Just to burn ityou know Jeff is gonna buy Bayonetta amiibo
Just to burn it
never forget jason was the original gb amiibro
Yoshi would be first.
Wait a minute.
Mother of God...
UPDATE (4:37pm): Wait a minute. As our commenters have pointed out, these aren’t in fact Amiibo but are instead actually part of the old Super Mario mini-figure collection. OBAMA COLLECTS SUPER MARIO MINI-FIGURES.
for you guys who were talking about the ToS PC port: Durante fixed it in 14 minutes
Ugh, wouldn't be surprised if there's an influx of new accounts commenting under that guest article now because a certain shitty Reddit community has linked to it. Not very surprised.
for you guys who were talking about the ToS PC port: Durante fixed it in 14 minutes
Ugh, wouldn't be surprised if there's an influx of new accounts commenting under that guest article now because a certain shitty Reddit community has linked to it. Not very surprised.
Jesus christ is he a wizard?
Jesus christ is he a wizard?
Jesus christ is he a wizard?
When you've injected one game you've injected them all, really.Jesus christ is he a wizard?
Ugh, wouldn't be surprised if there's an influx of new accounts commenting under that guest article now because a certain shitty Reddit community has linked to it. Not very surprised.
The link there has such an inflammatory and inaccurate summary of the article that it's borderline self-parody.
Can a non wizard person turn water into wine?
posting the bombcast thread from a phone today so bear with me, fellow otakus
Let's convince him to do this as a Breaking Brad. Or wait don't convince him cause he won't do it. Tell him not to do it.
I never liked playing on Ironman in XCOM, it always seemed unfair more than hard to me.
Giant Bomb's #8 Game of the Year 2015 is part of the new Humble Bundle:
I never liked playing on Ironman in XCOM, it always seemed unfair more than hard to me.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Rayman Origins are both incredible games. You're an idiot if you don't jump on that for a dollar.
The only Rayman game I enjoyed was 2. I don't think I want to add to my ridiculous backlog with Ubisoft games.
I never liked playing on Ironman in XCOM, it always seemed unfair more than hard to me.
If anyone buys this and ends up with an unwanted copy of the Crew, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.Giant Bomb's #8 Game of the Year 2015 is part of the new Humble Bundle:
Giant Bomb's #8 Game of the Year 2015 is part of the new Humble Bundle:
I thought it would be gunpla.
I'm not hardcore enough for that either. I just wanna enjoy the game.