4 hours in...I think im not liking it too much.
Swipe up on touchpad to “follow the wind”in order to get to your destination, followed by a cheap sounding wind noise from the controller is gimmicky and really stupid.
As a huge AC fan, climbing feels like a step back from Assassins Creed 1, and I hated the first AC. Being limited to such a small amount of climbable spots doesn’t feel like it belongs in 2020.
Speaking of climbing, those rock textures look like they came straight from the PS4 launch days. The graphics are so bipolar. One moment you get this nice scene with wind blowing glistening grass and trees, and the next moment im standing on a cliff and the terrible LOD and muddy textures slap me in the face.
The intro felt like Ryse Son of Rome, thankfully without QTEs at least.
I hope I’m wrong in this one, and the word generic usually makes me cringe, but the story so far looks like it will be very generic. Hopefully it doesn’t end with the typical “beating the guy that beats you at the beginning in order to save a loved one”.