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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


I have a strange problem. I have the Collectors (or limited or whatever it's called) edition, put in the codes for the flashback map pack and the golden lancer. Map pack works fine, but for some reason the lancer doesn't. In my memory thing in Gears 2 there's no sign of it there, however it's in my download history but when I try to re download it, it gives me an error.

Anybody know how to fix this? I want golden lancer :lol
Has the host shooting problem been fixed yet (where you have to be near the host in order to shoot straight when shooting from the hip)? I've been out of town on dial-up so browsing GAF was not an option.
SickBoy said:
The new smoke grenade is the right idea, just a bit overpowered, I think. To me it sort of makes me wonder about a *good* application of smoke grenades. In Gears 1, I managed on a handful of occasions to use them to my advantage -- get around enemies that were stalking me, mostly.

Smoke grenades should have been exactly what they were in Gears 1...smoke. Were there a whole ton of opportunities to use smoke to your advantage in Gears 1? Probably not. But they did have a use for distractions and cover and that's really all they should have been about.

Epic knew smokes would be used to create more standoff situations and make it harder to get power weapons. Really though, I feel like smokes have made getting power weapons actually less tactical. Now its just throw a quality nade, grab it and back off. Maybe you'll die...maybe you won't. Typically though what happens is people just throw them and one guy says fuck it...grabs the weapon anyway and gets blown towards the direction of their teammates. The other team has to work harder to actually kill the guy when he's down due to all the smoke around...and its an even more difficult task if its execution where you have to take a risk and jump in the middle of the smoke to possibly get a shot off on him.

Typically I just say fuck all that noise and throw a frag in the middle of all that shit. Pretty much instant kills everytime or at least a way to cut past the initial smoke nonsense.

In Gears 1 it was moreso about angles and flanking
unomas said:
I haven't played Gears 2 in 5 days, but I'm about to download the update and give it another shot. Some on the Gears 2 forums are now crying lag lag lag. I'll find out soon enough, hopefully the patch helped the matchmaking, sounds like it did from the GAF crew.
Yea it is pretty laggy in match and quite buggy too as I keep glitching through walls, but at least matchmaking is a little bit faster.



Edit: Wrong thread :lol

I like the "arm up in front of the face" stun suggestion someone offered early though rather than falling to the ground.




Classic_Gs said:
Yea it is pretty laggy in match and quite buggy too as I keep glitching through walls, but at least matchmaking is a little bit faster.

Yeah, I just put in a few hours in multi and the connection to a match is faster but the lag is definitely more noticeable. It seemed like they may have tweaked the shotgun/lancer as well? Maybe it was just the lag but the shotty seemed to have more power and the lancer as well, almost original gearsish if not the same. Or maybe they just lowered player health? Either way there was a big difference. Smokes are still annoying as hell and wall tagging frags needs to go otherwise I liked what I played more this time around. We'll just have to wait for the next update, but I heard tons of bitching about lag from most of the people I played with. I don't remember it being nearly as bad before but it seems like a give and take at this point. Firing from the hip seemed to be the same for the shotty, not working. That one thing alone will change the game completely if they fix it. I guarantee if it's he same as the original most people won't be "aiming" with it anymore or doing a quick aim.

I was just looking at my gears web stats and compared them to the guy at the top of the leaderboard. Someone actually has 14,000+ kills in online multi already? That's just for versus matches correct? I have 550, how the fuck? Get some sun brother, or go make a snowman or some shit.


Just got my 360 and a copy of Gears 2 today. Awesome game! I'm at the part where you got to go back underground. Tried to play online but it took forever. And I can't seem to pick a specific game type like they did for the original gears. Am I doing something wrong?


McLovin said:
Just got my 360 and a copy of Gears 2 today. Awesome game! I'm at the part where you got to go back underground. Tried to play online but it took forever. And I can't seem to pick a specific game type like they did for the original gears. Am I doing something wrong?

single player and horde rocks, online multi needs a little fixin. You can't select specifically what you want to play, you pick from categories and everyone in the room gets to vote on what type and which map.


unomas said:
single player and horde rocks, online multi needs a little fixin. You can't select specifically what you want to play, you pick from categories and everyone in the room gets to vote on what type and which map.
I hope they do fix it.. I don't know why they changed it from the original. It also takes forever to find a match :( At least I'm having fun with the campaign.


Fix the lag. Smokes are fine.

There are games that somehow, people can reach to the power weapons faster than I can, despite the fact that I'm road running the whole time wtihout stopping.

On River, there are always douschebags who always go for the rocket launcher at the bottom of the map. Planting the smokes at the entrances near or around the sandbags just balances it for me because they weren't careful.

Boom! The powerweapon is now mine due to the fact that one person can't dominate the whole team, and the team didn't work together to preserve that privilege.


ICallItFutile said:
I'm probably behind on this, but has anyone seen people online crouching while using the shotgun?
Yep, using the boomshield glitch if I am not mistaken.

It's like they have the boomshield, block the sfhots, but you don't see it.

I really impatient for the end of the beta to get the real game.


Comics, serious business!
ICallItFutile said:
I'm probably behind on this, but has anyone seen people online crouching while using the shotgun?

Yes, I've encountered this a couple times. On one occasion (Guardian on Pavilion) they were crouching, using the shotgun, AND invulnerable. It's like they had an invisible shield or something.


I don't think the lag is any more or less noticeable at all. I actually had a few games last night that were pretty good in terms of lag. Solo matchmaking wait times have been cut down drastically.


RSTEIN said:
Yes, I've encountered this a couple times. On one occasion (Guardian on Pavilion) they were crouching, using the shotgun, AND invulnerable. It's like they had an invisible shield or something.

They did, there is a boomshield glitch where it disappears and they're allowed to use any weapon shotgun/boomshot/sniper etc.


FINALLY this game got good.
I was about ready to give up during the crappy vehicle section near the start, then as soon as you get underground it gets awesome. I have gotten stuck though, "Hey Baird, the lights are out" "no shit" ..... etc etc. I just have no idea what to do at this bit. It's on that mountain thing in some stupid cave.

Anyway, so I got bored of that and thought I'd try some Horde. My internet sucks so I thought I'd play on my own. It's AWESOME. This is probably my favourite part about the game, though it does get pretty hard :( I can't get past wave 18, but that was at like 4am so i'll give it another shot later. I like how they ramp up the difficulty in a non-linear fashion though.


Been playing a lot of multi with friends and I both love this game and hate it. I love it because it's Gears, and when it's good, it's godly. But when it's bad... I bellow a Spartan roar and curse Cliff Blezinski to the four corners of the Earth.

Why so many glitches? I HATE emptying clip after clip at some dude standing just around a corner and having him feel nothing but a cool breeze on his face. I know some surfaces are destructible, but does the collision detection think the bulk of the corner is still there? Is that why my shots don't make contact despite the fact that I'VE GOT THE GUY RIGHT IN MY SIGHTS?

I also love putting a sniper round right through the outer edge of a guy's goggles only to have him fart nonchalantly in my general direction. Really, Epic, fix the collision detection.

That and the fact that the Lancer and Hammerburst are so weak - they remind me endlessly of the impotent default weapons for the IGA or whatever they're called in the original Killzone - really taint this game for me.

I do give credit because sometimes the bots are such bastards. There are times when Baird will get a pole up his ass for me and that guy just hunts me down like a bloodthirsty killer. Sometimes, after the bloody gib, I'm left to wonder (in loud and profane language) if it wasn't another HUMAN player who came in and went all crazy on my ass.

At the end of the day, though - and I know I will be mocked and ridiculed for this - I think UTIII is the more solid game. It plays wickedly great, without the odd and maddening glitches. So Epic wins in the end anyway, as for me, they've cornered the market on fast, "twitch" shooters and more strategic stop-and-pop action.

So, Epic. You have my money and my support. Please fix your game.
I've found the best way to use the hammer burst is with slow controlled shots rather than holding the trigger down.

I'm able to down guys surprisingly fast that way.

But the best feeling has to be when you beat a shotgun close range with a magnum headshot.


Kolgar said:
Been playing a lot of multi with friends and I both love this game and hate it. I love it because it's Gears, and when it's good, it's godly. But when it's bad... I bellow a Spartan roar and curse Cliff Blezinski to the four corners of the Earth.

Why so many glitches? I HATE emptying clip after clip at some dude standing just around a corner and having him feel nothing but a cool breeze on his face. I know some surfaces are destructible, but does the collision detection think the bulk of the corner is still there? Is that why my shots don't make contact despite the fact that I'VE GOT THE GUY RIGHT IN MY SIGHTS?

I also love putting a sniper round right through the outer edge of a guy's goggles only to have him fart nonchalantly in my general direction. Really, Epic, fix the collision detection.

That and the fact that the Lancer and Hammerburst are so weak - they remind me endlessly of the impotent default weapons for the IGA or whatever they're called in the original Killzone - really taint this game for me.

I do give credit because sometimes the bots are such bastards. There are times when Baird will get a pole up his ass for me and that guy just hunts me down like a bloodthirsty killer. Sometimes, after the bloody gib, I'm left to wonder (in loud and profane language) if it wasn't another HUMAN player who came in and went all crazy on my ass.

At the end of the day, though - and I know I will be mocked and ridiculed for this - I think UTIII is the more solid game. It plays wickedly great, without the odd and maddening glitches. So Epic wins in the end anyway, as for me, they've cornered the market on fast, "twitch" shooters and more strategic stop-and-pop action.

So, Epic. You have my money and my support. Please fix your game.

all lag-related. :(


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
matchmaking today seems uber broken or something. I'm flying solo, it keeps finding players, then losing them, it fills the slots up but then loses one, or two, or all! FFS MAN!! Been sat here for ages and its just going from full to empty over and over.

Had about 2 games today. hells going on? I'm writing this as I'm waiting for a damn game.

Evonus said:
I don't see how it guarantees that if you're communicating properly. Three guys rushing in, with two outside the red zone using their Lancers to soften up the opposition enough for the teammates to take care of the rest. It's not going to work every time, but its a good strategy that works great against against a team that doesn't ever change up their tactics. If they're good enough to utterly destroy your three on-rushers, then your team didn't deserve to win. Its an easier strategy in Warzone, but a downed enemy is still a downed enemy. The split-second it takes to pick somebody up is the time that can be used to take out a distracted enemy.

I'm not sure what Gears 1 you played, but after the first few months, it was never a stop-and-pop game for me. It was all about rushing in with a shotgun and wall-bouncing around. This game isn't about stop-and-pop either, as much as Epic might try to make it that. The simple fact is that you still perform better more of the time using other methods. Stop-and-pop works against stupid enemies, but when people are rushing around, rather than hanging back, cover isn't so effective. You just can't stop moving when you're playing against other humans.

In gears 1, cover was a big part of the game unless you played with a boring bunch of people who just rush in like rambo. Yes some players did do that, I personally didnt stick around those games.

Rooftops, you spent most of the match in cover

That troika level - sniper in the pit, teams camped on both sides, if you dive in to get it you get in cover or you die. Torque bow side, you're on cover on either side seeing who is wiling to take the risk. Grenades primed for whoever gets impatient, smokes might enable you to sneak in and grab it and get out alive. Thats two stand offs, equally balanced in terms of opportunity and risk, if one team focuses on one way, they stand more chance of getting the weapon, but will almost certainly get flanked - can the flanker get there before his team is wiped out though?

Mansion, again, either side of each power weapon, cover is often used. Play this level again and its never used, people rush in with grenades. Good players will get you with a grenade even if you try to be clever and hang back cos hey you can throw pretty far, the nades have huge radius and the space aint that big.

You can say the same for all the old maps, mention any of the original maps and the first thing that comes to my mind is a memorable stand off, cover came first and foremost, largely because it was a necessary mechanic. active reload snipers were always a deterrent to walking around in the open, shotguns being so powerful meant a) it was safer to fire from cover and b) they were still effective in cover or as one shot ambush weapons. If you're in cover now, you don't have a weapon powerful enough to make sure you down or kill someone before they reach you and chainsaw you. and the fact you're in cover is not a deterrent for someone who decides to rush you cos he has smokes and a chainsaw.

I'm happy to agree to disagree because I'm not talking about winning or losing or countering the rush tactics necessarily, I'm talking about the mechanics of the game being fundamentally unbalanced and encouraging/discouraging parts of the game I thought essential.

Just played a game of annex on day one, 3 of my 3 bar team mates desert us leaving it 2 on 5 for the whole game. Fuckers. We put up a good fight but didnt stand a chance.


kaizoku I'm about to start playing, maybe we can try and get a party together?
(it'll be my first time playing in a while though so excuse me if I'm a bit rusty)

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NutJobJim said:
kaizoku I'm about to start playing, maybe we can try and get a party together?
(it'll be my first time playing in a while though so excuse me if I'm a bit rusty)

I'll join



that's already 3 for horde?


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
NutJobJim said:
kaizoku I'm about to start playing, maybe we can try and get a party together?
(it'll be my first time playing in a while though so excuse me if I'm a bit rusty)

will have to be later pal, need to go eat and spend some time with my little sister


Smoke grenades are fine, and lets be honest, I would rather people spawn with smokes than to spawn with full on frags. If you just roll out of the way then smokes won't be a problem.
alehousedave said:
I miss choosing the number of rounds I want. 19-round ranked matches were awesome!

I'm so glad that's gone. It promoted leaving games early if you were losing. Now people know how many rounds they will have to play based on the mode.


Lmao whenever I play co-op with my friend I always explode those little gas tank things that give off light in
the Locust stronghold
. It always downs him and then I fool around while he's crawling at my feet. He gets paranoid and starts exploding them whenever he seems them so I can't down him. He did it to me once, but it killed me and we weren't near a checkpoint :mad: It's only funny when you down the person.


There is something that I don't understand about the ranking system.

How am I supposed to gain ranks when every time my team is about to win, the higher ranks of the other team quit the party ? Epic gave an explanation for it ? :lol

I don't even know why I am complaining, Epic never felt ashamed to launch their game in such pity state, never apologized, barely communicate about the patch/the correction to come etc...


Zezboob said:
There is something that I don't understand about the ranking system.

How am I supposed to gain ranks when every time my team is about to win, the higher ranks of the other team quit the party ? Epic gave an explanation for it ? :lol

I don't even know why I am complaining, Epic never felt ashamed to launch their game in such pity state, never apologized, barely communicate about the patch/the correction to come etc...
The ranking system is broken. Play a couple matches of wingman, and suddenly, you're ranked really high.
Zezboob said:
I don't even know why I am complaining, Epic never felt ashamed to launch their game in such pity state, never apologized, barely communicate about the patch/the correction to come etc...

I can understand your frustration but I think you should worry less about the ranking system, and more about just having fun. So complain about smokes, or netcode, or something else that makes the game less enjoyable to play.


claviertekky said:
The ranking system is broken. Play a couple matches of wingman, and suddenly, you're ranked really high.
Yup, I know, but I use to play with my friends. =)

ToyMachine228 said:
I can understand your frustration but I think you should worry less about the ranking system, and more about just having fun. So complain about smokes, or netcode, or something else that makes the game less enjoyable to play.
Oh, but I am not paying that much attention to the ranking system, what really piss me of it's to finish a match 5 vs 4, then quickly 5 vs 3; 5 vs 2.... or worse, when people leave my team.
I think that has a worse effect than ranked achievement in Gears 1, when everybody was bitching about stealing frags, picking the weapon of someone trying to unlock an achievement blablabla

The funny side it's now we use the ranking system to know the quality connection, the higher the grade is, better the connection. The one who have the higher grade is probably the host :D
(ok, it's not really reliable, but that the unique utility we found about the ranks)

Domino Theory said:
I really wish more games would follow in COD4's netcode/hit-detection system.

Will never happen.

Gamers already tons of topic about it on Epic's forum for Gears 1. Epic clearly said that they will not change their decision since they always used HHD on Unreal and always worked. (even if it's totally stupid since Unreal doesn't need a such good quality netcode and is played on dedicated servers... but eh...)


Domino Theory said:
I really wish more games would follow in COD4's netcode/hit-detection system.


It's just as bad at times if you're not host, although we all know you get host most of the time. :p


I've encountered a ton of glitches its pretty sad.

For instance, there is a way to pick up a shield and glitch the thing so that you run normally and can have out a shotty or whatever but when you iron site you actually have the shield out, invisible, and with whatever weapon you so choose. I had this happen to me in wingman so many times I about threw my controller. Now that I have the acheivement, I NEVER want to touch that type again, awful.

Another is the standby by whoever is host. Not sure how this one works, but he becomes invisible and the ass ran through our team.

Same, people really have to use them because they suck otherwise.


Dax01 said:
The Submission achievement is so stupid. Why does it have to be "capture meatflag ten times?" Why can't it be win 10 Submission games.
They probably wanted to encourage people to actually go for the objectives in an objective game instead of just having everybody running around trying to get tons of kills while nobody captures the meatflag. I know that achievement is going to take me forever because Submission always gets vetoed, just like Guardian always gets vetoed so it'll take me forever to get my last few victories as the leader for that too.
The only multiplayer achievements that should exist for shooters should be "Win X amount of games," "Play X amount of games to completion," and "Go X amount of games with leaving early."

Otherwise, it just ends up negatively effecting the game in some way.
Aladuf said:
They probably wanted to encourage people to actually go for the objectives in an objective game instead of just having everybody running around trying to get tons of kills while nobody captures the meatflag. I know that achievement is going to take me forever because Submission always gets vetoed, just like Guardian always gets vetoed so it'll take me forever to get my last few victories as the leader for that too.
Yes, but if it were win ten games of Submission, everyone would be doing what would be best for the team.

The problem for me with Submission is not that it gets vetoed, but it's soooooo hard to capture a meatflag.


Aladuf said:
They probably wanted to encourage people to actually go for the objectives in an objective game instead of just having everybody running around trying to get tons of kills while nobody captures the meatflag. I know that achievement is going to take me forever because Submission always gets vetoed, just like Guardian always gets vetoed so it'll take me forever to get my last few victories as the leader for that too.

I played about two hours of Meatflag yesterday... in terms of working towards the achievement, I'm now at 1/10! :lol

Dropping the meatflag when hit with a smoke grenade stinks, it turns the capture zones into smoke spamming hell.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
you can get achievements in private or bot matches too? I was under the impression you could for some reason.
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