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Genshin Impact |OT| 5.0 (Natlan) - Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Arrived


Agree. She and Eula have the most boring kit I ever see.
Eula hits like train.

Or quote Samuel L. Jackson in Jackie Brown "When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes."
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I'm not talking about damage. 5* stars usually are meta based chars.
Eula kills stuff fast, that is what she is made for. If you need that in an encounter you pick Eula.

Meta does not mean everybody has the same kit.
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Eula kills stuff fast, that is what she is made for. If you need that in an encounter you pick Eula.

But this have nothing to do with the 'boring' stuff. When I mean 'boring', can be things like 'special effects', 'animation', 'new mechanics', 'fun ways of doing damage', etc...

I never doubted her strength.
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A much bigger problem than Yoimiya's kit, is how busted certain supports like Zhongli, Bennett and Xingqiu are. There's no room for different strategies. Just build and use the same mindless, dumbass characters over and over in every single team. I wish they'd address that problem before thinking about how one character might be slightly underwhelming. We need more interesting supports.


That is a giant nothingburger with a lot of words.

This is pretty much true for all bow users. You could write the same about Childe, you also don't take along Fishl for her damage but for Oz.

You can't use every character in every setting the same way. Yoimiya works great against boss opponents and if you use her right, she can easily be the main dps.

I rolled for her, because I got the Skywind Harp through the standard banner and of all characters I can have atm and for the near future she is the only one who benefits the most of that weapon.

If you don't need or want her, that is great. But to be honest there is a lot of copium getting thrown around because people want to skip her for Baal. This is ok and if she is not that great, it is getting easier.
Now I get that it was a huge post and not everybody will be motivated to read it, but if that's what you got out of it, you clearly missed something. Some of the problems of bow users as a whole are brought up in those gifs, but I just posted them separately because they were funny.

The big problems with her specifically are more related to pitiful multipliers on the first half of her normal attack chain when she never gets to use the last half of the chain since she has to dodge. Her burst of all things only targets one enemy and it's actually able to and frequently does miss. No hitstun, no AoE, the artifact set built for her is one of the worst for her, her kit has no rhythm, Her charge attack homing arrows don't work if the enemy is at range (this one makes no sense and hopefully is just broken and not designed that way). There's even a whole part showing why Xiangling is a better and more consistent Pyro main DPS. There are videos showing that against a single "large" enemy, she's still not as good as a 4* support in the main damage role. For a limited 5* character. That's a pretty bad precedent.

Childe has none of her problems because if you're using him to auto fire normal bow attacks you're playing him completely wrong. Main dps Fischl players are probably in a similar boat but even she doesn't have the problems with her Elemental Burst missing enemies and only hitting one of them even if it connects. Also, Oz cannot miss as a skill where as Yoimiya's skill can totally be wasted.

Anyway, in my opinion she needs a lot of work. I thought so before the reddit post, but it does a great job of pointing out some of the more glaring issues with her. I'm happy for you that you like using her, but I don't understand why you wouldn't want her kit to improve when it badly needs it.


Guess who doesn't show up much in co-op nowadays. Hu Tao and Eula. its back to Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiao, Diluc, Venti and Bennet with some using the recently released characters.
I love using Eula in co-op when I get the opportunity. Usually I get paired with a bunch of kids or smoothbrains that bring woefully underleveled or useless characters, so I end up having to run Jean/Zhongli so we don't all die though.

Hu Tao I agree. She's terrible for random co-op with her suicidal kit. Probably why I never see Xiao too. I always forget that he's even in the game. I've been paired with more Albedos than Xiao/Hu Tao combined.


Guess who doesn't show up much in co-op nowadays. Hu Tao and Eula. its back to Zhongli, Ganyu, Xiao, Diluc, Venti and Bennet with some using the recently released characters.
I would not take Eula to multiplayer as well. Without a good battery she can only generate part of her damage and Ganyu is not the most common character in multiplayer.

Also if you are playing with randoms, it is good to talk along characters who can survive without any help.
I would not take Eula to multiplayer as well. Without a good battery she can only generate part of her damage and Ganyu is not the most common character in multiplayer.

Also if you are playing with randoms, it is good to talk along characters who can survive without any help.

Which server are you playing where you don't come across Ganyu for almost everything except domains which have leyline handicaps for Ganuy? Also who communicates with randoms unless the entire team is weaker and need a strategy to complete whatever they are playing. All it takes is one good lvl 90 member and everyone else is just cheerleader.


Chanced it on the banner, 76 rolls now have a C4 Sayu. She is so fun and great for exploration. Her roll is 2x speed and uses no stamina 😂 Also as a Ganyu player I have never seen anyone use her online.
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Chanced it on the banner, 76 rolls now have a C4 Sayu. She is so fun and great for exploration. Her roll is 2x speed and uses no stamina 😂 Also as a Ganyu player I have never seen anyone use her online.

I'm surprised. Every week for Childe and Azdaha there is one guaranteed Ganyu for me. Most of the domains which are not ice based and cannot be Venti'd there will be one Ganyu for me. I am a Ganyu main myself and I have to switch to Zhongli, Ning or Klee because the others won't.


2.1 Stream on 20th

Hold on to your Baals, here we go


Did a 10-pull on the standard banner, having accumulated enough fates to do.
Surprised to see the orange-brown indicator of a 5* result...since this was pulls 31-40 since getting Lost Prayer.

...Skyward Harp! 3rd straight time standard banner has given me a weapon (Atlas, Lost Prayer, and now Harp). By comparison, I've only managed one of the 5-star characters from the banner (Qiqi, though I also have Jean from losing the 50/50 during Zhongli rerun). While I would like to try the likes of Diluc, Mona, or Kequing, my main DPS Ganyu just got a fairly massive upgrade from her Prototype Crescent. Doubly so when the Crit Rate on the bow means I can trade a Crit Rate hat for Crit Damage. Genuinely curious to see how high her damage numbers will go.

Oh, and I guess that also means Aloy just got a hand-me-down once the patch rolls around.


Finally tried Theater Mechanicus again. God why. Why did they make it even worse? Healing enemies. Random upgrades. I might just skip entirely and forego the primos for the first time since I started playing. Fuckin' hate this mode.
This is going to be a pretty interesting stream. Many things have leaked like usual, but we know very little about the anniversary celebrations that will most likely happen. I'm interested to see how that pans out. I'm mildly optimistic, but on the other hand they have so much going on for Genshin already that they may not feel the need to give us too much stuff. Still hoping for a free 5 star though.


Greetings friends.
Finally reach a point on mechanicus where I could I get all the Prymos. Finally can forget this horse poop for good.

For those who like, enjoy your Ruin Hunters dashing at ultra speed to the exit(no seriously, they're absurdly fast).


Greetings friends.
Finally reach a point on mechanicus where I could I get all the Prymos. Finally can forget this horse poop for good.

For those who like, enjoy your Ruin Hunters dashing at ultra speed to the exit(no seriously, they're absurdly fast).
Hated this dumb event. At least the 1st Mechanicus dont made me upgrade stuff during combat with RNG shit.

Still managed to grab all the rewards. I just used electro and pyro like i did in the 1st event. If a level didnt let me upgrade those 2 elements, i would just reload untill the RNG did not cockblock me.


This is going to be a pretty interesting stream. Many things have leaked like usual, but we know very little about the anniversary celebrations that will most likely happen. I'm interested to see how that pans out. I'm mildly optimistic, but on the other hand they have so much going on for Genshin already that they may not feel the need to give us too much stuff. Still hoping for a free 5 star though.
I'm hoping that Sara/Baal shared banner is true. Outside of that, I'm excited for more islands and continuation of the main story.

I've mostly ducked out of leaks to stop spoiling myself of upcoming content, but something banner related that people here might be interested in:
Supposedly we get Ganyu rerun soon™, along with the continuation of her character quest and the Liyue festival. For those that don't have her or didn't get their fancy tickled by Ayaka, now would be the time to take primogems into consideration.

I'm going to take the remainder of my Yoimiya C1 funds that I didn't use and go nuts for Baal, probably go Baals deep until the banner ends to get her as high as I can. I'll be severely disappointed if Kokomi is the first banner. She sounds like another DOA character like Yoimiya though, beta impressions of her were not very good. If I were MHY, I'd release Baal/Sara first and then use that extra time to fine tune Kokomi's kit and make her something unique instead of 5* Barbara, who everybody already has.
She sounds like another DOA character like Yoimiya though, beta impressions of her were not very good. If I were MHY, I'd release Baal/Sara first and then use that extra time to fine tune Kokomi's kit and make her something unique instead of 5* Barbara, who everybody already has.
I've read that beta testers keep focusing on one character (Ayaka for this patch, Baal for the next) and mostly ignore the other(s) leaving MHY with too little feedback to properly balance these unpopular characters. They should probably just assign people one of the new 5 stars and force them to test them properly. Kujou Sara might be somewhat underdeveloped too, from what I've read.


This is going to be a pretty interesting stream. Many things have leaked like usual, but we know very little about the anniversary celebrations that will most likely happen. I'm interested to see how that pans out. I'm mildly optimistic, but on the other hand they have so much going on for Genshin already that they may not feel the need to give us too much stuff. Still hoping for a free 5 star though.
I don't think they'll spoil the anniversary yet.
I don't think they'll spoil the anniversary yet.
Wouldn't surprise me. The anniversary is at the end of the month, so they could keep it a surprise. On the other hand we knew all about the upcoming events for this patch right from the start. It could go either way.

It's just such awkward timing. If things pan out as expected, Kokomi would be on the banner at the time of the anni. She's hardly an anticipated character, but I don't think they'd let her compete with other banners either. It's going to be interesting.


I'll just say this from a perspective of playing Honkai for a few anniversaries: Temper your expectations.

We'll likely get a log in event with wishes, a web event or two with books/ore/primos, a costume or two (one likely free, the other likely not), some minigames for small to medium amount of primos, and probably a selectable 4* character - likely out of a limited pool of Mondstadt/Liyue 4*s. I wouldn't expect them to give out anything like a free 5* or anything. Each gacha game has its own importance placed on anniversaries. FGO, GBF, and FFBE go all out for them, when other games acknowledge it and give a few bonuses on top of what they normally do. MHY seems to fall in the 2nd category.

I'd really like to see them change the "junk" items in the wish sytem to a mix of XP Writs/ore/Mora instead of worthless and cumbersome to fodder 3* weapons. That's my big hope.


I'll be severely disappointed if Kokomi is the first banner. She sounds like another DOA character like Yoimiya
Good. I need more time and more primos ffs. Let that fish sink.
I don't think they'll spoil the anniversary yet.
Dat 10 rainbow wishes. Can't handle so much win xD

Kujou Sara might be somewhat underdeveloped too, from what I've read.
Bennett is simply broken. Just like the freaking water boy. Hate them both so much. I just refuse to use either one of them.

Still, my Ayaka results so far:

210 crit DMG with her 5☆ sword and Crit DMG circlet.

Crit rate: 10 lol

Best case scenario: rain.

Team comp: 2 cryo + 2 geo

After popping up Geo Lord's shield my baby does 19k DMG per every ult tick.

No rain, or Mona instead of second Geo:

From 14 to 16k per tick.

In both cases, her charged attack melts small enemies in 1 go.
I'll just say this from a perspective of playing Honkai for a few anniversaries: Temper your expectations.

FGO, GBF, and FFBE go all out for them, when other games acknowledge it and give a few bonuses on top of what they normally do. MHY seems to fall in the 2nd category.

I'd really like to see them change the "junk" items in the wish sytem to a mix of XP Writs/ore/Mora instead of worthless and cumbersome to fodder 3* weapons. That's my big hope.
Genshin Impact is a huge success though. They really should go all out on the anni celebration. But you're probably right. There's no real need for them to do more than the bare necessities.

I agree that they should change the wishing prizes. Blue star weapons are literal trash. At least give us something useful like mora or exp books.

Bennett is simply broken. Just like the freaking water boy. Hate them both so much. I just refuse to use either one of them.
Same here. I see videos on YouTube showcasing characters and every single time it's Zhongli, Bennett and Xingqiu. Kazuha is another popular one. I refuse to use any of them. But unless they nerf these guys, they've got to introduce powerful alternatives. If Sara is just an inferior version of Bennett with a worse element, why would anyone use her? Well, I will, because her visual design's superior to any of the guy characters, but still. We need more options.


Bennett is so god damn slot efficient, it's crazy. He can bring Pyro for all of it's million uses, he heals, and has the best non-food ATK buff in the game. I think his busted-ness is why we haven't seen any interesting characters kit-wise outside of Anemo element and Zhongli. Now they're making all current and future Pyro characters one note so we don't ever have another Bennett again. I'd like to see a Pyro Fischl and an Electro Bennett somewhere in the game's life. Sara is kinda an Electro Bennett as far as the ATK buff goes, but we'll have to see the AOE size, and Electro is an inferior element in all regards to Pyro. She also has no heal and you have to work around her to get the 25% Pyro resonance buff.

For what it's worth, I have Bennett, Xingqui, and Chongus all at level 1 currently, don't plan on leveling them ever. Youtube meta crit farming videos are pure shit and should be treated thusly.


For what it's worth, I have Bennett, Xingqui, and Chongus all at level 1 currently, don't plan on leveling them ever. Youtube meta crit farming videos are pure shit and should be treated thusly.
You should level up all ur chars to Lv20 and do the 1st ascention to get a free wish for the normal banner. You spend very little resorces to do that.

I also agree that playing Genshin acording to whatever the meta is, is the wrong way to play the game. Game is mostly single player just make a team with chars u like and have fun.
All F2P games that after some time made me follow the meta, i droped them, because felt like i had to work instead of enjoying a game and its multiple characters.
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To each his own. I find meta to be fun and giving me a purpose. A goal if you want.

The problem is that current GI meta is stale as fuck.

It doesn't matter what 5☆ DD you're using, the only way to make them REALLY shine is to use same old 3 supports that we had for the whole damn year.

Anniversary and its 10 free wishes is upon us. And we will still be pulling same 4☆ supports as before.

Main DMG dealers change, but the damn 👍🌊 boys are still there.

And well excuse me princess, I ain't putting God of Thunder and Ice Queen in a team with the damn 👍 guy in shorts.

F, I seriously can't get over how stupid his pentagram is...
There's a difference between being a slave to the meta and just wanting new characters to be effective. I don't think many people in this thread fall in the former category. Most content in the game isn't very difficult so it's not like we need top performance on every single unit, but MHY should at least attempt to keep the game healthy by giving us different options and strategies. Why be excited at all for new characters if they don't change the way you play anyway? It also feels bad if the character you like is underwhelming, when others are allowed to be OP.

I also think that characters like Zhongli, Bennett and Xingqiu are just very boring. One just gives a good shield, the other a passive damage increase, and the last shoots water automatically so you can vaporize. Compare that to Sayu, who may not be the most powerful character in the game, but at least she has a novel and fun to use kit. I hope we get more stuff like that in the future.


I'll just say this from a perspective of playing Honkai for a few anniversaries: Temper your expectations.

We'll likely get a log in event with wishes, a web event or two with books/ore/primos, a costume or two (one likely free, the other likely not), some minigames for small to medium amount of primos, and probably a selectable 4* character - likely out of a limited pool of Mondstadt/Liyue 4*s. I wouldn't expect them to give out anything like a free 5* or anything. Each gacha game has its own importance placed on anniversaries. FGO, GBF, and FFBE go all out for them, when other games acknowledge it and give a few bonuses on top of what they normally do. MHY seems to fall in the 2nd category.

I'd really like to see them change the "junk" items in the wish sytem to a mix of XP Writs/ore/Mora instead of worthless and cumbersome to fodder 3* weapons. That's my big hope.


So as I've been farming talent/weapon ascension mats, I've been doing random co-op instead of soloing. Sure, I can solo and get more friendship xp for my teams, but I'm actually having more fun playing with randoms and seeing where I sit as far as having my characters built and being able to use them effectively. I see a pretty huge variety of players, and it's pretty interesting. I wish the resin system wasn't so shit so that you could actually do a decently long co-op session without running out of resin. As it is, after 2-4 fights everybody's gone and out, so you barely have time to get to know how to play with others.
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