I'm sure these tweets have already been posted but I screencapped this from twitter.
He stole Tom Siddell's avatar!
Finally, some anime coverage on giantbomb
Brad & Jared's Giant Bomb Desu Ne
I'm sure these tweets have already been posted but I screencapped this from twitter.
Finally, some anime coverage on giantbomb
I found the Pizza Show to be largely boring. Not a fan of them all playing together because the commentary tends to die down.
I think it was meant to be more for Vinny than anyone else. He wanted to get some multiplayer game action in since he won't be able to do it like that in NY.
TSure but if they stream it out it's also meant to be something for my entertainment and I don#t think this format works well.
I found the Pizza Show to be largely boring. Not a fan of them all playing together because the commentary tends to die down.
6/10 on the execution.
I hope the new hire is him, Dio.
I get just as excited as they do with stuff like gang beasts and samurai gunn.I found the Pizza Show to be largely boring. Not a fan of them all playing together because the commentary tends to die down.
They probably haven't recorded it yet. Public holiday on Monday and a packed day for Drew yesterday with the Bombcast and live stream.Where's my Alt+F1 maaaan
have they mentioned if they are doing the Power Bombcast this week?
I'm rather bummed out Vinny won't be part of normal quick looks and streams anymore now. He is the main reason I watch their videos.
The thing is that they need someone running the boards, so the new video guy may allow Drew to appear on QLs, but unless they have someone in NYC or they have a different set up, I'm not sure if we'll see Vinny and Alex on a QL at the same time.Quick Looks he absolutely will, it sounds like Brad, Jeff and Drew will be doing them as a group and then Alex and Vinny will be doing them as a group. Vinny mentioned studio space on the bombcast this week.
Have the guys ever played Starwhal? We had a LAN party last week so I brought a bunch of couch games with me (mostly stuff I've seen on UPF), and while just about all of them were successful Starwhal ended up being the most popular. Proper stupid fun.
The thing is that they need someone running the boards, so the new video guy may allow Drew to appear on QLs, but unless they have someone in NYC or they have a different set up, I'm not sure if we'll see Vinny and Alex on a QL at the same time.
Presumably they can just set up a console next to the mixing/recording set up so it's not as awkward as the Giantbomb set where Drew/Vinny had to constantly run back and forth just to control everything... but if Vinny is playing a game, that means Alex needs to know how to control the production.
I guess, come to think of it, Vinny and Drew have been on QLs together. I wonder if they just leave the whole set up unmanned at that point and hope nothing screws up.
Vinny can revive the random PC game videos without anyone running the board.
Please revive random PC game.
I'm sure these tweets have already been posted but I screencapped this from twitter.
What they're doing is basically a home set up with like some low end capture kit though.Eh, do they? Alex and Patrick do quick look solos just fine.
They actually just played it during Vinny's farewell party to bad pizza. Nobody really liked it. Brad thought he did, but he was quickly convinced that he didn't and he actually just liked winning.
What they're doing is basically a home set up with like some low end capture kit though.
I imagine the point of having Vinny do videos is to make sure things like mixing and sound quality are better than they typically are on the solo videos.
Yeah, just got to that point. I guess it's because Jeff's lost his enthusiasm lately.
So everyone not liking a game is also Jeff's fault now?
I don't know their exact set up, but when they do QLs, they are recording at least three versions for redundancies in case something fucks up. So they have someone constantly monitoring those recordings to see if anything needs to be corrected as they are playing the game. It's why, typically, when you here Drew on a QL where Vinny is driving or on the couch, he comes in as "voice of God" since he is on the controls.Yeah, but you can do that in post production. You don't need people doing that live.
Like those recent FTL videos where Alex' video had much better quality!What they're doing is basically a home set up with like some low end capture kit though.
I imagine the point of having Vinny do videos is to make sure things like mixing and sound quality are better than they typically are on the solo videos.
Giant Bomb reminds me a lot of the SOCOM community. Any change in the system suddenly leads to doom and gloom speculation by a small, but loud part of the community.
Giant Bomb reminds me a lot of the SOCOM community. Any change in the system suddenly leads to doom and gloom speculation by a small, but loud part of the community.
Yeah, just got to that point. I guess it's because Jeff's lost his enthusiasm lately.
Quick Looks he absolutely will, it sounds like Brad, Jeff and Drew will be doing them as a group and then Alex and Vinny will be doing them as a group. Vinny mentioned studio space on the bombcast this week.
I believe Jeff also mentioned on his Tumblr a possible idea of expanding UPF to three hours and doing an hour at each site: So an hour of GBNY, an hour of GB Chicago, and an hour of GBSF.
I believe Jeff also mentioned on his Tumblr a possible idea of expanding UPF to three hours and doing an hour at each site: So an hour of GBNY, an hour of GB Chicago, and an hour of GBSF.
it seems like it would be a huge hassle to coordinate that.
it seems like it would be a huge hassle to coordinate that.
I believe Jeff also mentioned on his Tumblr a possible idea of expanding UPF to three hours and doing an hour at each site: So an hour of GBNY, an hour of GB Chicago, and an hour of GBSF.
Gang Beasts just looks amazing. I think they've played it like 4 times now and I always laugh really, really hard at least three times during their battles.