Her animations are good, still don't like the design though. Wonder what the 4 stars indicate on her Shield skill. Strength of the shield? Damage buff?
Yeah I saw her, but don't like her. Same as Annabelle.
I was aiming for any fire resonance (Ruby) and a pairing for Claudia, plus Lin.
But seeing Lyra's gameplay threw a wrench into my plans, and the game became very scarce of resources once you finish the maps so, I don't know if I be able to get them all.
Funny, there are more characters I like in ToF than Genshin. I have way less trouble skipping in GI.
Agreed, Cobalt is the first easy skip for me since the game launched. I have no interest in a Fire team and her playstyle looks boring. I like Huma's shield, but it fits in off-element as a really good shield shatter weapon, so I've been leveling that up and using it with my Frost setup of Frigg/Coco. I'll eventually swap it out once I get Meryl's sword leveled. They are ridiculously stingy with upgrade mats.
I plan on making both Frost and Physical sets. I was originally planning on just doing frost only, but then I saw how much the game railroads you into having at least 2 loadouts built since everything has 50% resistances on different days. The game wants me to do Volt though, I got A6 Crow and A5 Samir off the free banners, got 3 Crows from the purple nucleus banner alone. Ended up hating Samir's playstyle of use your skill then dodge attack and then mash left click in the air for 5 minutes until you run out of stamina. Frigg's playstyle meshed with me a lot, and she's great at charging weapons for fast swaps too. Since she'll be the backbone of any Frost team I run, I'm satisfied with that. I was hoping to like Claudia more than I ended up actually liking her. Wish they had a trial like Genshin before you roll them, I'd have likely passed on her for now, but I got her in 60 pulls so it's whatever I guess.
I plan on making both Frost and Physical sets. I was originally planning on just doing frost only, but then I saw how much the game railroads you into having at least 2 loadouts built since everything has 50% resistances on different days. The game wants me to do Volt though, I got A6 Crow and A5 Samir off the free banners, got 3 Crows from the purple nucleus banner alone. Ended up hating Samir's playstyle of use your skill then dodge attack and then mash left click in the air for 5 minutes until you run out of stamina. Frigg's playstyle meshed with me a lot, and she's great at charging weapons for fast swaps too. Since she'll be the backbone of any Frost team I run, I'm satisfied with that. I was hoping to like Claudia more than I ended up actually liking her. Wish they had a trial like Genshin before you roll them, I'd have likely passed on her for now, but I got her in 60 pulls so it's whatever I guess.
By the way, can somebody else post their year in review link? I need to view somebody's for the last primogem reward.