn't bother to play either of those difficulties. Usually they just walk right through the explosion and keep gunning for you. :lolcatfish said:also, I have made it this far in the campain without remembering you can stick grenades to walls.
They patched matchmaking, but some people won't see instant results they said. As for balancing the game out, I don't think there was actually anything yet, that will probably (hopefully) happen next.Scarecrow said:I've been away for a bit. I hear they fixed multiplayer. True?
catfish said:So I played a stranger match, got on a team of 5 and got murdered 5-0 by 4 veterans.
Multiplayer plays a lot different to the campaign, not knowing where the weapon spawns are REALLy hurts![]()
Apart from the actual balancing of the weapons then this is pretty much spot. It would be good if you could set of tagged grenades with your own smoke grenades.Domino Theory said:-If you tag a wall with a frag grenade, then later on in the round you die, the grenade needs to blow up, not stay there forever.
-Up the respawn time on power weapons, especially the Mortar, Boomshot, Hammer of Dawn and grenades.
kaizoku said:Its so much more effective to rush in as a group with shotguns/chainsaws and smoke grenades, if anything the new stuff has gotten rid of cover combat once and for all. cover is useless against that tactic, if anything it slows you down.
catfish I'd be happy to help you out if you need it, just send me a message if you see me on. You trying a solo run t hrough on insane??brave guy, I haven't mustered up the will yet.
Shoogoo said:Insane is not THAT hard. I found it harder in gears 1![]()
kaizoku said:my sniper rifle accuracy is 91% and is my most deadly weapon. although boomshot accuracy is...200%? huh?
kaizoku said:the minecart bit where even if you kill the wretch it would land in your cart and blow you up. AARRGGGHHH!!!
kaizoku said:the minecart bit where even if you kill the wretch it would land in your cart and blow you up. AARRGGGHHH!!!
ToyMachine228 said:Please Epic...Please...Next patch stop spawning players with Smokes. That means you don't need to toy with how they work at all, it's just a simple fix...Just don't spawn players with them in Public matches.
catfish said:turns out I suck at multiplayer.
god I'm stuck on the campaign as well, at a large courtyard near the end and lots of waves of guys come out. right after 2 maulers comes 2 bloodmounts. they run right up to me every time and just eat me. Like run directly across the courtyard, straight at me and then the second one kills me in 1 hit after I kill the first one. Fuck what is the trick to avoiding them? The battle takes around 7 minutes each time and then they kill me in 10 seconds. It's driving me batty.
Domino Theory said:They're fine in Warzone and Execution. Anything else with respawns? No.
JB1981 said:That's exactly where I just left off - quit out of frustration. I have no long range weapons or nades ... nothing. I keep getting owed and the Mulcher is too slow to do shit.
catfish said:I figured it out (gaffer told me) and it's laughably easy actually. that troika spins 360 degrees. I used it to kill the 2 maulers and then spin it around and the 2 mounts were dead before they even got close to the bottom of the steps. Just cool it down before the doors open and the first one is dead with the first volley of bullets. cool it again and finish off the second one.
I just beat the game 30 mins ago. WTF atthe end boss. I didn't even know what I was doing, just hold the hammer of dawn on him and wait. it was essentially a cut scene. Raam was way better. Only time gears 2 dropped the ball in the campaign I think.
If you can forecast what players are going to do, why can't you take steps to place yourself in a good position after the charge? There's only so many possible bottlenecks on each map.kaizoku said:I hate them in warzone/execution cos everyone rushes to the bottlenecks, throws nades, rush in, see who wins. Whoever dies has to wait til the same pattern is played out at the other bottleneck. You will only ever get slight variations on this theme.
Domino Theory said:They're fine in Warzone and Execution. Anything else with respawns? No.
Evonus said:If you can forecast what players are going to do, why can't you take steps to place yourself in a good position after the charge? There's only so many possible bottlenecks on each map.
If you're playing with people you know, couldn't you work on a little strategy in this regard? Have three people do the blind rush, and take the other teammate along with you to an advantageous position on the map. If everyone really just runs in guns blazing, you should see the numbers for both teams drop rapidly, but if all five of the other side ran into the circle of smokey death, the ones still alive should be a little disoriented and in a great state to then pounce on.
MicVlaD said:I think more people would be fine with the smoke grenades if it triggered a short stun animation (like when a friendly mortar strike hits near you) instead of instantly ragdolling you. Especially because the ragdolls have a tendency to randomly bug-out.
kaizoku said:that animation where a frag blows near you but not near enough to kill you in gears 1 - perfect! required skill to stun people to good effect.
Current smokes are skill-less, huge radius motherfuckers, deadlier than frags ffs.
Yup and then you get stuck sliding down any sort of sloped surface (i.e. stairs -_-) whats up with that crapFrester said:This, but what I really hate is how damn inconsistent they are. I toss one right at a guys feet and nothing happens, I run way past one on my way to an objective and still get stunned :\
Damn, I like that idea. That would be the perfect stun.kaizoku said:that animation where a frag blows near you but not near enough to kill you in gears 1 - perfect! required skill to stun people to good effect.
Multiplayer is filled with inconsistencies. Every game I play feels like a roll of the dice.Frester said:This, but what I really hate is how damn inconsistent they are. I toss one right at a guys feet and nothing happens, I run way past one on my way to an objective and still get stunned :\
it's kind of like playing Lost Planet SP, just more annoyingMicVlaD said:I think more people would be fine with the smoke grenades if it triggered a short stun animation (like when a friendly mortar strike hits near you) instead of instantly ragdolling you. Especially because the ragdolls have a tendency to randomly bug-out.
JB1981 said:OMG that's how it ends?! LOL
Yeah, that's the one I meant.kaizoku said:that animation where a frag blows near you but not near enough to kill you in gears 1 - perfect! required skill to stun people to good effect.
I don't see how it guarantees that if you're communicating properly. Three guys rushing in, with two outside the red zone using their Lancers to soften up the opposition enough for the teammates to take care of the rest. It's not going to work every time, but its a good strategy that works great against against a team that doesn't ever change up their tactics. If they're good enough to utterly destroy your three on-rushers, then your team didn't deserve to win. Its an easier strategy in Warzone, but a downed enemy is still a downed enemy. The split-second it takes to pick somebody up is the time that can be used to take out a distracted enemy.kaizoku said:sure you can hang back, but that almost guarantees the other team gets the power weapons, which in this game (sniper aside) are really devastating and can totally decimate you, and turn what seems an advantageous position into a vulnerable one.