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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!


Next payday I'll put in a $15 donation. This sounds really interesting. I'm hoping you get the Wii U stretch goal, since I'm not big on playing games on PC.


that's the intention. you may run into this guy:


or worse. (it definitely gets worse)

Can't wait man.


Loved the sneak peak video, can't wait!

One thing I would love to see is some more animation on the main character when he shoots, like it effects his body depending on how powerful the weapons are, just to give it some sense of weight and force. For example when you do the charge shot and those 'anti mech' shots on the robot dude, there's no sense of power behind the shot that's reflected onto the character. Might be overdoing it by having it on the regular weapon since that's something you spam but at least on the bigger stuff/charge unleash etc.

I don't know, just a thought I had when I watched the video. This might all be something you have thought about already, or not.


Looking good, very good indeed. Thanks for the video, jobbs. Much appreciated. Those bug tunnels are gonna be a scary place to explore.


For the insect/bug aliens, you should look up some of the "scariest bugs" lists, some of them may be great inspiration. I would love to see enemy variety kinda reflect the variety of "bugs" in the real world, though I know that's not a realistic expectation hahaha.


For the insect/bug aliens, you should look up some of the "scariest bugs" lists, some of them may be great inspiration. I would love to see enemy variety kinda reflect the variety of "bugs" in the real world, though I know that's not a realistic expectation hahaha.

what's the scariest bug to you? what did you have in mind?
Really hope this hits the Wii U stretch goal, though I suspect it's going to Wii U even if it doesn't. Wii U is the place for Indie Games, it's basically all profit. Most of them don't even have to pay for Dev kits.


Well, Jobbs, you played Dark Souls. So I'm pretty sure you are familiar with the worms you can see in this video (around 2:55).
I'm not scared of any bugs in real life, but I litteraly freaked out when I encountered those worms. Even nowadays I just can't watch videos of them without yelling "OH FUCK NO NO NO NO NO". I actually dropped my gamepad and covered my eyes when those worms manage to eat me alive the first time I met them. It took me half an hour to clear the path where those are waiting in ambush, walking very slowly in order to avoid getting trapped, and I killed those with arrows, even if it took me a while. I'm that grossed out by those things in Dark Souls
Honestly, if you manage to add something as disturbing in Ghost Song, I don't know if I would thank you or curse you. Probably both, like I did with Dark Souls.


Damn, really amazing to see your work being a success on Kickstarter, you deserve it! Been lurking the indie topic for a while ;)

Have you thought about contacting Sony and see if you could launch it on the PS3/4/Vita? Considering how well Sony's been dealing with Indie developers I think u got a chance.


Damn, really amazing to see your work being a success on Kickstarter, you deserve it! Been lurking the indie topic for a while ;)

Have you thought about contacting Sony and see if you could launch it on the PS3/4/Vita? Considering how well Sony's been dealing with Indie developers I think u got a chance.
As Jobbs already explained, the problem isn't Sony or MS, the problem is that Unity for those platforms is very expensive, whereas the Wii U version is free.


That carnivorous caterpillar would be sick. I kinda like SovanJedi's idea of a caterpillar being a literal...pillar a la mimics. I can imagine getting a jump out of that.

As for creatures that aesthetically/imaginatively "scare" me...

Camel spiders, flies that are parasitic or give live births to maggots, and maybe that one cyanide-spewing centipede that was discovered a couple years back...

Though generally, bugs don't scare me anyways, as I'm that one guy that would pick up spiders and swat away wasps with my bare hands.


I have some ideas for more scary bugs -- and I'll be looking for new ones as well. the big stick things that will soon be in my nightmares could be a good place to look. :)

Despite my best efforts, it was hard to get the game to look nice via any online streaming video -- whether it's vimeo or youtube. the graphics really do look pretty clean.

even though gifs are degraded, it still looks sharper than the video services. here you can see what it looks like to fill the droid's body with ion before he even gets a chance to move. note that the special weapon uses a separate ammo type. there's cannon ammo (left) which recharges on its own after not being fired, and special weapon ammo (right) which is used for all the special weapons and does not recharge on its own.


sometimes if you kill him when he's already charging at you he'll keep running while he's blowing up. one time he ran into the elevator shaft while exploding. reminded me of the emperor in ROTJ. :)


In the interview you mention hiring a dedicated background artist for even more variety. How well would things have to go for this to be considered. I have produced an indie feature film but i have no idea how much labor costs are for a digital artist, care to elaborate as it would be very interesting.


In the interview you mention hiring a dedicated background artist for even more variety. How well would things have to go for this to be considered. I have produced an indie feature film but i have no idea how much labor costs are for a digital artist, care to elaborate as it would be very interesting.

Honestly, I'm not sure what the labor costs would be, either. He seemed interested in knowing if I'd bring more people on if funding went high enough, so -- yeah, I basically just slung off the cuff there.

I anticipate doing the art all myself, as I have been. But in some crazy scenario where we got an otherworldly amount of money -- Which doesn't appear to be likely to happen -- Then, yeah, I'd consider putting the money to use to make the game better/faster, and since doing good environment art is time consuming (well, doing any good art is) this would be a logical place to look for help.


Honestly, I'm not sure what the labor costs would be, either. He seemed interested in knowing if I'd bring more people on if funding went high enough, so -- theoretically, maybe.

I anticipate doing the art all myself, as I have been. But in some crazy scenario where we got an otherworldly amount of money -- Which doesn't appear to be likely to happen -- Then, yeah, I'd consider putting the money to use to make the game better/faster, and since doing good environment art is time consuming (well, doing any good art is) this would be a logical place to look for help.

Obviously the film industry is different, but I would think that there are plenty of guys out of school that need more stuff in their portfolio that wouldn't break your bank. It will be interesting where the final tally ends up. It's not trending towards 60k anymore, but it can't be terribly accurate either.


Finally! Now I have back 50 bucks Beta Tier Sorry not much I was thinking at the start but It's something for a amazing game!


thanks guys :) and if you pledged $50 that's well over the average and very generous.

Obviously the film industry is different, but I would think that there are plenty of guys out of school that need more stuff in their portfolio that wouldn't break your bank. It will be interesting where the final tally ends up. It's not trending towards 60k anymore, but it can't be terribly accurate either.

I've learned that Kicktraq is more of an interesting toy than something that can predict the *future*. It's fun to analyze the past but less useful for the futury stuff.

As I examine various projects, things can be really unpredictable -- especially towards the end. So the idea of predicting them becomes hard, because they are.. unpredictable.

Speaking generally, you tend to see bursts of excitement around the beginning and again around the ending, with a relative boring zone in the middle area.

Long story short.. anything could happen, but regardless of what happens, I'm gonna be happy.
Speaking generally, you tend to see bursts of excitement around the beginning and again around the ending, with a relative boring zone in the middle area.

Long story short.. anything could happen, but regardless of what happens, I'm gonna be happy.
That's why I'm confident you will get that last stretch goal. Kicktrack can't predict stuff like how much people would want a game in Wii U, or how much of a boost you'll get when you post a video or reveal a new feature you had hidden away, or you just get more exposure via podcasts and specialized websites.

Right now it's trending to $53K, but if the last few days are like the first few, it will get closer to $65K or a little more even.


That's the one. :)

I made a post talking a little bit about what I plan to do for the pet system.

(this sketch is a mockup, it does not contain final designs or every design)

If you're already familiar with PSO, you pretty much know what I'm talking about. Merging this general concept with a side scrolling metroidvania is something I've wanted to do -- literally for years.
That's the one. :)

I made a post talking a little bit about what I plan to do for the pet system.

(this sketch is a mockup, it does not contain final designs or every design)

If you're already familiar with PSO, you pretty much know what I'm talking about. Merging this general concept with a side scrolling metroidvania is something I've wanted to do -- literally for years.
OMG those mockups are so cool.
I wish I could draw like that. Totally digging the left side column.


Bwahahaha, the rightmost of the first evolution looks seriously cute with its stunted antennae and what I assume is some sort of oversized gun.

Love the little bugger already. Looks awesome.


You should make a NeoGaf version of Dizzy (At least the color scheme) :)

Gaf stuff, if it even will be there, should be somewhat hidden IMHO. I mean, nobody but us folks would e.g. type neogaf into scribblenauts, and nothing outside of that alludes to this. It's an injoke. A small nod to this forum, even years from now when the servers have finally melted down. Or exploded. Or both. It should not feature prominently.

I'd love a seriously hidden derelict temple with skeletons in compromising positions and other stuff everywhere and some snarky commentary about the deranged loonies that worshipped their god with strange rituals here... and then you look closely and see a broken down lol-not-a-Chozo statue holding a faded GAF ball at the altar, surrounded by other video game related imagery.

Random thought of the day: I want a Dizzy UFO catcher game.


By the by, Jobbs, I appreciate the backer exclusive Dizzy skins for, well, backers, but... I think it's a waste of perfectly good work. I like rewards, and I love that you're always trying to give us something nice, but I think this time you're about to spend much love and sweat on a feature only a few of your customers will ever see, and some might even resent you for it.

Just tell us backers a "secret" cheat code or something like that. (Will love you long time if it's ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA)
Sure, it will be up on gamefaqs a minute later, but that way all of us gamers can appreciate your work in its entirety.

Again, thank you for the thought, but please implement it in a way that allows for sharing. Or unlock the skins at a later patch. That's good too.


Completely disagree with the people saying they don't want exclusive content. I think it would be a shame not to reward the people that have so much faith in your idea.


But we get to make the game happen in the first place. Without the backers there would be no game. That in itself is already the greatest reward.

We influence the game by talking to the devs and get put into the credits and depending on pledge level even into the game itself, we get goodies like a soundtrack and finally the game... what more could you possibly want? Why must we recreate the outrageously stupid exclusive preorder mechanic even in games that are not tainted by gross retail practices?

I dislike exclusive content. If I buy a game on platform x and then get told that the full experience is only on platform y, then I'll be pissed. (If there are timed exclusives or slight differences in difficulty to acquire or experience certain parts of a game depending on your "status", then there's nothing wrong with that. No absolutes, though.)

All content for all customers.

Yes, that includes cosmetic changes.

It's a load of work to implement stuff in a game, even if a reskin is comparatively cheap it still needs to be drawn, animated and implemented/bugtested. Sure, this is not about a omgwtfbbq Skullgirl character, but still. Having all of that go towards a tiny part of a game that only an even tinier amount of customers will ever experience feels wrong, and frankly, not very economic.

But that's just my opinion, you're obviously welcome to yours. Goodies for backers are always a difficult issue. Personally, I like getting rewards (who doesn't), but if it's detracting from the game for others, then I can't really enjoy it.


By the by, Jobbs, I appreciate the backer exclusive Dizzy skins for, well, backers, but... I think it's a waste of perfectly good work. I like rewards, and I love that you're always trying to give us something nice, but I think this time you're about to spend much love and sweat on a feature only a few of your customers will ever see, and some might even resent you for it.

Just tell us backers a "secret" cheat code or something like that. (Will love you long time if it's ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA)
Sure, it will be up on gamefaqs a minute later, but that way all of us gamers can appreciate your work in its entirety.

Again, thank you for the thought, but please implement it in a way that allows for sharing. Or unlock the skins at a later patch. That's good too.

I've heard this sentiment a few times. It could just be a code that anyone could punch in whether they backed or not (so if backers leak the code then so be it), or I could poll the backers and ask them what their wishes are.

I want to reiterate, the idea of the backer forms -- they will not have a substantive impact on the gameplay, just more of a fun toy. I would plan that the new forms have the same bonuses as existing forms but would have an alternate appearance.


I agree with the no exclusive content thing. At least let it be available as DLC or something.

I completely disagree with the idea that backers are your most loyal fans or something like that. Some may have backed and end up not liking the game at all, while someone else who has no idea of what Kickstarter is and may end up playing it 7 years from now in his old ass WiiU may end up having it as their favorite game of all time, and completely adore it.

I've only played Chrono Trigger in 2006, it would suck to not have access to all the game's content just because I was late to the party, even though I love it just as much as everyone else.
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