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Ghost of Tsushima - everything we know (or don't)

I am so hyped for this game. Seriously looks great (assume the stealth missions are not too tedious). My only concern is that I know this game will benefit from Boost Mode.... and there is no way I am waiting. Makes it bitter sweet.

This and TLOU2 are gonna dominate my summer


Gold Member
Wouldn't be surprised if their is some supernatural/magic using twist to this game.

I have this Samanosuke with the blue Raizan sword feeling. That we will become something incredibly more powerful in the game. I remember the first reveal trailer where he appears in the mask and drops down with his blade. As if he’ll have some magical abilities up his sleeve. Which sounds awesome.
Come on Sony stop teasing us.

Oh well. I’m down with the authentic aesthetic gameplay.

One thing Infamous did incredibly well were the precision movements. You could maneuver Cole very precisely. You could land on a dime.

Yeah and that's a feature in all of their games dating back to Rocket. The controls are always so smooth, there's an almost arcadey feel to how immediate it feels. The games are floaty enough to make jumping as uncomplicated as possible and the characters are nimble, it's not like GOW or Horizon where it comparatively feels you're controlling a truck.


Yeah and that's a feature in all of their games dating back to Rocket. The controls are always so smooth, there's an almost arcadey feel to how immediate it feels. The games are floaty enough to make jumping as uncomplicated as possible and the characters are nimble, it's not like GOW or Horizon where it comparatively feels you're controlling a truck.
Idk i played 2nd son and the movement felt kind of cheap to me. I hope it's more weighted in Ghost


Neo Member
It's the same trailer posted on the Playstation YT Channel a couple of months ago.
The lipsync matches the english dialogue.

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Gold Member

Source: https://www.cbr.com/ghost-tsushima-assassins-creed-should-have-been/

Although not yet released, the action-adventure game has drawn many comparisons to the Assassin's Creed franchise, particularly the earlier installments, due to its stealth-based gameplay. In fact, Ghost of Tsushima might just be the Assassin's Creed game fans never got.

Ghost of Tsushima has the two main pillars of its gameplay emphasized in its skill tree system. There are two skill trees: one focused on skills related to samurai combat, and the other with abilities connected to being the titular "ghost." The ghost aspect of gameplay is where the comparisons to Assassin's Creed come in. While the samurai skills emphasize face-to-face sword combat, the ghost mechanic focuses on stealth and assassination. The game is designed to encourage players to switch between ghost and samurai depending on the mission specifics, as well as their preference for whichever form of combat.

In Ghost of Tsushima, Jin finds himself in a crossroad between being an honorable samurai and a vengeful ghost hellbent on taking down the invaders, even going as far to be as brutal as the Mongols themselves.

While the samurai skill tree is unlocked from the beginning, the ghost skill tree takes some time. This is consistent with the plot, as Jin has chosen to abandon the samurai's warrior code in favor of victory through any means necessary. Players can choose to act as an honorable samurai, or rely on sneaking and killing with the element of surprise, employing weapons and tools in the process. The game also throws incentives towards players to switch between styles, such as samurais being respected by NPCs during the day, unlike the ghost which may cause panic among the inhabitants of the villages, or the ghost being far more effective during night-time attacks as opposed to the more defensive samurai style.

Ghost of Tsushima doesn't seem content to just mimic Assassin's Creed, though, instead improving on some common elements. For example, the ghost skill tree also involves, along with agility and stealth, abilities to improve the character's alchemy, such as creating poison or smoke bombs, which is one way where Ghost of Tsushima has pushed the assassination stealth mechanics beyond the Ezio trilogy.

In many ways, this positions Ghost of Tsushima as a spiritual successor to -- and natural evolution of -- the Ezio trilogy and the older Assassin's Creed games. Plus, for a long time, fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise have wanted a game set in feudal Japan. However, one has never come to fruition. This means, in many ways, Ghost of Tsushima might just finally give Assassin's Creed fans the game they should have gotten years ago.
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Gold Member
Oh well. I’m down with the authentic aesthetic gameplay.

One thing Infamous did incredibly well were the precision movements. You could maneuver Cole very precisely. You could land on a dime.
Infamous is my favourite saga of last gen but climbing control and precision movement or when you have to jumpo in a precise place, were not exactly perfect in that game, the chara sometimes magnetize on the wrong platform etc, on the ground they are good tho.

I'm replaying second son during these days and sometimes when you have to recover a blue gem to upgrade the character in a tight high place it is far from perfect in term of precision, i'm too lazy to make a video but other games have more precise climbing imo.

It's hard to explain with my shitty english.

The best thing in term of gameplay in these games was the combat.
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Gold Member
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Gold Member
Infamous is my favourite saga of last gen but climbing control and precision movement or when you have to jumpo in a precise place, were not exactly perfect in that game, the chara sometimes magnetize on the wrong platform etc, on the ground they are good tho.

I'm replaying second son during these days and sometimes when you have to recover a blue gem to upgrade the character in a tight high place it is far from perfect in term of precision, i'm too lazy to make a video but other games have more precise climbing imo.

It's hard to explain with my shitty english.

The best thing in term of gameplay in these games was the combat.
Hovering, descending, and then landing on the ground stood out to me. Maybe it’s nostalgia creeping in on me that’s doing it. First Light was out 5+ years ago, and that’s the last time I played the franchise. I think what they did could have transitioned real well into a super hero game.

You’re right about the combat. I have fond memories of blasting away at enemies, sending explosive bombs within a group of enemies, summoning a twister, and then running up and hitting them with his weapon (sending them flying back).


Gold Member
Hovering, descending, and then landing on the ground stood out to me. Maybe it’s nostalgia creeping in on me that’s doing it. First Light was out 5+ years ago, and that’s the last time I played the franchise. I think what they did could have transitioned real well into a super hero game.

You’re right about the combat. I have fond memories of blasting away at enemies, sending explosive bombs within a group of enemies, summoning a twister, and then running up and hitting them with his weapon (sending them flying back).
what you describe is fine, it's just that sometimes tha chara magnetize on the wrong platform in mid air or when you are trying to climb in a tight higher place to get a blue fragment.
yesterday i wasted like 3 minutes to get a fragment because the camera was a bit iffy and the character continue to climb on the wrong place, i lolled to be honest.

also maybe i'm a little rust with the game, but there is no buttons to fall down during climbing (like if you are a little higher that where you want to be), because X is for jump and O for the evade\run power move, so if the chara is a little bit higher you have to jump again and re-adjust in mid-air with this weird magnetize system they have.

like i said, i'm probably the biggest infamous fan on the board, but climbing in all 3 games is iffy and not ultra-precise most of the time, the third one has the neon run that put a patch on the problem (not always tho), but with the other 3 power you have to climb manually.

another minor flaw is the camera, when you don't aim, the lateral movement is painfully slow, and i can't find an option to make it more faster in teh settings, there is only an option for when you aim with the trigger (still a bit slow even on the faster setting)

my memory is shit because i didn't remember the game having this problem at launch and my pad is perfectly fine with every other game.

tsushima parkour and climbing seems far better from the gameplay video.

Edit: i started infamous a few minutes ago and now the camera is fine, maybe yesterday it was a strange bug, lol.
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Exploring Tsushima
  • Use the "Guiding Wind" to navigate the open world - picking spots on Ghost of Tsushima's menu map will lead to an in-game wind appearing as you play. Players can then follow those winds to that location, a
  • Players have a horse they can call as needed. It is unclear when this is unlocked in the game.
  • Bamboo and Yew-Wood can be picked as a resource in the environment.
  • Locations include: Kashine Hills, Yagata Forest and Farmstead
  • A Mongol controlled farm is shown with objectives, like rescuing hostages.
  • In the new Tsushima demo, the protagonist Jin Sakai comes across a person by a campfire who warns him of spirits in the forest.
  • Jin can stop and investigate points of interest, like abandoned homes.
  • Foxes will guide Jin to shrines around the island of Tsushima, at which Jin can honor those shrines. Doing so earns Jin upgrades, like a new Minor Charm slot.
  • Once discovering a key spot, players can fast travel.

Combat, Stealth
  • Jin can challenge enemies to a standoff in the environment.
  • Combat shown near a shipyard shows Jin using only a single slice to fell each enemy.
  • "Every strike must count,"
  • Players can parry enemies, and doing so at the last possible moment will open them up to attacks.
  • Change combat stances to inflict the most damage on enemies.
  • The same shipyard combat sequence is shown as a stealthy option. Jin uses distractions to silently sneak up on enemies as the titular Ghost.
  • Distractions include firecrackers, which Jin can use to lure enemies out of hiding and assassinate them. If quickly enough, Jin can assassinate multiple enemies before being spotted.
  • Smoke bombs can be used to avoid attacks and evade enemies who spot Jin.
  • Kunai can be used for quick kills.
  • The Mongols will "learn to fear the Ghost" and may even attempt flee Jin's stealthier actions, which players can use to their advantage.
  • Jin's grappling hook can be used to swing across gaps or climb up ledges.
  • An environmental attack is shown, as Jin uses the Mongol's own weapons as an explosive, destroying their cache and eventually decimating the shipyard.

Character Customization
  • Jin can be customized with various armor, which gives different mechanical advantages. It is not just cosmetic.
  • Players will discover charms that give Jin different benefits.
  • Players can choose the techniques with skill points they wish to give Jin and customize his attack strategy depending on their playstyle.
Photo Mode
  • Ghost of Tsushima's photo mode allows players to control the wind and its spend in a photo or video.
  • Songs from the score can also be chosen.
  • And particle effects can be changed out to let players choose different scenes.
  • Players can collect flowers to change the color of armor.
Voice Track, Visual Settings
  • A Japanese voice track can be chosen before players even begin the adventure.
  • A black-and-white, film grain mode can be turned on from the beginning of the game to emulate classic samurai films.
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Not a fan of 1080p compressed youtube premiers for 4k games. Need to rewatch this once they upload a 4k version, looks solid so far though.


Gold Member

So hyped! The combat is a mix of Souls + Assassin's + a little bit of Tenchu/Way of The Samurai.

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You can watch it back in 4k here

If you wanna get super nit-picky there are moments where some textures a little rough but otherwise it looks great to me. Vivid landscapes, dense foliage. Colors POP
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What I really want to know is if it will get a PS5 patch/enhancements or a full blown PS5 release? You can nitpick parts of the footage that could use some next gen love, specifically environmental textures.


Golden Boy
Looked awesome. Unfortunate that its release got pushed back. I was looking forward since the initial reveal.


so what enhancements for PS4 Pro ? gameplay looks just so similar to odyssey that im playing now. feels like AC in samurai times .
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Will you go with honorable Samurai, or stealthy Ghost?

1. The UI is gone and instead, the world tells you where to go
2. There are random events
3. Combat is all about precision, parrying and brutal deathblows
4. Standoffs let Jin can challenge enemies to impromptu duels
5. Stances help Jin take on different kinds of enemies
6. There are combat and stealth options but your journey is ultimately to become The Ghost
7. Play as a stealthy ‘ghost’ and you can terrify enemies
8. Jin has plenty of weapons in his arsenal
9. Empower Jin with helpful charms
10. Things can get a little more aerial with the grappling hook
11. Crafting could be involved
12. Energy could be crucial when approaching combat
13. There's somehow still a respect for life and ceremonies
14. Your clothes matter, and they're super customizable
15. Witness the new benchmark for photo modes
16. There are plenty of options as to how you want to play the game
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I really like the setting and art direction.
Going to be fun to play I think, hopefully there will be a little more action than has been shown.
Also as a side note, looks like there has been a graphical downgrade from the original showing. But that tends to be par for the course.


Neo Member
While the art direction is great, I'm really surprised how low-quality the graphics look. Foliage density aside this looks like a PS3 game at best... I mean, starting the video with a flatly textured cliff with polygon edges showing doesn't do the game any favors either, and it doesn't really get much better.


For some reason I was expecting something outstanding from this game after first trailers. I've been shocked to see how generic it plays after the presentation.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
"Looks like a PS3 game at best"

Both your eyes and memory need a check-up, methinks.
The trailer yesterday didn't show off inventory / customization all that much, other than the visual changes. I wonder if/how stats will be involved in the gear selection, as well as how significantly the movesets change from weapon to weapon.

I also wanna see peaceful towns / villages and interaction with non-hostile NPCs. So far I've only seen the open world and small encampments.

He picked up bamboo and ashwood from the open-world map while wandering around, so I wonder if those are for personal upgrades, town/HQ upgrades, or perhaps just goods for quest fulfillment.
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