Why did they drop this?!
I see the content drought is driving everyone crazy.
I see the content drought is driving everyone crazy.
Ever Jeff is going crazy.
Or are you the crazy one for thinking everyone else is crazy?
The Swindle would be so much better if it controlled well. The non-spammable whack is great but the particulars of jumping and wall-climbing/clinging are fucking me over and over. I've tried this with both a PS4 and Xbone controller (sticks and dpads), and played with the deadzone setting and nothing is working.
I haven't looked at later upgrades but is one to always stick to a wall unless you move the stick? Because that would be waaaaay better and allow me to tiptoe vertically.
wait what
Hello, is this the anime thread?
Highest quality version I know of Black Knight 2000Been watching Load Our Last Souls for the first time. The Black Knight 2000 music is the frigging best.
Oh wow, black closet, one of austin walker's favourites, is really fun.
I managed toand managed to maybe enter a lesbian relationship with her.win back the traitor
Does anyone remember why everyone on the site hates Binding of Isaac?
Does anyone remember why everyone on the site hates Binding of Isaac?
Thank you alex
Anyone remember that work out mix Dan mentioned months ago that was 3 45 minute long tracks of various movie soundtracks?
I need some workout music and the Rocky theme can only take a fella so far.
Still waiting for the premium stream of Brad playing the true ending DLC.jeff should watch ASURA'S WRATH
Imagine how embarrassed Tim Anime must be that the best Anime is not even an anime, but a game.
This? Dan's Exercise PlaylistAnyone remember that work out mix Dan mentioned months ago that was 3 45 minute long tracks of various movie soundtracks?
I need some workout music and the Rocky theme can only take a fella so far.
Don't know if these are what Dan mentioned but there's the Blood Bros trilogy.
Death magnetic?
C'mon Dan.
If you cant tell I watched Creed yesterday and rewatched Rocky 1 today and now I am looking at Rocky posters on amazon and I think I need to go outside of a bit
Thank you alex
How has Sonic so thoroughly captured a legion of people's imagination given the last good Sonic game came out 10+ years ago, and why is that fascination so often sexual?
Death magnetic?
C'mon Dan.
Target market tweens. Said tweens going through puberty.
Sonic is also more then just games, it is a few cartoons and comics.
Wasn't that all back in the 90s as well though (apart from that new cartoon I realise).
Just seems like these people have been on the Internet the last decade or so in a way that is completely at odds with how much worthwhile Sonic media there was. I mean you can find 2012 Presidential election Sonic cartoons and fuck me if Sonic was doing anything relevant then.
It's weird right? Sonic is a 90s relic that completely stopped being in anything viable around 2000 but has managed to retain a vocal core of supporters despite so many other 90s icons shrivelling and dying.
It's weird right? Sonic is a 90s relic that completely stopped being in anything viable around 2000 but has managed to retain a vocal core of supporters despite so many other 90s icons shrivelling and dying.
You missed Jason spoiling the GotY talking about your Japanese Animation for 5 pages
Which reminds me....
When the heck is Us Versus Them part 3?
They teased doing it at PAX but Mario Party is way too perfect to not be the PAX thing from now until the final game.
Ok screw it... Forget all the 2015 games I want to play before GOTY (Fallout, Witcher, Borderlands, Undertales)... I'm starting a new Mass Effect 2 playthrough.
If we want to get real about this (and let me preface this by saying that this is purely anecdotal and in no way actually applies to any Sonic fans), I always thought that there could be a specific resonance with the Sonic characters from those on the autism spectrum in a similar fashion as Thomas the Tank Engine. The characters all have bold colors and very clear roles as well as a lack of complex emotions. It could partially explain why there's such a following for the characters beyond the games themselves.
Death magnetic?
C'mon Dan.