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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


AnEternalEnigma said:
I remember hating Rooftops because of the Hammer of Dawn, which is why I wasn't inclined to suggest it. Maybe I'd tolerate it more with the finite Hammer, or maybe with it removed completely.

They add the Mortar instead :lol I hate that stupid ass weapon.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Epic seems to love the mortar, I forget the name of the map(sanctuary maybe?), but it has a one on each side. :lol


I'd pick:

Old Bones

I doubt there will be another map pack, though. Dark Corners/All Fronts was pretty huge.


Unregistered007 said:
so 80% of the thread is bitching about the game does not work properly and you people still buy map packs ? no wonder Epic is not giving a shit about fixing multiplayer.

It's still a great multiplayer game and yeah it's not perfect but it's better than it was before and worth playing.
Unregistered007 said:
so 80% of the thread is bitching about the game does not work properly and you people still buy map packs ? no wonder Epic is not giving a shit about fixing multiplayer.

The game itself is great when you play with friends and Horde. The only problem is the crappy netcode. I'm starting to think Unreal Engine will never be fit for online usage.


I really like the new maps, they all have a good amount of variety that makes it very enjoyable to play. I still hate the fact that I get stuck playing shitty game type like submission and koth. Why can't they make a sub menu so that i can play all the map packs with just execution/warzone. I can't fucking stand anything else in this game.


aka II VerTigo II
Papercuts said:
Epic seems to love the mortar, I forget the name of the map(sanctuary maybe?), but it has a one on each side. :lol

Yep that's the right map, and it seems to be useful on the nade side only.


I always get stuck playing KOTH or Submission on Highway or Memorial. Oh, and of course I'm on the shitty team that doesn't have the host on it.

Before TU4, I would get host 50% of the time (connection is 12 down, 5 up with a fairly low ping). I would tear people up left and right on the Snowblind maps, without any complaints about lag, from other players. Since the update and the release of Dark Corners, I have yet to get host ONCE. PLUS, it seems that melees and two piecing are more rampant than ever.



-PXG- said:
I always get stuck playing KOTH or Submission on Highway or Memorial. Oh, and of course I'm on the shitty team that doesn't have the host on it.

Before TU4, I would get host 50% of the time (connection is 12 down, 5 up with a fairly low ping). I would tear people up left and right on the Snowblind maps, without any complaints about lag, from other players. Since the update and the release of Dark Corners, I have yet to get host ONCE. PLUS, it seems that melees and two piecing are more rampant than ever.

Lag always is an issue. You just get used to the bull shit, i guess. I swear gears is only good with a full party, otherwise it's boring as fuck.

The 2 piecing really isn't that bad, I still get away from it. Probably just because you get a host in austrailia or some piece of shit central american connection.
-PXG- said:
It's inconsistent. Sometimes it's great, while sometimes it's awful. There is something about the game and everything in it, that keeps me from selling, trading it in or just putting it down. Plus, I have a close friend who works for Epic. I give him shit all the time. I do it in a polite way, but still make it clear that shit DOES need to be fixed. Thank goodness he didn't work on the net code. I'd kick his ass :lol

Who the fuck do you know?
Fistula said:
how can you tell if you are pulling host duties in GOW2?
Shoot your shotgun at a wall or the floor, if the bullets appear as instant as possible you are most probably host, if there is a tiny delay (or large delay) then the ping is taking over and you will lose in a shotgun duel


Diablohead said:
Shoot your shotgun at a wall or the floor, if the bullets appear as instant as possible you are most probably host, if there is a tiny delay (or large delay) then the ping is taking over and you will lose in a shotgun duel

thanks, i knew of bullet lag, thought maybe there was an icon or something.


actually the bullets 'appear' instantly on screen no matter what, but they don't actually hit if I recall. The best way to check is to fire a weapon and see if the bullet number on the top right goes down immediately, if so, you're the host, if there is any form of delay, you're not.


Unregistered007 said:
so 80% of the thread is bitching about the game does not work properly and you people still buy map packs ? no wonder Epic is not giving a shit about fixing multiplayer.

I was thinking the same thing...why support them when the game is a fuckin' mess?

Although today I got a 2100 points card just for the Dark Corners DLC...
j/k :p
Fistula said:
how can you tell if you are pulling host duties in GOW2?

Well there have been a few suggestions but my friend who I play horde with says the best way to check if your host is the way your smoke grenade will rotate/spin when you throw it. If your not host then it doesn't have motion when you throw it. That's what he said at least. I don't play much online because of how bad it is.


If you throw a grenade and it spins, you're host. If there is NO delay in your shotgun blasts, you're host. If your running animation seems slow, yet smooth and fluid, you're host.


I like nowhere a lot.

I got 3 towards the parting gift achievement the last match on there since no one else was going for the grenades the whole match. I got a few kills with them and when I got downed with one in my hand I realized I could do that (never did it before) and got 2 of them in one blast. Had so much fun with it I decided to do it again.

I think highway is my least favorite.
goldenpp72 said:
actually the bullets 'appear' instantly on screen no matter what, but they don't actually hit if I recall. The best way to check is to fire a weapon and see if the bullet number on the top right goes down immediately, if so, you're the host, if there is any form of delay, you're not.
all guns apart from shotgun are instant I believe, the shotgun still shows its lag via bullets hitting the wall after a certan ping time.

Rather odd and very annoying, it's hard to lead machine gun fire when its instant in visuals but shotgun is not.

ergo said:
If you are alive at the end of the round and you can't melee or reload, you are host. Pretty simple people
I want to know at the start of a round thanks, and shotgun works well to check.


I had to switch to another game before I throw this whole fucking thing out the window. They better do a goddamn beta for Gears 3. Jesus H.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I find the easiest way to know if you're host is before the game starts. When the countdown timer starts while in the lobby, the background flashes after each number...that sounds weird but I'm not sure how to really explain it. If the background flashes again after 0, you're host.
I don't know why I keep coming back to this shit, I really don't. I'm like the wife that must love the abuse :/

For me, it's rarely ever lag that fucks me. It's either, getting stuck on a piece of cover, or the terrible ass decision to delay your ability to fire your weapon after roadie running, coming out of cover, or rolling. Flow of the game took a big hit with that change.

I want War Machine so bad, though. :lol


AnEternalEnigma said:
Joe Graf confirmed on the official forums that they held a meeting today regarding playlist changes.

They need to have a Player's Choice playlist that is only available if you have all 29 maps. That would be awesome.

Hopefully Joe graf can shoehorn some sort of public MP playlist so i can rebuy this game and play it online with my bro as a guest.
More ways to determine if you're host:

During votes, if you ever see the number "6" (or whatever the deciding number would be) on the screen, you're host. Likewise, after the gametype and map has been chosen and the timer next to your weapon/character is ticking, if you see the screen flash twice when the timer hits 00:00, you're host.

In game, if you can't melee once a round finishes, you're host.


AnEternalEnigma said:
More ways to determine if you're host:

During votes, if you ever see the number "6" (or whatever the deciding number would be) on the screen, you're host. Likewise, after the gametype and map has been chosen and the timer next to your weapon/character is ticking, if you see the screen flash twice when the timer hits 00:00, you're host.

In game, if you can't melee once a round finishes, you're host.

Man you guys know a lot about pulling host, must be important? lol? I played some matches tonight, what crap. For some reason Epic thinks Canada is closer to Ireland and England than USA, the games were unplayable.

Sucks to say, but I have more fun playing LOCAL BOT MATCHES THAN AGAINST LAGGY ONLINE GUYS WHO JUST RR/MELEE/SHOTGUN (in that order)

sucky game sucks, DLC is big, but feels like b-sides. I once blackmailed Cliffy B into shipping me swag after he inadvertently emailed me some hardcore deets on Gears of War 1 development including the credit music mp3 (cole train remix), true story.


goldenpp72 said:
Anyone in here serious about horde? I need some horde buddies to take down the variosu achievements in the new maps.

I'll play tomorrow if you want. I've only gotten 2 of the new horde achievements so far (Sanctuary, Highway, and I've done 22/50 for Nowhere)

Fistula said:
sucky game sucks, DLC is big, but feels like b-sides. I once blackmailed Cliffy B into shipping me swag after he inadvertently emailed me some hardcore deets on Gears of War 1 development including the credit music mp3 (cole train remix), true story.



One man's junk is another man's treasure
ergo said:
I really like the new maps, they all have a good amount of variety that makes it very enjoyable to play. I still hate the fact that I get stuck playing shitty game type like submission and koth. Why can't they make a sub menu so that i can play all the map packs with just execution/warzone. I can't fucking stand anything else in this game.

While submission and KOTH do suck (submission especially), they're way better than execution/warzone. I buy games to play them, not to just sit there and do nothing.

Annex and Guardian are the only multiplayer modes worth playing Gears (although, the lag in these modes can get ridiculous at times).


So i've played 3 matches so far today, flashback map pack list, and in all 3 I couldn't fire a bullet without it taking like 10 seconds to fire, and the match has not ended without me losing connection to the host.

Fuck you epic, fuck you hard, I guess selling 11 million copies of a series doesn't net you enough cash to make some god damn netcode filters.

Also, why do I have to keep playing gametypes I don't want? Would it not be possible to just be able to like, put in what I wanna do, and have the game search for people who wanna do the same thing? Fuck.


goldenpp72 said:
Anyone in here serious about horde? I need some horde buddies to take down the variosu achievements in the new maps.
gt: fidel mattstro

add me, I'd love to get some of these horde achievements
Fistula said:
sucky game sucks, DLC is big, but feels like b-sides. I once blackmailed Cliffy B into shipping me swag after he inadvertently emailed me some hardcore deets on Gears of War 1 development including the credit music mp3 (cole train remix), true story.
You are my hero


mattso said:
gt: fidel mattstro

add me, I'd love to get some of these horde achievements

mine is goldenpp72, I dunno how long i can play sometimes, but i'm willing to horde up when im around. I don't have any of the dark corners ones.


I'll add you both. Feel free to invite me whenever you want to play. I need to play horde on pretty much all of the maps so I'm down for whatever
Anyone in here serious about horde? I need some horde buddies to take down the variosu achievements in the new maps.
Add me, I have all the maps. I usually on after 10 pm EST.
XBL: Zyzomys

edit: I sent out FR to PSG 360, fidel mattstro, and goldenpp72


Ok, so i'd like to try to do horde now, anyone available? I have a couple hours to spare. I think we should start on the toughie first, 1-50 on the map nowhere. anyone game? We don't have to do it all in one day, but perhaps we can coordinate something.

GT is goldenpp72, im on now.
dragonlife29 said:
I've been thinking of picking this game up without having played the first.

I take it it's not hard finding matches yet?

If I were you, I would either borrow or rent the first game, and if you like the campaign, do the same for the second. The campaign is relatively good, and has a decent enough story. However, if you are interested in good, balanced multiplayer, do not get Gears of War 2. It's way too frustrating of an experience.
GT: ProGamer720

I'm ON NOW. Playing the Dark Corners Playlist to rank my guy up after it reset. Anyone interested in playing, do add me.
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