Another Genshin clone?
Yes, GI is a BOTW clone. Similar stamina bar, silimar cellshading, similar climbing, similar lightning strike, food mechanic 'almost' similar (can't tell much about the food, never played BOTW).
There was two unique things on GI, one is hot girls, but RIP, the other are the element/elemental reaction, but those days I don't even know if MYH make a big deal about.
It was also a lot worse during the beta. They straight up had copied the animations from Bokoblins from BotW for early Hilichurls, and a few weapon animations were suspect as well. These mostly all got changed in the full release and shortly thereafter though.Only in terms of open world, climbing, gliding etc. and food maybe. But the other stuff like characters, their skills, weapons, events etc. is totaly different from BotW and maybe copied from somewhere else. GI did copy from a lot of other games but they have created a unique amalgamation IMO.
What game is Genshin a clone of? BotW? I would say it copies the open world look and feel from BotW and several other elements from other games but it is not an exact clone of an exactly similar game before that. I could be wrong.
bruhsomething new to the table, which is elemental reactions, skills and burst.
She looks amazing, hope her kit is as much.Thats the shit I'm talking about. Really looking foward to her, hope she doesn't dissapoints.
Seems polarm still, coulbe just that book being part of his animation.Uhh.. Cryo Catalyst bros... (Not a video, don't try to hit play)
Signora died so Mika could thrive, apparently.
Uhh.. Cryo Catalyst bros... (Not a video, don't try to hit play)
Signora died so Mika could thrive, apparently.
I'm hoping Dehya ends up being a 5 star Bennett cause I'm tired of him being in all my teams.
I think v3.3 is my least favorite patch so far, with the caveat that I wasn't playing during 2.0 - 2.2. I've had little time to play due to work plus other holiday season obligations and it still feels like there was no content in this patch. The card game is fine, but I don't enjoy it enough to invest the kind of time the game seems to expect of me.
Probably a good time to get caught up with other games.
Don't forget that COVID is also exploding in CN again. High death counts, lots of lockdowns. I think that reflects on current content a bit too. 3.3 is definitely a filler patch, but I look at any patch without new areas launched as filler patches, simply because their events, no matter how good, can't carry a whole 6 week patch. I really liked the Breakout! minigame, but that was a total of like 30 mins of gameplay, said and done.I think v3.3 is my least favorite patch so far, with the caveat that I wasn't playing during 2.0 - 2.2. I've had little time to play due to work plus other holiday season obligations and it still feels like there was no content in this patch. The card game is fine, but I don't enjoy it enough to invest the kind of time the game seems to expect of me.
Probably a good time to get caught up with other games.
From the beta leaks, this next area is more cliffs/chasm like than the windy dunes of the previous desert area. They haven't created any truly awful areas since Inazuma, so I have faith that it'll be good.If there's anything I didn't want more of, it would be desert areas. The first one was kinda cool for the sake of variety, but having to go through that two more times is less than appealing. A shame since forest Sumeru is just top tier quality.
Sounds even worse tbh.From the beta leaks, this next area is more cliffs/chasm like than the windy dunes of the previous desert area. They haven't created any truly awful areas since Inazuma, so I have faith that it'll be good.
I wish they stopped with their "the map is a puzzle" and went back to more relaxing and realistic landscapes. I'm doing commission in Lyiu and it's a joy to explore and run around without all that hassle of later nations.
Just posting this nightmare fuel for when I need it for something later.
Made the difficult decision of skip Alhaitam. I don't want to fucking fight Scara and the new worm boss that keep 99% of the time underground.
I had to look this up. It's NOT the one in the Chasm? There's ANOTHER one?!?!
I'm farming that asshole in the Chasm when I have some spare resin for future Yelan and it's so obnoxious. The dickhead doesn't even drop the right fragments! For ANY of the character that need his drops!!
I had to look this up. It's NOT the one in the Chasm? There's ANOTHER one?!?!
I had to look this up. It's NOT the one in the Chasm? There's ANOTHER one?!?!
I'm farming that asshole in the Chasm when I have some spare resin for future Yelan and it's so obnoxious. The dickhead doesn't even drop the right fragments! For ANY of the character that need his drops!!
A few more shots of Focalors(?).
wavy scarf jacket tail ass cover curly flowy hair bullshit out of 10. I'm really disappointed in this. I was hoping we'd see some designs without all this wavy shit for Fontaine. At least the jacket is different but damn I really hate that everything has to have flowy clothes.
Closeup of the eye.
Little droplets. Man, somebody is getting fired from MHY and then executed.
Another. Man I like that jacket, shame they had to overdesign the shit out of it with all the feathers and layers.
Looks like Lyney's still in the game, but either Lynette got destroyed or transformed to cover her up. Or it's a different character altogether. More boring shorts. I think it's safe to say at this point that all of the females will have the safety shorts and be designed around it. Lame.
Possible story leaks:
I'm sure Al won't take a while to come back.Made the difficult decision of skip Alhaitam. I don't want to fucking fight Scara and the new worm boss that keep 99% of the time underground.
Gonna make a huge save for the hydro claymore, if exist. Others things I need are Sayu cons, Colei cons and Razor cons.
I start to suspect the banner take those things into consideration. Is more easy for me to get a 5* weapon/char than Sayu. They really know I play with her a lot.
Why didn't I listen to you.
edit: I forgot to mention guys, any of you receive the feedback survey asking 'why' you don't fight against the new weekly bosses?
They ask me twice.
Man, I'm depressed at these designs.
One of the better ones I guess, but she's got Mona censorship with a big ass floof.
I like the theme but I can't help but see the pre-censored Mona-tier design and it just bugs me.Hey at least this one isn't bad. I actually like her.
But I think they told this is an early concept.
Could just be for show, Zhongli has one too.She's carrying a vision on her hip, so I doubt it's the archon. All three characters look very similar. Hopefully there's more variety.
what a clown party.Man, I'm depressed at these designs.
One of the better ones I guess, but she's got Mona censorship with a big ass floof.
Looks like a puppetmaster of some sort
This one's not bad, but hard to tell details.
Looks like Lynette stlil exists, this is the best pic we have of her so far.
Not sure what to think of this one yet. Might be good, might not.
And then Focalors (speculation).
Also the leaks "community" is having a pissing match with each other and some MHY employees are fucked because their employee watermarks were on some of the leaked materials.
30 pulls. 2 Sayu, 1 Sara and one Ayato.
At least Sayu gets better. No use for Ayato and Sara.
30 pulls. 2 Sayu, 1 Sara and one Ayato.
At least Sayu gets better. No use for Ayato and Sara.