Hmm, that's not too bad. I'm going for Kokomi, so I'm glad to see a banner with 4 stars that I haven't already C6'd.Damn you waterboi...
Kokomi's 4*s are the same, obviously.
Well here's hoping I can get in, get a Dori, and get out before hitting pity. Not sure if I want to aim for Cyno or Nilou, but either way I don't need Ganyu constellations. She's better than the AWFUL Kokomi constellations though, and that's coming from someone that likes her.
I managed to "win" the gamble on the Itto banner and got Shinobu C2 without hitting pity, let's see if I can get lucky again. I'm on the guaranteed limited character, so I really don't want to waste it.
Xingqiu is at C3, but I'm surprised I don't have more of his cons considering the banners I've pulled on in the past.
Sucrose is C4 and I wouldn't mind her cons.
Dori feels more and more like an end-of-the-bench type of character, but we'll see how she plays first.